Richard Spencer is the WORST kind of US soldier.

Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pin is messing with the military system.
You fucking moron. Trump is the commander in chief. Do you know what that means? It's his RIGHT
You are so pathetic!
I am not sure how to simplify this down for you, I will try: just because he can doesn’t mean he should.

Imagine if Obama did it, you would blow a gasket or three.
You are ignoring your own fucking premise because you are a dishonest hack!

Pot kettle black
What? I'm calling out your double standard and you pull that? Lol is that all you have left?
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.
I didn't see a poll in the op. Would you care to comment on the subject matter or are you just in troll mode?
Commenting on your statement. Worst type of soldier.

I will go further.

What is worse is an effing comander in chief who has no knowledge of or respect for his military and thinks torture is cool abd undisciplined slaughter desirable.

We have the best most professional military in the world. Our guys aren’t the ones caught up in scandals. We are disciplined and professional. Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Too many Fruit Loops this morning dear?

That soldier was acquitted of all charges except taking a photo with a corpse.

Yet here you are diminishing his OUTSTANDING record of service all in an effort to feel good throwing an F BOMB at Trump.

Well here's one for you... FUCK OFF ya uninformed fool.

Um. No. The charge he was guilty of was conduct unbecoming. That means his behavior was not what was expected of a service member. Even less of a member of the elite. It is not a right to join the military, but a privilege. It is not a right to wear the SEAL badge, but an honor.

It is those privileges and honors you lose when you act in violation of regulations and orders. It is why those soldiers who were at Abu Ghraib were sent to prison. They failed to do their duty and obey regulations. They were disgraceful in the eyes of the military. You may childishly take joy and pride in the behavior of the prosecuted. But the service does not. The service is embarrassed by their behavior.

I was not a SEAL. I was a paratrooper. We expected our soldiers to be better than the rest. We expected them to exceed the standards. We would be mightily pissed off if a Paratrooper stoke from a fellow soldier. Honor meant something. I have seen people kicked out of the Military. Conduct unbecoming was always mentioned. How many SEALS are you willing to lose? Because anyone who ends up with Galliger on their team has a serious problem. They have someone who can’t be trusted. Someone has to watch him, making sure he does not violate regulations again. How many others will decide their life is more important than serving with him? His old team did not rally around him which tells me a hell of a lot. He was a problem before. So how many SEALs will quit rather than serve with him? It tells me that they thought this guy was a disgrace.

If you watched Band of Brothers you saw what happens when good troops are saddled with a bad leader or soldier. They rebel. And it takes a hell of a lot to get good troops to rebel. The old saying then is that the troops are not right for rebelling. But they aren’t wrong either. A few will be punished for appearance sake. Conduct unbecoming. But the problem leader is also dealt with, quietly. Transferred to supply or something else. In peacetime they will resign when their time is up. In war, they spend the duration counting mess kits. Then they resign or are released.

That is when regulations do not support charging the leader. The Navy is starting the process in which Galliger has to show he deserves the honor of remaining with the SEALs. Or he can be transferred to whatever specialty he had before. Supply or culinary arts probably. Perhaps a chief in the motor pool. No one is going to want him though. Nobody wants a soldier or sailer with political connections.
Well spoken.

It is one of the fundamental errors that some make here..thinking that the rank and file support Gallagher's type of behavior. They emphatically do not!
Loose cannons like him get people killed..and they're assholes, to boot. Usually bullies of some sort---his defense team admitted that he stole from his low is that?

The military has a process...they should have been allowed to act.
It was his squad mates that reported him and testified against him.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.
Gallagher never did that.

These were the charges in more detail:
Gallagher was accused of multiple offenses during his final deployment to Iraq and during the 2017 Battle of Mosul. The most prominent accusation and the best-attested to was the murder of a prisoner of war, a war crime.[6] A captured young fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as ISIL, ISIS, and Daesh) was being treated by a medic. According to two SEAL witnesses, Gallagher said over the radio "he's mine" and walked up to the medic and prisoner, and without saying a word killed the prisoner by stabbing him repeatedly with his hunting knife. Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, then posed for photographs of them standing over the body with some other nearby SEALs. Gallagher then text messaged a fellow SEAL a picture of the dead captive with the explanation "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.”[6]

