Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

YOu are not allowed to call cops to arrest criminals?

You are not allowed to detain people. That is called kidnapping and is a federal crime.

Maybe an exception needs to be made in the case of foreign invaders.

Maybe a exception needs to be made for American invaders such as yourself.

I've not invaded anyone, moron, so what the fuck are you talking about?

ANd for the love of God, try to actually make your fucking point, if you have the brain power to do so, moron.
View attachment 257172

I knew what he is trying to imply, and I know that he will not actually say it, because on some levels, even liberals realize that if they say that point, clearly,

it clearly undermines their position.

So, they dance around it, spouting meaningless hints, as though they are making an actual point.

And they are generally completely smug assholes about it. LIke you always are.

So, yes, that does make me mad.

And only an asshole would pretend that that is not a reasonable response.

So, fuck you very much, fucktard.
And what would the point of this huge militia gang be?
Have you ever heard of MS-13 causing any problems in the US?
The worst I have heard of is selling drugs, and that should be legal anyway, if US citizens want to buy them.

i remember something about a leader having his own militia....trying to remember the name of that group.......they wore lightning bolts on thier collar and a wolf patch on their hats.
gee if i could only remember who that was
/——/ Sounds like the KKK, the militant wing of the democRAT party

naw they were just copycats......

There used to be hundreds, but these seem to be the current militia groups:

United States militia groups
Militia group name State, county or locale
3 Percenters[22] nationwide
Arizona Border Recon[23] Arizona, Sasabe
Hutaree[24] Michigan, southern
Idaho Light Foot Militia[25] Idaho, statewide
American Militia Alliance[26] Nationwide
Michigan Militia[27] Michigan, Redford
Militia of Montana[28] Montana, Noxon
Missouri Citizens Militia[29] Missouri, statewide
Missouri Militia[30] Missouri, Kansas City
New York Light Foot Militia[31] New York, statewide
Oath Keepers[32] nationwide
Ohio Defense Force[33] Ohio, statewide
Pennsylvania Military Reserve[34] Pennsylvania
Texas Light Foot Militia[35] Texas, statewide

Militia organizations in the United States - Wikipedia

clicked a few, recognized units. mine is there

I'm lucky. I've never needed anyone's recognition or validation to exist.
i remember something about a leader having his own militia....trying to remember the name of that group.......they wore lightning bolts on thier collar and a wolf patch on their hats.
gee if i could only remember who that was
/——/ Sounds like the KKK, the militant wing of the democRAT party

naw they were just copycats......

There used to be hundreds, but these seem to be the current militia groups:

United States militia groups
Militia group name State, county or locale
3 Percenters[22] nationwide
Arizona Border Recon[23] Arizona, Sasabe
Hutaree[24] Michigan, southern
Idaho Light Foot Militia[25] Idaho, statewide
American Militia Alliance[26] Nationwide
Michigan Militia[27] Michigan, Redford
Militia of Montana[28] Montana, Noxon
Missouri Citizens Militia[29] Missouri, statewide
Missouri Militia[30] Missouri, Kansas City
New York Light Foot Militia[31] New York, statewide
Oath Keepers[32] nationwide
Ohio Defense Force[33] Ohio, statewide
Pennsylvania Military Reserve[34] Pennsylvania
Texas Light Foot Militia[35] Texas, statewide

Militia organizations in the United States - Wikipedia

clicked a few, recognized units. mine is there

I'm lucky. I've never needed anyone's recognition or validation to exist.

based on your screen name i think i am safe in assuming that is one way you demonstrate that attitude.

im not making judgement, just an observation
Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution giving the federal government jurisdiction over who a state may invite within their confines as a guest?
The federal government has the inherent and basic duty and right to protect the nation from all invasion and threats.

If California or New Mexico or any state wants to open it's doors wide open to tens of millions of illegals from all over the world (Mexico, Iran, China, etc.) it would not be allowed to do so unless it could guarantee somehow those people they gave free entry to would not disperse throughout the nation (like a virus entering the body and invading vital organs all throughout
the body itself) which it could not possibly ever do so. It's an absolute absurdity.

Just like your post premise.

Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
You are wrong ,, millions crossing our border with our permission is a invasion

"Our" permission... or YOUR permission? You just identified where the disconnect is.

Under the Constitution the federal government has but one area of jurisdiction here: naturalization. Naturalization = citizenship. Who the state invites is their business.

Liberal states, like California, deliberately abuse the right. So, the better option is to allow them to create their own Hell and let the federal government protect other states from paying for it.

California has Sanctuary Cities. It's of no concern to me. Maybe when states start resisting federal Red Flag Laws, you might understand the principle.
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Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.
The supreme court will always side with the law .. not the anti American democrat
If Trump was truly serious about getting a handle on the problem of illegal immigration and not just blowing smoke up the skirts of his base he would find a way to get the issue of sanctuary cities, counties and states before the Supreme Court.

