Right Sector gaining steam in Ukraine.

Puttin' the skids on Putin...
How the West Can Help Ukraine—and Stop Russia
MAR 27 2014, A roadmap for responding to Moscow’s aggression
In one classic episode of the British comedy Yes Minister, a senior civil servant detailed the four phases of Foreign Office advice during an international crisis:

Nothing is happening.
Something is happening, but we don’t know what it is.
We know what it is, but there’s nothing we can do about it.
Maybe there was something we could have done—but it’s too late now.
This analysis produced the recommended response: all aid short of help.

In Ukraine, Western governments are now shifting from Phase 2 to Phase 3. We certainly know what is happening: the boldest Russian attempt in a quarter-century to reverse the outcome of the Cold War. Russia has already defied norms of behavior in place since 1945—and threatens to do worse if it doesn’t get more of its own way. Russia’s annexation of Crimea does not compare to the murderous violence that occurred in recent decades in places like Chechnya or the former Yugoslavia. Nor is it the first time Russia has used force to redraw a boundary in its favor: that occurred in Georgia in 2008.

Yet the attack on Ukraine is different from those previous events in deeply ominous ways. Moscow’s military intervention was triggered by an act of self-determination: peaceful protest against Russia’s attempt to dictate Ukraine’s economic future. Those protests were met with deadly violence at the hands of what almost has to be called a Russian colonial government. Escalating protests drove that colonial government out of power. The seizure of Crimea—now followed by military maneuvers on the eastern borders of mainland Ukraine—is punishment for Ukraine’s exercise of independence.


See also:

Germany: Putin says he's pulling some troops back from Ukrainian border
March 31, 2014 -- U.S. State Department: Pullback "would be a welcome preliminary step" if accurate; German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin talk by phone; Ukrainian officials say Russia is repositioning some troops massed on its border; Russian Prime Minister goes to Crimea in the highest-level visit since Moscow annexed region
Potentially easing a diplomatic standoff with the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin told Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday that he'd ordered a partial withdrawal of Russian troops from his country's border area with Ukraine, Merkel's office said. Putin made the comment to Merkel in a phone call about Ukraine, her office said. The Kremlin made no mention of a withdrawal in its description of the call but said the two leaders discussed Ukraine, including "possibilities for international assistance to restore stability." Further details about Putin's reported order weren't immediately available. But a withdrawal may ease tensions simmering since Russia annexed Ukraine's Black Sea peninsula of Crimea this month -- a move that has led to the worst East-West relations since the Cold War. Earlier Monday, Russian media reported that one Russian infantry battalion was being moved from the border area to its base deeper into Russia.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that if reports about Russia removing troops from the border were accurate, "it would be a welcome preliminary step." "We would urge Russia to accelerate this process," Psaki said. "We also continue to urge Russia to engage in a dialogue with the government in Kiev to de-escalate the situation, while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine." The news about Russian troops came on the day that Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev traveled to Crimea -- the highest-level visit from Moscow since Russia annexed the region -- in part to unveil measures aimed at integrating the peninsula into the Russian economy. Ukrainian and Western officials for weeks have voiced alarm about Russia's reported military buildup on Ukraine's eastern border, which has raised fears that Russian troops would enter the Ukrainian mainland. Russia may have 40,000 troops near its border with eastern Ukraine and another 25,000 inland on alert and prepared to go in, two U.S. officials have told CNN.

Moscow has said it had no intention of ordering armed forces to cross over into its neighbor, insisting its troops have been conducting exercises. But Putin has said Russia reserves the right to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine from what he calls threats from Ukrainian nationals -- a reasoning he also used in this month's annexation of Crimea. Putin's conversation with Merkel came a day after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held talks in Paris about ways to defuse the crisis over Ukraine. Kerry told Lavrov that progress depended on a Russian troop pullback from Ukraine's borders but no breakthrough was announced. The West imposed sanctions against some Russian officials because of the Crimea crisis and threatened more if tensions weren't eased.

Ukraine: Russian troops 'conducting unclear maneuvers'
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Given the unwillingness of the US to condemn those who toss fire bombs at police officers, the New York Times has discovered Nazi intimidation of the Ukrainian media:

"To counter the perception fostered in Moscow that the interim government in Kiev, which took power after Mr. Yanukovych fled the country, is led by neo-Nazis and fascist thugs, pro-Western Ukrainian activists have drawn attention to voices of moderation and tolerance in their coalition. One part of that effort was a YouTube video letter to the Russian people from prominent Ukrainian musicians and artists who appealed, in Russian, for peace, love and understanding from their neighbors. “There are no ‘Nazis’ here; your brothers are here,” the singer Valeriy Kharchyshyn said in the video. “We love you and we don’t want war.”

