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Right Wing Death Squad: Active duty Marine plotted to bomb DNC, murder blacks

That is why our law enforcement rightly considers right-wing domestic terrorism to be a real and growing threat.
I don't know if it's a real growing threat or not.

But if it is, is it not worth exploring the reasons why?

White folk are being oppressed, marginalized, victimized, blamed, attacked, beliefs forced upon them. It's only natural that will turn some folk into extremists.

Prevention is better than cure.
None of what you claim is happening to white people.

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There are whites who have been extremists since this country started. People of color are the ones who have been oppressed, marginalized, victimized, blamed, attacked, beliefs forced upon them. Then we get criticised when some people of color turn into extremists. The psychosis you live in doesn't allow you to deal with reality.
blacks need no help killing each other they enjoy that street cred murder gets them
Is that's why:

The Gov't has done everything possible to STOP most of the racist practices, but they have done nothing to right the wrongs that were done..
The government should treat everyone the same

But thats all that you are entitled to

What happened on the past is in the past and has nothing to do with you today
I disagree, what happened in the past definitely has a bearing on today.
Get over it. You were never a fucking slave.
I never claimed I was a fucking slave, idiot.
Then quit fucking crying about it and claiming that slavery has affected you somehow.
We are not crying about it we are stating a fact. If the Holocaust has effected Jewish folks, how hard is it for your racist ass to comprehend that slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination and racism has effected black folks today.
The jewish people do not whine abouty the holocaust claiming it holds them back today. They overcame it.

You are whining about the past to excuxe your failures.
The Jewish folks received reparations for their Holocaust, they received assistance to start their own country, they were mainstreamed into American life after WWII and the list goes on.
The actual victims of the holocaust recieved reperations NOT their distant descendents. If you want your own coungtry leave and go start one,.

They were never MAINSTREAMED into American life they were always part of America.
And the native americans today are annually given reparations for what was done in the distant past. But since you want to keep arguing whiteys stale argument:

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

We can state our case for reparations on these numbers that started in the year 2000. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals 56,250 per black person in America. If you include all the lost money, then it is 341,880 dollars per black person in America. We don't have to go through the rigamarole of determining ancestry, because this is money owed NOW, for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.

Nothing is owed because nothing was done in your lifetimes .
Notice how it refers to POTENTIAL which means imaginary revenues and assumes discrimination for wage disparity. Much like the mythological gender pay gap

You have no case
Alot has been done in our lifetimes, using your dumb ass logic why are today's Germans paying reparation when many of them were not even born during the Holocaust.
America paid jews reparations in 2012 and we were the ones who fought Hitler. So these assholes don't have a leg to stand on.
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Black unemployment went from 7.4% to as low as 5.2% under Trump. A record low. That was only possible because Obama lowered black unemployment from its post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. A record low passed from one administration to the next. The average black unemployment rate passed to an incoming administration is 11.6%. Had Obama passed Trump 11.6% black unemployment, it wouldn't have gone as low as 5.2%.
Irrelevant to the point that it was better under TRUMP! than under Obama.

Uh, no, it's not irrelevant. Black unemployment had been falling for many years and continued under Trump.

It is when the assertion is that black Americans didn't do as well under TRUMP! as under Obama. This is one objective measure by which they did better.
Thats not an objective measure. Thats a wrong headed correlation completely out of context with reality..
On the contrary, unemployment numbers ARE an objective measure. Tell us, are people better off when unemployment is high or when it is low?
Tell us. Who is responsible for bringing down that unemployment rate?
First, tell us if people are better off with low unemployment or high? I mean, until we settle that one, there's little reason to move onto something else, other than to cloud the subject with extraneous clutter.
That was never in question so I choose not to participate in your false questions. The relevant question I posed addressed your claim. Now tell us who was responsible for bringing down that unemployment rate? In order for credit to go to Drumpf the rate would have had to be going up or not have changed at all during Obamas term. Since we all know the rate started going down on Obamas term (long before Drumpf was even in the picture) zero credit goes to Drumpf.
And the dance commences. I'll answer for you. Absolutely people are better off when unemployment is low, which means that the unemployment rate IS a valid objective measure of how well people are doing. Now, a president has an impact on the economy, yes or no? Obviously, you're insistent that Obama, and not natural business cycles, is solely responsible for lowering black unemployment. That means that you're saying Obama had power over the economy while TRUMP! did not, since he continued the lowering of the UE rate into historic areas. That is a false, and totally partisan driven, claim. TRUMP! had the same power over the economy that Obama did, and he took measures, either to change or leave alone, things that Obama did, and his choices continued the decline in black UE numbers. That is not arguable if you have any integrity.