Another accusation was that Gallagher's sniper work during his 2017 deployment became indiscriminate, reckless, and bloodthirsty. He allegedly fired his rifle far more frequently than other snipers;[2] according to testimony, the other snipers in the platoon did not consider him a good sniper, and he took "random shots, sometimes into buildings".[1] Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed old man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls. Gallagher allegedly boasted he had killed "10-20 people a day or 150-200 people on deployments" or that "he averaged three kills a day over 80 days". He also allegedly confessed that he "killed four women today".[1] Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region.[6]

A charge of obstruction of justice was brought against Gallagher for alleged witness intimidation. According to the claim, Gallagher allegedly threatened to kill fellow SEALs if they reported his actions.[2] The Navy cited his text messages as attempting to undermine the investigation, with messages sent to "pass the word on those traitors", meaning cooperating witnesses, and to get them blacklisted within the special warfare community.[6][1] This resulted in him being confined in the brig for a time with heavy restrictions on his ability to communicate, although this confinement was later lessened

These are serious accusations and would be disturbing for any professional army...
And he was ACQUITTED.

Throw your diaper in the trash rather than wiping it all over the board.
If I recall correct he was acquitted when the field medic who was treating the victim secured immunity from prosecution and then recanted his testimony by saying the ISIS guy was still alive after the stabbing and he suffocated him before he could die of the stab wounds.
He was also found not guilt of ANY of the 2017 charges. Why? Cause there was no evidence to support the claims.
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pin is messing with the military system.
You fucking moron. Trump is the commander in chief. Do you know what that means? It's his RIGHT
You are so pathetic!
I am not sure how to simplify this down for you, I will try: just because he can doesn’t mean he should.

Imagine if Obama did it, you would blow a gasket or three.
You are ignoring your own fucking premise because you are a dishonest hack!

Pot kettle black
What? I'm calling out your double standard and you pull that? Lol is that all you have left?
You haven’t called out any double standard. You just go off calling people hacks. Very predictable.
You fucking moron. Trump is the commander in chief. Do you know what that means? It's his RIGHT
You are so pathetic!
I am not sure how to simplify this down for you, I will try: just because he can doesn’t mean he should.

Imagine if Obama did it, you would blow a gasket or three.
You are ignoring your own fucking premise because you are a dishonest hack!

Pot kettle black
What? I'm calling out your double standard and you pull that? Lol is that all you have left?
You haven’t called out any double standard. You just go off calling people hacks. Very predictable.
Omg lol. Are you joking? Are you THAT unaware? Do you speak english? :rofl:
I didn't see a poll in the op. Would you care to comment on the subject matter or are you just in troll mode?
Commenting on your statement. Worst type of soldier.

I will go further.

What is worse is an effing comander in chief who has no knowledge of or respect for his military and thinks torture is cool abd undisciplined slaughter desirable.

We have the best most professional military in the world. Our guys aren’t the ones caught up in scandals. We are disciplined and professional. Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Too many Fruit Loops this morning dear?

That soldier was acquitted of all charges except taking a photo with a corpse.

Yet here you are diminishing his OUTSTANDING record of service all in an effort to feel good throwing an F BOMB at Trump.

Well here's one for you... FUCK OFF ya uninformed fool.

Um. No. The charge he was guilty of was conduct unbecoming. That means his behavior was not what was expected of a service member. Even less of a member of the elite. It is not a right to join the military, but a privilege. It is not a right to wear the SEAL badge, but an honor.

It is those privileges and honors you lose when you act in violation of regulations and orders. It is why those soldiers who were at Abu Ghraib were sent to prison. They failed to do their duty and obey regulations. They were disgraceful in the eyes of the military. You may childishly take joy and pride in the behavior of the prosecuted. But the service does not. The service is embarrassed by their behavior.

I was not a SEAL. I was a paratrooper. We expected our soldiers to be better than the rest. We expected them to exceed the standards. We would be mightily pissed off if a Paratrooper stoke from a fellow soldier. Honor meant something. I have seen people kicked out of the Military. Conduct unbecoming was always mentioned. How many SEALS are you willing to lose? Because anyone who ends up with Galliger on their team has a serious problem. They have someone who can’t be trusted. Someone has to watch him, making sure he does not violate regulations again. How many others will decide their life is more important than serving with him? His old team did not rally around him which tells me a hell of a lot. He was a problem before. So how many SEALs will quit rather than serve with him? It tells me that they thought this guy was a disgrace.

