Right to BEAR arms upheld in Federal Appeals Court

Thugs don't carry openly because they're all fucking felons.

Okay, good point: we want to know who is armed and who isn't? And if they aren't showing they are armed, when they shoot someone, they could go to jail as felons who weren't supposed to be carrying guns.

I'm not sure that reassures me...…..
So many states have "Shall issue" already. So where are the OK Corral shootouts predicted by gun control freaks?

The OK Corral was what happened in front of that convenience store in Clearwater, Florida. So it is an issue. Well, duh, of course it's an issue. The more people carrying, the more hot-headed crazies taking offense at pretty much everything. That's what the movie Tombstone showed so well. A lot of those cowboys and outlaws were just tempermentally unfit. And of course they were drunk most of the time. The movie showed that clearly. Worrying idea.


Tombstone (1993) - IMDb

It's the 1993 Tombstone movie with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer.
Actually it would probably end up being a choice between open or concealed. The way the court would go is probably "you have to allow one or the other or both, but you can't ban both of them"

The real test is if they go after "may issue" restrictions, which are the real issue in many States.

Huh. That's very interesting. It's an issue for women, many of whom might not much care for toting guns around in holsters, but would carry one in a purse if lots of people are armed. Still, we could get used to open carry if we had to.

I am not clear on why there SHOULD be a problem between concealed carry or open carry? Why not whichever anyone cared to do?
Thugs don't carry openly because they're all fucking felons.

Okay, good point: we want to know who is armed and who isn't? And if they aren't showing they are armed, when they shoot someone, they could go to jail as felons who weren't supposed to be carrying guns.

I'm not sure that reassures me...…..

Not really trying to, just pointing out that thugs don't open carry. Which is why the rest of us like to carry. Open, concealed..it's all gravy.
So many states have "Shall issue" already. So where are the OK Corral shootouts predicted by gun control freaks?

The OK Corral was what happened in front of that convenience store in Clearwater, Florida. So it is an issue. Well, duh, of course it's an issue. The more people carrying, the more hot-headed crazies taking offense at pretty much everything. That's what the movie Tombstone showed so well. A lot of those cowboys and outlaws were just tempermentally unfit. And of course they were drunk most of the time. The movie showed that clearly. Worrying idea.


Tombstone (1993) - IMDb

It's the 1993 Tombstone movie with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer.

A movie....

I mean the thing in Clearwater.
Does anyone know whether or not this ruling has any bearing on California's discretionay "may issue" which is actually "no issue" policy regarding the issuance of concealed carry permits? Each county jurisdiction has the authority to issue and I've heard that it's possible to obtain one if you live in a lesser populated county away from the large metropolitan areas of Los Angeles, Fisco, San Diego, Sacramento, etc.
Does anyone know whether or not this ruling has any bearing on California's discretionay "may issue" which is actually "no issue" policy regarding the issuance of concealed carry permits? Each county jurisdiction has the authority to issue and I've heard that it's possible to obtain one if you live in a lesser populated county away from the large metropolitan areas of Los Angeles, Fisco, San Diego, Sacramento, etc.

yes it will
Been to Homer and Fairbanks. There is a reason that it's open carry. It's too cold to put that cold piece of metal in your pocket. You would freeze your gonads off.

Homer isn't bad at all. Fairbanks I agree with you, but Homer is nice most of the year.

Yah, been to Homer. Nice fishing Village or what's left of the Fishing Industry.

We dropped into Fairbanks from Anchorage with a Herkypig in the middle of February. WE dropped the tailgate to drop off 2 pallets. Holy Crap. 60 below zero with another 40 below zero chill factor. Every Swinging D.... on the bird pushed those two pallets off so we could get that damned ramp up as fast as possible. And that is my only time in Fairbanks. I visited it twice. My first and my last. You could carry a howitzer on your hip in Fairbanks for all I care.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Yeah, Fairbanks is not high on my list of places to retire to. When i was working in Alaska I had a client (who became my friend) and that is why I was there. I was mainly based in Homer so I could leave whenever i wanted to. I flew a friends plane up to Anchorage a couple of years ago and stopped and visited with friends again. Had pizza at Starvin Marvins again... That is some GREAT pizza!
There's a Starvin' Marvins in Anchorage? How long ago were you here? I've been here since '88 and have never know of a Starvin' Marvins. For folks town-bound in Anchoragua, the Moose's Tooth is the pizza joint to visit.

No, it's in Homer. About 100 yards from the Homer Spit road.
Oh! I haven't been to Homer in years, but I do seem to recall a Starvin' Marvins now that you mention it.
NRA-ILA | Federal Appeals Court Confirms Second Amendment Protects Right to Carry in Public

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action applauded (NRA-ILA) a ruling by a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday [July 24, 2018] that confirmed the Second Amendment protects the right to carry a firearm outside the home for self-defense.

