Richard Spencer is the WORST kind of US soldier.

Did the President - the Commander and Chief - give an 'unlawful order'?

Did Spencer disagree with it?

Did Spencer CHOOSE to resign in protest?
Yes. He made the personal choice to resign.

So what is the problem here?
Talk about crying. Would you like a tissue?
Evidently you have a reading comprehension problem.

I'm the one that makes that makes you little leftist speech Nazis cry that don't like anyone to disagree with them.

Get a life, ya stupid bitch.
You sound like you are one opportunity away from being a war criminal yourself, little boy.
I would ban queers from military service. Sick losers need psychological help.
And when did you serve? Which branch?
I served with Obama in the same branch.....

Now piss off dyke
So you never served in the military.....quelle surprise. Have another drink, little boy.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.

QUIT with your smarmy, divisive, partisan BULL. You know damned well no soldier fires on people KNOWING they are unarmed OR civilians.
BS. Soldiers are human like any one else. It happens.
Sure it happens. People make mistakes. In this case, so do military leaders. Trump solved that. I support my troops even if you do not.


So you are saying you only support the troops when it is politically acceptable?

What mistake did the military leadership make in convicting the man who ordered his men to open fire on unarmed civilians?

Look. These were good men where something went wrong in a combat situation. But they don't deserve to be shamed, humiliated, their lives ruined. These are valuable fighting men. I'm tired of our military being run like the NFL, where our soldiers must fight a war on TWO fronts, both against a devious enemy AND their own upper echelons, while our enemy fight with NO rules.

While we arrest and court martial our soldiers for celebrating a victory, their guys laugh at us and plan to cut off our heads.

Worst case here should be removal from combat. The only time a soldier deserves arrest, prison, and dishonor is if he gives aid to our enemy through direct actions or abandoning his duty, you know, like that asshole that Obama saved.
Looking at your post, it's amazing how so many.....thousands upon thousands upon thousands of those who serve our country....can BARELY MANAGE to make it without committing war crimes.........:icon_rolleyes:
Did the President - the Commander and Chief - give an 'unlawful order'?

Did Spencer disagree with it?

Did Spencer CHOOSE to resign in protest?
Yes. He made the personal choice to resign.

So what is the problem here?
Is it against the law to support a war criminal? No. Should one? Well, looks like for CRCs the answer is Yes.
Is it against the law to support a war criminal? No.
Should one? Well, looks like for CRCs the answer is Yes.
Barak Obama made a War Criminal - a former military member who deserted his unit to join up with terrorists - a war hero, lil' snowflake. Barry paraded Begdahl out on the WH lawn like a returning hero after paying a ransom to the Haqqani Network for his return.

Barry always did have an affinity for terrorists / domestic terrorists, enemies of this country...
The hypocrisy in this thread is astounding. All you leftists defended Obama when he pardoned Mr Manning, an actual traitor to the nation who was CONVICTED.
MR Manning should have been executed for his treason. Instead Obama paid for his sex change then set him free.

Then you all come in here and condemn a man for taking a photo and ignore his leadership's insubordination.
Remind me...was Manning’s rank restored, was he allowed to retire with his pension?
Manning committed treason all Gallagher did is pose with a dead man. By the way NOT ONE OF the other seals in that picture were punished.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.

QUIT with your smarmy, divisive, partisan BULL. You know damned well no soldier fires on people KNOWING they are unarmed OR civilians.
BS. Soldiers are human like any one else. It happens.
Sure it happens. People make mistakes. In this case, so do military leaders. Trump solved that. I support my troops even if you do not.


So you are saying you only support the troops when it is politically acceptable?

What mistake did the military leadership make in convicting the man who ordered his men to open fire on unarmed civilians?
Gallagher did not do that.
Did the President - the Commander and Chief - give an 'unlawful order'?

Did Spencer disagree with it?

Did Spencer CHOOSE to resign in protest?
Yes. He made the personal choice to resign.

So what is the problem here?
Is it against the law to support a war criminal? No. Should one? Well, looks like for CRCs the answer is Yes.
Gallagher was and is NOT a war criminal. Quit your damn lying.
Thanks to perjured testimony by a fake soldier who should have been tried and locked up.
You no good POS!

I can only hope that if our military ever has to defend her
from an enemy attack on her own soil, you are surrounded by
fake, gender confused soldiers who spent their time
sitting in their safe space, sculpting play doh and blowing bubbles
before enlisting strictly for college fund benefits
Is it against the law to support a war criminal? No.
Should one? Well, looks like for CRCs the answer is Yes.
Barak Obama made a War Criminal - a former military member who deserted his unit to join up with terrorists - a war hero, lil' snowflake. Barry paraded Begdahl out on the WH lawn like a returning hero after paying a ransom to the Haqqani Network for his return.

Barry always did have an affinity for terrorists / domestic terrorists, enemies of this country...

Well you see, Easy, it only stands as a matter of principle that the Democrats would pardon and celebrate an actual deserter, traitor and war criminal who COST MEN THEIR LIVES so that later they could accuse a republican of that! The Left would be lost without their hypocrisy!
The hypocrisy in this thread is astounding. All you leftists defended Obama when he pardoned Mr Manning, an actual traitor to the nation who was CONVICTED.
MR Manning should have been executed for his treason. Instead Obama paid for his sex change then set him free.

Then you all come in here and condemn a man for taking a photo and ignore his leadership's insubordination.
Remind me...was Manning’s rank restored, was he allowed to retire with his pension?
Manning committed treason all Gallagher did is pose with a dead man. By the way NOT ONE OF the other seals in that picture were punished.

Personally, I rather like and have no problem with one of our guys posing with the dead enemy so he can send the picture home to family to show that he got one of the BAD GUYS. "Look Ma! Bagged one of the bastards!" That is, after all why he was sent over there, TO KILL THE ENEMY.
Did the President - the Commander and Chief - give an 'unlawful order'?

