Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

We have millions of Europeans that would come here and do this farm work. Maybe not for the wage Mexicans do it for but they will assimilate. And add value to our country..
Latinos are to subservient, they never protest democrats, most are doing something illegal, and they don’t invest in America most use us and move back home

Actually no. There quota for Europeans is never filled.
They just do not want to come here.
They consider the US to be rude, noisy, crass, without taste, no sense of history, family, or values, and way to expensive and unjust.
Can't say I disagree with them either.
We don't even have public health care or mass transit, so we really are barbarians in most ways.
We still even have executions.
Quantrill's Raiders were a group that called themselves a militia. When the civil war was in it's early stages, "bloody" bill Anderson was comissioned by the confederate government.
After the raid on Lawerence ks, the confederate government withdrew that commision and the authority to operate as a militia.
Under Usa AND CSA law, these men became outlaws to both sides.
After the war was ended, confederate soldiars were granted amnesty and granted citizenship in the usa.
Quantrill's Raiders, and groups like them were not granted anything and were hunted outlaws.
The law remains the same now as it was then.(Partisan Ranger Act)
These guys acted illegally. They are not heros and likely will face charges.
LO fucking L!! How are these people in New Mexico anything remotely like Quantrell's Raiders?

You can't deny you are trying to make some sort of analogy here.

That is hyperbolic bullshit completely devoid of facts.

no sir, it is a valid comparison.

Please show me where the militia in New Mexico, murdered, plundered, and pillaged like Quantrill did.

of course they did not.
it is an example of an unauhorized militia
We have millions of Europeans that would come here and do this farm work. Maybe not for the wage Mexicans do it for but they will assimilate. And add value to our country..
Latinos are to subservient, they never protest democrats, most are doing something illegal, and they don’t invest in America most use us and move back home

Actually no. There quota for Europeans is never filled.
They just do not want to come here.
They consider the US to be rude, noisy, crass, without taste, no sense of history, family, or values, and way to expensive and unjust.
Can't say I disagree with them either.
We don't even have public health care or mass transit, so we really are barbarians in most ways.
We still even have executions.
That’s funny I know dozens of illegal Bulgarians trying desperately to remain in America... you are wrong.
We have millions of Europeans that would come here and do this farm work. Maybe not for the wage Mexicans do it for but they will assimilate. And add value to our country..
Latinos are to subservient, they never protest democrats, most are doing something illegal, and they don’t invest in America most use us and move back home

Actually no. There quota for Europeans is never filled.
They just do not want to come here.
They consider the US to be rude, noisy, crass, without taste, no sense of history, family, or values, and way to expensive and unjust.
Can't say I disagree with them either.
We don't even have public health care or mass transit, so we really are barbarians in most ways.
We still even have executions.

I work with European Nationals here and abroad. Our Standard of Living is better in the U.S. and our cost of living is lower. They are amazed at how much house I have near a major city, what I pay for cars, and gasoline. Also energy (electricity, oil, natural gas) in general is much lower in cost as are of course are taxes. They come here and just shake their head in disbelief, then they want to go my gun club to shoot guns as they can't have them there.
We have millions of Europeans that would come here and do this farm work. Maybe not for the wage Mexicans do it for but they will assimilate. And add value to our country..
Latinos are to subservient, they never protest democrats, most are doing something illegal, and they don’t invest in America most use us and move back home

Actually no. There quota for Europeans is never filled.
They just do not want to come here.
They consider the US to be rude, noisy, crass, without taste, no sense of history, family, or values, and way to expensive and unjust.
Can't say I disagree with them either.
We don't even have public health care or mass transit, so we really are barbarians in most ways.
We still even have executions.
-------------------------------- don't want 'pacifist and subjectlike euro types' they are gun controllers and that alone makes them unsuitable for the USA the same as ' ALL ' Others Rigby .
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.

You're making a claim you cannot substantiate. If the governor of a state says no state of emergency exists, like it or not, it does not exist and no invasion is taking place.