“This is a critical issue for law-abiding gun owners who want to exercise their right to self-defense outside the home,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director, NRA-ILA. “The Second Amendment clearly protects the right to bear arms in public.”

The ruling reversed a decision by a Hawaii district court that upheld Hawaii’s ban on carriage outside the home.

This court is the three-judge Ninth Circuit, and the decision could be appealed to the full 9th Circuit Federal Appeals Court, which is considered the furthest left appeals court in the country.

After that it presumably will be appealed to the Supreme Court at some point, because federal appeals courts have found both ways, for and against more freedom to bear arms.

This Hawaii case turned on the word "bear." The Constitution did not say we are free to "keep" arms, meaning inside the home, perhaps: it said we had the right to "bear" arms, meaning carry.

The word by itself has two equal meanings. One is to carry. The other is to keep. It appears our founding fathers meant the keep not the carry meaning. We have the right to Keep Arms.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

KEEP and BEAR arms. Keep means to own, and Bear means to carry on your person. Learn some English.

Bear also means to keep. One thing I have always said about the 2nd amendment, it's too easy to interpret it any way you want to.
You are interpreting it wrong
It should be fun when the open carrying thug encounters the open carrying walmart redneck on the street. What's the accuracy rate of handguns in live shootings? I heard it's less than 50%. Where do the rest of those defensive bullets go? Probably defending someone else out there.

That's the thing, isn't it? It's obvious we are going more and more Wild West, between the Stand Your Ground laws and the increase in concealed and open carry permissions. I'm expecting a tipping point when people realize they had BETTER carry a gun in public. Even women? Sure.

The result has already occurred -- a whole lot less going around in public. Malls empty, restaurants like the Red Hen mob and attack their customers, movie theaters closing. Local stores not patronized, goods bought from Amazon instead. Too much crime. Maybe we should all carry guns.
This is the direction things are going now.
What do people think?
The wild west hero fantasy must be held close by many of the proponents. Maybe people watched too many westerns. I admit that I've daydreamed about some fantastical scenario where I save they day. I'd prefer to never be in that scenario though.

I'm not discouraged much from going out and about. I would be if everyone had a gun on their hip. Its power over others. If you get in a disagreement with someone like that, you pretty much have to give in. The same people are probably the ones obsessed with alpha/beta roles.
Alaska has had open carry forever. It's not at all uncommon to see a gun on the hip, and it's almost expected to see a gun in the truck window. We have a very high carry rate up here; think it was 80% in the city, 95% out of the city.

Our businesses, for the most part, don't lose customers because of it, people on the street don't freak out about it, and really other than folks being a shit ton more friendly, open carry hasn't caused any real problems.
A wee bit different than a multi million person metropolis with all the fun problems that go along with them. You'd almost need a separate set of rules for urban vs. Suburban vs. Rural areas.
NRA-ILA | Federal Appeals Court Confirms Second Amendment Protects Right to Carry in Public

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action applauded (NRA-ILA) a ruling by a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday [July 24, 2018] that confirmed the Second Amendment protects the right to carry a firearm outside the home for self-defense.

“This is a critical issue for law-abiding gun owners who want to exercise their right to self-defense outside the home,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director, NRA-ILA. “The Second Amendment clearly protects the right to bear arms in public.”

The ruling reversed a decision by a Hawaii district court that upheld Hawaii’s ban on carriage outside the home.

This court is the three-judge Ninth Circuit, and the decision could be appealed to the full 9th Circuit Federal Appeals Court, which is considered the furthest left appeals court in the country.

After that it presumably will be appealed to the Supreme Court at some point, because federal appeals courts have found both ways, for and against more freedom to bear arms.

This Hawaii case turned on the word "bear." The Constitution did not say we are free to "keep" arms, meaning inside the home, perhaps: it said we had the right to "bear" arms, meaning carry.
It should be fun when the open carrying thug encounters the open carrying walmart redneck on the street. What's the accuracy rate of handguns in live shootings? I heard it's less than 50%. Where do the rest of those defensive bullets go? Probably defending someone else out there.
Thugs don't carry openly because they're all fucking felons.
Do you really think all thugs are felons? Thugs as in you look at them and call them a thug.
Alaska has had open carry forever. It's not at all uncommon to see a gun on the hip, and it's almost expected to see a gun in the truck window. We have a very high carry rate up here; think it was 80% in the city, 95% out of the city.

Our businesses, for the most part, don't lose customers because of it, people on the street don't freak out about it, and really other than folks being a shit ton more friendly, open carry hasn't caused any real problems.
A wee bit different than a multi million person metropolis with all the fun problems that go along with them. You'd almost need a separate set of rules for urban vs. Suburban vs. Rural areas.

