Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

We do not have to condone murder. ever.
Murder isnt defending your borders from diseases that want to cross into our country and kill US. Murder isnt defending yourself from criminals with the intent to rape our women and kill US. Is it really that hard to see why we need to "Shoot" people who shouldn't belong here? They are dying in the 10 of 1000s crossing into areas that will kill them anyway. Why aren't we just euthanizing them out of their misery...Call it "Post Birth Abortions"..

“Thou shalt not kill.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah and you shouldn't own slaves either. Fuck you dumbass, the original wording of the King James Edition before it got all PC'd was "thou shalt not MURDER", because when you go look at the old testament, there was a whole lot of killing going on, because the Israelites needed to clear space so the new order could take over. Not only did the Israelites kill men, but women, children and all animals in some places, but that was warfare. Dont preach to me dick wad about the bible, mostly because you never read the thing, just site what your liberal media tells you.

Bible List Of The Ten Commandments
6 “You shall not murder.
Again, we are being invaded by scum of the earth from shithole countries. You fagots on the left want to turn this Great country into a 3rd world shithole, then you can be right at home, while the liberal elites chew on fatty steaks and drink Brandy. You just cant get more stupid than a damn liberal..


I want you to take a deep breath. Try to empty your mind of prejudices and past thinking.

I am not a liberal. I do NOT want the third world to take over the United States. I don't vote for Democrats. That being said, the solutions you have been programmed to follow are counter-productive to what you claim to believe in.

An illegal government working out of Washington, District of Corruption where both sides owe their individual souls to power brokers are not motivated nor have any reason to give you what you're asking for. You are in their back yard; they are making the rules; they can tell you what you want to hear and they can play you in a heartbeat.

Each year a million new citizens are sworn in. The overwhelming majority are from countries with policies that you would find reprehensible. But, you've been programmed to believe that the only way into the United States is via some "legal" process that the federal government doesn't even have an constitutional authority to enforce. Whether America changes by the power of mob rule in voting or foreigners flood the United States via the southern border, once Liberty is gone, it is gone. It don't make a damn how much paper you create; what Rights you think are worth forfeiting; it don't matter how "legal" you think those people are - they will be committed to getting rid of you. And you're signing your own death warrant.

The only thing I want you to do is ask a question each time you think you've found an answer you like. What is the cost? Don't think in terms of dollars, but think of it in terms of personal Liberty, Rights, Freedoms, Right to Privacy and Personal Sovereignty over your person.
It is amusing watching the fascists on parade marching across this thread. They keep marching to the right, which means that they march in circles. On other threads, they tend to march in reverse, in hopes of going back in time, in a vain hope that it will resurrect Joe McCarthy. They call this, "Making America Great Again".
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

Are you claiming to be a member of the vigilante group noted in your link, above?

If so, and you pointed a firearm at any of the migrants you've committed a crime, to wit:

Universal Citation: NM Stat § 30-3-1 (2017)
30-3-1. Assault.

Assault consists of either:

A. an attempt to commit a battery upon the person of another;

B. any unlawful act, threat or menacing conduct which causes another person to reasonably believe that he is in danger of receiving an immediate battery; or

C. the use of insulting language toward another impugning his honor, delicacy or reputation.

Whoever commits assault is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.

History: 1953 Comp., 40A-3-1, enacted by Laws 1963, ch. 303, 3-1.
So now you want to prosecute Americans for pointing a pistol at people invading this country you are a sick disgusting anti-american .. I wish you luck hiding

The militia didn't even point their guns at the Illegal Invaders. The media invented that.

Who cares if we did.. are we now this divided we try to jail fellow Americans for trying to protect its borders..

In all due respect to you, you're nuts.
Call Americans crazy for wanting to protect its borders .. wow you libs are so out of touch with Americans
It is amusing watching the fascists on parade marching across this thread. They keep marching to the right, which means that they march in circles. On other threads, they tend to march in reverse, in hopes of going back in time, in a vain hope that it will resurrect Joe McCarthy. They call this, "Making America Great Again".
That's the sort of "insightful" trolling that makes many think of you, "Man, what a dick".
If governors are acting in their official capacity, in accordance with their state Constitution, and not in violation of the Constitution then they have the power.