I'm not making any claim about jobs one way or another; it is the wallists who want to throw a lot of skeet on the wall (no pun intended) and see what sticks. One of their socialist solutions is to punish employers who hire the employee of their choice.

The problem you have with this permission argument is that you cannot find any constitutional authority for it. Would you like me explain the illegal manner the feds ended up claiming they could pass unconstitutional laws relative to this issue?

Sorry dude, but unless the foreigner is seeking to become a citizen, you're pretty much S.O.L. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled. It is not a crime for a deportable alien to remain in the United States. It does not stand to reason that an American should be punished for doing business with them... AND if you're honest, the feds have NO constitutional jurisdiction over any foreigner a state gives sanctuary state to. Don't draw conclusions about how I may or may not feel for sharing the reality of the situation with you.

1. If anyone says that this issue is not a crisis, they are either fools or liars.

2. If an illegal alien is here is violation of a law, then it is a crime for the illegal alien go be here. If being here is a violation of a law, or numerous laws, than the breaking of those laws are CRIMES.

You fail to understand the distinction between regulatory infraction and crime.
A crime is a violation of someone's personal rights, and is so inherently wrong that everyone should know this without having to be told or reading some statue. An example is rape.
But a regulatory infraction is not necessarily a violation of anyone's rights, and is just legislation that has been arbitrarily passed. And example is a parking ticket.
Violations of immigration laws are regulatory infractions, not crimes, because they are not based on defense of inherent rights and are not obvious.
You can commit a crime in order to immigrate illegally, such as forgery, etc., but that is a separate act.
It's sad to see Republicans so terrified of women and babies.


"It's sad to see Republicans so terrified of women and babies."

The MSM Propaganda ONLY show women and babies, they do this rderp because of Leftists like you who operate on Muh Feelings and are DEVOID of LOGIC. The situation is that only a tiny percentage are women and babies and the MAJORITY are adult men and teenage boys and many of that crowd are full of disease and therefore are to be considered Walking Biological Weapons.
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.

You're making a claim you cannot substantiate. If the governor of a state says no state of emergency exists, like it or not, it does not exist and no invasion is taking place.

I'm not making any claim about jobs one way or another; it is the wallists who want to throw a lot of skeet on the wall (no pun intended) and see what sticks. One of their socialist solutions is to punish employers who hire the employee of their choice.

The problem you have with this permission argument is that you cannot find any constitutional authority for it. Would you like me explain the illegal manner the feds ended up claiming they could pass unconstitutional laws relative to this issue?

Sorry dude, but unless the foreigner is seeking to become a citizen, you're pretty much S.O.L. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled. It is not a crime for a deportable alien to remain in the United States. It does not stand to reason that an American should be punished for doing business with them... AND if you're honest, the feds have NO constitutional jurisdiction over any foreigner a state gives sanctuary state to. Don't draw conclusions about how I may or may not feel for sharing the reality of the situation with you.

1. If anyone says that this issue is not a crisis, they are either fools or liars.

2. If an illegal alien is here is violation of a law, then it is a crime for the illegal alien go be here. If being here is a violation of a law, or numerous laws, than the breaking of those laws are CRIMES.

1) Where is the crisis? We have statistical zero unemployment and a nation that does not revere its culture? I'd fight to the death to protect your Right to believe anything you like; however, if the highest elected official in a state disagrees with you, I have to concede you are wrong in your opinion since perception is reality and that governor's perception is reality until he or she leaves office

2) Ruling by the United States Supreme Court:

"§1227. Removal is a civil matter, and one of its principal features is the broad discretion exercised by immigration officials, who must decide whether to pursue removal at all.

...it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain in the United States."
Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387 (2012)

You are arguing with the United States Supreme Court, not me.
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
You are wrong ,, millions crossing our border with our permission is a invasion

"Our" permission... or YOUR permission? You just identified where the disconnect is.

Under the Constitution the federal government has but one area of jurisdiction here: naturalization. Naturalization = citizenship. Who the state invites is their business.