If you watched Band of Brothers you saw what happens when good troops are saddled with a bad leader or soldier. They rebel. And it takes a hell of a lot to get good troops to rebel. The old saying then is that the troops are not right for rebelling. But they aren’t wrong either. A few will be punished for appearance sake. Conduct unbecoming. But the problem leader is also dealt with, quietly. Transferred to supply or something else. In peacetime they will resign when their time is up. In war, they spend the duration counting mess kits. Then they resign or are released.

That is when regulations do not support charging the leader. The Navy is starting the process in which Galliger has to show he deserves the honor of remaining with the SEALs. Or he can be transferred to whatever specialty he had before. Supply or culinary arts probably. Perhaps a chief in the motor pool. No one is going to want him though. Nobody wants a soldier or sailer with political connections.
Well spoken.

It is one of the fundamental errors that some make here..thinking that the rank and file support Gallagher's type of behavior. They emphatically do not!
Loose cannons like him get people killed..and they're assholes, to boot. Usually bullies of some sort---his defense team admitted that he stole from his low is that?

The military has a process...they should have been allowed to act.
It was his squad mates that reported him and testified against him.
Only one squad mate, the others supported him and testified reluctantly. And he made it up. None of the stuff in 2017 was supported by a single fact just the word of one guy pissed at the Chief.
Spencer served for about six years in the Marines as an aviator. He spent way more time on Wall Street than he did in the Military. He had no experience that would qualify him to judge the conduct of a combat Navy Seal leader. Spencer was one of Trump's mistakes and Trump made up for it by fireing him.
The Secretary of Defense fired him, he did call the President and let him know he was going to do it is SOD's side of the story.

The reason was insubordination, according to the reporting so far on it....

Spencer went behind the SOD's back to the White House lawyers to work a deal on the review of taking that guy's Seal status away.... without telling the SOD he was doing it....

And get this...

Allegedly the deal he was working, or trying to work out with them was crooked... he wanted the military code to be followed, for all of the Military guys and gals to see, so that it showed the consistency in following Military Code for everyone equally,

But the deal was he would FIX THE RESULTS, so that the guy would NOT lose his Seal status....

Fix it, to satisfy the Commander in Chief.

His letter of resignation said the opposite, an alternative story.

What to believe? :dunno:
Interesting....dunno what to believe.
Whatever progressives believe, the opposite is what’s right... fact
I believe war crimes should be punished.
Spencer served for about six years in the Marines as an aviator. He spent way more time on Wall Street than he did in the Military. He had no experience that would qualify him to judge the conduct of a combat Navy Seal leader. Spencer was one of Trump's mistakes and Trump made up for it by fireing him.
The Secretary of Defense fired him, he did call the President and let him know he was going to do it is SOD's side of the story.

The reason was insubordination, according to the reporting so far on it....

Spencer went behind the SOD's back to the White House lawyers to work a deal on the review of taking that guy's Seal status away.... without telling the SOD he was doing it....

And get this...

Allegedly the deal he was working, or trying to work out with them was crooked... he wanted the military code to be followed, for all of the Military guys and gals to see, so that it showed the consistency in following Military Code for everyone equally,

But the deal was he would FIX THE RESULTS, so that the guy would NOT lose his Seal status....

Fix it, to satisfy the Commander in Chief.

His letter of resignation said the opposite, an alternative story.

What to believe? :dunno:
Interesting....dunno what to believe.
Whatever progressives believe, the opposite is what’s right... fact
I believe war crimes should be punished.
Poising for a picture is NOT a war crime. And he was found not guilty on all other charges.
Just sit back and watch the results of the leftist game that is now undone. Watch the leftist power get stripped off day by day.

I love the power of the presidential pardon.

"Trump grants clemency to two Army officers accused of war crimes, restores rank to Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher."


If you want to throw somebody in prison throw W Bush, Cheney, Obama, and Biden for waging illegal wars in far-off lands, not your military heroes.
He's setting up his concentration camp commandants.
Hiding behind his oath as an excuse for insubordination!

Pretending to be the ultimate hero. Disgraceful! Says he could not honor Trumps order to give the soldier his Trident pen back because it was a violation of his oath to defend the constitution. No where in the constitution does it outline how and when someone loses their honor and badge signifying their sacrifice.

