Richard Spencer is the WORST kind of US soldier.

UOTE="Coyote, post: 23553135, member: 19170"]A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.[/QUOTE]

Apparently grandpa doesn't know that the Seals have their own peer review team, in which tridents are taken away from Seals every month, because they fail to adhere to the highest standards, they hold themselves to. Trump stuck his nose into the middle of that, and the Seals, as well as top brass are not happy about it.

As with everything else that low life in the White house touches, he cheapens it. And now one of Americas greatest assets has been cheapened by the Russian asset in the White house.

All to the pleasure of low lifes whose only existence is lent to the hatred of minorities. Like the OP of this thread.
I didn't see a poll in the op. Would you care to comment on the subject matter or are you just in troll mode?
Commenting on your statement. Worst type of soldier.

I will go further.

What is worse is an effing comander in chief who has no knowledge of or respect for his military and thinks torture is cool abd undisciplined slaughter desirable.

We have the best most professional military in the world. Our guys aren’t the ones caught up in scandals. We are disciplined and professional. Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Too many Fruit Loops this morning dear?

That soldier was acquitted of all charges except taking a photo with a corpse.

Yet here you are diminishing his OUTSTANDING record of service all in an effort to feel good throwing an F BOMB at Trump.

Well here's one for you... FUCK OFF ya uninformed fool.
"That soldier"? You don't even know what branch of the military Gallagher was about showing your ignorance.
They may be Navy, but they ain’t exactly sailors. Just some ground pounders with different chain of command
"but they ain't exactly sailors"????? WTF? Where does the Right get these clueless posters? :71:
Never saw one that knew which end of a line to take a turn around a bollard.
I really do not like all the subjective attacks on Trump, even though I do not like his right wing orientation in general.
But pardoning a SEAL who committed war crimes, is too much.
To pardon someone who committed war crimes, is to be guilty of a war crime.
You can NOT pardon a war crime, as that is based on international treaties,
Only the Hague has the authority to pardon Gallaghar.
Trump really goofed on this one.
QUIT with your smarmy, divisive, partisan BULL. You know damned well no soldier fires on people KNOWING they are unarmed OR civilians.

Total utter bullshit. I would say "the vast majority do not fire", not "no"...
Hiding behind his oath as an excuse for insubordination!

Pretending to be the ultimate hero. Disgraceful! Says he could not honor Trumps order to give the soldier his Trident pen back because it was a violation of his oath to defend the constitution. No where in the constitution does it outline how and when someone loses their honor and badge signifying their sacrifice.

The man is a disgrace and a coward. Good on Trump for FIRING his smug ass.
Fired Navy secretary Richard Spencer manages to remind us why Trump needed to get rid of him

Smarter than his commander in chief, and determined to have the last word, he's now refusing to go away.

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