Now, since I had to answer your question and you clearly are going to dance around instead of answering it outright, I'll answer the one you posed. Who is responsible for bringing down the black UE rate? Obama was responsible for starting it by presiding over the longest and slowest economic recovery we've ever seen, but he managed to bring it down from a very high peak caused by the economic crash of '08. TRUMP! inherited the trend and kept it going into record areas. He had the same impact on the economy that Obama did, and his choices were responsible for the overall economic picture that caused black UE to fall as low as it did. Love him, hate him, or do whatever it is you guys do, you can't argue with that, because he COULD have taken steps that made it worse, but did not. Now, was Obama responsible for the dismal black home ownership or is that "different"?
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Unemployment rates are not the end all be all. Besides that credit goes to Obama. The Black community was worse off under Dump than anyone in the past 40 years.
Again, by what objective measure?
Not sure what you mean. Please explain.

"The homeownership rate for black Americans has fallen since Trump became president to 41.6 percent, according to the Census Bureau. The gap between white homeownership and black homeownership is now the widest since 1995."
By "objective measure", I mean something that can be quantified by number that can be looked up and is not disputable. Home ownership is one such measure. Now, some have gone to great pains to assure everyone that TRUMP! had nothing to do with low black unemployment, that it was all due to Obama. Are you going to now be consistent and claim that black home ownership is ALSO due solely to Obama? I would like to see you be consistent.
Are you asking me to convince you or use my objective and subjective measures?
I'm simply pointing out that the usual suspects went bonkers trying to avoid giving TRUMP! any credit at all for low black unemployment, and here's a measure where black Americans appear to have not done as well. Are the usual suspects going to be consistent and blame Obama for worse black home ownership or are they going to do the usual dance and try to say, "It's different, just because and for reasons, and just shut up!!!"?
That's probably because he was the beneficiary of Obama lowering the unemployment rate more than anyone else. That would be like giving me credit for the sun rising because I walked outside. Drumpf had jackshit to do with lowering the unemployment rate. He was just in the building when it went down farther. He definitely had something to do with the Black unemployment rate going back up with his fucked up handling of the virus though.
So then, to be consistent, we have to also say he had nothing to do with black home ownership being lower, that was all Obama's doing as well. Is that where you're going?
Apples and oranges. Black home ownership is a different metric. What does the history tell us? Was it stable or going up when Obama was in office?
Irrelevant to the impact Obama had. Are you going to be consistent and credit Obama with poor black home ownership or are you going to continue dancing around it? See, TRUMP! had the same impact, same opportunity to make things better or worse that Obama did, but you want to selectively pick and choose things so you can blame him for all negative aspects and credit Obama for all positive aspects of the economy. Really bad partisanship that.
You racists run your mouth about Chicago, which is a racist dog whistle for black, but you guys have no knowledge of the black commuity there.







That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Unemployment rates are not the end all be all. Besides that credit goes to Obama. The Black community was worse off under Dump than anyone in the past 40 years.
Again, by what objective measure?
Not sure what you mean. Please explain.