The man is a disgrace and a coward. Good on Trump for FIRING his smug ass.

I saw the Navy Seal Trump defended on TV. The guy who killed an unarmed man and posed with his body. The Seal came across and entitled and arrogant, and displayed utter disrespect for the chain of command. It's not surprising that Trump defended such a man.

At no time did Spencer disrespect the chain of command because a tweet is not an order and Spencer received no such order. Trump promised Spencer not to mess with military discipline or justice and Trump did just that. Spencer's resignation letter said that he told Trump he would resign if Trump issued the order so Trump fired him.

I have no respect for Trump or the arrogant man who posed with the body of his victim. Both have dishonoured their oaths to the Constitituion.
Says a ISIS fan
Rustic does not support war criminals.
Just sit back and watch the results of the leftist game that is now undone. Watch the leftist power get stripped off day by day.

I love the power of the presidential pardon.

"Trump grants clemency to two Army officers accused of war crimes, restores rank to Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher."


If you want to throw somebody in prison throw W Bush, Cheney, Obama, and Biden for waging illegal wars in far-off lands, not your military heroes.
He's setting up his concentration camp commandants.

He's setting up the globalist left for a fall that will take generations for them to get back up.

Obama was sending warnings to our enemies and you fucking pussies were cheering him on. Guess what dumbfucks?! That's "butting into the military" and "doing shit he shouldnt do". And coyotes dumb ass even brings up Obama "if he did" LOL
Disingenuous bullshit.
Look! Over there! It's Former President Obama!! >>>>>>>>>
Commenting on your statement. Worst type of soldier.

I will go further.

What is worse is an effing comander in chief who has no knowledge of or respect for his military and thinks torture is cool abd undisciplined slaughter desirable.

We have the best most professional military in the world. Our guys aren’t the ones caught up in scandals. We are disciplined and professional. Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Too many Fruit Loops this morning dear?

That soldier was acquitted of all charges except taking a photo with a corpse.

Yet here you are diminishing his OUTSTANDING record of service all in an effort to feel good throwing an F BOMB at Trump.

Well here's one for you... FUCK OFF ya uninformed fool.

Um. No. The charge he was guilty of was conduct unbecoming. That means his behavior was not what was expected of a service member. Even less of a member of the elite. It is not a right to join the military, but a privilege. It is not a right to wear the SEAL badge, but an honor.

It is those privileges and honors you lose when you act in violation of regulations and orders. It is why those soldiers who were at Abu Ghraib were sent to prison. They failed to do their duty and obey regulations. They were disgraceful in the eyes of the military. You may childishly take joy and pride in the behavior of the prosecuted. But the service does not. The service is embarrassed by their behavior.

I was not a SEAL. I was a paratrooper. We expected our soldiers to be better than the rest. We expected them to exceed the standards. We would be mightily pissed off if a Paratrooper stoke from a fellow soldier. Honor meant something. I have seen people kicked out of the Military. Conduct unbecoming was always mentioned. How many SEALS are you willing to lose? Because anyone who ends up with Galliger on their team has a serious problem. They have someone who can’t be trusted. Someone has to watch him, making sure he does not violate regulations again. How many others will decide their life is more important than serving with him? His old team did not rally around him which tells me a hell of a lot. He was a problem before. So how many SEALs will quit rather than serve with him? It tells me that they thought this guy was a disgrace.

If you watched Band of Brothers you saw what happens when good troops are saddled with a bad leader or soldier. They rebel. And it takes a hell of a lot to get good troops to rebel. The old saying then is that the troops are not right for rebelling. But they aren’t wrong either. A few will be punished for appearance sake. Conduct unbecoming. But the problem leader is also dealt with, quietly. Transferred to supply or something else. In peacetime they will resign when their time is up. In war, they spend the duration counting mess kits. Then they resign or are released.

That is when regulations do not support charging the leader. The Navy is starting the process in which Galliger has to show he deserves the honor of remaining with the SEALs. Or he can be transferred to whatever specialty he had before. Supply or culinary arts probably. Perhaps a chief in the motor pool. No one is going to want him though. Nobody wants a soldier or sailer with political connections.
Well spoken.

