Richard Spencer is the WORST kind of US soldier.

Hiding behind his oath as an excuse for insubordination!

Pretending to be the ultimate hero. Disgraceful! Says he could not honor Trumps order to give the soldier his Trident pen back because it was a violation of his oath to defend the constitution. No where in the constitution does it outline how and when someone loses their honor and badge signifying their sacrifice.

The man is a disgrace and a coward. Good on Trump for FIRING his smug ass.
Are you a Russian bot?
Just a drunk poster.
Rather be drunk than an ugly ass bulldyke.

Gee these personal game do substitute for substance!
Well then....there you go. Rather be a drunk. I'm sure that works out well for you. :71:
Don't be pissy. You started the personal bullshit. It was unnecessary and irrelevant to the thread.
Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pun is messing with the militaryststem.
The President has the right authority and power to do so. Remind me how you whined when Manning was released. Again NOT a single other SEAL in that picture was punished. It was a crappy decision and vindictive they did it cause they couldn't prove any of the serious charges.

You are apparently the worst kind of soldier. He was found guilty and that is all that matters. There was nothing vindictive about it.
All for a God damn picture? Ruin his career over a photo?
Get a grip.

Guy sounds like a fuckwit. Forget about the alleged murder charge. Just sounds like a piece of shit.
As for 'just a picture'. Just like the Dixie Chicks talking just 'about a president'...
Did you really just compare a man who risked his life on multiple tours to some stupid dingbat singers?


He was a animal. He is no hero. The dingbat singers have more honor than Gallagher. Gallagher is a traitor to this country.
I didn't see a poll in the op. Would you care to comment on the subject matter or are you just in troll mode?
Report the post. The little cry baby leftists report my posts all the time and they get deleted.

The post is trolling and off topic.
Talk about crying. Would you like a tissue?
Evidently you have a reading comprehension problem.

I'm the one that makes that makes you little leftist speech Nazis cry that don't like anyone to disagree with them.

Get a life, ya stupid bitch.
You sound like you are one opportunity away from being a war criminal yourself, little boy.
I would ban queers from military service. Sick losers need psychological help.
And when did you serve? Which branch?
And he was found NOT GUILTY of all of them. But hey thanks for playing.

So was OJ. And?
Ohh I get it you think just cause some one is accused of something they are guilty. Why even have courts lets just lock everyone anyone accuses of anything up. Again you fucking MORON them prosecution had its chance to prove it and could not, why? Because no one actually ever saw him violate the roe no one saw him shoot people not allowed to be shot.

Again, eye witnesses and fellow seals disagree as to what type of person he is (my bold)

In laying out the government's case, Pietrzyk mentioned other SEALs had testified that Gallagher had fired on innocent civilians from a sniper tower. He went on to say that Gallagher had tried to obstruct justice and retaliate against those who reported on him by threatening that he "had shit on all of them."

Defense attorney Tim Parlatore, however, asserted that "this case is not about a murder. It's about a mutiny." He said it was only a few "young entitled" members of the SEAL platoon who hated Gallagher that reported him for war crimes. Parlatore said those SEALs had taken part in a mutiny and conspired in a text message "sewing circle" to get back at him for stealing items from them and putting them at unnecessary risk on the battlefield.

I especially like the last bolded bit. What a guy! What a great leader of men!!
Again you piece of Human Garbage they tried him and could not prove a single charge NOT one. He was found NOT GUILTY by 6 of his contemporaries because the Prosecution could NOT PROVE HE DID ANY OF THAT.

Thanks to perjured testimony by a fake soldier who should have been tried and locked up.
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pun is messing with the militaryststem.
The President has the right authority and power to do so. Remind me how you whined when Manning was released. Again NOT a single other SEAL in that picture was punished. It was a crappy decision and vindictive they did it cause they couldn't prove any of the serious charges.
Actually the other seals should have been, but they were not.

The entire picture of Gallagheris not that great. They should have pardoned him, like Manning, and left it at that.

