Rich whites don't care about ordinary whites

Global competition has force much manufacturing overseas as the cost structure in the USA is too large to be competitive, yet you want to further increase the costs of doing business in the USA.
How does limiting accumulation of excessive personal wealth and facilitating equitable distribution of this Nation's wealth resources increase the cost of doing business?

This discussion is heading toward the topic of greed and manipulative money hoarding. So I'll cut to the chase and ask for your thoughts on limiting the accumulation of personal wealth to twenty million dollars.
Global competition has force much manufacturing overseas as the cost structure in the USA is too large to be competitive, yet you want to further increase the costs of doing business in the USA.
How does limiting accumulation of excessive personal wealth and facilitating equitable distribution of this Nation's wealth resources increase the cost of doing business?

This discussion is heading toward the topic of greed and manipulative money hoarding. So I'll cut to the chase and ask for your thoughts on limiting the accumulation of personal wealth to twenty million dollars.

Taxes are a cost of business that are always considered in decision making.

Why are you so obsessed with other's money instead of taking care of yourself?
Think about it. If they did, would they keep on inviting an endless stream of immigrants in to destroy your communities and drive down wages?

They don't need you. They are perfectly content being the 1% in a sea of 99% non white workers.
Think about it. If they did, would they keep on inviting an endless stream of immigrants in to destroy your communities and drive down wages?

They don't need you. They are perfectly content being the 1% in a sea of 99% non white workers.
Oh, hell yeah, I see the rich white elitists would sell their souls to cling onto the power they have. They live in the likes of Kennebuktport or elsewhere , they hide in the shadows and hire illegals and fire Americans with the bold swipe of a pen. These leaders of ours neither live with us nor understand the scope of their decisions.
Think about it. If they did, would they keep on inviting an endless stream of immigrants in to destroy your communities and drive down wages?

They don't need you. They are perfectly content being the 1% in a sea of 99% non white workers.
Some poor boys believe, it is moral to merely and simply, tax the rich into Heaven, and solve simple poverty in the process.

We have a Good argument, for St. Pete.
Taxes are a cost of business that are always considered in decision making.
Business taxes are. Personal taxes aren't.

Why are you so obsessed with other's money instead of taking care of yourself?
You regard having an interest in the mechanics of the Nation's economy as an obsession? What do you call having no such interest?

I look at it as ROI after taxes and react accordingly.
By comparison, why cash deals are so sweet.

In the end buddy, the money ends up with the government that creates a nightmare out of everything they touch due to no market discipline: SS, Medicare, the debt, pensions, the post office, inefficiencies, graft, corruption, theft, bribery, etcetera.

I have no interest in giving them more hoping it will be different this time.

We are not talking about "the mechanics of the Nation's economy". Rather trying to take money from successful people. Equality over incentives. Killing the goose that lays golden eggs. Socialism. Pass.
I look at it as ROI after taxes and react accordingly.

By comparison, why cash deals are so sweet.

In the end buddy, the money ends up with the government that creates a nightmare out of everything they touch due to no market discipline: SS, Medicare, the debt, pensions, the post office, inefficiencies, graft, corruption, theft, bribery, etcetera.

I have no interest in giving them more hoping it will be different this time.

We are not talking about "the mechanics of the Nation's economy". Rather trying to take money from successful people. Equality over incentives. Killing the goose that lays golden eggs. Socialism. Pass.
Everything you are concerned with is reparable by the imposition and resumption of laws and regulations, such as certain relevant laws and regulations which were imposed during and shortly after the FDR and Eisenhower years -- but subsequently have been furtively repealed. One example of what I'm talking about is the Glass-Steagall Act which prohibited banks from freely gambling with money entrusted to them (risky hedge funds, etc). Bill Clinton repealed that Act and the result was one of the contributing factors in the 2008 monetary crisis.

You are quite right in your disdain with and distrust of government, but the situation isn't hopeless. The main problem is public ignorance of and complacency with the most basic mechanics of the economy and the laws that affect it.
Think about it. If they did, would they keep on inviting an endless stream of immigrants in to destroy your communities and drive down wages?

They don't need you. They are perfectly content being the 1% in a sea of 99% non white workers.

