CDZ Riddle me this

jillian here is the security agreement that Hillary signed

As has everyone who receives a security clearance

It is BEYOND obvious that material doesn't have to be marked "Classified" or any other such nonsense , for a person with security clearance to be required to treat it as classified material.

You have bought into Hillary's lies. PERIOD.
no. I accept that she didn't act illegally or she'd have been indicted. and I accept that Donald is unfit for office and wouldn't vote for him as he doesn't represent a single value I share.

frankly, he doesn't represent any value.

and knowing that one or the other is going to be president I vote for qualifications over insanity.

SO you completely refuse to address the topic noted.

Listen, if you just said " I know Hillary lied when she claimed that she never sent any classified material , but I still prefer her over Trump" at least that is a position I can respect, however when you lie about her lying, to justify voting for her over Trump, that simply makes you look like someone who is ignoring the facts.
jillian here is the security agreement that Hillary signed

As has everyone who receives a security clearance

It is BEYOND obvious that material doesn't have to be marked "Classified" or any other such nonsense , for a person with security clearance to be required to treat it as classified material.

You have bought into Hillary's lies. PERIOD.
no. I accept that she didn't act illegally or she'd have been indicted. and I accept that Donald is unfit for office and wouldn't vote for him as he doesn't represent a single value I share.

frankly, he doesn't represent any value.

and knowing that one or the other is going to be president I vote for qualifications over insanity.

SO you completely refuse to address the topic noted.

Listen, if you just said " I know Hillary lied when she claimed that she never sent any classified material , but I still prefer her over Trump" at least that is a position I can respect, however when you lie about her lying, to justify voting for her over Trump, that simply makes you look like someone who is ignoring the facts.

I addressed the topic to the extent it was warranted.

as to "ignoring the facts', it is ignoring the facts to let Donald become president. I'd vote against him if I had to walk on my hands and knees across the Brooklyn bridge to do it. and that is far more reasonable than allowing propagandists to suppress the vote because they know a suppressed vote benefits rightwingers

again.... she wasn't indicted. she won't be indicted. and I'm not going to permit anyone to criminalize behavior that isn't criminal.
jillian here is the security agreement that Hillary signed

As has everyone who receives a security clearance

It is BEYOND obvious that material doesn't have to be marked "Classified" or any other such nonsense , for a person with security clearance to be required to treat it as classified material.

You have bought into Hillary's lies. PERIOD.
no. I accept that she didn't act illegally or she'd have been indicted. and I accept that Donald is unfit for office and wouldn't vote for him as he doesn't represent a single value I share.

frankly, he doesn't represent any value.

and knowing that one or the other is going to be president I vote for qualifications over insanity.

SO you completely refuse to address the topic noted.

Listen, if you just said " I know Hillary lied when she claimed that she never sent any classified material , but I still prefer her over Trump" at least that is a position I can respect, however when you lie about her lying, to justify voting for her over Trump, that simply makes you look like someone who is ignoring the facts.

I addressed the topic to the extent it was warranted.

as to "ignoring the facts', it is ignoring the facts to let Donald become president. I'd vote against him if I had to walk on my hands and knees across the Brooklyn bridge to do it. and that is far more reasonable than allowing propagandists to suppress the vote because they know a suppressed vote benefits rightwingers

again.... she wasn't indicted. she won't be indicted. and I'm not going to permit anyone to criminalize behavior that isn't criminal.

who said ANYTHING about criminal behavior Jillian? See , you are just like Hillary. Spin , spin , spin anytime facts are pointed out. Hillary LIED to the Amerian people when she claimed she never sent classified material via her personal email. That is FOR SURE. You won't admit it, instead you'll change the subject to criminal behavior and Donald Trump.

THAT is exactly how we get two pieces of shit vying for the office of President of the United States, each side thinks there side isn't also a piece of shit and will tell ANY lie they need to to justify their belief.
frankly and candidly, the rightwing obsession with going after the Clintons has made any claims against her suspect. the only people who listen to them are people who are predisposed to not liking her. the rest of us roll our eyes and look at the waste of money investigating Clintons and getting nothing
Ok, so let's recap what we know about the Clintons:
  • they, supposedly, didn't do anything illegal in the land deal.
  • Bill lied to congress, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
  • Hillary Illegally used a private server to send e-mails relating to her post as SOS.
  • It's all a "right wing conspiracy" witch hunt.
  • Several people have mysteriously died after having dealings with them that went south. (not putting these deaths at the feet of the Clintons, just an observation)
Did I miss anything important?