"The homeownership rate for black Americans has fallen since Trump became president to 41.6 percent, according to the Census Bureau. The gap between white homeownership and black homeownership is now the widest since 1995."
By "objective measure", I mean something that can be quantified by number that can be looked up and is not disputable. Home ownership is one such measure. Now, some have gone to great pains to assure everyone that TRUMP! had nothing to do with low black unemployment, that it was all due to Obama. Are you going to now be consistent and claim that black home ownership is ALSO due solely to Obama? I would like to see you be consistent.
Are you asking me to convince you or use my objective and subjective measures?
I'm simply pointing out that the usual suspects went bonkers trying to avoid giving TRUMP! any credit at all for low black unemployment, and here's a measure where black Americans appear to have not done as well. Are the usual suspects going to be consistent and blame Obama for worse black home ownership or are they going to do the usual dance and try to say, "It's different, just because and for reasons, and just shut up!!!"?
That's probably because he was the beneficiary of Obama lowering the unemployment rate more than anyone else. That would be like giving me credit for the sun rising because I walked outside. Drumpf had jackshit to do with lowering the unemployment rate. He was just in the building when it went down farther. He definitely had something to do with the Black unemployment rate going back up with his fucked up handling of the virus though.
So then, to be consistent, we have to also say he had nothing to do with black home ownership being lower, that was all Obama's doing as well. Is that where you're going?
Apples and oranges. Black home ownership is a different metric. What does the history tell us? Was it stable or going up when Obama was in office?
Irrelevant to the impact Obama had. Are you going to be consistent and credit Obama with poor black home ownership or are you going to continue dancing around it? See, TRUMP! had the same impact, same opportunity to make things better or worse that Obama did, but you want to selectively pick and choose things so you can blame him for all negative aspects and credit Obama for all positive aspects of the economy. Really bad partisanship that.

Black homeownship was poor long before Obama. And it was because of racist public policy. So just stop looking for things to try claiming that trump was better for blacks than Obama, because he wasn't.
It is the current hate hoax fetish, culminated with the homos in MAGAdrag 1/6
"That has no bearing on the discussion. Of course black America has endured indignity and been treated shamefully but that does nothing to change the reality of people watching the mayhem and destruction while little is done to prevent or stop it. I'm merely pointing out that it's going to get worse, and your complaining that you have more reason to gripe than someone else is totally irrelevant to that."

Apparently you don't live in a black community, The so called liberal media doesn't cover a lot of things that happen in black neighborhoods. This is why:

In his Sunday column, Kansas City Star Editor Mike Fannin detailed the paper’s latest investigation into a trusted, local institution that had “disenfranchised, ignored and scorned” the Black community for decades.

But the powerful business in question, one that “robbed an entire community of opportunity, dignity, justice and recognition,” hit close to home: It was the Star.

“We are sorry,” wrote Fannin, the paper’s editor and president. He added: “It is time that we own our history.”

The Star issued an apology on Sunday for the way the newspaper had previously covered the Black community for decades, including how Black people only made the paper in its early years if they were accused of a crime.

Which is why people make the silly comments like the ones in blue.
The only news to report is out of wedlock children and shootings.
Only if you're a racist white boy.
The new Liberal Dictionary where facts are racist.
There is no such dictionary. This is how ,much you don't know white man. And this is in YOUR city.

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Clinton Hill Plaza renamed after local socio-cultural innovator Jitu K. Weusi​

Ariama C. Long | 7/8/2021, midnight​

Crowds of adoring family members, fans, politicians, activists, friends, students, and mentees gathered this past Saturday, July 3, to honor ...

Crowds of adoring family members, fans, politicians, activists, friends, students, and mentees gathered this past Saturday, July 3, to honor longtime educator and social justice advocate Jitu K. Weusi, formerly called Leslie R. Campbell, with a plaza renaming in his honor at Putnam Triangle on Fulton St. and Grand Ave. in Brooklyn.

Weusi, who passed away in May 2013, was a Bedford-Stuyvesant native and icon. He was known by many names, such as “Big Black.”

He began teaching in 1962 when he became dissatisfied with the state of education for Black teachers and students, said family.

He went on to be a founding member of the African American Teachers Association (ATA) before leaving the Department of Education (DOE) entirely in the late 1960s to form the first Black independent private school in New York City, Uhuru Sasa Shule (Freedom Now School), reported Patch.

Eventually, he returned to the DOE in 1985 and retired in 2006, but founded a vast number of organizations including the New York Chapter of the National Black United Front (NBUF), African Americans United for Political Power, the EAST, and co-founded the Central Brooklyn Jazz Consortium (CBJC).

There is nothing more ignorant than a dumb ass saltine trying to tell somebody black about the black community.
Too bad for you I work in 3 Black neighborhoods and I know you're a big fat liar.
You racists run your mouth about Chicago, which is a racist dog whistle for black, but you guys have no knowledge of the black commuity there.

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We have a good sample of black democrats from Chicago...