Did Spencer disagree with it?

Did Spencer CHOOSE to resign in protest?
Yes. He made the personal choice to resign.

So what is the problem here?
Is it against the law to support a war criminal? No. Should one? Well, looks like for CRCs the answer is Yes.
Gallagher was and is NOT a war criminal. Quit your damn lying.

Sure he is...he’s just not a convicted one. The eye witness accounts sure do make him out as one.
The hypocrisy in this thread is astounding. All you leftists defended Obama when he pardoned Mr Manning, an actual traitor to the nation who was CONVICTED.
MR Manning should have been executed for his treason. Instead Obama paid for his sex change then set him free.

Then you all come in here and condemn a man for taking a photo and ignore his leadership's insubordination.
Remind me...was Manning’s rank restored, was he allowed to retire with his pension?
Nope..basically all Obama said was, "time served". She still is a felon..and has a DD.
Did the President - the Commander and Chief - give an 'unlawful order'?

Did Spencer disagree with it?

Did Spencer CHOOSE to resign in protest?
Yes. He made the personal choice to resign.

So what is the problem here?
Is it against the law to support a war criminal? No. Should one? Well, looks like for CRCs the answer is Yes.
Gallagher was and is NOT a war criminal. Quit your damn lying.

Sure he is...he’s just not a convicted one. The eye witness accounts sure do make him out as one.

What part of FOUND not guilty don't you understand? 6 of his peers heard all the testimony saw all the evidence and said NOT GUILTY.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.

QUIT with your smarmy, divisive, partisan BULL. You know damned well no soldier fires on people KNOWING they are unarmed OR civilians.
HuH?? Have you served in combat? There is a type...who is empowered by war..and by killing. To their mind..there are no Civ's..and whether or not they have a gun is irrelevant. With's all about making sure..and sometimes shit happens.

Gallagher got off because his medic testified..after having immunity...that he suffocated the prisoner..after Gallagher stabbed him. Now..that would make no difference in a civilian court..but the military is different.

Medic testifies that he, not Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, was responsible for ISIS fighter's death

Thing is..some people are monsters waiting to happen. Defend him if you like,,but the vast majority of our military obey the ROE..and don't stab a POW! Trump saved Gallagher from the judgement of his PEERS! There are too many stories of this clown lighting up civs...just to get his rocks off.

But the thread is about Spencer..and he is not a hero to principle..he's a guy who tried to broker a deal with the POTUS..while giving the public an entirely false picture of his intent.

A Wall street softie who played with fire...and now is toast.
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You are aware that the same person that claimed Gallagher stabbed the prisoner claimed he shot civilians in 2017, he lied so much the Jurors had no choice in the matter. This was all about a couple seals being pissed at their chief and spreading false rumors to get him removed and the Juror saw that.
The hypocrisy in this thread is astounding. All you leftists defended Obama when he pardoned Mr Manning, an actual traitor to the nation who was CONVICTED.
MR Manning should have been executed for his treason. Instead Obama paid for his sex change then set him free.

Then you all come in here and condemn a man for taking a photo and ignore his leadership's insubordination.
Remind me...was Manning’s rank restored, was he allowed to retire with his pension?
Manning committed treason all Gallagher did is pose with a dead man. By the way NOT ONE OF the other seals in that picture were punished.

Personally, I rather like and have no problem with one of our guys posing with the dead enemy so he can send the picture home to family to show that he got one of the BAD GUYS. "Look Ma! Bagged one of the bastards!" That is, after all why he was sent over there, TO KILL THE ENEMY.

No, people are being sent over to the Mideast illegally, to murder civilians.
That not only is a crime in general, but hideous when the person murdered is an unconscious teenager.
Did the President - the Commander and Chief - give an 'unlawful order'?

Did Spencer disagree with it?

Did Spencer CHOOSE to resign in protest?
Yes. He made the personal choice to resign.

So what is the problem here?
Is it against the law to support a war criminal? No. Should one? Well, looks like for CRCs the answer is Yes.
Gallagher was and is NOT a war criminal. Quit your damn lying.

Sure he is...he’s just not a convicted one. The eye witness accounts sure do make him out as one.

What part of FOUND not guilty don't you understand? 6 of his peers heard all the testimony saw all the evidence and said NOT GUILTY.

He was found guilty of the abuse of the corpse, and the only reason he was let off on the murder charge was the technicality that the medic discovered the teen was still alive after Gallaghar stabbed him multiple times in the throat.
You are aware that the same person that claimed Gallagher stabbed the prisoner claimed he shot civilians in 2017, he lied so much the Jurors had no choice in the matter. This was all about a couple seals being pissed at their chief and spreading false rumors to get him removed and the Juror saw that.

First of all, there is no question about the stabbing and corpse posing.
Second is there were not only too many accusing Gallaghar, but not a single one defending.
So your theory of it being a few malcontents has to be totally wrong.
NO ONE liked him at all.
And for SEAL's, then he has to be really, really bad somehow.
Did the President - the Commander and Chief - give an 'unlawful order'?

Did Spencer disagree with it?

Did Spencer CHOOSE to resign in protest?
Yes. He made the personal choice to resign.

So what is the problem here?
Is it against the law to support a war criminal? No. Should one? Well, looks like for CRCs the answer is Yes.
Gallagher was and is NOT a war criminal. Quit your damn lying.

Sure he is...he’s just not a convicted one. The eye witness accounts sure do make him out as one.

What part of FOUND not guilty don't you understand? 6 of his peers heard all the testimony saw all the evidence and said NOT GUILTY.

But it is still clear he TRIED to murder the unconscious teen.
The fact he failed does not at all imply innocence.

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