Liberal states, like California, deliberately abuse the right. So, the better option is to allow them to create their own Hell and let the protect other states from paying for it.

California has Sanctuary Cities. It's of no concern to me. Maybe when states start resisting federal Red Flag Laws, you might understand the principle.
Without out* our permission is an invasion.

And who cares who hires them ,,, it’s an invasion.. they should be put down

I work in a restaurant in Boston the entire back of the house is illegal.. with a high black unemployment rate.. the invasion is killing America

According to Donald Trump, we are at a statistical zero unemployment rate. That would be anything under 4 percent. If someone hired the foreigner, someone rented to them, and businesses do business with them, they must have THEIR permission. If the states are telling the feds to butt out, the foreigners must have permission.

We might not like it, but that's reality.

Who is "they" in your post?

The word "they" isn't in the post. What is it you have a concern with?
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
You are wrong ,, millions crossing our border with our permission is a invasion

"Our" permission... or YOUR permission? You just identified where the disconnect is.

Under the Constitution the federal government has but one area of jurisdiction here: naturalization. Naturalization = citizenship. Who the state invites is their business.

Liberal states, like California, deliberately abuse the right. So, the better option is to allow them to create their own Hell and let the protect other states from paying for it.

California has Sanctuary Cities. It's of no concern to me. Maybe when states start resisting federal Red Flag Laws, you might understand the principle.
Without out* our permission is an invasion.

And who cares who hires them ,,, it’s an invasion.. they should be put down

I work in a restaurant in Boston the entire back of the house is illegal.. with a high black unemployment rate.. the invasion is killing America

According to Donald Trump, we are at a statistical zero unemployment rate. That would be anything under 4 percent. If someone hired the foreigner, someone rented to them, and businesses do business with them, they must have THEIR permission. If the states are telling the feds to butt out, the foreigners must have permission.

We might not like it, but that's reality.
That’s a whole nother argument,, but we have 30 millions invaders here and they need to go and yes America will stuggle and yes libs will be forced to do jobs that they don’t want to do.. but to bad

Nobody is "invading" your country, but the million new citizens you want so badly are going to turn against you at the polls in the near future, making this discussion moot.
You are wrong ,, millions crossing our border with our permission is a invasion

"Our" permission... or YOUR permission? You just identified where the disconnect is.

Under the Constitution the federal government has but one area of jurisdiction here: naturalization. Naturalization = citizenship. Who the state invites is their business.

Liberal states, like California, deliberately abuse the right. So, the better option is to allow them to create their own Hell and let the protect other states from paying for it.

California has Sanctuary Cities. It's of no concern to me. Maybe when states start resisting federal Red Flag Laws, you might understand the principle.
Without out* our permission is an invasion.

And who cares who hires them ,,, it’s an invasion.. they should be put down

I work in a restaurant in Boston the entire back of the house is illegal.. with a high black unemployment rate.. the invasion is killing America

According to Donald Trump, we are at a statistical zero unemployment rate. That would be anything under 4 percent. If someone hired the foreigner, someone rented to them, and businesses do business with them, they must have THEIR permission. If the states are telling the feds to butt out, the foreigners must have permission.

We might not like it, but that's reality.
That’s a whole nother argument,, but we have 30 millions invaders here and they need to go and yes America will stuggle and yes libs will be forced to do jobs that they don’t want to do.. but to bad

Nobody is "invading" your country, but the million new citizens you want so badly are going to turn against you at the polls in the near future, making this discussion moot.
Illegals can’t vote,, if they weren’t illegal they would be voting lol

And you are pathetically wrong
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.

You're making a claim you cannot substantiate. If the governor of a state says no state of emergency exists, like it or not, it does not exist and no invasion is taking place.

I'm not making any claim about jobs one way or another; it is the wallists who want to throw a lot of skeet on the wall (no pun intended) and see what sticks. One of their socialist solutions is to punish employers who hire the employee of their choice.

