Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities

I really can't see Obama getting 80% of the Jewish vote. Not sure if the sector is going to make that much of a difference, but I do see not as a big turnout for Obama in al sectors, really.
Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters share at least a somewhat favorable view of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, while just 24% view her unfavorably. This includes 29% with a Very Favorable opinion of her and six percent (6%) with a Very Unfavorable one. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided

Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities - Rasmussen Reports™

I think that Condi is the most qualified person to be on the ticket and should be the VP choice. What do the rest of the conservatives think?

Rice has no executive or legislative experience. For that matter, she has never held an elected position. She is not qualified for the job. This would be a serious mistake.
I just post proof that I am right and you ignore it and substitute your own absurd made up experience.
Go toke a few more.

Actually, your proof comes from whacky right wing sites of revisionist history.

In 1980, we all knew Carter was toast. Again, you ignore the whole Anderson issue, and how he was drainign away Carter's support. Most of the polls you cite didn't include anderson as a choice, so of course, THOSE were going to be close.
I really can't see Obama getting 80% of the Jewish vote. Not sure if the sector is going to make that much of a difference, but I do see not as a big turnout for Obama in al sectors, really.

Of course you don't. Because you have this big OCD Blind Spot.

Fact is, the Democratic Candidate has increased his vote total in every election since 1980. It's been a steady climb in party identification.

Obama will probably get about 6-7 million more votes than he did in 2008. That's the average number the Democratic vote total has increased- about 10% a year.

if Romnuts turns to average, he'll get about 6% more than McCain did. That won't be enough to win.
Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters share at least a somewhat favorable view of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, while just 24% view her unfavorably. This includes 29% with a Very Favorable opinion of her and six percent (6%) with a Very Unfavorable one. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided

Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities - Rasmussen Reports™

I think that Condi is the most qualified person to be on the ticket and should be the VP choice. What do the rest of the conservatives think?

She's Pro Life--this is a no-go for the GOP.

And they call themselves the party of "tolerance". The sad thing is that she is remarkably well qualified.
Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters share at least a somewhat favorable view of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, while just 24% view her unfavorably. This includes 29% with a Very Favorable opinion of her and six percent (6%) with a Very Unfavorable one. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided

Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities - Rasmussen Reports™

I think that Condi is the most qualified person to be on the ticket and should be the VP choice. What do the rest of the conservatives think?

She's Pro Life--this is a no-go for the GOP.

And they call themselves the party of "tolerance". The sad thing is that she is remarkably well qualified.

You have your talking points confused........ second time today for liberals........is it the water?
Jeez people need to title threads properly so people don't waste their time coming in. It's a phone poll not a short list. That is made by the candidate who 'A' hasn't mentioned Rice who 'B' has only said 1000 times that she's not interested.
Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities

Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities - Rasmussen Reports™

I think that Condi is the most qualified person to be on the ticket and should be the VP choice. What do the rest of the conservatives think?

She's Pro Life--this is a no-go for the GOP.

And they call themselves the party of "tolerance". The sad thing is that she is remarkably well qualified.

You have your talking points confused........ second time today for liberals........is it the water?

What, you don't think she's remarkably well qualified?
How does polling data translate to a short list? Rasmussen runs a fairly honest poll but the designation of "somewhat favorable" is so ambiguous that it is politically meaningless.

Rasmussen is the same group that has Governor Romney leading while everyone knows he's circling the drain. Look at the "excitement" on this board for him--a board full of gun-toting Conservatives. Look hard...you won't find any.
The left believes if they say something enough, it will be understood as true. If they can keep saying that Rice hates Romney, someone will believe it no matter how much she campaigns for him.

Did Condi campaign for him during the primaries?


Look, I don't fault the GOP for playing happy family. You're kind of expected to do that...

Except this was such a bad choice that it's too bad most Republicans won't say diddly about how bad they goofed up until November 7th. Then you'll see all the recriminations.

Did they really "goof up" picking Romney, though? Out of all the primary candidates, who would have been better as far as electability goes?

You're already seeing the "recriminations":

The following is what they call "softening the ground" for the eventual demise of Governor Romney.

Obama is getting tons of free help from the media and from Dems like Harry Reid willing to make up shit about Romney out of the thin air. They set him up and falsely reported gaffes while he was overseas to take away any benefit he may have gotten from meeting with foreign leaders. Every issue they've dreamed up about Romney is a statement of hypocrisy on Obama's part, from his failure to release his records, to his terrible diplomatic choices, to his aloof out of touch snobbery constantly on display. The final comment was claiming Romney never takes questions when everyone knows Obama doesn't ether.

I figure the debates will separate these two. The press asks the questions and they will be geared to help Obama. Then no matter what happens the talking-heads will declare Obama the victor and lose even more credibility.

Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters share at least a somewhat favorable view of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, while just 24% view her unfavorably. This includes 29% with a Very Favorable opinion of her and six percent (6%) with a Very Unfavorable one. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided
Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities - Rasmussen Reports™

I think that Condi is the most qualified person to be on the ticket and should be the VP choice. What do the rest of the conservatives think?
You know, I really don't care. If she doesn't make the Veep for Romney, I"ll still vote for him over Obama....

But lets face it...

Condi Rice....I'd tap that any day....One hot woman.
I might actually consider voting for Rice for president over Obama. That would be a tough choice. But as VP to Romney, it would not change my mind unless you could show me some failings in Romney's health. Now if obama took Rice in and gave her a position that would just be awesome
Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters share at least a somewhat favorable view of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, while just 24% view her unfavorably. This includes 29% with a Very Favorable opinion of her and six percent (6%) with a Very Unfavorable one. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided

Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities - Rasmussen Reports™

I think that Condi is the most qualified person to be on the ticket and should be the VP choice. What do the rest of the conservatives think?

She's Pro Life--this is a no-go for the GOP.

And they call themselves the party of "tolerance". The sad thing is that she is remarkably well qualified.

TO be fair, the chances of a Pro-Life Democrat being nominated as the Democratic Running-Mate are equally nil.
I just post proof that I am right and you ignore it and substitute your own absurd made up experience.
Go toke a few more.

Actually, your proof comes from whacky right wing sites of revisionist history.

In 1980, we all knew Carter was toast. Again, you ignore the whole Anderson issue, and how he was drainign away Carter's support. Most of the polls you cite didn't include anderson as a choice, so of course, THOSE were going to be close.

The Washington Post is a whacky right wing site? Who knew.

You are rapidly approaching Chris or RDean territory at this rate.
Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities

Rice is Still No. 1 on Short List of Romney Veep Possibilities - Rasmussen Reports™

I think that Condi is the most qualified person to be on the ticket and should be the VP choice. What do the rest of the conservatives think?

She's Pro Life--this is a no-go for the GOP.

And they call themselves the party of "tolerance". The sad thing is that she is remarkably well qualified.

TO be fair, the chances of a Pro-Life Democrat being nominated as the Democratic Running-Mate are equally nil.
She is totally unqualified. And the GOP has far more diversity of views in it than the Democrats.
She's Pro Life--this is a no-go for the GOP.

And they call themselves the party of "tolerance". The sad thing is that she is remarkably well qualified.

TO be fair, the chances of a Pro-Life Democrat being nominated as the Democratic Running-Mate are equally nil.
She is totally unqualified. And the GOP has far more diversity of views in it than the Democrats.

Hey, the only qualifications for Veep are being a natural born US citizen (suck it, birthers!) and being older than 35. So constitutionally, she's qualified.

And frankly, given what a clusterfuck the Weird Mormon Robot's foriegn tour was, he could use the help.
I just post proof that I am right and you ignore it and substitute your own absurd made up experience.
Go toke a few more.

Actually, your proof comes from whacky right wing sites of revisionist history.

In 1980, we all knew Carter was toast. Again, you ignore the whole Anderson issue, and how he was drainign away Carter's support. Most of the polls you cite didn't include anderson as a choice, so of course, THOSE were going to be close.

The Washington Post is a whacky right wing site? Who knew.

You are rapidly approaching Chris or RDean territory at this rate.

You keep pretending this guy wasn't in the mix... he was. All the polls you quote leave that point out... they were straight up Reagan v. Carter. When this guy was in the mix, Carter trailed, and it's a large part of the reason why he lost.

TO be fair, the chances of a Pro-Life Democrat being nominated as the Democratic Running-Mate are equally nil.
She is totally unqualified. And the GOP has far more diversity of views in it than the Democrats.

Hey, the only qualifications for Veep are being a natural born US citizen (suck it, birthers!) and being older than 35. So constitutionally, she's qualified.

And frankly, given what a clusterfuck the Weird Mormon Robot's foriegn tour was, he could use the help.

There are no qualifications in teh Constitution for VP. More ignorance from the high school drop out.
She is unqualified. She never held elective office, never ran for anything, and totally fucked up at State. If she were not a black woman no one would give it two thoughts.
Romney's foreign tour was a huge success outside of the left wing media. You keep letting your bigoted hatred get in the way of perception.
Actually, your proof comes from whacky right wing sites of revisionist history.

In 1980, we all knew Carter was toast. Again, you ignore the whole Anderson issue, and how he was drainign away Carter's support. Most of the polls you cite didn't include anderson as a choice, so of course, THOSE were going to be close.

The Washington Post is a whacky right wing site? Who knew.

You are rapidly approaching Chris or RDean territory at this rate.

You keep pretending this guy wasn't in the mix... he was. All the polls you quote leave that point out... they were straight up Reagan v. Carter. When this guy was in the mix, Carter trailed, and it's a large part of the reason why he lost.

Thats not even credible. Everyone called the race too close to call. And Reagan won in a landslide. And no, it wasn't Anderson.

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