RFK thinks he can save the Democratic party.

The truth is, both of our major political parties need to be dragged to the right.

RFK, Jr. has some clear faults. But if his desire is seriously to help save the Democrat Parody from itself, he has a better chance than Potato or HeelsUp or Gavy Newscum of any of the frantically liberal jokes currently atop the Dim Party.
the Vaccines are bad was the motto of the dembot party, not that long ago...Obama/Xiden even campaigned on it....he really fueled the anti-vaccine movement with his rhetoric.

In 2008, Obama called science on vaccines ‘inconclusive’​

By April 2008, when Obama was claiming research was inconclusive, scientists had already overwhelmingly rejected any causal relationship between vaccinations and autism

I'd still argue most of today's autism is really just parents wanting attention.

I'd wager a lot of austic kids just hyperactive children, or ones that have gone brain dead and become social retards because they are raised with smartphones and have no idea how to deal with the world, even from a child's standpoint they are behind. Plus you factor in over parenting and too much protection.

Also notice add was also a huge thing for parents for a while. They talked about it constantly, put their kids on medication, and everything else. Now add isn't a thing anymore, now it's all about the autism. Parents can't wait to talk about their austic child or tell you about someone they know with an autistic kid. They wear tshirts, have bumper stickers, have license plates and everything else. It's like a badge of honor to some parents to have a autistic child.

Kind of reminds of how having a tranny, or non-binary, or gay child now is a fad and also you'll notice since pronouns and tranny kids have become to thing to talk about even autistic kids aren't mentioned as much anymore. Not like they were 3 or 4 years ago.
I like RFK but no as President, rather as Vice Prez or Minister for Health under Trump, or that kind of job!

Now, to think that he can save the demonRat Party....that's a big want....in reality that's impossible.

The Rats are beyond saving.

Great interview about big pharma.

I don't personally think he can do it but his desire to seems legit.

This is pretty funny.

RFKjr wants to save the Dem Party by giving it truth.

The Dem Party doesn't want any...
Oooooh, look! Still scared of "the jab".

Clowns too? How about crowds? Dentists? Cats? :abgg2q.jpg:
Says the dude(?) that lined up for a medical gene therapy experiment for a bad flu...
I never wore a mask or avoided crowds either. How about you?

Know what I'm definitely not scared of? You progponcers with your clot shot derangements.
Bunch of low-T panty wastes
Pretty funny that Trumpers are pushing this creep so hard
What’s really funny are those who consider themselves Ds, but dislike a mainstream D like RFK. Must be proof the establishment has duped them. It’s easy apparently.
The fact RFK Jr is a Democrat in this Era means he is at the very least, soft on pedophilia.

RFK Jr wants my support, he needs to ask Pelosi who her faves are. Silence is child abuse.

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