In that context, a highly discordant note was struck by video posted on YouTube this week that showed three men who represent the Ukrainian nationalist party Svoboda in Parliament berating the head of Ukraine’s state broadcaster over his decision to cover the Kremlin ceremony marking the annexation of Crimea."

"The video, which was recorded by one of the Svoboda activists who barged into the office of the television executive, Oleksandr Panteleymonov, on Tuesday, also showed two of the party’s lawmakers, Ihor Miroshnichenko and Bohdan Beniuk, assaulting Mr. Panteleymonov for initially refusing to sign a letter of resignation. After the camera stopped rolling, a battered Mr. Panteleymonov finally agreed to step down."

Given the unwillingness of the US to condemn those who toss fire bombs at police officers, the New York Times has discovered Nazi intimidation of the Ukrainian media:

"To counter the perception fostered in Moscow that the interim government in Kiev, which took power after Mr. Yanukovych fled the country, is led by neo-Nazis and fascist thugs, pro-Western Ukrainian activists have drawn attention to voices of moderation and tolerance in their coalition. One part of that effort was a YouTube video letter to the Russian people from prominent Ukrainian musicians and artists who appealed, in Russian, for peace, love and understanding from their neighbors. “There are no ‘Nazis’ here; your brothers are here,” the singer Valeriy Kharchyshyn said in the video. “We love you and we don’t want war.”

In that context, a highly discordant note was struck by video posted on YouTube this week that showed three men who represent the Ukrainian nationalist party Svoboda in Parliament berating the head of Ukraine’s state broadcaster over his decision to cover the Kremlin ceremony marking the annexation of Crimea."

"The video, which was recorded by one of the Svoboda activists who barged into the office of the television executive, Oleksandr Panteleymonov, on Tuesday, also showed two of the party’s lawmakers, Ihor Miroshnichenko and Bohdan Beniuk, assaulting Mr. Panteleymonov for initially refusing to sign a letter of resignation. After the camera stopped rolling, a battered Mr. Panteleymonov finally agreed to step down."


Are we to believe, Comrade George, that you actually are concerned with people throwing firebombs at the police when there have been other incidents around the world of the same thing happening, and you never said a world. If you are so concerned with Nazis, how come you have never brought them up in any other European country where they are operating? Not enough Jews in these European countries for you to drag in the Nazis there and connect them up with the Jews?

Now for some other news...

NATO suspends ties with Russia, urges international law compliance - latimes.com
"As the English-language Kyiv Post reported in the aftermath of the incident, attention focused on the new prosecutor general, Oleh Maknitskiy, who is also a Svoboda party member and 'is now expected to impartially investigate the assault.'

"One journalist for the Kiev news site Ukrainska Pravda — which saved a copy of the video and published a photograph of the letter of resignation the executive was forced to write — called the decision a moment of truth for the new prosecutor.

"Mustafa Nayyem, the Afghan-Ukrainian journalist whose Facebook call for demonstrations helped start the protest movement, also condemned the assault and called for protests outside the prosecutor’s office and in front of the Svoboda party’s headquarters."

"As the English-language Kyiv Post reported in the aftermath of the incident, attention focused on the new prosecutor general, Oleh Maknitskiy, who is also a Svoboda party member and 'is now expected to impartially investigate the assault.'

"One journalist for the Kiev news site Ukrainska Pravda — which saved a copy of the video and published a photograph of the letter of resignation the executive was forced to write — called the decision a moment of truth for the new prosecutor.

"Mustafa Nayyem, the Afghan-Ukrainian journalist whose Facebook call for demonstrations helped start the protest movement, also condemned the assault and called for protests outside the prosecutor’s office and in front of the Svoboda party’s headquarters."


Strange how Comrade George is only concerned with the Nazis in the Ukraine, but is not concerned with the Nazis who are in other European countries. Does he feel that he can't drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, with what the Nazis are doing in other European countries? Meanwhile, Comrade George, let's forget about your obsession with the Nazis in the Ukraine because you want the viewers to believe that the Jews of the Ukraine are tied in with the Nazis, what do you think the Balkan countries should do since, as you can see, they have kept abreast about what has happened in the Ukraine? I know your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are not mentioned here, but try to give us a synopsis of what the Balkan countries think about events in the Crimea and what you think they should eventually do in their individual countries?

Ukraine Crisis Spurs Balkan Countries To Cooperate | Eurasia Review
"As the English-language Kyiv Post reported in the aftermath of the incident, attention focused on the new prosecutor general, Oleh Maknitskiy, who is also a Svoboda party member and 'is now expected to impartially investigate the assault.'

