Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

Sanctuary policies are not illegal.
Sanctuary policy aids and abets illegal immigrants by shielding them from the law. Sanctuary cities are accomplices in breaking federal law with impunity.

They are as guilty and complicit in crime as the guy living next to a crack house who refuses to
cooperate with police though he easily could.

Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution giving the federal government jurisdiction over who a state may invite within their confines as a guest?

there is that part about if it isnt there, then it reverts to the state
There is no invasion. It is lawful for them to come to the US to declare asylum. Kill them and there is something called murder.
There is a legal and transparent process for applying for asylum and it doesn't involve sneaking across the border and
making your way secretly to the interior of the country where you blend in with all the other illegals who have done the same.

This militia whether you approve of them or not was not holding asylum seekers. Got it? NOT holding asylum seekers.

Got that subtle difference? The asylum process is a legal one that requires people seeking asylum to engage in an application process. That process, once again, does NOT involve illegally crossing the border and sneaking away like thieves in the night.

It requires you to be in the United States.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

Obtaining Asylum in the United States
Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution giving the federal government jurisdiction over who a state may invite within their confines as a guest?
The federal government has the inherent and basic duty and right to protect the nation from all invasion and threats.

If California or New Mexico or any state wants to open it's doors wide open to tens of millions of illegals from all over the world (Mexico, Iran, China, etc.) it would not be allowed to do so unless it could guarantee somehow those people they gave free entry to would not disperse throughout the nation (like a virus entering the body and invading vital organs all throughout
the body itself) which it could not possibly ever do so. It's an absolute absurdity.

Just like your post premise.
Then they will be spending a lot of time in jail. They are not allowed to enforce border security.

Why not?

There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.

YOu are not allowed to call cops to arrest criminals?

You are not allowed to detain people. That is called kidnapping and is a federal crime.

Maybe an exception needs to be made in the case of foreign invaders.

Maybe a exception needs to be made for American invaders such as yourself.
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

There is no invasion. It is lawful for them to come to the US to declare asylum. Kill them and there is something called murder.
But they refuse to claim asylum, so they have invaded

They can't do it at gunpoint.
The British also had laws that crippled are ability to fight back.. we will over come democrats some how some way

we were british subjects, and fomenting a rebellion against our king.
Wow,, where is my coffee

well if you had been advising King George, what would you tell him to do.
Wtf are you talking about

under the law we lived under, we were an illegal rebellion.

ben franklin meant it we he said we all hang together or we shall hang seperately.

The American Revolution violated British law, but was legal under the larger abstraction as to what law is.
Which is that the original and only really valid source of law comes from the inherent rights of each individual.
Laws can not be just the arbitrary edicts of legislators, but what is required by the defense of these inherent individual rights.
The whole point of the Declaration of Independence is this principle of legal authority coming from what is inherent to individuals, not sovereigns.
To sum it up, you have 3 choices for law:

Might makes right.
Divine right.
Inherent individual rights

I pick door number 3.
If what you are saying is that low cost immigrant labor is almost like free energy and wealth for everyone else, then I would agree. It think low cost immigrant labor is a boon to the whole economy, not just those that profit from their labor directly, but also those who profit from selling them food, housing, etc.
Yeah....illegal immigrants are all benefit with no downside. Illegal Immigration: The True Cost to The American Taxpayer
:113: That's certainly the view of uninformed imbeciles, anyway.

Read the link, and it is wrong.
Most immigrants do not have children, but when they do, they more than pay for their education.
Why do you think we provide education for free in the US?
It is because it more than pays for itself.
And other than ER care or children born in the US, immigrants get no welfare.
Immigrants also have a lower crime rate, so are not costing us in that kind of overhead either.

You are right on all counts. Additionally, you forgot:

Undocumented foreigners contribute $12 BILLION DOLLARS per year into Socialist Security and can never draw one thin dime out in retirement.

Insofar as hospital costs are concerned, the government does NOT have a program to reimburse hospitals for indigent care - whether the person is an American or a foreigner. Many foreigners use the hospital for their primary care and make payments for their routine visits.

Insurance companies negotiate fixed prices for services and patients who pay cash are, in some cases, paying NINE times what an insured patient pays. Actually, cash customers offset high costs for those with insurance. Foreigners, not wanting to have unnecessary contact with the local LEOs pay for their services in installments. Many Americans understand the system and NEVER pay for their care.

It's ironic, however. Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. Now he's looking to take the money from the military and those poor / elderly Americans on Medicare and Medicaid. And, if he's successful, he will take that $12 BILLION DOLLARS per year the foreigners pay into Socialist Security. Now you know why so many elderly people join socialist organizations like AARP.

There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.

YOu are not allowed to call cops to arrest criminals?

You are not allowed to detain people. That is called kidnapping and is a federal crime.

Maybe an exception needs to be made in the case of foreign invaders.

Maybe a exception needs to be made for American invaders such as yourself.

I've not invaded anyone, moron, so what the fuck are you talking about?