What is really grotesque is pardoning Clint Lorance who was convicted of ordering an enlisted soldier to open fire on a group of unarmed Afghans in 2012.
And the goal post moving has officially commenced....
Not moving it at all. It is what my original comment referred since Trump pardoned three,not one and you seen to have a delusional concept on what the worst type of soldier is.
This thread is about the man who was fired and why that decision was justified.

You have posted all manner of bullshit in a desperate attempt to change the trajectory of the purpose of this thread.

Waste of bandwidth and I am done arguing with you about it.

Because you lost.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pun is messing with the militaryststem.
The President has the right authority and power to do so. Remind me how you whined when Manning was released. Again NOT a single other SEAL in that picture was punished. It was a crappy decision and vindictive they did it cause they couldn't prove any of the serious charges.

You are apparently the worst kind of soldier. He was found guilty and that is all that matters. There was nothing vindictive about it.
Meanwhile every other seal in the picture didn't even get a reprimand.
And he was found NOT GUILTY of all of them. But hey thanks for playing.

So was OJ. And?
Ohh I get it you think just cause some one is accused of something they are guilty. Why even have courts lets just lock everyone anyone accuses of anything up. Again you fucking MORON them prosecution had its chance to prove it and could not, why? Because no one actually ever saw him violate the roe no one saw him shoot people not allowed to be shot.

Again, eye witnesses and fellow seals disagree as to what type of person he is (my bold)

In laying out the government's case, Pietrzyk mentioned other SEALs had testified that Gallagher had fired on innocent civilians from a sniper tower. He went on to say that Gallagher had tried to obstruct justice and retaliate against those who reported on him by threatening that he "had shit on all of them."

Defense attorney Tim Parlatore, however, asserted that "this case is not about a murder. It's about a mutiny." He said it was only a few "young entitled" members of the SEAL platoon who hated Gallagher that reported him for war crimes. Parlatore said those SEALs had taken part in a mutiny and conspired in a text message "sewing circle" to get back at him for stealing items from them and putting them at unnecessary risk on the battlefield.

I especially like the last bolded bit. What a guy! What a great leader of men!!
Again you piece of Human Garbage they tried him and could not prove a single charge NOT one. He was found NOT GUILTY by 6 of his contemporaries because the Prosecution could NOT PROVE HE DID ANY OF THAT.

Thanks to perjured testimony by a fake soldier who should have been tried and locked up.
Ya you go with that, anyone else notice that when ever a lefty is found guilty the left claims it was a travesty of Justice and a political witch hunt but when ever someone they don't like is found innocent then suddenly the witnesses lied and the court was rigged?
Spencer served for about six years in the Marines as an aviator. He spent way more time on Wall Street than he did in the Military. He had no experience that would qualify him to judge the conduct of a combat Navy Seal leader. Spencer was one of Trump's mistakes and Trump made up for it by fireing him.

So what he spent time in Wall Street. He did serve 6 years. He had more than enough experience to judge a Navy SEAL who was found guilty of misconduct. Spencer is a honorable man and Trump is a dishonorable thug.
The hypocrisy in this thread is astounding. All you leftists defended Obama when he pardoned Mr Manning, an actual traitor to the nation who was CONVICTED.
MR Manning should have been executed for his treason. Instead Obama paid for his sex change then set him free.

Then you all come in here and condemn a man for taking a photo and ignore his leadership's insubordination.
Remind me...was Manning’s rank restored, was he allowed to retire with his pension?
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.

QUIT with your smarmy, divisive, partisan BULL. You know damned well no soldier fires on people KNOWING they are unarmed OR civilians.
BS. Soldiers are human like any one else. It happens. The difference between us and many other militias, is we don’t allow it or support it, and our military leadership holds our bad apples accountable.

Except for Trump.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.
I didn't see a poll in the op. Would you care to comment on the subject matter or are you just in troll mode?
Commenting on your statement. Worst type of soldier.

I will go further.

What is worse is an effing comander in chief who has no knowledge of or respect for his military and thinks torture is cool abd undisciplined slaughter desirable.

We have the best most professional military in the world. Our guys aren’t the ones caught up in scandals. We are disciplined and professional. Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Too many Fruit Loops this morning dear?