1. they didn't... not "supposedly" Kenny starr did a full investigation. got nothing and went on to the blue dress
2. he did not lie to congress. he lied on TV, dumbass. and when he did lie it was at a deposition in a civil matter which never should have been held while he was a sitting president. and no one gave a flying about his messing with monica...not even monica., a consenting adult who went to Washington to "get her presidential knee pads".
3; it wasn't "illegal" or she'd have been indicated
4. oh STFU, idiot. no one died because of the Clintons, although that level of stupidity would explain your affinity for dumb Donald.

  1. Oh, right because no one ever decides to not indict wrong-doing. Those found to be wrong-doers are ALWAYS indicted, right?
  2. A lie is a lie. It matters not whom the lie is told to. A president should hold themselves to a higher standard than that.Your sad attempt at an insult is duly noted and dismissed.
  3. See #1.
  4. I detest Donald. Never said anyone did die because of them, merely made an observation. I'm now an idiot, wow, a dumbass and an idiot. Must be getting under your skin.
Why do you defend the Clintons? Is there something they have done, or not done, to garner such loyalty from you? Or is it mere partisanship on your part?
I'd vote against him if I had to walk on my hands and knees across the Brooklyn bridge to do it.
There is a fine reason to cast your ballot. Sadly you are not alone, voting against someone, instead of FOR someone. It is a sad testament to the state of politics in this country that the best one can do is decide which candidate is less bad.

I'm not going to permit anyone to criminalize behavior that isn't criminal.
Right, like NOT saying that Trump committed treason by asking the Russians to release information they ALREADY have.
I'd vote against him if I had to walk on my hands and knees across the Brooklyn bridge to do it.
There is a fine reason to cast your ballot. Sadly you are not alone, voting against someone, instead of FOR someone. It is a sad testament to the state of politics in this country that the best one can do is decide which candidate is less bad.

I'm not going to permit anyone to criminalize behavior that isn't criminal.
Right, like NOT saying that Trump committed treason by asking the Russians to release information they ALREADY have.

If the Russians even had this information, wouldn't that be more Hillary's fault than Trump's fault?
I'd vote against him if I had to walk on my hands and knees across the Brooklyn bridge to do it.
There is a fine reason to cast your ballot. Sadly you are not alone, voting against someone, instead of FOR someone. It is a sad testament to the state of politics in this country that the best one can do is decide which candidate is less bad.

I'm not going to permit anyone to criminalize behavior that isn't criminal.
Right, like NOT saying that Trump committed treason by asking the Russians to release information they ALREADY have.

If the Russians even had this information, wouldn't that be more Hillary's fault than Trump's fault?

depends on whether they are trying to help him.

btw, I'm not the one with a problem with Hillary. I voted for her in the primary and I'd do it again. I also voted for her in the primary 8 years ago.
How exactly do you get "will you please hack..." from "If you have..."?
That is quite possibly the dumbest thing posted in this thread. Trump did not ask the Russians to do anything but release any information that they may, or may not, already have. Why is that so difficult to understand?

It was , however, stupid and unpresidential of him.

it just cracks me up that the same people who claim none of the lost emails contain classified material are now screaming that Trump is a traitor for wanting to see them turned over by the Russians.

oh there were classified emails.... classified SUBSEQUENT to Hillary getting them. and while I think she messed up, she shouldn't be required to be a seer.

But she IS Jillian, that is part of the deal when you are given a security clearance, you are supposed to SEE what should be classified if it isn't marked.

Also, the FBI CONFIRMED That she in fact DID send emails that WERE marked classified via her private email. She LIED when she claimed otherwise.

that's absurd. sorry.

and it was proven afterwards that comey was in error when he said they were marked classified when sent. I guess you missed that part.

frankly and candidly, the rightwing obsession with going after the Clintons has made any claims against her suspect. the only people who listen to them are people who are predisposed to not liking her. the rest of us roll our eyes and look at the waste of money investigating Clintons and getting nothing.

the hacks spent 70 million dollars of our money to investigate a failed land deal and ended up with a blue dress for their money.

to put that in perspective, they spent 7 million to investigate 9/11. which do you think was more important?

Comey wasn't in error and it isn't asbusrd

"Some classification markings found in email messages on Hillary Clinton's private server were the result of "human error" and the related information was not considered classified at the time it was sent to her, State Department spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday.

When FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that investigators were not recommending any charges in the Clinton email matter, he noted that "a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information."