Rev Jesse Jackson
Michael Robinson
Jussie Smollett
Light foot

That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Unemployment rates are not the end all be all. Besides that credit goes to Obama. The Black community was worse off under Dump than anyone in the past 40 years.
Again, by what objective measure?
Not sure what you mean. Please explain.

"The homeownership rate for black Americans has fallen since Trump became president to 41.6 percent, according to the Census Bureau. The gap between white homeownership and black homeownership is now the widest since 1995."
By "objective measure", I mean something that can be quantified by number that can be looked up and is not disputable. Home ownership is one such measure. Now, some have gone to great pains to assure everyone that TRUMP! had nothing to do with low black unemployment, that it was all due to Obama. Are you going to now be consistent and claim that black home ownership is ALSO due solely to Obama? I would like to see you be consistent.
Are you asking me to convince you or use my objective and subjective measures?
I'm simply pointing out that the usual suspects went bonkers trying to avoid giving TRUMP! any credit at all for low black unemployment, and here's a measure where black Americans appear to have not done as well. Are the usual suspects going to be consistent and blame Obama for worse black home ownership or are they going to do the usual dance and try to say, "It's different, just because and for reasons, and just shut up!!!"?
That's probably because he was the beneficiary of Obama lowering the unemployment rate more than anyone else. That would be like giving me credit for the sun rising because I walked outside. Drumpf had jackshit to do with lowering the unemployment rate. He was just in the building when it went down farther. He definitely had something to do with the Black unemployment rate going back up with his fucked up handling of the virus though.
So then, to be consistent, we have to also say he had nothing to do with black home ownership being lower, that was all Obama's doing as well. Is that where you're going?
Apples and oranges. Black home ownership is a different metric. What does the history tell us? Was it stable or going up when Obama was in office?
Irrelevant to the impact Obama had. Are you going to be consistent and credit Obama with poor black home ownership or are you going to continue dancing around it? See, TRUMP! had the same impact, same opportunity to make things better or worse that Obama did, but you want to selectively pick and choose things so you can blame him for all negative aspects and credit Obama for all positive aspects of the economy. Really bad partisanship that.

Black homeownship was poor long before Obama.
Okay, so, to the core question. The quote is "The homeownership rate for black Americans has fallen since Trump became president to 41.6 percent, according to the Census Bureau. The gap between white homeownership and black homeownership is now the widest since 1995." That certainly sounds damning and was clearly posted as an attempt to cast the TRUMP! administration in a negative light to bolster the assertion that black Americans did worse under him than under Obama. Are we now saying that, since "Black homeownship was poor long before Obama", your quote, that neither Obama nor TRUMP! are responsible for it and it can be removed as an argument?
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Unemployment rates are not the end all be all. Besides that credit goes to Obama. The Black community was worse off under Dump than anyone in the past 40 years.
Again, by what objective measure?
Not sure what you mean. Please explain.

"The homeownership rate for black Americans has fallen since Trump became president to 41.6 percent, according to the Census Bureau. The gap between white homeownership and black homeownership is now the widest since 1995."
By "objective measure", I mean something that can be quantified by number that can be looked up and is not disputable. Home ownership is one such measure. Now, some have gone to great pains to assure everyone that TRUMP! had nothing to do with low black unemployment, that it was all due to Obama. Are you going to now be consistent and claim that black home ownership is ALSO due solely to Obama? I would like to see you be consistent.
Are you asking me to convince you or use my objective and subjective measures?
I'm simply pointing out that the usual suspects went bonkers trying to avoid giving TRUMP! any credit at all for low black unemployment, and here's a measure where black Americans appear to have not done as well. Are the usual suspects going to be consistent and blame Obama for worse black home ownership or are they going to do the usual dance and try to say, "It's different, just because and for reasons, and just shut up!!!"?
That's probably because he was the beneficiary of Obama lowering the unemployment rate more than anyone else. That would be like giving me credit for the sun rising because I walked outside. Drumpf had jackshit to do with lowering the unemployment rate. He was just in the building when it went down farther. He definitely had something to do with the Black unemployment rate going back up with his fucked up handling of the virus though.
So then, to be consistent, we have to also say he had nothing to do with black home ownership being lower, that was all Obama's doing as well. Is that where you're going?
Apples and oranges. Black home ownership is a different metric. What does the history tell us? Was it stable or going up when Obama was in office?
Irrelevant to the impact Obama had. Are you going to be consistent and credit Obama with poor black home ownership or are you going to continue dancing around it? See, TRUMP! had the same impact, same opportunity to make things better or worse that Obama did, but you want to selectively pick and choose things so you can blame him for all negative aspects and credit Obama for all positive aspects of the economy. Really bad partisanship that.