It is one of the fundamental errors that some make here..thinking that the rank and file support Gallagher's type of behavior. They emphatically do not!
Loose cannons like him get people killed..and they're assholes, to boot. Usually bullies of some sort---his defense team admitted that he stole from his low is that?

The military has a process...they should have been allowed to act.
It was his squad mates that reported him and testified against him.
Only one squad mate, the others supported him and testified reluctantly. And he made it up. None of the stuff in 2017 was supported by a single fact just the word of one guy pissed at the Chief.
"testified reluctantly".....:71: Are you accusing them of lying under oath now?
Spencer served for about six years in the Marines as an aviator. He spent way more time on Wall Street than he did in the Military. He had no experience that would qualify him to judge the conduct of a combat Navy Seal leader. Spencer was one of Trump's mistakes and Trump made up for it by fireing him.
The Secretary of Defense fired him, he did call the President and let him know he was going to do it is SOD's side of the story.

The reason was insubordination, according to the reporting so far on it....

Spencer went behind the SOD's back to the White House lawyers to work a deal on the review of taking that guy's Seal status away.... without telling the SOD he was doing it....

And get this...

Allegedly the deal he was working, or trying to work out with them was crooked... he wanted the military code to be followed, for all of the Military guys and gals to see, so that it showed the consistency in following Military Code for everyone equally,

But the deal was he would FIX THE RESULTS, so that the guy would NOT lose his Seal status....

Fix it, to satisfy the Commander in Chief.

His letter of resignation said the opposite, an alternative story.

What to believe? :dunno:
Interesting....dunno what to believe.
Whatever progressives believe, the opposite is what’s right... fact
I believe war crimes should be punished.
Poising for a picture is NOT a war crime. And he was found not guilty on all other charges.
He's your kind of guy. I can tell. And like Duke Cunningham too.
Obama was sending warnings to our enemies and you fucking pussies were cheering him on. Guess what dumbfucks?! That's "butting into the military" and "doing shit he shouldnt do". And coyotes dumb ass even brings up Obama "if he did" LOL
Disingenuous bullshit.
Look! Over there! It's Former President Obama!! >>>>>>>>>
She brought up Obama. Dumbshit.
Too many Fruit Loops this morning dear?

That soldier was acquitted of all charges except taking a photo with a corpse.

Yet here you are diminishing his OUTSTANDING record of service all in an effort to feel good throwing an F BOMB at Trump.

Well here's one for you... FUCK OFF ya uninformed fool.

Um. No. The charge he was guilty of was conduct unbecoming. That means his behavior was not what was expected of a service member. Even less of a member of the elite. It is not a right to join the military, but a privilege. It is not a right to wear the SEAL badge, but an honor.

It is those privileges and honors you lose when you act in violation of regulations and orders. It is why those soldiers who were at Abu Ghraib were sent to prison. They failed to do their duty and obey regulations. They were disgraceful in the eyes of the military. You may childishly take joy and pride in the behavior of the prosecuted. But the service does not. The service is embarrassed by their behavior.

I was not a SEAL. I was a paratrooper. We expected our soldiers to be better than the rest. We expected them to exceed the standards. We would be mightily pissed off if a Paratrooper stoke from a fellow soldier. Honor meant something. I have seen people kicked out of the Military. Conduct unbecoming was always mentioned. How many SEALS are you willing to lose? Because anyone who ends up with Galliger on their team has a serious problem. They have someone who can’t be trusted. Someone has to watch him, making sure he does not violate regulations again. How many others will decide their life is more important than serving with him? His old team did not rally around him which tells me a hell of a lot. He was a problem before. So how many SEALs will quit rather than serve with him? It tells me that they thought this guy was a disgrace.

If you watched Band of Brothers you saw what happens when good troops are saddled with a bad leader or soldier. They rebel. And it takes a hell of a lot to get good troops to rebel. The old saying then is that the troops are not right for rebelling. But they aren’t wrong either. A few will be punished for appearance sake. Conduct unbecoming. But the problem leader is also dealt with, quietly. Transferred to supply or something else. In peacetime they will resign when their time is up. In war, they spend the duration counting mess kits. Then they resign or are released.

