Richard Spencer is the WORST kind of US soldier.

Well spoken.

It is one of the fundamental errors that some make here..thinking that the rank and file support Gallagher's type of behavior. They emphatically do not!
Loose cannons like him get people killed..and they're assholes, to boot. Usually bullies of some sort---his defense team admitted that he stole from his low is that?

The military has a process...they should have been allowed to act.
It was his squad mates that reported him and testified against him.
Only one squad mate, the others supported him and testified reluctantly. And he made it up. None of the stuff in 2017 was supported by a single fact just the word of one guy pissed at the Chief.
"testified reluctantly".....:71: Are you accusing them of lying under oath now?
3 of them refused to testify at all pleading the 5th and several soldiers that were attached to his team in 2017 also refused to testify. His team did not turn him in ONE disgruntled sailor did that. And then in the trial the Government could not prove a single charge of murder or witness tampering.
"Soldiers"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yes army EOD I believe. It is in one of the other threads. Got it wrong it was 2 Navy EOD that refused to testify. And the stories spun by those that did not like Gallagher must have been patently false since the Jurors dismissed them all and ruled him NOT GUILTY.
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A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.
I didn't see a poll in the op. Would you care to comment on the subject matter or are you just in troll mode?
Commenting on your statement. Worst type of soldier.

I will go further.

What is worse is an effing comander in chief who has no knowledge of or respect for his military and thinks torture is cool abd undisciplined slaughter desirable.

We have the best most professional military in the world. Our guys aren’t the ones caught up in scandals. We are disciplined and professional. Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Too many Fruit Loops this morning dear?

That soldier was acquitted of all charges except taking a photo with a corpse.

Yet here you are diminishing his OUTSTANDING record of service all in an effort to feel good throwing an F BOMB at Trump.

Well here's one for you... FUCK OFF ya uninformed fool.
"That soldier"? You don't even know what branch of the military Gallagher was about showing your ignorance.
They may be Navy, but they ain’t exactly sailors. Just some ground pounders with different chain of command
Sorry but this guy is a loose canon who enjoys killing people.

He's got a long history of substance abuse and crazy behavior including running over a Navy SP

He posed with a corpse that he claimed to have stabbed with his hunting knife. His fellow SEALS have stated that he killed civilians "for no military purpose" and fired missiles into buildings for no good reason.

You couldn't be more wrong here
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.
I didn't see a poll in the op. Would you care to comment on the subject matter or are you just in troll mode?
Commenting on your statement. Worst type of soldier.

I will go further.

What is worse is an effing comander in chief who has no knowledge of or respect for his military and thinks torture is cool abd undisciplined slaughter desirable.

We have the best most professional military in the world. Our guys aren’t the ones caught up in scandals. We are disciplined and professional. Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Too many Fruit Loops this morning dear?

That soldier was acquitted of all charges except taking a photo with a corpse.

Yet here you are diminishing his OUTSTANDING record of service all in an effort to feel good throwing an F BOMB at Trump.

Well here's one for you... FUCK OFF ya uninformed fool.

Um. No. The charge he was guilty of was conduct unbecoming. That means his behavior was not what was expected of a service member. Even less of a member of the elite. It is not a right to join the military, but a privilege. It is not a right to wear the SEAL badge, but an honor.

It is those privileges and honors you lose when you act in violation of regulations and orders. It is why those soldiers who were at Abu Ghraib were sent to prison. They failed to do their duty and obey regulations. They were disgraceful in the eyes of the military. You may childishly take joy and pride in the behavior of the prosecuted. But the service does not. The service is embarrassed by their behavior.

I was not a SEAL. I was a paratrooper. We expected our soldiers to be better than the rest. We expected them to exceed the standards. We would be mightily pissed off if a Paratrooper stoke from a fellow soldier. Honor meant something. I have seen people kicked out of the Military. Conduct unbecoming was always mentioned. How many SEALS are you willing to lose? Because anyone who ends up with Galliger on their team has a serious problem. They have someone who can’t be trusted. Someone has to watch him, making sure he does not violate regulations again. How many others will decide their life is more important than serving with him? His old team did not rally around him which tells me a hell of a lot. He was a problem before. So how many SEALs will quit rather than serve with him? It tells me that they thought this guy was a disgrace.

If you watched Band of Brothers you saw what happens when good troops are saddled with a bad leader or soldier. They rebel. And it takes a hell of a lot to get good troops to rebel. The old saying then is that the troops are not right for rebelling. But they aren’t wrong either. A few will be punished for appearance sake. Conduct unbecoming. But the problem leader is also dealt with, quietly. Transferred to supply or something else. In peacetime they will resign when their time is up. In war, they spend the duration counting mess kits. Then they resign or are released.

That is when regulations do not support charging the leader. The Navy is starting the process in which Galliger has to show he deserves the honor of remaining with the SEALs. Or he can be transferred to whatever specialty he had before. Supply or culinary arts probably. Perhaps a chief in the motor pool. No one is going to want him though. Nobody wants a soldier or sailer with political connections.

I am a Military brat, My father served 22 yrs USAF, and my hubby is a disabled Vet....

my dad, was an enlisted man, who rose in rank as high as he could go and many enlisted lifers would never reach, Chief Master Sargent, USAF.

He did this through hard work and HONORABLY.... not just the military term honorably, but the inside out, outside in, up and down, left and right, Honorably.... it was in his soul.... and he was not a push over either... Us kids feared the GI Belt that hung on a coat rack in the hallway! Though he never used it on us... the fear of it, was enough!!! :eek: We learned the chain of command, and discipline!

And he understood what it meant to be a leader of his squadron.

