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Rick Santorum Is Insane

MissileMan said:
The courts force child support...to my knowledge, however, they don't proscribe paternal participation in parenting...period! :D

No--they do even worse--they deny a father his right to parent his own child
MissileMan said:
Not once the courts have had their say.
getting deadbeat dads to actually PAY what they are supposed to is not an easy job.

Wow! Make a woman have a baby she doesn't want AND make her pay for it too. Are we going to hold these women prisoner in a hospital until they deliver to prevent them from causing an intentional miscarriage? Or, as has been suggested before, do you remove the fetus from the mother's body and raise it in a fetus farm until it has developed to the point where it can join it's parent?
Women (and men, too) must consider the ramifications of their actions before they take them. If she caught a disease instead of getting pregnant, no one would say, "Well, just get rid of it!" The same holds true for a baby. It doesn't just go away. A woman should know, when she engages in sex, that she could get pregnant. And it's obvious that the baby grows in her. Sucks for women, but you can't change nature.

I would love to see science develop to the point that a baby could be removed from the mother if necessary and grown in a lab. It would take away the last reason that abortions could be necessary. If the mother's life was in danger, and the baby could be transplanted, there would be no need for abortion.

I'm all for a reduction in the number of abortions. IMO, the best way to reduce the number is to prevent the pregnancies to begin with, not by making abortions illegal.
I agree with you about both reducing the number of abortions and preventing unwanted pregnancies.
MissileMan said:
Really? When was this change to reality made? When did the communists get legislation passed that gave women the only decision in matters of HER body? What was the law before this legislation passed?

My point being that such laws are the goals of communists. Anti-family legislation such as pro-abortion law is not necessarily pushed directly by the Communist Party, but through other organizations whose leaders have communist leanings and connections. An example is the late Betty Friedan, one of the founding leaders of the feminazi group NOW.

dilloduck said:
No--they do even worse--they deny a father his right to parent his own child

Depends what State you live in. On the issue of father's parenting, those durn lib'rals are much more fair to dad because they don't have the archaic "conservative" notion that ONLY mom can parent. They understand that kids need input from both.
jillian said:
Women shouldn't have to beg for control over their own bodies so they aren't subservient to men.

You're absolutely right. Women should have enough self-control to not engage in sex unless they are prepared to deal with the consequences of the action. And the law should support a woman's never being forced to have sex against her will.

So she should be endangered if she requests an abortion?

Yeah... I guess that's a pretty good deterrant. But that's the goal, isn't it?
If she is in an abusive relationship, her endangerment is not due to an abortion request.
jillian said:
Depends what State you live in. On the issue of father's parenting, those durn lib'rals are much more fair to dad because they don't have the archaic "conservative" notion that ONLY mom can parent. They understand that kids need input from both.

A father should have the right to parent his own child and a say so in whether his child is born or not no matter what state he lives in. Conservatives understand full well the need for both parents. Liberals are just ducky with the idea of having no father home at ALL to parent.
Avatar4321 said:
She doesnt realize it speaks more to her lack of character than Senator Santorums. What I see from the article is someone who wanted to say goodbye to a child in his own way.
I guess we've stumbled upon the vital difference between right and left-minded people. You see a man "saying goodbye" to a child. I see a man who brought a corpse home and made his kids give it kisses and perform bizarre religious rituals on it. However you may interpret it, I hope we can both agree that it is not normal.
ScreamingEagle said:
My point being that such laws are the goals of communists. Anti-family legislation such as pro-abortion law is not necessarily pushed directly by the Communist Party, but through other organizations whose leaders have communist leanings and connections. An example is the late Betty Friedan, one of the founding leaders of the feminazi group NOW.


I disagree with your assessment that pro-abortion legislation is anti-family. It takes much more than two people who don't care for each other enough to get married and a child that either one or both don't want to make a family.
dilloduck said:
A father should have the right to parent his own child and a say so in whether his child is born or not no matter what state he lives in. Conservatives understand full well the need for both parents. Liberals are just ducky with the idea of having no father home at ALL to parent.

Again, Dillo, you're confusing issue. It DOES matter what state dad lives in because "liberal" judges are much more amenable to the concept of shared custody.

As to the issue of no father, well... I think the left understands that different people have different ways of doing things. And I sure wouldn't want to be forced by someone to stay in a marriage that wasn't a good one because of some idea of the "sanctity of marriage".

So, issue one... father participation in his kids' lives (BTW, studies have shown that the more dad is involved with his kids (not their mother), the better they do, assuming dad is a decent guy, of course.)

Issue two... sometimes there IS only one parent at home. So long as that's handled well, then there isn't anything wrong with it, albeit being less than a perfect world.
MissileMan said:
As far as I know, IF, the father is paying support, he GETS visitation if he wants it.