That is when regulations do not support charging the leader. The Navy is starting the process in which Galliger has to show he deserves the honor of remaining with the SEALs. Or he can be transferred to whatever specialty he had before. Supply or culinary arts probably. Perhaps a chief in the motor pool. No one is going to want him though. Nobody wants a soldier or sailer with political connections.
Well spoken.

It is one of the fundamental errors that some make here..thinking that the rank and file support Gallagher's type of behavior. They emphatically do not!
Loose cannons like him get people killed..and they're assholes, to boot. Usually bullies of some sort---his defense team admitted that he stole from his low is that?

The military has a process...they should have been allowed to act.
It was his squad mates that reported him and testified against him.
Only one squad mate, the others supported him and testified reluctantly. And he made it up. None of the stuff in 2017 was supported by a single fact just the word of one guy pissed at the Chief.
"testified reluctantly".....:71: Are you accusing them of lying under oath now?
3 of them refused to testify at all pleading the 5th and several soldiers that were attached to his team in 2017 also refused to testify. His team did not turn him in ONE disgruntled sailor did that. And then in the trial the Government could not prove a single charge of murder or witness tampering.
Obama was sending warnings to our enemies and you fucking pussies were cheering him on. Guess what dumbfucks?! That's "butting into the military" and "doing shit he shouldnt do". And coyotes dumb ass even brings up Obama "if he did" LOL
Disingenuous bullshit.
Look! Over there! It's Former President Obama!! >>>>>>>>>
She brought up Obama. Dumbshit.
Did someone say.....OBAMA????? Former President Obama???
Um. No. The charge he was guilty of was conduct unbecoming. That means his behavior was not what was expected of a service member. Even less of a member of the elite. It is not a right to join the military, but a privilege. It is not a right to wear the SEAL badge, but an honor.

It is those privileges and honors you lose when you act in violation of regulations and orders. It is why those soldiers who were at Abu Ghraib were sent to prison. They failed to do their duty and obey regulations. They were disgraceful in the eyes of the military. You may childishly take joy and pride in the behavior of the prosecuted. But the service does not. The service is embarrassed by their behavior.

I was not a SEAL. I was a paratrooper. We expected our soldiers to be better than the rest. We expected them to exceed the standards. We would be mightily pissed off if a Paratrooper stoke from a fellow soldier. Honor meant something. I have seen people kicked out of the Military. Conduct unbecoming was always mentioned. How many SEALS are you willing to lose? Because anyone who ends up with Galliger on their team has a serious problem. They have someone who can’t be trusted. Someone has to watch him, making sure he does not violate regulations again. How many others will decide their life is more important than serving with him? His old team did not rally around him which tells me a hell of a lot. He was a problem before. So how many SEALs will quit rather than serve with him? It tells me that they thought this guy was a disgrace.

If you watched Band of Brothers you saw what happens when good troops are saddled with a bad leader or soldier. They rebel. And it takes a hell of a lot to get good troops to rebel. The old saying then is that the troops are not right for rebelling. But they aren’t wrong either. A few will be punished for appearance sake. Conduct unbecoming. But the problem leader is also dealt with, quietly. Transferred to supply or something else. In peacetime they will resign when their time is up. In war, they spend the duration counting mess kits. Then they resign or are released.

That is when regulations do not support charging the leader. The Navy is starting the process in which Galliger has to show he deserves the honor of remaining with the SEALs. Or he can be transferred to whatever specialty he had before. Supply or culinary arts probably. Perhaps a chief in the motor pool. No one is going to want him though. Nobody wants a soldier or sailer with political connections.
Well spoken.

It is one of the fundamental errors that some make here..thinking that the rank and file support Gallagher's type of behavior. They emphatically do not!
Loose cannons like him get people killed..and they're assholes, to boot. Usually bullies of some sort---his defense team admitted that he stole from his low is that?

The military has a process...they should have been allowed to act.
It was his squad mates that reported him and testified against him.
Only one squad mate, the others supported him and testified reluctantly. And he made it up. None of the stuff in 2017 was supported by a single fact just the word of one guy pissed at the Chief.
"testified reluctantly".....:71: Are you accusing them of lying under oath now?
3 of them refused to testify at all pleading the 5th and several soldiers that were attached to his team in 2017 also refused to testify. His team did not turn him in ONE disgruntled sailor did that. And then in the trial the Government could not prove a single charge of murder or witness tampering.
"Soldiers"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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