"One journalist for the Kiev news site Ukrainska Pravda — which saved a copy of the video and published a photograph of the letter of resignation the executive was forced to write — called the decision a moment of truth for the new prosecutor.

"Mustafa Nayyem, the Afghan-Ukrainian journalist whose Facebook call for demonstrations helped start the protest movement, also condemned the assault and called for protests outside the prosecutor’s office and in front of the Svoboda party’s headquarters."


Strange how Comrade George is only concerned with the Nazis in the Ukraine, but is not concerned with the Nazis who are in other European countries. Does he feel that he can't drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, with what the Nazis are doing in other European countries? Meanwhile, Comrade George, let's forget about your obsession with the Nazis in the Ukraine because you want the viewers to believe that the Jews of the Ukraine are tied in with the Nazis, what do you think the Balkan countries should do since, as you can see, they have kept abreast about what has happened in the Ukraine? I know your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are not mentioned here, but try to give us a synopsis of what the Balkan countries think about events in the Crimea and what you think they should eventually do in their individual countries?

Ukraine Crisis Spurs Balkan Countries To Cooperate | Eurasia Review
Some rich Jews in Israel and Ukraine are collaborating with a "revolution" spearheaded by Nazis. Are you apologizing for their greed, historical amnesia or have you simply forgotten the title of this thread (agains)?
I'm sure that soon our EU leaders will feel ashamed for supporting so shady figures of Ukrainian opposition, as local nationalists' leader, Tyagnibok, waged an open fight against so-called "Jewish mafia" in Ukraine, extending the line of its fascist precursors, or the leader of the neo-Nazi group "Pravy Sektor", Dmitro Yarosh, who has dared to say publicly that current Ukraine "should be careful with its future EU membership", as the "bureaucratic monster of Brussels is doing everything to bring to naught the national identity of EU member-countries"!
It's time to come to our senses, pals! We must not help so professed extremists and right-down neo-Nazis come to power in neighboring Ukraine! EU leaders should not place the stake on such Ukrainian "fighters for democracy" as they've fully discredited the EU democratic values now.
It is clear as day that radical nationalist groups become the key forces in current Ukraine. And if we continue to maintain them, their extremism, anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism threaten not only Ukraine, but the whole Europe, with chaos and violence.
I'm sure that soon our EU leaders will feel ashamed for supporting so shady figures of Ukrainian opposition, as local nationalists' leader, Tyagnibok, waged an open fight against so-called "Jewish mafia" in Ukraine, extending the line of its fascist precursors, or the leader of the neo-Nazi group "Pravy Sektor", Dmitro Yarosh, who has dared to say publicly that current Ukraine "should be careful with its future EU membership", as the "bureaucratic monster of Brussels is doing everything to bring to naught the national identity of EU member-countries"!
It's time to come to our senses, pals! We must not help so professed extremists and right-down neo-Nazis come to power in neighboring Ukraine! EU leaders should not place the stake on such Ukrainian "fighters for democracy" as they've fully discredited the EU democratic values now.
It is clear as day that radical nationalist groups become the key forces in current Ukraine. And if we continue to maintain them, their extremism, anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism threaten not only Ukraine, but the whole Europe, with chaos and violence.
Do you think the Latvians have any reason to be concerned about Russian intentions beyond Ukraine?

"A mournful procession of about 1,500 Latvians winds its way through Riga's medieval Old Town singing traditional Latvian songs.

"Elderly World War Two veterans lead the crowd. And many of the participants are carrying flowers to lay at the Freedom Monument, Latvia's symbol of national independence.

"They have come here to commemorate those who died defending Latvia against the Soviet Union in the war.

"But with Russian troops now in nearby Ukraine, many in the Baltics are alarmed that history may be about to repeat itself.

"'If Ukraine falls, then Russian ambitions won't stop with this. I believe we will be next in Russia's list of actions,' said one young man who had come to take part in the procession."

BBC News - Crimea crisis sharpens Latvia ethnic tensions
I'm sure that soon our EU leaders will feel ashamed for supporting so shady figures of Ukrainian opposition, as local nationalists' leader, Tyagnibok, waged an open fight against so-called "Jewish mafia" in Ukraine, extending the line of its fascist precursors, or the leader of the neo-Nazi group "Pravy Sektor", Dmitro Yarosh, who has dared to say publicly that current Ukraine "should be careful with its future EU membership", as the "bureaucratic monster of Brussels is doing everything to bring to naught the national identity of EU member-countries"!
It's time to come to our senses, pals! We must not help so professed extremists and right-down neo-Nazis come to power in neighboring Ukraine! EU leaders should not place the stake on such Ukrainian "fighters for democracy" as they've fully discredited the EU democratic values now.
It is clear as day that radical nationalist groups become the key forces in current Ukraine. And if we continue to maintain them, their extremism, anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism threaten not only Ukraine, but the whole Europe, with chaos and violence.