ANd for the love of God, try to actually make your fucking point, if you have the brain power to do so, moron.
i remember something about a leader having his own militia....trying to remember the name of that group.......they wore lightning bolts on thier collar and a wolf patch on their hats.
gee if i could only remember who that was
/——/ Sounds like the KKK, the militant wing of the democRAT party

naw they were just copycats......

There used to be hundreds, but these seem to be the current militia groups:

United States militia groups
Militia group name State, county or locale
3 Percenters[22] nationwide
Arizona Border Recon[23] Arizona, Sasabe
Hutaree[24] Michigan, southern
Idaho Light Foot Militia[25] Idaho, statewide
American Militia Alliance[26] Nationwide
Michigan Militia[27] Michigan, Redford
Militia of Montana[28] Montana, Noxon
Missouri Citizens Militia[29] Missouri, statewide
Missouri Militia[30] Missouri, Kansas City
New York Light Foot Militia[31] New York, statewide
Oath Keepers[32] nationwide
Ohio Defense Force[33] Ohio, statewide
Pennsylvania Military Reserve[34] Pennsylvania
Texas Light Foot Militia[35] Texas, statewide

Militia organizations in the United States - Wikipedia

One cannot help but laugh at the fact that Wikipedia doesn't know that this country's oldest and most continuous militia is still in existence. I would give you a few links, but one poster already complained that leaving a link to a defunct militia board violates some rule here.

It was not the left, liberals, the Democrats or even the NEW WORLD ORDER that brought down those hundreds of militia groups. It was the build the wall, deport 'em all wallists that invaded the militia, discredited many of them and conned civilian militias into supporting National Socialism and getting involved in illegal activity that brought down the civilian militias of the 1980s though early 2000s.

as i said before, my duties as az citizens militia have been mundane on the border. volunteer and at my expense. unarmed by order.
here at home, search and rescue is our purpose. i add, we all hope it stays that way.
not that i want people to get lost, hope they dont.. if they do we help whether legal or nnot btw
You are not allowed to detain people. That is called kidnapping and is a federal crime.
I can't detain a bank robber, rapist, arsonist if I am able to for the police to take custody? When was that law passed?
Please cite this law.

You should find out what kidnapping really is. Here: I'll give you a hand since you are so stupid and such a simpleton.

"Generally, kidnapping occurs when a person, without lawful authority, physically asports (i.e., moves) another person without that other person's consent, with the intent to use the abduction in connection with some other nefarious objective. Under the Model Penal Code (a set of exemplary criminal rules fashioned by the American Law Institute), kidnapping occurs when any person is unlawfully and non-consensually asported and held for certain purposes. These purposes include gaining a ransom or reward; facilitating the commission of a felony or a flight after the commission of a felony; terrorizing or inflicting bodily injury on the victim or a third person; and interfering with a governmental or political function (Model Penal Code § 212.1)." kidnapping

You tell me how holding law breakers for the Border Patrol is a "nefarious objective". I mean, it probably is in your opinion
and that of other shitbag leftists because it thwarts people who are entering the country illegally. But is enforcing US federal law a "nefarious" criminal objective?
I doubt even you are that stupid that you can't figure that one out.

They are not tasked with enforcing the law. That makes detaining anyone kidnapping.
There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.

YOu are not allowed to call cops to arrest criminals?

You are not allowed to detain people. That is called kidnapping and is a federal crime.

Maybe an exception needs to be made in the case of foreign invaders.

Maybe a exception needs to be made for American invaders such as yourself.

I've not invaded anyone, moron, so what the fuck are you talking about?

ANd for the love of God, try to actually make your fucking point, if you have the brain power to do so, moron.
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

There is no invasion. It is lawful for them to come to the US to declare asylum. Kill them and there is something called murder.
But they refuse to claim asylum, so they have invaded

They can't do it at gunpoint.
We use to shot them off our lands years ago.. gtfo of you now want to put us in jail for pointing a gun at them.. embarrassing
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

Then they will be spending a lot of time in jail. They are not allowed to enforce border security.

Why not?

There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.
What do you think is going to happen to you democrats disrespecting America we just gonna take it.. you will be seeing a lot more of us

You talk big and you think you can threaten people. Jail is the place for thugs like you.
It requires you to be in the United States.

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

Obtaining Asylum in the United States
It does not require you to be wandering through the back country of New Mexico. You will find no Border Patrol agents there.
Application is made at an entry point into the US. Not inside the US making your way north.
i remember something about a leader having his own militia....trying to remember the name of that group.......they wore lightning bolts on thier collar and a wolf patch on their hats.
gee if i could only remember who that was
/——/ Sounds like the KKK, the militant wing of the democRAT party

naw they were just copycats......

