Rick Santorum Proven Right

Rock Ribbed Conservative Li'l Ricky Santorum and his few acolytes of course have their logic all twisted up in their chastity belts.
Bringing bestiality to the table, or pedophilia or incest are weak arguments created by weaker minds. The marriage license issued by the state is essentially a contract that creates a next of kin relationship in the eyes of the law where no such relationship existed before. That dispenses with all that idiotic incest talk. Further, the license is for two consenting adults. So much for bestiality.
All the evidence shows that pedophilia is a crime that occurs among heterosexuals. Conflating pedophilia with homosexuality demonstrates a genuine lack of knowledge of human sexuality.
So the red meat banquet goes on. Li'l Ricky stokes up the knuckle draggers, diminishes his credibility with thoughtful voters, no matter their own politics, and gives voice to those who are willfully ignorant and damn proud of it!

"is essentially a contract".....that is essentially what opponents of Gay-marriage say....it is the pro-gay-marriage folks who read a "right" into this. A prominent Gay-marriage advocate was an adviser to the polygamous couple who were promoted by Hollywood but got in trouble with the law in Utah.....I think this is somewhat of an admission that this way of looking at the law inevitably leads to legal polygamy, and also should lead to no differentiation in taxes based on marriage status. (which would be a good thing regardless) Courts would still find ways to prohibit bestiality, pedophilia,and incest, no doubt, but the legal reasoning wouldn't necessarily be all that clean. When you look at things as a "right" it creates a lot of complications.

I'm not surprised, but there has not been one substantive rebuttal to Rick's notorious statement, to wit, if the states cannot outlaw homosexual "marriages" because there is an unwritten right to marry whomever you like (unless there is a compelling state interest in banning the relationship in question), then states MAY NOT continue to prohibit incestuous marriages or plural marriages, as long as the participants are consenting adults.
As I said above, RICK WAS RIGHT.
And for the record, Rick Santorum was one of the best senators ever to represent Pennsylvania, as indicated by his quick rise through the ranks of both the Senate proper and the republican party. He was (and remains) the victim of the Gay Mafia, which targeted him for pointing out the immorality of homosexual sodomy.
As any observant American knows, to "Progressives," Free Speech only applies to speech with which you agree.

Santorum perhaps went a little too far in some of his statements, and if he is against Civil unions I dont think he is where the majority of Americans are at.....That being said I think if he ran again and made it to nomination he could actually get some socially conservative Democratic votes. I think he would be a formidable candidate in a general election. Even liberal California voted against Gay-marriage and the majority of people hate Judges and courts meddling where they dont belong.
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Speaking of "morons," rightwinger, thanks for the specimen of moronic analysis.

Read closely. I will use small words so you will under-stand. If the reason why Fags are allowed to marry is because they have a Constitutional right to marry who they like, then the fact that incest and bigamy are "illegal" is not relevant because those laws would be unconstitutional.

Now do you get it?

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