Right about now....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
...y'all need to be watchin' C-SPAN3.

Eric Holder will be squirming here for a while.
just stated that it is somewhat legal for the justice department to get e-mails through 3rd party digital services without court orders.
said they did not notify the President when they were investigating Petreus until late winter. Yet, it was in part due to hacking of his e-mail account. Called on why he was not notified when it could involve national security.
The democratic questioners appear to be trying to diminish the importance of the IRS harassment of conservatives by claiming that it has happened before...aimed at the liberals.
The democratic questioners appear to be trying to diminish the importance of the IRS harassment of conservatives by claiming that it has happened before...aimed at the liberals.

yep, doesn't matter that it is wrong whenever it is done. IT's always a tit for tat
Holder won't commit to finding out if IRS leaked Romney tax info.
on the discussion of getting records from Justice, ( I believe regarding Benghazi) Holder started to state something, then caught him self and stopped, after saying he talked to the judge.
That is a typical response when a politician does not want to answer a question. "I don't recall."

It generally means that the truthful answer to the question would make them look bad....so they don't answer.
now says it is independent within the executive branch.

When the director is appointed by, answers to and can be dismissed by the President...it is NOT an independent agency.
so now he does have the authority over the agency. Just asked for and accepted resignation of commissioner.
I wonder what the mood is like at the dinner table for the Obama's lately...

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