Virtually every wallist thinks that Donald Trump's word is the word of God. If Trump declares a national emergency, then his proselytes say such an emergency exists. If Trump unilaterally bans Muslims from entering the United States, his proselytes say it is lawful. It doesn't make it so.
Trump did unilaterally temporarily ban some Muslims from entry to this nation and it was upheld by the Supreme Court you seem to venerate (but not always, it looks like). So yes...it was lawful.

Trump is the head of the Executive branch of government at the federal level. The governor of each state is head of Executive branch of government in that state. Trump cannot simply over-rule a state because he is at the head of the federal executive branch of government since states have rights and the federal government is limited by the Constitution.

As for the politicians you mentioned, I'd have to look at their actions on a case by case basis. Personally, I believe that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. So, IF Lester Maddox and / or George Wallace thought they had a case, they should have challenged the legality of the 14th Amendment. Did they? I have no idea.
This is not a contest between Donald Trump and the governor of New Mexico, or any other state. The chaos crime and confusion is indeed an emergency and even Jeh Johnson has admitted as much.

The Southern border is a gateway for drugs, gangs, human trafficking and illegal immigration. If none of that matters to you just say so and we can immediately dismiss anything you say on the matter (which I do for the most part anyway as blather).

You can't fix stupid. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils. I will NOT vote for him again. Being honest and objective in no way venerates the man. Your insult only demonstrates your bias and your ignorance. When Trump does a good thing I will acknowledge it. He will never earn my vote again, however, as he violated the Constitution three times with his bump stock ban - a precedent that will end private gun ownership with the next liberal administration.

What matters to me is the Constitution. The border is NOT, repeat, NOT a gateway to drugs. Drugs begin with idiotic parents who allow the school / government, doctors, and Big Pharma to create drug addicts. First it's Adderall and Ritalin for nonexistent conditions. Then it's legal opioids. Then kids, having been taught a pill will fix everything go on to SSRIs, illegal opioids, etc., etc. By the time they are in their teens, they are looking for all avenues to buy drugs from.

By the time they are in their 20s, they are drug addicts with a criminal record, no education, no job skills, no initiative, a drug habit and not a damn clue as to how to become a productive citizen. Foreign drug dealers then capitalize by feeding drugs to the addicts people like YOU create. That is why Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; we have more people in prisons than any country on the globe and NO plan for rehabilitating those people. For every drug addict in a rehab program, more than TEN are in prison. You aren't going to rehabilitate a drug addict in prison!

You don't want to own your part in the status quo. What you want is some mindless idiot that will chant the mantra of wall worship and that the third world is totally responsible. So, you would take the Rights of every American in your quest to wage war against foreigners without owning up to your own role. I'm not a proselyte to stupidity and the inability to think. If you don't like what I have to say, the ignore button will work wonderfully for you.
Call Americans crazy for wanting to protect its borders .. wow you libs are so out of touch with Americans
I've seen many leftists here defending sanctuary policy and trying to normalize and rationalize it.
We would already be like Venezuela if they had their way.
If governors are acting in their official capacity, in accordance with their state Constitution, and not in violation of the Constitution then they have the power.

Virtually every wallist thinks that Donald Trump's word is the word of God. If Trump declares a national emergency, then his proselytes say such an emergency exists. If Trump unilaterally bans Muslims from entering the United States, his proselytes say it is lawful. It doesn't make it so.
Trump did unilaterally temporarily ban some Muslims from entry to this nation and it was upheld by the Supreme Court you seem to venerate (but not always, it looks like). So yes...it was lawful.

Trump is the head of the Executive branch of government at the federal level. The governor of each state is head of Executive branch of government in that state. Trump cannot simply over-rule a state because he is at the head of the federal executive branch of government since states have rights and the federal government is limited by the Constitution.