That soldier was acquitted of all charges except taking a photo with a corpse.

Yet here you are diminishing his OUTSTANDING record of service all in an effort to feel good throwing an F BOMB at Trump.

Well here's one for you... FUCK OFF ya uninformed fool.

Must be another day Coyote got out of the wrong side of bed. Unfortunately, it seems like every day is a bad day for her.
Hiding behind his oath as an excuse for insubordination!

Pretending to be the ultimate hero. Disgraceful! Says he could not honor Trumps order to give the soldier his Trident pen back because it was a violation of his oath to defend the constitution. No where in the constitution does it outline how and when someone loses their honor and badge signifying their sacrifice.

The man is a disgrace and a coward. Good on Trump for FIRING his smug ass.

You aren’t fit to drink his piss...Private Bonespurs, Trump doesn’t even deserve THAT honor.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.

QUIT with your smarmy, divisive, partisan BULL. You know damned well no soldier fires on people KNOWING they are unarmed OR civilians.
BS. Soldiers are human like any one else. It happens.
Sure it happens. People make mistakes. In this case, so do military leaders. Trump solved that. I support my troops even if you do not.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.

QUIT with your smarmy, divisive, partisan BULL. You know damned well no soldier fires on people KNOWING they are unarmed OR civilians.
BS. Soldiers are human like any one else. It happens.
Sure it happens. People make mistakes. In this case, so do military leaders. Trump solved that. I support my troops even if you do not.


So you are saying you only support the troops when it is politically acceptable?

What mistake did the military leadership make in convicting the man who ordered his men to open fire on unarmed civilians?
Report the post. The little cry baby leftists report my posts all the time and they get deleted.

The post is trolling and off topic.
Talk about crying. Would you like a tissue?
Evidently you have a reading comprehension problem.

I'm the one that makes that makes you little leftist speech Nazis cry that don't like anyone to disagree with them.

Get a life, ya stupid bitch.
You sound like you are one opportunity away from being a war criminal yourself, little boy.
I would ban queers from military service. Sick losers need psychological help.
And when did you serve? Which branch?
I served with Obama in the same branch.....

Now piss off dyke
The President has the right authority and power to do so. Remind me how you whined when Manning was released. Again NOT a single other SEAL in that picture was punished. It was a crappy decision and vindictive they did it cause they couldn't prove any of the serious charges.
Actually the other seals should have been, but they were not.

The entire picture of Gallagheris not that great. They should have pardoned him, like Manning, and left it at that.

What is really grotesque is pardoning Clint Lorance who was convicted of ordering an enlisted soldier to open fire on a group of unarmed Afghans in 2012.
And the goal post moving has officially commenced....
Not moving it at all. It is what my original comment referred since Trump pardoned three,not one and you seen to have a delusional concept on what the worst type of soldier is.
This thread is about the man who was fired and why that decision was justified.

You have posted all manner of bullshit in a desperate attempt to change the trajectory of the purpose of this thread.

Waste of bandwidth and I am done arguing with you about it.

Because you lost.
Lost what? This isn't a contest ya moron.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.

QUIT with your smarmy, divisive, partisan BULL. You know damned well no soldier fires on people KNOWING they are unarmed OR civilians.
BS. Soldiers are human like any one else. It happens.
Sure it happens. People make mistakes. In this case, so do military leaders. Trump solved that. I support my troops even if you do not.


So you are saying you only support the troops when it is politically acceptable?

What mistake did the military leadership make in convicting the man who ordered his men to open fire on unarmed civilians?

Look. These were good men where something went wrong in a combat situation. But they don't deserve to be shamed, humiliated, their lives ruined. These are valuable fighting men. I'm tired of our military being run like the NFL, where our soldiers must fight a war on TWO fronts, both against a devious enemy AND their own upper echelons, while our enemy fight with NO rules.

While we arrest and court martial our soldiers for celebrating a victory, their guys laugh at us and plan to cut off our heads.

Worst case here should be removal from combat. The only time a soldier deserves arrest, prison, and dishonor is if he gives aid to our enemy through direct actions or abandoning his duty, you know, like that asshole that Obama saved.

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