Oi vey, Nazis are taking over, haven't my people been through enough, being persecuted for no reason, no reason, no reason.
"Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he hoped talks between Russia, Ukraine, the EU and US due next week would have a 'positive' outcome, but warned that Ukraine's interim government should not do anything that could not 'be fixed later...'"

"'We don't have high expectations for these talks, but we do believe it is very important to keep that diplomatic door open,' said Victoria Nuland, the US assistant secretary of state.

"The situation in the east of Ukraine is tense, with Ukrainian authorities promising on Wednesday morning to end the occupation of administrative buildings by pro-Russian separatists within 48 hours, either by negotiations or force."

Vladimir Putin professes high hopes for Ukraine summit | World news | The Guardian

Vlad and Vicky can't agree which set of oligarchs should feed first at the IMF trough.

Maybe it's time for the world to send the rich the same message Vicki sent to the EU?
There are Nazis in the US, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, etc.....good God.

They are not taking over Ukraine, they are a subgroup taking advantage of the anti-Putin/Russia movement across Ukraine.

The only people in Ukraine that support Russia are the socialists and some of the Russian speaking people, not all of them. Everyone else is against Russia and Putin....they will fight alongside the Nazis, moderates, etc to keep Russia off THEIR LAND.
There are Nazis in the US, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, etc.....good God.

They are not taking over Ukraine, they are a subgroup taking advantage of the anti-Putin/Russia movement across Ukraine.

The only people in Ukraine that support Russia are the socialists and some of the Russian speaking people, not all of them. Everyone else is against Russia and Putin....they will fight alongside the Nazis, moderates, etc to keep Russia off THEIR LAND.
Actually, that "subgroup" in Ukraine is the first example since 1945 of Nazis forming a part of a European state's government. The nationalists you seem to be supporting have less use for the EU than Russia; when they start blowing up Russian gas pipelines running through THEIR LAND, will you still support their cause?
"Pro-Russia militants have taken over a police headquarters in the eastern Ukraine city of Kramatorsk, local media and witnesses say."

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Another police building seized in east

I am thinking that things are going to get worse from here on in.

I'm thinking that's almost guaranteed:

"A Ukrainian state security service officer and a pro-Russian separatist have died, along with several people injured in an 'anti-terrorist' operation in the eastern city of Slaviansk.

"Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said on his Facebook page that there had been an 'unidentifiable number' of casualties among Pro-Russian separatists during the operation.

"'There were dead and wounded on both sides,' Mr Avakov said."

According to one "expert" I heard recently, it's a little to early in the Spring to put Russian tanks into Ukraine, but that will change long before July 28th.
Socialist asswipe....the rise in any Nazi movement in Ukraine is blamed on the oppression and corruption by Russia and their puppets within Ukraine. Both groups are idiots, but scum like you are to blame for causing an environment where any group can speak out/rise up against the decades of being a Russian slave.

Fringe groups rise up out of dysfunctional societies, Russia is to blame for the problems within Ukraine. Scumbags like you claiming "everyone" protesting Russian oppression in Ukraine is a Nazi shows you are an idiot.

The Nazis are a minority group in Ukraine just like socialist scum like you are a minority group.

There are Nazis in the US, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, etc.....good God.

They are not taking over Ukraine, they are a subgroup taking advantage of the anti-Putin/Russia movement across Ukraine.

The only people in Ukraine that support Russia are the socialists and some of the Russian speaking people, not all of them. Everyone else is against Russia and Putin....they will fight alongside the Nazis, moderates, etc to keep Russia off THEIR LAND.
Actually, that "subgroup" in Ukraine is the first example since 1945 of Nazis forming a part of a European state's government. The nationalists you seem to be supporting have less use for the EU than Russia; when they start blowing up Russian gas pipelines running through THEIR LAND, will you still support their cause?
Socialist asswipe....the rise in any Nazi movement in Ukraine is blamed on the oppression and corruption by Russia and their puppets within Ukraine. Both groups are idiots, but scum like you are to blame for causing an environment where any group can speak out/rise up against the decades of being a Russian slave.

Fringe groups rise up out of dysfunctional societies, Russia is to blame for the problems within Ukraine. Scumbags like you claiming "everyone" protesting Russian oppression in Ukraine is a Nazi shows you are an idiot.