As for the politicians you mentioned, I'd have to look at their actions on a case by case basis. Personally, I believe that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. So, IF Lester Maddox and / or George Wallace thought they had a case, they should have challenged the legality of the 14th Amendment. Did they? I have no idea.
This is not a contest between Donald Trump and the governor of New Mexico, or any other state. The chaos crime and confusion is indeed an emergency and even Jeh Johnson has admitted as much.

The Southern border is a gateway for drugs, gangs, human trafficking and illegal immigration. If none of that matters to you just say so and we can immediately dismiss anything you say on the matter (which I do for the most part anyway as blather).

You can't fix stupid. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils. I will NOT vote for him again. Being honest and objective in no way venerates the man. Your insult only demonstrates your bias and your ignorance. When Trump does a good thing I will acknowledge it. He will never earn my vote again, however, as he violated the Constitution three times with his bump stock ban - a precedent that will end private gun ownership with the next liberal administration.

What matters to me is the Constitution. The border is NOT, repeat, NOT a gateway to drugs. Drugs begin with idiotic parents who allow the school / government, doctors, and Big Pharma to create drug addicts. First it's Adderall and Ritalin for nonexistent conditions. Then it's legal opioids. Then kids, having been taught a pill will fix everything go on to SSRIs, illegal opioids, etc., etc. By the time they are in their teens, they are looking for all avenues to buy drugs from.

By the time they are in their 20s, they are drug addicts with a criminal record, no education, no job skills, no initiative, a drug habit and not a damn clue as to how to become a productive citizen. Foreign drug dealers then capitalize by feeding drugs to the addicts people like YOU create. That is why Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; we have more people in prisons than any country on the globe and NO plan for rehabilitating those people. For every drug addict in a rehab program, more than TEN are in prison. You aren't going to rehabilitate a drug addict in prison!

You don't want to own your part in the status quo. What you want is some mindless idiot that will chant the mantra of wall worship and that the third world is totally responsible. So, you would take the Rights of every American in your quest to wage war against foreigners without owning up to your own role. I'm not a proselyte to stupidity and the inability to think. If you don't like what I have to say, the ignore button will work wonderfully for you.

1) Where is the crisis? We have statistical zero unemployment and a nation that does not revere its culture? I'd fight to the death to protect your Right to believe anything you like; however, if the highest elected official in a state disagrees with you, I have to concede you are wrong in your opinion since perception is reality and that governor's perception is reality until he or she leaves office
really? Some people call that an autocracy.

If you truly believe the governor is the highest authority in the state and the rule of law is whatever she thinks it is then you must also believe that Lester Maddox and George Wallace were completely acting properly when they wanted to continue with their segregated society that had one society for whites and one lesser society for colored folks.

Michelle Lujan Grisham may wield her power inside her fiefdom as if she were the last word on the law but experience and common sense shows that doesn't make her rule proper or good for the nation.

If governors are acting in their official capacity, in accordance with their state Constitution, and not in violation of the Constitution then they have the power.

Virtually every wallist thinks that Donald Trump's word is the word of God. If Trump declares a national emergency, then his proselytes say such an emergency exists. If Trump unilaterally bans Muslims from entering the United States, his proselytes say it is lawful. It doesn't make it so.

Trump is the head of the Executive branch of government at the federal level. The governor of each state is head of Executive branch of government in that state. Trump cannot simply over-rule a state because he is at the head of the federal executive branch of government since states have rights and the federal government is limited by the Constitution.

As for the politicians you mentioned, I'd have to look at their actions on a case by case basis. Personally, I believe that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. So, IF Lester Maddox and / or George Wallace thought they had a case, they should have challenged the legality of the 14th Amendment. Did they? I have no idea.
So what Obama did to the state of Arizona was against the law?

I'm almost sorry I stumbled onto this thread. What do you think Obama did that I should automatically know about?