The problem you have with this permission argument is that you cannot find any constitutional authority for it. Would you like me explain the illegal manner the feds ended up claiming they could pass unconstitutional laws relative to this issue?

Sorry dude, but unless the foreigner is seeking to become a citizen, you're pretty much S.O.L. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled. It is not a crime for a deportable alien to remain in the United States. It does not stand to reason that an American should be punished for doing business with them... AND if you're honest, the feds have NO constitutional jurisdiction over any foreigner a state gives sanctuary state to. Don't draw conclusions about how I may or may not feel for sharing the reality of the situation with you.

1. If anyone says that this issue is not a crisis, they are either fools or liars.

2. If an illegal alien is here is violation of a law, then it is a crime for the illegal alien go be here. If being here is a violation of a law, or numerous laws, than the breaking of those laws are CRIMES.

But previous treaties have superior jurisdiction, and it is not clear the US can legally then prevent things like migrant agricultural worker from Mexico to states that were once part of Mexico.

It is clear that areas that were once part of Mexico, are no longer part of Mexico.

Claims to the contrary are at best sophist nonsense, and at worse racist revanchism.
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.

You're making a claim you cannot substantiate. If the governor of a state says no state of emergency exists, like it or not, it does not exist and no invasion is taking place.

I'm not making any claim about jobs one way or another; it is the wallists who want to throw a lot of skeet on the wall (no pun intended) and see what sticks. One of their socialist solutions is to punish employers who hire the employee of their choice.

The problem you have with this permission argument is that you cannot find any constitutional authority for it. Would you like me explain the illegal manner the feds ended up claiming they could pass unconstitutional laws relative to this issue?

Sorry dude, but unless the foreigner is seeking to become a citizen, you're pretty much S.O.L. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled. It is not a crime for a deportable alien to remain in the United States. It does not stand to reason that an American should be punished for doing business with them... AND if you're honest, the feds have NO constitutional jurisdiction over any foreigner a state gives sanctuary state to. Don't draw conclusions about how I may or may not feel for sharing the reality of the situation with you.

1. If anyone says that this issue is not a crisis, they are either fools or liars.

2. If an illegal alien is here is violation of a law, then it is a crime for the illegal alien go be here. If being here is a violation of a law, or numerous laws, than the breaking of those laws are CRIMES.

You fail to understand the distinction between regulatory infraction and crime.
A crime is a violation of someone's personal rights, and is so inherently wrong that everyone should know this without having to be told or reading some statue. An example is rape.
But a regulatory infraction is not necessarily a violation of anyone's rights, and is just legislation that has been arbitrarily passed. And example is a parking ticket.
Violations of immigration laws are regulatory infractions, not crimes, because they are not based on defense of inherent rights and are not obvious.
You can commit a crime in order to immigrate illegally, such as forgery, etc., but that is a separate act.

Illegal immigration is a violation of the Right of Self Determination of the American Citizens.

ie, to be more clear, part of the right of Self Determination is for the citizens of a sovereign state to decide who they wish to invite to become part of their community and thus impact their right to define their community at they see fit.
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.

You're making a claim you cannot substantiate. If the governor of a state says no state of emergency exists, like it or not, it does not exist and no invasion is taking place.

I'm not making any claim about jobs one way or another; it is the wallists who want to throw a lot of skeet on the wall (no pun intended) and see what sticks. One of their socialist solutions is to punish employers who hire the employee of their choice.

The problem you have with this permission argument is that you cannot find any constitutional authority for it. Would you like me explain the illegal manner the feds ended up claiming they could pass unconstitutional laws relative to this issue?

Sorry dude, but unless the foreigner is seeking to become a citizen, you're pretty much S.O.L. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled. It is not a crime for a deportable alien to remain in the United States. It does not stand to reason that an American should be punished for doing business with them... AND if you're honest, the feds have NO constitutional jurisdiction over any foreigner a state gives sanctuary state to. Don't draw conclusions about how I may or may not feel for sharing the reality of the situation with you.