The Nazis are a minority group in Ukraine just like socialist scum like you are a minority group.

There are Nazis in the US, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, etc.....good God.

They are not taking over Ukraine, they are a subgroup taking advantage of the anti-Putin/Russia movement across Ukraine.

The only people in Ukraine that support Russia are the socialists and some of the Russian speaking people, not all of them. Everyone else is against Russia and Putin....they will fight alongside the Nazis, moderates, etc to keep Russia off THEIR LAND.
Actually, that "subgroup" in Ukraine is the first example since 1945 of Nazis forming a part of a European state's government. The nationalists you seem to be supporting have less use for the EU than Russia; when they start blowing up Russian gas pipelines running through THEIR LAND, will you still support their cause?
It wasn't the Russians who paid your brothers to come to Kiev and toss fire bombs at police officers, was it, Adoph; when they start blowing up Russian pipelines, will you sieg heil or cry?
shitstain, I'm not a Nazi....I hate them like I hate your fucking guts.

Scum like you are to blame for the Nazis even having a voice in Ukraine.

It is not by chance a socialist pile of shit like you is parroting your fellow socialist's lies (Putin) about "Nazis attacking poor innocent Russians."

I'm sure we'll hear the same bullshit in Estonia, Lativa, Moldova....you're just like obama, you keep telling the same lies and even believe them.

Socialist asswipe....the rise in any Nazi movement in Ukraine is blamed on the oppression and corruption by Russia and their puppets within Ukraine. Both groups are idiots, but scum like you are to blame for causing an environment where any group can speak out/rise up against the decades of being a Russian slave.

Fringe groups rise up out of dysfunctional societies, Russia is to blame for the problems within Ukraine. Scumbags like you claiming "everyone" protesting Russian oppression in Ukraine is a Nazi shows you are an idiot.

The Nazis are a minority group in Ukraine just like socialist scum like you are a minority group.

Actually, that "subgroup" in Ukraine is the first example since 1945 of Nazis forming a part of a European state's government. The nationalists you seem to be supporting have less use for the EU than Russia; when they start blowing up Russian gas pipelines running through THEIR LAND, will you still support their cause?
It wasn't the Russians who paid your brothers to come to Kiev and toss fire bombs at police officers, was it, Adoph; when they start blowing up Russian pipelines, will you sieg heil or cry?
shitstain, I'm not a Nazi....I hate them like I hate your fucking guts.

Scum like you are to blame for the Nazis even having a voice in Ukraine.

It is not by chance a socialist pile of shit like you is parroting your fellow socialist's lies (Putin) about "Nazis attacking poor innocent Russians."

I'm sure we'll hear the same bullshit in Estonia, Lativa, Moldova....you're just like obama, you keep telling the same lies and even believe them.

Socialist asswipe....the rise in any Nazi movement in Ukraine is blamed on the oppression and corruption by Russia and their puppets within Ukraine. Both groups are idiots, but scum like you are to blame for causing an environment where any group can speak out/rise up against the decades of being a Russian slave.

Fringe groups rise up out of dysfunctional societies, Russia is to blame for the problems within Ukraine. Scumbags like you claiming "everyone" protesting Russian oppression in Ukraine is a Nazi shows you are an idiot.

The Nazis are a minority group in Ukraine just like socialist scum like you are a minority group.
It wasn't the Russians who paid your brothers to come to Kiev and toss fire bombs at police officers, was it, Adoph; when they start blowing up Russian pipelines, will you sieg heil or cry?
The US government was behind the Nazis and others who overthrew an elected government in Ukraine. The lies of those who subverted Ukrainian democracy are blowing up the same way as Obama's lies about Sarin in Syria last August. What ever comes next won't be Putin's fault. The fault will lie squarely on the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.
:cuckoo: You're a shit-eating kook...

shitstain, I'm not a Nazi....I hate them like I hate your fucking guts.

Scum like you are to blame for the Nazis even having a voice in Ukraine.

It is not by chance a socialist pile of shit like you is parroting your fellow socialist's lies (Putin) about "Nazis attacking poor innocent Russians."

I'm sure we'll hear the same bullshit in Estonia, Lativa, Moldova....you're just like obama, you keep telling the same lies and even believe them.

It wasn't the Russians who paid your brothers to come to Kiev and toss fire bombs at police officers, was it, Adoph; when they start blowing up Russian pipelines, will you sieg heil or cry?
The US government was behind the Nazis and others who overthrew an elected government in Ukraine. The lies of those who subverted Ukrainian democracy are blowing up the same way as Obama's lies about Sarin in Syria last August. What ever comes next won't be Putin's fault. The fault will lie squarely on the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.

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