Read more:
It was , however, stupid and unpresidential of him.

it just cracks me up that the same people who claim none of the lost emails contain classified material are now screaming that Trump is a traitor for wanting to see them turned over by the Russians.

oh there were classified emails.... classified SUBSEQUENT to Hillary getting them. and while I think she messed up, she shouldn't be required to be a seer.

But she IS Jillian, that is part of the deal when you are given a security clearance, you are supposed to SEE what should be classified if it isn't marked.

Also, the FBI CONFIRMED That she in fact DID send emails that WERE marked classified via her private email. She LIED when she claimed otherwise.

that's absurd. sorry.

and it was proven afterwards that comey was in error when he said they were marked classified when sent. I guess you missed that part.

frankly and candidly, the rightwing obsession with going after the Clintons has made any claims against her suspect. the only people who listen to them are people who are predisposed to not liking her. the rest of us roll our eyes and look at the waste of money investigating Clintons and getting nothing.

the hacks spent 70 million dollars of our money to investigate a failed land deal and ended up with a blue dress for their money.

to put that in perspective, they spent 7 million to investigate 9/11. which do you think was more important?

Comey wasn't in error and it isn't asbusrd

"Some classification markings found in email messages on Hillary Clinton's private server were the result of "human error" and the related information was not considered classified at the time it was sent to her, State Department spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday.

When FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that investigators were not recommending any charges in the Clinton email matter, he noted that "a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information."

Read more:

Jilian, you are dishonest, and would tell ANY lie to defend Hillary. I'm done trying to have a rational discussion with an irrational person. Good day.
It was , however, stupid and unpresidential of him.

it just cracks me up that the same people who claim none of the lost emails contain classified material are now screaming that Trump is a traitor for wanting to see them turned over by the Russians.

oh there were classified emails.... classified SUBSEQUENT to Hillary getting them. and while I think she messed up, she shouldn't be required to be a seer.

But she IS Jillian, that is part of the deal when you are given a security clearance, you are supposed to SEE what should be classified if it isn't marked.

Also, the FBI CONFIRMED That she in fact DID send emails that WERE marked classified via her private email. She LIED when she claimed otherwise.

that's absurd. sorry.

and it was proven afterwards that comey was in error when he said they were marked classified when sent. I guess you missed that part.

frankly and candidly, the rightwing obsession with going after the Clintons has made any claims against her suspect. the only people who listen to them are people who are predisposed to not liking her. the rest of us roll our eyes and look at the waste of money investigating Clintons and getting nothing.

the hacks spent 70 million dollars of our money to investigate a failed land deal and ended up with a blue dress for their money.

to put that in perspective, they spent 7 million to investigate 9/11. which do you think was more important?

Comey wasn't in error and it isn't asbusrd

"Some classification markings found in email messages on Hillary Clinton's private server were the result of "human error" and the related information was not considered classified at the time it was sent to her, State Department spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday.

When FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that investigators were not recommending any charges in the Clinton email matter, he noted that "a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information."

Read more:

Shouldn't she have been using the secure email server? What is her problem? Is she just too lazy? I'm sorry but either way, she is not to be trusted after pulling such a stunt, IMO. Why is this not obvious to you?
oh there were classified emails.... classified SUBSEQUENT to Hillary getting them. and while I think she messed up, she shouldn't be required to be a seer.

But she IS Jillian, that is part of the deal when you are given a security clearance, you are supposed to SEE what should be classified if it isn't marked.

Also, the FBI CONFIRMED That she in fact DID send emails that WERE marked classified via her private email. She LIED when she claimed otherwise.

that's absurd. sorry.

and it was proven afterwards that comey was in error when he said they were marked classified when sent. I guess you missed that part.

frankly and candidly, the rightwing obsession with going after the Clintons has made any claims against her suspect. the only people who listen to them are people who are predisposed to not liking her. the rest of us roll our eyes and look at the waste of money investigating Clintons and getting nothing.

the hacks spent 70 million dollars of our money to investigate a failed land deal and ended up with a blue dress for their money.

to put that in perspective, they spent 7 million to investigate 9/11. which do you think was more important?

Comey wasn't in error and it isn't asbusrd

"Some classification markings found in email messages on Hillary Clinton's private server were the result of "human error" and the related information was not considered classified at the time it was sent to her, State Department spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday.

When FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that investigators were not recommending any charges in the Clinton email matter, he noted that "a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information."