Black homeownship was poor long before Obama. And it was because of racist public policy. So just stop looking for things to try claiming that trump was better for blacks than Obama, because he wasn't.
That's stupid, and I believe your stance is to stop looking because you know there are objective measures that show black Americans did better economically under TRUJMP!. So no, we don't stop looking at the numbers, because they tell a story. We don't pick and choose numbers either, because the whole picture is important. I believe that your assertion is emotion, rather than fact, based.
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Black unemployment went from 7.4% to as low as 5.2% under Trump. A record low. That was only possible because Obama lowered black unemployment from its post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. A record low passed from one administration to the next. The average black unemployment rate passed to an incoming administration is 11.6%. Had Obama passed Trump 11.6% black unemployment, it wouldn't have gone as low as 5.2%.
Sure; it had nothing to do with ICE...
Oh? Let's see your evidence of ICE removals increasing from 2010....
Let's see your evidence that ICE did nothing.

It's not my job to prove your claims. Thanks for admitting you made that up.
It’s not my job to give a rat’s ass about anything you post.

And yet, you posted to me.
Some people have a habit of commenting on something that happened 4 years ago and state it never happened.
Trump sent ICE out to to do it’s job and trespassers disappeared from Home Depot’s and Black employment skyrocketed.
Dumbfuck, black unemployment began growing long before then. And it didn't grow at any faster rate under Trump...

Google ICE Nassau County.
I am fully aware that Blacks were food servers making $9.00/hour.
When’s the last time you made that salary?
There's nothing to Google. I just showed you black employment grew steadily for 9 years. Six years under Obama where many of those years ICE removals declined.

Translation: There's no correlation between ICE removals and an increase of black employment

And the last time I made only $9/hour was when I was a teenager.
Under Obama adult Blacks we’re employed and making $9.00/hour.
So much for being employed under Obama.
You really should stop lying.

Screenshot_20210711-211424_Samsung Internet.jpg
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Black unemployment went from 7.4% to as low as 5.2% under Trump. A record low. That was only possible because Obama lowered black unemployment from its post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. A record low passed from one administration to the next. The average black unemployment rate passed to an incoming administration is 11.6%. Had Obama passed Trump 11.6% black unemployment, it wouldn't have gone as low as 5.2%.
Sure; it had nothing to do with ICE...
Oh? Let's see your evidence of ICE removals increasing from 2010....
Let's see your evidence that ICE did nothing.

It's not my job to prove your claims. Thanks for admitting you made that up.
It’s not my job to give a rat’s ass about anything you post.

And yet, you posted to me.
Some people have a habit of commenting on something that happened 4 years ago and state it never happened.
Trump sent ICE out to to do it’s job and trespassers disappeared from Home Depot’s and Black employment skyrocketed.
Dumbfuck, black unemployment began growing long before then. And it didn't grow at any faster rate under Trump...

Google ICE Nassau County.
I am fully aware that Blacks were food servers making $9.00/hour.
When’s the last time you made that salary?
There's nothing to Google. I just showed you black employment grew steadily for 9 years. Six years under Obama where many of those years ICE removals declined.

Translation: There's no correlation between ICE removals and an increase of black employment

And the last time I made only $9/hour was when I was a teenager.
Under Obama adult Blacks we’re employed and making $9.00/hour.
So much for being employed under Obama.
You really should stop lying.

Are you Joking?!
Median is the absolute worst measure of anything; in fact, Rush used to use the median to show how great GW Bush's economy was.
You are desperate.
But it's good to know Libs use the same bullshit statistics that Cons use.
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Black unemployment went from 7.4% to as low as 5.2% under Trump. A record low. That was only possible because Obama lowered black unemployment from its post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. A record low passed from one administration to the next. The average black unemployment rate passed to an incoming administration is 11.6%. Had Obama passed Trump 11.6% black unemployment, it wouldn't have gone as low as 5.2%.
Irrelevant to the point that it was better under TRUMP! than under Obama.