You do need separate rules. That's why a city has the right to enact it's own laws and it's up to the State to allow them to. It can even come down to the County having even a different set of laws. One county over in any one direction, the population falls off to almost nothing. We need tighter gun control while they really don't need much of anything. Meanwhile, the Eastern Slope has the majority of the Population and they need more gun control than we have. What we don't want is for the State to have too tight a reign that it gets in the way in the rural areas and doesn't allow the cities to have what they need. That's the way the system is supposed to work. The problem is, both fringe sides seem to get in the way of allowing it to work that way.
NRA-ILA | Federal Appeals Court Confirms Second Amendment Protects Right to Carry in Public

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action applauded (NRA-ILA) a ruling by a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday [July 24, 2018] that confirmed the Second Amendment protects the right to carry a firearm outside the home for self-defense.

“This is a critical issue for law-abiding gun owners who want to exercise their right to self-defense outside the home,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director, NRA-ILA. “The Second Amendment clearly protects the right to bear arms in public.”

The ruling reversed a decision by a Hawaii district court that upheld Hawaii’s ban on carriage outside the home.

This court is the three-judge Ninth Circuit, and the decision could be appealed to the full 9th Circuit Federal Appeals Court, which is considered the furthest left appeals court in the country.

After that it presumably will be appealed to the Supreme Court at some point, because federal appeals courts have found both ways, for and against more freedom to bear arms.

This Hawaii case turned on the word "bear." The Constitution did not say we are free to "keep" arms, meaning inside the home, perhaps: it said we had the right to "bear" arms, meaning carry.

Yes, and then the right will complain about judges making shit up.

When you have an amendment that begins with "A well regulated militia..." and they think this amendment is about a right to carry arms around for self defense.

All the other rights specifically protected by the Bill of Rights all share one purpose, and the right to self defense doesn't fit in there at all.

But hey, every time I've told someone what it means, they've simply ignored the truth.

Not one scrap of evidence points to the 2A protecting the right to self defense, not even logic.
Alaska has had open carry forever. It's not at all uncommon to see a gun on the hip, and it's almost expected to see a gun in the truck window. We have a very high carry rate up here; think it was 80% in the city, 95% out of the city.

Our businesses, for the most part, don't lose customers because of it, people on the street don't freak out about it, and really other than folks being a shit ton more friendly, open carry hasn't caused any real problems.
A wee bit different than a multi million person metropolis with all the fun problems that go along with them. You'd almost need a separate set of rules for urban vs. Suburban vs. Rural areas.

You do need separate rules. That's why a city has the right to enact it's own laws and it's up to the State to allow them to. It can even come down to the County having even a different set of laws. One county over in any one direction, the population falls off to almost nothing. We need tighter gun control while they really don't need much of anything. Meanwhile, the Eastern Slope has the majority of the Population and they need more gun control than we have. What we don't want is for the State to have too tight a reign that it gets in the way in the rural areas and doesn't allow the cities to have what they need. That's the way the system is supposed to work. The problem is, both fringe sides seem to get in the way of allowing it to work that way.

The D's decided this was a wedge issue they could use to get votes. They know that their urban voters don't care about owning guns, many are scared of guns, etc. so they run on a platform to take /MY/ guns away, preventing /ME/ from having what I legit /NEED/ to have.

This is why state's rights are fucking important and the D's need to stop using federal courts to get every damned thing they want /forced/ on the entire nation. (Enviromentalism, SSM, free fucking health care, spying rights, and gun bans to name just a few abuses of power.)
Alaska has had open carry forever. It's not at all uncommon to see a gun on the hip, and it's almost expected to see a gun in the truck window. We have a very high carry rate up here; think it was 80% in the city, 95% out of the city.

Our businesses, for the most part, don't lose customers because of it, people on the street don't freak out about it, and really other than folks being a shit ton more friendly, open carry hasn't caused any real problems.
A wee bit different than a multi million person metropolis with all the fun problems that go along with them. You'd almost need a separate set of rules for urban vs. Suburban vs. Rural areas.
That is why rural America and urban America will never have the same interests

All the other rights specifically protected by the Bill of Rights all share one purpose, and the right to self defense doesn't fit in there at all.

But hey, every time I've told someone what it means, they've simply ignored the truth.

That's because it's your truth, but not our truth.

I wonder why you think you know truths that have to be imposed on everyone.
This is why state's rights are fucking important and the D's need to stop using federal courts to get every damned thing they want /forced/ on the entire nation. (Enviromentalism, SSM, free fucking health care, spying rights, and gun bans to name just a few abuses of power.)

Not to mention being forced to use female or made-up pronouns for men who are so insane they are confused about what sex they are.

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