Read more:

Shouldn't she have been using the secure email server? What is her problem? Is she just too lazy? I'm sorry but either way, she is not to be trusted after pulling such a stunt, IMO. Why is this not obvious to you?

Because Jillian is dishonest and she can't just say "yeah okay Hillary did this this , and this; but I still think she's better than Trump"

It's ridiculous.
It was , however, stupid and unpresidential of him.

it just cracks me up that the same people who claim none of the lost emails contain classified material are now screaming that Trump is a traitor for wanting to see them turned over by the Russians.

oh there were classified emails.... classified SUBSEQUENT to Hillary getting them. and while I think she messed up, she shouldn't be required to be a seer.

But she IS Jillian, that is part of the deal when you are given a security clearance, you are supposed to SEE what should be classified if it isn't marked.

Also, the FBI CONFIRMED That she in fact DID send emails that WERE marked classified via her private email. She LIED when she claimed otherwise.

that's absurd. sorry.

and it was proven afterwards that comey was in error when he said they were marked classified when sent. I guess you missed that part.

frankly and candidly, the rightwing obsession with going after the Clintons has made any claims against her suspect. the only people who listen to them are people who are predisposed to not liking her. the rest of us roll our eyes and look at the waste of money investigating Clintons and getting nothing.

the hacks spent 70 million dollars of our money to investigate a failed land deal and ended up with a blue dress for their money.

to put that in perspective, they spent 7 million to investigate 9/11. which do you think was more important?

Comey wasn't in error and it isn't asbusrd

"Some classification markings found in email messages on Hillary Clinton's private server were the result of "human error" and the related information was not considered classified at the time it was sent to her, State Department spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday.

When FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that investigators were not recommending any charges in the Clinton email matter, he noted that "a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information."

Read more:

he noted that "a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information."

"a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings"

Which means a LARGE number of the emails DIDN'T bear markings.
Since when -- in the minds of "conservatives -- did government become so much more efficient/secure/better than the private sector? To hear Republicans talk nowadays, the government email system is totally unassailable, while any private sector server would be useless and hack-prone.

Sounds sort of like a liberal thing to say.
Since when -- in the minds of "conservatives -- did government become so much more efficient/secure/better than the private sector? To hear Republicans talk nowadays, the government email system is totally unassailable, while any private sector server would be useless and hack-prone.

Sounds sort of like a liberal thing to say.

I'm sure the government server system has anti-hacking measures in place while you don't know what a private email server is going to have in place as far as security! WTH! This is just common sense!
Since when -- in the minds of "conservatives -- did government become so much more efficient/secure/better than the private sector? To hear Republicans talk nowadays, the government email system is totally unassailable, while any private sector server would be useless and hack-prone.

Sounds sort of like a liberal thing to say.
I don't think anyone is saying the government server would be more secure necessarily. It is, however, the server she was expected, by law, to use for government business. THAT is the point, she didn't use it for ALL government e-mails.
Since when -- in the minds of "conservatives -- did government become so much more efficient/secure/better than the private sector? To hear Republicans talk nowadays, the government email system is totally unassailable, while any private sector server would be useless and hack-prone.

Sounds sort of like a liberal thing to say.

Good Lord Gary, it's not a matter of a government server being more suitable than a private server.

Here is the deal.

If you keep classified material on a government server and it is breached, you did nothing wrong b/c it was the government's server, if you put it on your private server and it is breached, then YOU are at fault.
True, but he didn't ask someone to hack into anyone's email. AT MOST he said "hey if you already have the emails., make them public."

Now, I personally didn't think it was a funny joke, and it cost him my vote. BUT that doesn't' change the fact about liberals who claim that it was treason or espionage are full of shit.
Seems to me like he did:
Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.

Other than hacking, how else do you think the Russians would find deleted emails?
Looks like you took the spam bot's bait.
True, but he didn't ask someone to hack into anyone's email. AT MOST he said "hey if you already have the emails., make them public."

Now, I personally didn't think it was a funny joke, and it cost him my vote. BUT that doesn't' change the fact about liberals who claim that it was treason or espionage are full of shit.
Seems to me like he did:
Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.

Other than hacking, how else do you think the Russians would find deleted emails?

The server in question has been in pieces in an FBI evidence locker for months. How the fuck would anyone hack it? At MOST he was asking to have something they already hacked made public.

And further, that ignores the point of the thread anyway. ASSUMING Russia did hack Hillary's server, unless Hillary lied and there is classified material on it, how would hacking that server be a crime against our national security , AND how would asking for any material that was recovered during hacking of said server be treason or espionage?

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