Richard Branson: It's Not All Doom And Gloom: What We Can Do Now For The Arctic


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Last week I was in New York, where policy makers and the public alike spoke out about climate change. None of us are strangers to the realities of climate change -- steadily climbing temperatures and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, melting ice and rising sea levels. However, fewer people are aware of how they can help to tackle the problem.

While we often think about the effect of climate change on our lives and on the land we inhabit, it's also important to focus on the blue spaces that make up so much of the Earth.

The ocean covers two thirds of the planet, produces almost half of all the oxygen we breathe and sequesters more than a quarter of the CO2 we emit into the atmosphere. It is, in essence, the kidneys of our planet, keeping systems healthy, giving life -- and there is no way to put it on dialysis.

The ability of this life system to continue to provide these essential ecosystem services is being compromised. As rising temperatures reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of the ocean and the amount of CO2 being absorbed causes acidification , marine organisms and ecosystems are suffering. Habitats are being destroyed, fish stocks are over exploited and marine predators are becoming extinct at an alarming rate.

In the Arctic, the problem is particularly clear: it's melting. Beyond the four million people living there who are affected every day by rising temperatures, we all face the consequences of the changes in the Arctic. Extreme weather, rising sea levels and food insecurity, particularly in the most impoverished parts of the world, are all growing problems. As the ice is melting, a new ocean is being born -- one that some may try to exploit through fishing and oil and gas drilling, which is fraught with uncertainty and has the potential for devastating harm.

So where do we go from here? There is an extraordinary opportunity to rescue this new ocean, 'refreeze' what we can by establishing structures to protect this beautiful place before it's even fully born and understood. Just as a healthy body is more resilient to disease, a healthy ocean is more resilient to harmful change.

More: It's Not All Doom and Gloom: What We Can Do Now for the Arctic - Richard Branson

Excellent food for thought.
holy smokes, they wont be happy until were living in frikken grass shacks burning cow and elephant dung (which we have to import) for fuel, while the mr. bransons gets to live in mansions with eight bathrooms and six fireplaces and flies on his private airplanes to go spread his fearmongering
you know he's MAKING money off of it. fall for it if you want
Another UN Moron talking about what he doesn't understand nor does he have a clue about...

No surprise here... Same old elitist bullshit..
Richard Branson failed to deliver on 3Billion climate change pledge, gave less than a 10th cash promised

Richard Branson failed to deliver on 3bn climate change pledge 8211 8216 Gave less than a tenth of cash promised 8217 Climate Depot

How much have you given?
I've given one flying fuck and two shits. :thup:

Well, that's probably much more than any other NaziCon has given.

That's MISTER NaziCon to you, bub. :slap:
Richard Branson failed to deliver on 3Billion climate change pledge, gave less than a 10th cash promised

Richard Branson failed to deliver on 3bn climate change pledge 8211 8216 Gave less than a tenth of cash promised 8217 Climate Depot

How much have you given?
I've given one flying fuck and two shits. :thup:

Well, that's probably much more than any other NaziCon has given.
Well, duh.
It's sad to watch the "brainwashed" in action

who the hell is Richard Branson and why should we give a damn what he has to say
It may not mean his opinion here is worth diddly, but if you're curious as to who he is, he's pretty easy to look up. I bet he's appeared on your TV set a hundred times.

From his Wikipedia article:

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (born 18 July 1950) is an English business magnate and investor. He is best known as the founder of Virgin Group, which comprises more than 400 companies.[3]

At the age of sixteen his first business venture was a magazine called Student.[4] In 1970, he set up a mail-order record business. In 1972, he opened a chain of record stores, Virgin Records, later known as Virgin Megastores. Branson's Virgin brand grew rapidly during the 1980s, as he set up Virgin Atlantic and expanded the Virgin Records music label.

According to the Forbes 2012 list of billionaires, Branson is the sixth richest citizen of the United Kingdom, with an estimated net worth of US$4.6 billion.[1]
He owns the Virgin Air airlines and Virgin Galactic, which will start taking well-heeled customers to space later this year.

From further down in Wikipedia's article:

On 25 September 2004, Branson announced the signing of a deal under which a new space tourism company, Virgin Galactic, will license the technology behind Spaceship One—funded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and designed by legendary American aeronautical engineer and visionary Burt Rutan—to take paying passengers into suborbitalspace. Virgin Galactic (wholly owned by Virgin Group) plans to make flights available to the public with tickets priced at US$200,000 using Scaled Composites White Knight Two.[20]Branson plans to take his two children, 31-year-old Holly and 28-year-old Sam, on a trip to outer space when they ride the SpaceShipTwo rocket plane on its first public flight planned for 2014.[21]

Looks like this:

oh that him, A billionaire who has so much time on his hand's he fly's in BIG balloon into the sky to try and break some world record, so that must make him some expert

and he has a title , he be SIR RICHARD

MY GAWD, You all bow to him like you would to the Queen

I'm busting a gut
oh that him, A billionaire who has so much time on his hand's he fly's in BIG balloon into the sky to try and break some world record, so that must make him some expert

and he has a title , he be SIR RICHARD

MY GAWD, You all bow to him like you would to the Queen

I'm busting a gut

Inst Facisim grand... and these fools want to live it, they desire it. And that is what scares the hell out of many of us. They will lie cheat and steal to get control.

The Cult will follow their liars to their deaths.. It is my hope that many of us will not see death because of them first.
oh that him, A billionaire who has so much time on his hand's he fly's in BIG balloon into the sky to try and break some world record, so that must make him some expert

and he has a title , he be SIR RICHARD

MY GAWD, You all bow to him like you would to the Queen

I'm busting a gut

I'm not bowing to him. I like a lot of the things he's done and he may very well be right about the Arctic, but he's no scientist. Are you?

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