One day a week and every other weekend ??? How lovely--How warming--How helpful--. You're ignorant on this subject. Give it up.
MissileMan said:
As far as I know, IF, the father is paying support, he GETS visitation if he wants it.

Actually, in some states, the rights are not considered linked and the father gets visitation even if he's NOT paying because visitation doesn't exist for the benefit of the parent, it exists for the benefit of the child.
dilloduck said:
its euphemistically called "visitation rights".

Depends on how much dad wants joint custody, though, to be fair, most courts don't like to order it absent an agreement because if people can't agree on it, they can't work closely enough to do anything but mess up a joint custody situation.
MissileMan said:
As far as I know, IF, the father is paying support, he GETS visitation if he wants it.

You have so much to learn.

There are many fathers out there who pay child support without fail. However, when it comes to spending time with their child, the mom has all the say. It doesn't matter what is in the divorce decree. Mom will simply "forget" to tell Dad that she won't be home Saturday morning for him to pick up the kids. Or Mom will tell the kids that they can't do something special this weekend because "It's Dads weekend and you have to go with him."

All the mother has to do is make one phone call to the court/police, and they jump on her word without even checking to see if the story is true or not. I knew a guy who had the police pick him up at work so many times for failing to pay child support that it got to the point where he had to carry cancelled checks with him to prove it. It didn't matter though. The police still had to pick him up, take him to jail, process him and he spent the night until the next morning to appear before the judge. Then he would present his side of the story, the judge would release him and set a court date. He had to pay for an attorney just to show up in court to prive he wasn't behind in his child support. But because this was a child support case, the mom didn't have to show up; the prosecutor would be there, see the proof and the case would be thrown out of court. But he was arrested at work, forced to spend the night in jail, pay for an attorney, then miss another day of work to be in court.

He might have been proven right and the case thrown out, but to what expense?

The stories go on and on.
dilloduck said:
One day a week and every other weekend ??? How lovely--How warming--How helpful--. You're ignorant on this subject. Give it up.

A consequence of divorce...the kids can't live with both parents if the parents aren't living together Sue for custody if the arrangements aren't to your liking or get the visitation modified. Just bitching about it doesn't solve anything.
GotZoom said:
You have so much to learn.

There are many fathers out there who pay child support without fail. However, when it comes to spending time with their child, the mom has all the say. It doesn't matter what is in the divorce decree. Mom will simply "forget" to tell Dad that she won't be home Saturday morning for him to pick up the kids. Or Mom will tell the kids that they can't do something special this weekend because "It's Dads weekend and you have to go with him."

All the mother has to do is make one phone call to the court/police, and they jump on her word without even checking to see if the story is true or not. I knew a guy who had the police pick him up at work so many times for failing to pay child support that it got to the point where he had to carry cancelled checks with him to prove it. It didn't matter though. The police still had to pick him up, take him to jail, process him and he spent the night until the next morning to appear before the judge. Then he would present his side of the story, the judge would release him and set a court date. He had to pay for an attorney just to show up in court to prive he wasn't behind in his child support. But because this was a child support case, the mom didn't have to show up; the prosecutor would be there, see the proof and the case would be thrown out of court. But he was arrested at work, forced to spend the night in jail, pay for an attorney, then miss another day of work to be in court.

He might have been proven right and the case thrown out, but to what expense?

The stories go on and on.

There are absolutely those cases, as well. I've seen women get orders of protection just for the purpose of getting sole possession of the marital domicile, much less the kids. I had one client who lost his job because of his psycho ex's dragging him to criminal court (and her not showing up to prosecute) repeatedly. It wasn't until I showed the D.A. the transcript of the settlement where she agreed to stop prosecuting IN EXCHANGE for the house that the D.A. would drop the charges.

You can't make people not be pieces of garbage if that's what they are.
MissileMan said:
A consequence of divorce...the kids can't live with both parents if the parents aren't living together Sue for custody if the arrangements aren't to your liking or get the visitation modified. Just bitching about it doesn't solve anything.

:laugh: join the real world anytime.
jillian said:
There are absolutely those cases, as well. I've seen women get orders of protection just for the purpose of getting sole possession of the marital domicile, much less the kids. I had one client who lost his job because of his psycho ex's dragging him to criminal court (and her not showing up to prosecute) repeatedly. It wasn't until I showed the D.A. the transcript of the settlement where she agreed to stop prosecuting IN EXCHANGE for the house that the D.A. would drop the charges.

You can't make people not be pieces of garbage if that's what they are.

But you can certainly change laws to give men more parental rights to include the right to have the fetus he created to be born instead of killed.

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