There is absolutely zero doubt that ignoring the laws you don't like, as the Jim Crow era governors of the South did
at one time, and applying the law in an ala carte way, is not legal or Constitutional.

So why is someone like Michelle Lujan Grisham getting away with coming down on militia members in her state (and I am not especially enamored with militias in general and don't even own a gun)?
They are attempting to aid our Border Patrol in enforcing the law. She is demonizing them for it. Where is the justice?

Militias need to be destroyed. Militia members blew up the federal building in OKC. Militias are a threat to this country.

Militias have been given no authority to enforce laws so detaining people is kidnapping. Even the Border Patrol says people should call rather than taking the law into their own hands.
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

There is no invasion. It is lawful for them to come to the US to declare asylum. Kill them and there is something called murder.
But they refuse to claim asylum, so they have invaded

They can't do it at gunpoint.
We use to shot them off our lands years ago.. gtfo of you now want to put us in jail for pointing a gun at them.. embarrassing

You are a embarrassing thug.
Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution giving the federal government jurisdiction over who a state may invite within their confines as a guest?
The federal government has the inherent and basic duty and right to protect the nation from all invasion and threats.

If California or New Mexico or any state wants to open it's doors wide open to tens of millions of illegals from all over the world (Mexico, Iran, China, etc.) it would not be allowed to do so unless it could guarantee somehow those people they gave free entry to would not disperse throughout the nation (like a virus entering the body and invading vital organs all throughout
the body itself) which it could not possibly ever do so. It's an absolute absurdity.

Just like your post premise.

Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
You are wrong ,, millions crossing our border with our permission is a invasion

"Our" permission... or YOUR permission? You just identified where the disconnect is.

Under the Constitution the federal government has but one area of jurisdiction here: naturalization. Naturalization = citizenship. Who the state invites is their business.

Liberal states, like California, deliberately abuse the right. So, the better option is to allow them to create their own Hell and let the protect other states from paying for it.

California has Sanctuary Cities. It's of no concern to me. Maybe when states start resisting federal Red Flag Laws, you might understand the principle.
Without out* our permission is an invasion.

And who cares who hires them ,,, it’s an invasion.. they should be put down

I work in a restaurant in Boston the entire back of the house is illegal.. with a high black unemployment rate.. the invasion is killing America
/——/ Sounds like the KKK, the militant wing of the democRAT party

naw they were just copycats......

There used to be hundreds, but these seem to be the current militia groups:

United States militia groups
Militia group name State, county or locale
3 Percenters[22] nationwide
Arizona Border Recon[23] Arizona, Sasabe
Hutaree[24] Michigan, southern
Idaho Light Foot Militia[25] Idaho, statewide
American Militia Alliance[26] Nationwide
Michigan Militia[27] Michigan, Redford
Militia of Montana[28] Montana, Noxon
Missouri Citizens Militia[29] Missouri, statewide
Missouri Militia[30] Missouri, Kansas City
New York Light Foot Militia[31] New York, statewide
Oath Keepers[32] nationwide
Ohio Defense Force[33] Ohio, statewide
Pennsylvania Military Reserve[34] Pennsylvania
Texas Light Foot Militia[35] Texas, statewide

Militia organizations in the United States - Wikipedia

clicked a few, recognized units. mine is there

I'm lucky. I've never needed anyone's recognition or validation to exist.

based on your screen name i think i am safe in assuming that is one way you demonstrate that attitude.

im not making judgement, just an observation

Don't know if that was a compliment or an insult. Though not a Mormon myself, I always liked the way Rockwell helped train the Danites to protect their group. He was controversial, but he was also effective.
There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.

YOu are not allowed to call cops to arrest criminals?

You are not allowed to detain people. That is called kidnapping and is a federal crime.

Maybe an exception needs to be made in the case of foreign invaders.

Maybe a exception needs to be made for American invaders such as yourself.

I've not invaded anyone, moron, so what the fuck are you talking about?

ANd for the love of God, try to actually make your fucking point, if you have the brain power to do so, moron.

We have been invaded by with supremacists and neo-nazis who have taken over the Republican Party.

If your kind left the country, the national IQ would double.
The supreme court will always side with the law .. not the anti American democrat
If Trump was truly serious about getting a handle on the problem of illegal immigration and not just blowing smoke up the skirts of his base he would find a way to get the issue of sanctuary cities, counties and states before the Supreme Court.

There is absolutely zero doubt that ignoring the laws you don't like, as the Jim Crow era governors of the South did
at one time, and applying the law in an ala carte way, is not legal or Constitutional.