Uh, no, it's not irrelevant. Black unemployment had been falling for many years and continued under Trump.

It is when the assertion is that black Americans didn't do as well under TRUMP! as under Obama. This is one objective measure by which they did better.
Uh, no, they didn't if your comparison is how the did under Obama vs under Trump.

Under Obama, the black unemployment rate went from a post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. That's a 9.4 point drop or a 56% improvement. During that period of time, 43,671 jobs for African-Americans were added on average per month.

Under Trump, the black unemployment rate went from 7.4% to his lowest, 5.2%. That's a 2.2 point drop or a 30% improvement. During that period of time, 33,323 jobs for African-Americans were added on average per month.
  • Thanks
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That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Black unemployment went from 7.4% to as low as 5.2% under Trump. A record low. That was only possible because Obama lowered black unemployment from its post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. A record low passed from one administration to the next. The average black unemployment rate passed to an incoming administration is 11.6%. Had Obama passed Trump 11.6% black unemployment, it wouldn't have gone as low as 5.2%.
Sure; it had nothing to do with ICE...
Oh? Let's see your evidence of ICE removals increasing from 2010....
Let's see your evidence that ICE did nothing.

It's not my job to prove your claims. Thanks for admitting you made that up.
It’s not my job to give a rat’s ass about anything you post.

And yet, you posted to me.
Some people have a habit of commenting on something that happened 4 years ago and state it never happened.
Trump sent ICE out to to do it’s job and trespassers disappeared from Home Depot’s and Black employment skyrocketed.
Dumbfuck, black unemployment began growing long before then. And it didn't grow at any faster rate under Trump...

Google ICE Nassau County.
I am fully aware that Blacks were food servers making $9.00/hour.
When’s the last time you made that salary?
There's nothing to Google. I just showed you black employment grew steadily for 9 years. Six years under Obama where many of those years ICE removals declined.

Translation: There's no correlation between ICE removals and an increase of black employment

And the last time I made only $9/hour was when I was a teenager.
Under Obama adult Blacks we’re employed and making $9.00/hour.
So much for being employed under Obama.
You really should stop lying.

Are you Joking?!
Median is the absolute worst measure of anything; in fact, Rush used to use the median to show how great GW Bush's economy was.
You are desperate.
But it's good to know Libs use the same bullshit statistics that Cons use.
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Black unemployment went from 7.4% to as low as 5.2% under Trump. A record low. That was only possible because Obama lowered black unemployment from its post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. A record low passed from one administration to the next. The average black unemployment rate passed to an incoming administration is 11.6%. Had Obama passed Trump 11.6% black unemployment, it wouldn't have gone as low as 5.2%.
Irrelevant to the point that it was better under TRUMP! than under Obama.

Uh, no, it's not irrelevant. Black unemployment had been falling for many years and continued under Trump.

It is when the assertion is that black Americans didn't do as well under TRUMP! as under Obama. This is one objective measure by which they did better.
Uh, no, they didn't if your comparison is how the did under Obama vs under Trump.

Under Obama, the black unemployment rate went from a post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. That's a 9.4 point drop or a 56% improvement. During that period of time, 43,671 jobs for African-Americans were added on average per month.

Under Trump, the black unemployment rate went from 7.4% to his lowest, 5.2%. That's a 2.2 point drop or a 30% improvement. During that period of time, 33,323 jobs for African-Americans were added on average per month.
You're measuring IMPROVEMENT, which is a valid measure, but is not the same as were they overall better off or not. So we're both right because we're talking about two different things.
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Black unemployment went from 7.4% to as low as 5.2% under Trump. A record low. That was only possible because Obama lowered black unemployment from its post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. A record low passed from one administration to the next. The average black unemployment rate passed to an incoming administration is 11.6%. Had Obama passed Trump 11.6% black unemployment, it wouldn't have gone as low as 5.2%.
Irrelevant to the point that it was better under TRUMP! than under Obama.

Uh, no, it's not irrelevant. Black unemployment had been falling for many years and continued under Trump.