1. If anyone says that this issue is not a crisis, they are either fools or liars.

2. If an illegal alien is here is violation of a law, then it is a crime for the illegal alien go be here. If being here is a violation of a law, or numerous laws, than the breaking of those laws are CRIMES.

1) Where is the crisis? We have statistical zero unemployment and a nation that does not revere its culture? I'd fight to the death to protect your Right to believe anything you like; however, if the highest elected official in a state disagrees with you, I have to concede you are wrong in your opinion since perception is reality and that governor's perception is reality until he or she leaves office

2) Ruling by the United States Supreme Court:

"§1227. Removal is a civil matter, and one of its principal features is the broad discretion exercised by immigration officials, who must decide whether to pursue removal at all.

...it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain in the United States."
Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387 (2012)

You are arguing with the United States Supreme Court, not me.

1. Perception is not reality, and that governor is at best a fool and at worst a traitor.

2. The Supreme Court has been wrong before, and it is wrong again. DEPORT THE FUCKING ILLEGALS. How hard is that to understand?
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.

You're making a claim you cannot substantiate. If the governor of a state says no state of emergency exists, like it or not, it does not exist and no invasion is taking place.

I'm not making any claim about jobs one way or another; it is the wallists who want to throw a lot of skeet on the wall (no pun intended) and see what sticks. One of their socialist solutions is to punish employers who hire the employee of their choice.

The problem you have with this permission argument is that you cannot find any constitutional authority for it. Would you like me explain the illegal manner the feds ended up claiming they could pass unconstitutional laws relative to this issue?

Sorry dude, but unless the foreigner is seeking to become a citizen, you're pretty much S.O.L. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled. It is not a crime for a deportable alien to remain in the United States. It does not stand to reason that an American should be punished for doing business with them... AND if you're honest, the feds have NO constitutional jurisdiction over any foreigner a state gives sanctuary state to. Don't draw conclusions about how I may or may not feel for sharing the reality of the situation with you.

1. If anyone says that this issue is not a crisis, they are either fools or liars.

2. If an illegal alien is here is violation of a law, then it is a crime for the illegal alien go be here. If being here is a violation of a law, or numerous laws, than the breaking of those laws are CRIMES.

You fail to understand the distinction between regulatory infraction and crime.
A crime is a violation of someone's personal rights, and is so inherently wrong that everyone should know this without having to be told or reading some statue. An example is rape.
But a regulatory infraction is not necessarily a violation of anyone's rights, and is just legislation that has been arbitrarily passed. And example is a parking ticket.
Violations of immigration laws are regulatory infractions, not crimes, because they are not based on defense of inherent rights and are not obvious.
You can commit a crime in order to immigrate illegally, such as forgery, etc., but that is a separate act.

Illegal immigration is a violation of the Right of Self Determination of the American Citizens.

ie, to be more clear, part of the right of Self Determination is for the citizens of a sovereign state to decide who they wish to invite to become part of their community and thus impact their right to define their community at they see fit.
Enjoy prison dipshit
You are wrong ,, millions crossing our border with our permission is a invasion

"Our" permission... or YOUR permission? You just identified where the disconnect is.

Under the Constitution the federal government has but one area of jurisdiction here: naturalization. Naturalization = citizenship. Who the state invites is their business.

Liberal states, like California, deliberately abuse the right. So, the better option is to allow them to create their own Hell and let the protect other states from paying for it.

California has Sanctuary Cities. It's of no concern to me. Maybe when states start resisting federal Red Flag Laws, you might understand the principle.
Without out* our permission is an invasion.

And who cares who hires them ,,, it’s an invasion.. they should be put down

I work in a restaurant in Boston the entire back of the house is illegal.. with a high black unemployment rate.. the invasion is killing America

According to Donald Trump, we are at a statistical zero unemployment rate. That would be anything under 4 percent. If someone hired the foreigner, someone rented to them, and businesses do business with them, they must have THEIR permission. If the states are telling the feds to butt out, the foreigners must have permission.