So why is someone like Michelle Lujan Grisham getting away with coming down on militia members in her state (and I am not especially enamored with militias in general and don't even own a gun)?
They are attempting to aid our Border Patrol in enforcing the law. She is demonizing them for it. Where is the justice?

Militias need to be destroyed. Militia members blew up the federal building in OKC. Militias are a threat to this country.

Militias have been given no authority to enforce laws so detaining people is kidnapping. Even the Border Patrol says people should call rather than taking the law into their own hands.
Ya and democrats call BP kidnappers..

At the end of the day we will be taking our country back.
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

There is no invasion. It is lawful for them to come to the US to declare asylum. Kill them and there is something called murder.
But they refuse to claim asylum, so they have invaded

They can't do it at gunpoint.
We use to shot them off our lands years ago.. gtfo of you now want to put us in jail for pointing a gun at them.. embarrassing

You are a embarrassing thug.
No I talk like we used to talk!
Without out* our permission is an invasion.

And who cares who hires them ,,, it’s an invasion.. they should be put down

I work in a restaurant in Boston the entire back of the house is illegal.. with a high black unemployment rate.. the invasion is killing America
I saw the entire building and construction business in Northern California pass from the hands of native citizens to entirely illegals in the matter of a mere decade.
The supreme court will always side with the law .. not the anti American democrat
If Trump was truly serious about getting a handle on the problem of illegal immigration and not just blowing smoke up the skirts of his base he would find a way to get the issue of sanctuary cities, counties and states before the Supreme Court.

There is absolutely zero doubt that ignoring the laws you don't like, as the Jim Crow era governors of the South did
at one time, and applying the law in an ala carte way, is not legal or Constitutional.

So why is someone like Michelle Lujan Grisham getting away with coming down on militia members in her state (and I am not especially enamored with militias in general and don't even own a gun)?
They are attempting to aid our Border Patrol in enforcing the law. She is demonizing them for it. Where is the justice?

Militias need to be destroyed. Militia members blew up the federal building in OKC. Militias are a threat to this country.

Militias have been given no authority to enforce laws so detaining people is kidnapping. Even the Border Patrol says people should call rather than taking the law into their own hands.

az citizens militia is authorized by the governor as an adjunct to the sherrif.
our missions on the border are unarmed and in support of bp.
The Militia member have adamantly DENIED that they pointed guns at anyone. They may have been carrying firearms, but it seems the MEDIA yet again invented the issue of being held at "gun point".

When someone is waving a gun at you then what else can you call it.
YOu are not allowed to call cops to arrest criminals?

You are not allowed to detain people. That is called kidnapping and is a federal crime.

Maybe an exception needs to be made in the case of foreign invaders.

Maybe a exception needs to be made for American invaders such as yourself.

I've not invaded anyone, moron, so what the fuck are you talking about?

ANd for the love of God, try to actually make your fucking point, if you have the brain power to do so, moron.

We have been invaded by with supremacists and neo-nazis who have taken over the Republican Party.

If your kind left the country, the national IQ would double.

Wow. Stupider than I thought.

"With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

To be clear, you are the lying asshole I was talking about.
Militias need to be destroyed. Militia members blew up the federal building in OKC. Militias are a threat to this country.

Militias have been given no authority to enforce laws so detaining people is kidnapping. Even the Border Patrol says people should call rather than taking the law into their own hands.
No it isn't you fucking dolt!
You don't get to invent new meanings for words. Get that through your sick putrid skull.
naw they were just copycats......

There used to be hundreds, but these seem to be the current militia groups:

United States militia groups
Militia group name State, county or locale
3 Percenters[22] nationwide
Arizona Border Recon[23] Arizona, Sasabe
Hutaree[24] Michigan, southern
Idaho Light Foot Militia[25] Idaho, statewide
American Militia Alliance[26] Nationwide
Michigan Militia[27] Michigan, Redford
Militia of Montana[28] Montana, Noxon
Missouri Citizens Militia[29] Missouri, statewide
Missouri Militia[30] Missouri, Kansas City
New York Light Foot Militia[31] New York, statewide
Oath Keepers[32] nationwide
Ohio Defense Force[33] Ohio, statewide
Pennsylvania Military Reserve[34] Pennsylvania
Texas Light Foot Militia[35] Texas, statewide

Militia organizations in the United States - Wikipedia

clicked a few, recognized units. mine is there

I'm lucky. I've never needed anyone's recognition or validation to exist.

based on your screen name i think i am safe in assuming that is one way you demonstrate that attitude.

im not making judgement, just an observation

Don't know if that was a compliment or an insult. Though not a Mormon myself, I always liked the way Rockwell helped train the Danites to protect their group. He was controversial, but he was also effective.

it was niether compliment or insult. just nnoting how controversal he still is today

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