It is when the assertion is that black Americans didn't do as well under TRUMP! as under Obama. This is one objective measure by which they did better.
Uh, no, they didn't if your comparison is how the did under Obama vs under Trump.

Under Obama, the black unemployment rate went from a post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. That's a 9.4 point drop or a 56% improvement. During that period of time, 43,671 jobs for African-Americans were added on average per month.

Under Trump, the black unemployment rate went from 7.4% to his lowest, 5.2%. That's a 2.2 point drop or a 30% improvement. During that period of time, 33,323 jobs for African-Americans were added on average per month.

Yes....the chinese flu damaged the Trump economy......had your buddies, the Communist Chinese, not released the virus, the Trump boom would have been incredible....but thanks for lying....
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
Folks who are anti-black, white supremacists and racist, what party do they belong to? The Republican Party. Now these folks are the ones who love to lecture black folks about what Democrats are doing to us, but when you ask them what are Republicans doing all you hear are crickets. Since the 70s we see that black folks prosper better under Democrat presidents than we do Republican presidents. That is just facts.
There were more black folks employed during Trump's presidency than in the past 50 years.
Thats only because President Obama raised the rate for him.
If that was the case, he was smart enough to keep the trend going and go higher than Obama ever did, correct? IOW, hardly a racist because if he really was, he would have tried to set back progress, not boost it.
He had nothing to do with it until he fucked up on Covid which you know had the opposite affect and caused more unemployment. He was always begging for Black people to like him so he wasn't going to do anything to set that back until he was in his second term.
Oh, brother, have you ever drunk the Kool-Aid. Let's face reality. We could have 30 straight years of Republican led employment gains for black workers and you'd STILL reach as far back as you had to and find a democrat to credit. The reality is, no matter what TRUMP! was given, he kept it going and added to it, and that included black progress. As for his second term, which meeting were you lurking in, because that's not what anyone else heard.
Bullshit. Black people have always done worse under repubs the last 5 decades or so. Drumpf didnt keep anything going. He just didnt fuck it up until Covid hit.
So things were worse for black Americans under TRUMP! than under Obama? Are you really going with that?
In the last 30yrs statistics show that black folks do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Economically, educationally, etc., why is that?
Then why were blacks doing better under Trump than Obama? And why are all dem controlled areas for blacks cesspools?
Black folks didn't do better under Trump, that is a lie that is repeated by lying Trump Humpers hoping black folks will fall for it. Tell me some great Republican controlled areas for black folks that are thriving.
Black unemployment was better under TRUMP! than Obama. By what objective measure are you claiming they weren't better off?
Black unemployment went from 7.4% to as low as 5.2% under Trump. A record low. That was only possible because Obama lowered black unemployment from its post recession high of 16.8% to 7.4%. A record low passed from one administration to the next. The average black unemployment rate passed to an incoming administration is 11.6%. Had Obama passed Trump 11.6% black unemployment, it wouldn't have gone as low as 5.2%.
Sure; it had nothing to do with ICE...
Oh? Let's see your evidence of ICE removals increasing from 2010....
Let's see your evidence that ICE did nothing.

It's not my job to prove your claims. Thanks for admitting you made that up.
It’s not my job to give a rat’s ass about anything you post.

And yet, you posted to me.
Some people have a habit of commenting on something that happened 4 years ago and state it never happened.
Trump sent ICE out to to do it’s job and trespassers disappeared from Home Depot’s and Black employment skyrocketed.
Dumbfuck, black unemployment began growing long before then. And it didn't grow at any faster rate under Trump...

Google ICE Nassau County.
I am fully aware that Blacks were food servers making $9.00/hour.
When’s the last time you made that salary?
There's nothing to Google. I just showed you black employment grew steadily for 9 years. Six years under Obama where many of those years ICE removals declined.

Translation: There's no correlation between ICE removals and an increase of black employment

And the last time I made only $9/hour was when I was a teenager.
Under Obama adult Blacks we’re employed and making $9.00/hour.
So much for being employed under Obama.
You really should stop lying.

Are you Joking?!
Median is the absolute worst measure of anything; in fact, Rush used to use the median to show how great GW Bush's economy was.
You are desperate.
But it's good to know Libs use the same bullshit statistics that Cons use.
Great comeback!

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