This guy Gallagher and what the president has done to interfere with protocols and rules everyone else has to follow, puts a stain, on those like my hubby and dad, who truly served honorably imho....
Hiding behind his oath as an excuse for insubordination!

Pretending to be the ultimate hero. Disgraceful! Says he could not honor Trumps order to give the soldier his Trident pen back because it was a violation of his oath to defend the constitution. No where in the constitution does it outline how and when someone loses their honor and badge signifying their sacrifice.

The man is a disgrace and a coward. Good on Trump for FIRING his smug ass.

Again, the Constitution never thought we'd have a narcissistic man-baby in the White House making decisions based on what he saw on Fox News that day.

The Navy was so concerned about Gallagher's behavior they took action against him. Trump overruled the entire chain of command, not because of any deep understanding of the legal issues, but on an impulse.

The worse kind of boss is the one who says, "Because I say so."
The hypocrisy in this thread is astounding. All you leftists defended Obama when he pardoned Mr Manning, an actual traitor to the nation who was CONVICTED.
MR Manning should have been executed for his treason. Instead Obama paid for his sex change then set him free.

Then you all come in here and condemn a man for taking a photo and ignore his leadership's insubordination.
The hypocrisy in this thread is astounding. All you leftists defended Obama when he pardoned Mr Manning, an actual traitor to the nation who was CONVICTED.
MR Manning should have been executed for his treason. Instead Obama paid for his sex change then set him free.

Then you all come in here and condemn a man for taking a photo and ignore his leadership's insubordination.

He didn't Pardon Manning. He commuted her sentence.

Also the government didn't pay for her gender reassignment surgery.

As far as her "Treason", she didn't tell the enemy anything they didn't already know. The information she released was information the Government and Army was hiding from the US Public. So who was committing treason here? I would say it would be the government that lied to us about what was going on over there.

Gallagher, on the other hand, killed people, randomly shot at civilians, and endangered his team.
The hypocrisy in this thread is astounding. All you leftists defended Obama when he pardoned Mr Manning, an actual traitor to the nation who was CONVICTED.
MR Manning should have been executed for his treason. Instead Obama paid for his sex change then set him free.

Then you all come in here and condemn a man for taking a photo and ignore his leadership's insubordination.
pardons ARE for people who have been convicted, AND have served time in the slammer, who also have admitted to their guilt and accept their guilt and what they did was wrong, repenting. Chelsea served 3 years behind bars.

Before this mob boss in office, there were protocols and a process, done mostly by white house lawyers with client lawyers, for the president to choose from the qualified applicants, to pardon...

and yes, even friends were pardoned by presidents, but they went through the legal protocol process....

ONLY OCCASIONALLY were there exceptions, like a Scooter Libby or a batch of administration crooks, but that was done politically to either cover their own wrong doings or involvement... and it definitely was scandalous at the time and got worthy news coverage...

What the Man of Lawlessness in the Oval has done, is thrown out every protocol on pardons or involvement of Presidents in matters that are not his to chime in on, even if he can legally.... and is making a mockery out of every rule, reg, law, protocol,and code that exists and exists for good reason.
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pardons ARE for people who have been convicted, AND have served time in the slammer, who also have admitted to their guilt and accept their guilt and what they did was wrong, repenting.

WTF is this tripe?

There are no guidelines or rules for pardons.

Typical leftie garbage. Making shit up as you go lol
WTF is this tripe?

There are no guidelines or rules for pardons.

Typical leftie garbage. Making shit up as you go lol

There are no "rules", but there are guidelines and traditions.

The purpose of the pardon is to correct an egregious abuse by the Judicial Branch. This was not the case here. Gallegher got a trial, he was obviously guilty of what he was convicted of.
WTF is this tripe?

There are no guidelines or rules for pardons.

Typical leftie garbage. Making shit up as you go lol

There are no "rules", but there are guidelines and traditions.

The purpose of the pardon is to correct an egregious abuse by the Judicial Branch. This was not the case here. Gallegher got a trial, he was obviously guilty of what he was convicted of.
So was Mr Manning

pardons ARE for people who have been convicted, AND have served time in the slammer, who also have admitted to their guilt and accept their guilt and what they did was wrong, repenting.

WTF is this tripe?

There are no guidelines or rules for pardons.

Typical leftie garbage. Making shit up as you go lol
are you nuts? :lol:

there is a whole legal process and protocol for pardons by the president that has been in place a half century!
pardons ARE for people who have been convicted, AND have served time in the slammer, who also have admitted to their guilt and accept their guilt and what they did was wrong, repenting.

WTF is this tripe?

There are no guidelines or rules for pardons.

Typical leftie garbage. Making shit up as you go lol
are you nuts? :lol:

there is a whole legal process and protocol for pardons by the president that has been in place a half century!
Then you should be able to outline the violations Trump committed with this pardon. Even add them to the impeachment.

Hiding behind his oath as an excuse for insubordination!

Pretending to be the ultimate hero. Disgraceful! Says he could not honor Trumps order to give the soldier his Trident pen back because it was a violation of his oath to defend the constitution. No where in the constitution does it outline how and when someone loses their honor and badge signifying their sacrifice.

The man is a disgrace and a coward. Good on Trump for FIRING his smug ass.

So you stand behind Captain Bone Spurs and call another veteran a piece of shit - again Truymp supports are forced to trash veterans & they are too stupid to see what Trump has done to them.
Hiding behind his oath as an excuse for insubordination!

Pretending to be the ultimate hero. Disgraceful! Says he could not honor Trumps order to give the soldier his Trident pen back because it was a violation of his oath to defend the constitution. No where in the constitution does it outline how and when someone loses their honor and badge signifying their sacrifice.

The man is a disgrace and a coward. Good on Trump for FIRING his smug ass.
Are you a Russian bot?

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