What is rich now-a-days? I thought if I made it this far I would be rich. I make just under $140k and my wife makes $55k. I am able to pay for the mortgage, put my kids in expensive activities (like hockey and figure skating) and go on 2 family trips a yr. However I hardly feel rich and there r many times I feel stretched for money.

So what is rich?

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Oh boy, here we go with asking people for their definition of words just to argue with people and what their opinions of things are.

What's fast? What's slow? What's rich? What's poor? Etc etc.
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Rich Whites can be pretty nasty savages, don't forget they bought in the Black slave for the same reason as the Mexican illegal, to maximize profit.

Right, and then told poor whites to fear and hate the people they brought in to make them more money saying they were to blame for the loss of jobs in their communities.

The classic look over there aka putting the poor against the poor while the rich takes advantage.
You are so boring. Obey the law, and we are fine.
so WTF is your problem? you obey the law and leave me the fuck alone I will leave you the fuck alone everyone wins
As long as you obey they law, we are fine, podjo.
You're instigating, fake. We can all see it.
Nope, but if you think so, be specific. The OP is too narrow. The rich have as a class never care for the not-rich as a class.
Yup, you're being a little twit picking on SP.

I wouldn't have remarked on it had it not been so obvious.

Hard telling what your motive is... you might be on the rag, who knows.

You can't make blanket statements about the rich that are so radical either. You have no real idea what ALL rich people think.
I corrected the OP properly.

That you don't like it is immaterial and does not change the correctness of my post.

I certainly can make a blanket statement about the rich as a whole as easily as you instigate with blanket statements about the left. Hypocrite much? :lol:

Read ClosedCaption and learn that you are wrong.
SP, I hear what you are saying, but it does not work that way.

Sure it does.

All you have to do is mind your own business. it is the easiest thing in the world

Except that doesn't address the topic at all. It's like responding to the rise in hate crimes by saying everyone be nice.

Tell me what does it matter if rich people don't care about "ordinary " people?

Not a whit

and if everyone minded their own business there would be no hate crimes
SP, I hear what you are saying, but it does not work that way.

Sure it does.

All you have to do is mind your own business. it is the easiest thing in the world

Except that doesn't address the topic at all. It's like responding to the rise in hate crimes by saying everyone be nice.

Tell me what does it matter if rich people don't care about "ordinary " people?

Not a whit

and if everyone minded their own business there would be no hate crimes

It's what they do because of not caring that is the problem. You know that. And yes, that is a classic Miss America answer to a problem. Thanks for that.
SP, I hear what you are saying, but it does not work that way.

Sure it does.

All you have to do is mind your own business. it is the easiest thing in the world

Except that doesn't address the topic at all. It's like responding to the rise in hate crimes by saying everyone be nice.

Tell me what does it matter if rich people don't care about "ordinary " people?

Not a whit

and if everyone minded their own business there would be no hate crimes

It's what they do because of not caring that is the problem. You know that. And yes, that is a classic Miss America answer to a problem. Thanks for that.

and once again the answer is to just mind your own business.

if everyone did that there would be no crime whatsoever.

But people are irrational animals for the most part
In my opinion, the bottom line is, poor boys should not have to care how much the rich make, if they can enjoy equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes; we can solve simple poverty and improve the capital efficiency of our economy, at the same time.
In my opinion, the bottom line is, poor boys should not have to care how much the rich make, if they can enjoy equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes; we can solve simple poverty and improve the capital efficiency of our economy, at the same time.
IMO opinion if the so called poor cared about what they made and making themselves worth more to employers then they wouldn't be the so called poor
In my opinion, the bottom line is, poor boys should not have to care how much the rich make, if they can enjoy equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes; we can solve simple poverty and improve the capital efficiency of our economy, at the same time.
IMO opinion if the so called poor cared about what they made and making themselves worth more to employers then they wouldn't be the so called poor
I would agree with you; but, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law, or politics and morals.

Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment.
In my opinion, the bottom line is, poor boys should not have to care how much the rich make, if they can enjoy equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes; we can solve simple poverty and improve the capital efficiency of our economy, at the same time.
IMO opinion if the so called poor cared about what they made and making themselves worth more to employers then they wouldn't be the so called poor
I would agree with you; but, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law, or politics and morals.

Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment.
I'm not the right wing

and no one has to be unemployed if they don't want to be

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