There used to be hundreds, but these seem to be the current militia groups:

United States militia groups
Militia group name State, county or locale
3 Percenters[22] nationwide
Arizona Border Recon[23] Arizona, Sasabe
Hutaree[24] Michigan, southern
Idaho Light Foot Militia[25] Idaho, statewide
American Militia Alliance[26] Nationwide
Michigan Militia[27] Michigan, Redford
Militia of Montana[28] Montana, Noxon
Missouri Citizens Militia[29] Missouri, statewide
Missouri Militia[30] Missouri, Kansas City
New York Light Foot Militia[31] New York, statewide
Oath Keepers[32] nationwide
Ohio Defense Force[33] Ohio, statewide
Pennsylvania Military Reserve[34] Pennsylvania
Texas Light Foot Militia[35] Texas, statewide

Militia organizations in the United States - Wikipedia

One cannot help but laugh at the fact that Wikipedia doesn't know that this country's oldest and most continuous militia is still in existence. I would give you a few links, but one poster already complained that leaving a link to a defunct militia board violates some rule here.

It was not the left, liberals, the Democrats or even the NEW WORLD ORDER that brought down those hundreds of militia groups. It was the build the wall, deport 'em all wallists that invaded the militia, discredited many of them and conned civilian militias into supporting National Socialism and getting involved in illegal activity that brought down the civilian militias of the 1980s though early 2000s.

as i said before, my duties as az citizens militia have been mundane on the border. volunteer and at my expense. unarmed by order.
here at home, search and rescue is our purpose. i add, we all hope it stays that way.
not that i want people to get lost, hope they dont.. if they do we help whether legal or nnot btw

Can you cite that section of the Constitution which gives the federal government jurisdiction over who the states can and cannot invite into their respective state?
Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution giving the federal government jurisdiction over who a state may invite within their confines as a guest?
The federal government has the inherent and basic duty and right to protect the nation from all invasion and threats.

If California or New Mexico or any state wants to open it's doors wide open to tens of millions of illegals from all over the world (Mexico, Iran, China, etc.) it would not be allowed to do so unless it could guarantee somehow those people they gave free entry to would not disperse throughout the nation (like a virus entering the body and invading vital organs all throughout
the body itself) which it could not possibly ever do so. It's an absolute absurdity.

Just like your post premise.

Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

Then they will be spending a lot of time in jail. They are not allowed to enforce border security.

Why not?

There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.
What do you think is going to happen to you democrats disrespecting America we just gonna take it.. you will be seeing a lot more of us

You talk big and you think you can threaten people. Jail is the place for thugs like you.
I didn’t threaten anyone
They are not tasked with enforcing the law. That makes detaining anyone kidnapping.
I highlighted the pertinent parts of what makes kidnapping itself kidnapping.

If you are too damned stupid to educate yourself then you deserve no civility or discussion.
/——/ Sounds like the KKK, the militant wing of the democRAT party

naw they were just copycats......

There used to be hundreds, but these seem to be the current militia groups:

United States militia groups
Militia group name State, county or locale
3 Percenters[22] nationwide
Arizona Border Recon[23] Arizona, Sasabe
Hutaree[24] Michigan, southern
Idaho Light Foot Militia[25] Idaho, statewide
American Militia Alliance[26] Nationwide
Michigan Militia[27] Michigan, Redford
Militia of Montana[28] Montana, Noxon
Missouri Citizens Militia[29] Missouri, statewide
Missouri Militia[30] Missouri, Kansas City
New York Light Foot Militia[31] New York, statewide
Oath Keepers[32] nationwide
Ohio Defense Force[33] Ohio, statewide
Pennsylvania Military Reserve[34] Pennsylvania
Texas Light Foot Militia[35] Texas, statewide

Militia organizations in the United States - Wikipedia

One cannot help but laugh at the fact that Wikipedia doesn't know that this country's oldest and most continuous militia is still in existence. I would give you a few links, but one poster already complained that leaving a link to a defunct militia board violates some rule here.

It was not the left, liberals, the Democrats or even the NEW WORLD ORDER that brought down those hundreds of militia groups. It was the build the wall, deport 'em all wallists that invaded the militia, discredited many of them and conned civilian militias into supporting National Socialism and getting involved in illegal activity that brought down the civilian militias of the 1980s though early 2000s.

as i said before, my duties as az citizens militia have been mundane on the border. volunteer and at my expense. unarmed by order.
here at home, search and rescue is our purpose. i add, we all hope it stays that way.
not that i want people to get lost, hope they dont.. if they do we help whether legal or nnot btw

Can you cite that section of the Constitution which gives the federal government jurisdiction over who the states can and cannot invite into their respective state?

my point exactly.
Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution giving the federal government jurisdiction over who a state may invite within their confines as a guest?
The federal government has the inherent and basic duty and right to protect the nation from all invasion and threats.

If California or New Mexico or any state wants to open it's doors wide open to tens of millions of illegals from all over the world (Mexico, Iran, China, etc.) it would not be allowed to do so unless it could guarantee somehow those people they gave free entry to would not disperse throughout the nation (like a virus entering the body and invading vital organs all throughout
the body itself) which it could not possibly ever do so. It's an absolute absurdity.

Just like your post premise.

Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
You are wrong ,, millions crossing our border with our permission is a invasion

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