We might not like it, but that's reality.

Who is "they" in your post?

The word "they" isn't in the post. What is it you have a concern with?

Are you really so stupid, that you can't make a connection between your use of "their" and my use of "they"?

Or are you just playing really stupid games?
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.

You're making a claim you cannot substantiate. If the governor of a state says no state of emergency exists, like it or not, it does not exist and no invasion is taking place.

I'm not making any claim about jobs one way or another; it is the wallists who want to throw a lot of skeet on the wall (no pun intended) and see what sticks. One of their socialist solutions is to punish employers who hire the employee of their choice.

The problem you have with this permission argument is that you cannot find any constitutional authority for it. Would you like me explain the illegal manner the feds ended up claiming they could pass unconstitutional laws relative to this issue?

Sorry dude, but unless the foreigner is seeking to become a citizen, you're pretty much S.O.L. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled. It is not a crime for a deportable alien to remain in the United States. It does not stand to reason that an American should be punished for doing business with them... AND if you're honest, the feds have NO constitutional jurisdiction over any foreigner a state gives sanctuary state to. Don't draw conclusions about how I may or may not feel for sharing the reality of the situation with you.

1. If anyone says that this issue is not a crisis, they are either fools or liars.

2. If an illegal alien is here is violation of a law, then it is a crime for the illegal alien go be here. If being here is a violation of a law, or numerous laws, than the breaking of those laws are CRIMES.

You fail to understand the distinction between regulatory infraction and crime.
A crime is a violation of someone's personal rights, and is so inherently wrong that everyone should know this without having to be told or reading some statue. An example is rape.
But a regulatory infraction is not necessarily a violation of anyone's rights, and is just legislation that has been arbitrarily passed. And example is a parking ticket.
Violations of immigration laws are regulatory infractions, not crimes, because they are not based on defense of inherent rights and are not obvious.
You can commit a crime in order to immigrate illegally, such as forgery, etc., but that is a separate act.

Illegal immigration is a violation of the Right of Self Determination of the American Citizens.

ie, to be more clear, part of the right of Self Determination is for the citizens of a sovereign state to decide who they wish to invite to become part of their community and thus impact their right to define their community at they see fit.
Enjoy prison dipshit

Your inability to argue your position, is clear to EVERYONE.

That was you losing.
"Our" permission... or YOUR permission? You just identified where the disconnect is.

Under the Constitution the federal government has but one area of jurisdiction here: naturalization. Naturalization = citizenship. Who the state invites is their business.

Liberal states, like California, deliberately abuse the right. So, the better option is to allow them to create their own Hell and let the protect other states from paying for it.

California has Sanctuary Cities. It's of no concern to me. Maybe when states start resisting federal Red Flag Laws, you might understand the principle.
Without out* our permission is an invasion.

And who cares who hires them ,,, it’s an invasion.. they should be put down

I work in a restaurant in Boston the entire back of the house is illegal.. with a high black unemployment rate.. the invasion is killing America

According to Donald Trump, we are at a statistical zero unemployment rate. That would be anything under 4 percent. If someone hired the foreigner, someone rented to them, and businesses do business with them, they must have THEIR permission. If the states are telling the feds to butt out, the foreigners must have permission.

We might not like it, but that's reality.
That’s a whole nother argument,, but we have 30 millions invaders here and they need to go and yes America will stuggle and yes libs will be forced to do jobs that they don’t want to do.. but to bad

Nobody is "invading" your country, but the million new citizens you want so badly are going to turn against you at the polls in the near future, making this discussion moot.
Illegals can’t vote,, if they weren’t illegal they would be voting lol

And you are pathetically wrong

Hate to tell you, but there is no right to vote in a federal election. It is a privilege and one I hate to say, but the liberals are changing the laws on.

The Missing Right: A Constitutional Right to Vote

The truth about illegal voting

What YOU believe is in error and what I'm telling you is correct.

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