READ my other posts so I don't have to repeat myself.
You can't fix stupid. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils. I will NOT vote for him again. Being honest and objective in no way venerates the man. Your insult only demonstrates your bias and your ignorance. When Trump does a good thing I will acknowledge it. He will never earn my vote again, however, as he violated the Constitution three times with his bump stock ban - a precedent that will end private gun ownership with the next liberal administration.
I sincerely doubt it.

What matters to me is the Constitution. The border is NOT, repeat, NOT a gateway to drugs. Drugs begin with idiotic parents who allow the school / government, doctors, and Big Pharma to create drug addicts. First it's Adderall and Ritalin for nonexistent conditions. Then it's legal opioids. Then kids, having been taught a pill will fix everything go on to SSRIs, illegal opioids, etc., etc. By the time they are in their teens, they are looking for all avenues to buy drugs from.

By the time they are in their 20s, they are drug addicts with a criminal record, no education, no job skills, no initiative, a drug habit and not a damn clue as to how to become a productive citizen. Foreign drug dealers then capitalize by feeding drugs to the addicts people like YOU create. That is why Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; we have more people in prisons than any country on the globe and NO plan for rehabilitating those people. For every drug addict in a rehab program, more than TEN are in prison. You aren't going to rehabilitate a drug addict in prison!
So the border is not the source of our deeper drug problem. So what? What have you solved by saying that?
Drugs still pour over our porous border like water over a dam.

You don't want to own your part in the status quo. What you want is some mindless idiot that will chant the mantra of wall worship and that the third world is totally responsible. So, you would take the Rights of every American in your quest to wage war against foreigners without owning up to your own role. I'm not a proselyte to stupidity and the inability to think. If you don't like what I have to say, the ignore button will work wonderfully for you.
Your first sensible idea. Please don't waste your sermons and little harangues on me. You are much too bright to be blowing your gas out on "one of the problems".
Save your wisdom for a more appreciative crowd. I am definitely less appreciative of whatever you are trying to sell.

P.S. one of your lengthy posts is more drivel than most can stand. Please stop posting the same thing multiple times.
I simply understand the concepts. Congress has power over the land and naval forces; there is no such Thing as "well regulated militia of Individuals, in our Republic", you are either well regulated or unorganized militia.
When we are knocking on your door don’t worry we don’t exist lol
Don't make me Have to muster and get to know my heavy weapons section.
Knock knock
Who's there?
patriots, who?
Still, you have failed to find any legal citation for your beliefs. When Americans are WILLINGLY hiring these foreigners, it does not and I mean factually not meet the definition of an invasion.
It's in the Constitution. Defense of the nation itself is one of the prime duties of the federal government.
Is this something you disagree with? Is this not a fact? Are you contesting this simple well known truth?

And Porter baby, if you think Americans are offering jobs for every one of the tens of thousands of people who have
made the long trip from Central America to the Southern border and all they have to do is walk on over and claim these
jobs as landscapers, janitors, bus boys, etc. then you are fooling yourself, but no one else.

Whether Americans are willingly seeking illegals who will work for next to nothing is immaterial.
You still need legal permission to reside or work here. Period! Now buzz off with your nonsense.

You're making a claim you cannot substantiate. If the governor of a state says no state of emergency exists, like it or not, it does not exist and no invasion is taking place.

I'm not making any claim about jobs one way or another; it is the wallists who want to throw a lot of skeet on the wall (no pun intended) and see what sticks. One of their socialist solutions is to punish employers who hire the employee of their choice.

The problem you have with this permission argument is that you cannot find any constitutional authority for it. Would you like me explain the illegal manner the feds ended up claiming they could pass unconstitutional laws relative to this issue?

Sorry dude, but unless the foreigner is seeking to become a citizen, you're pretty much S.O.L. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled. It is not a crime for a deportable alien to remain in the United States. It does not stand to reason that an American should be punished for doing business with them... AND if you're honest, the feds have NO constitutional jurisdiction over any foreigner a state gives sanctuary state to. Don't draw conclusions about how I may or may not feel for sharing the reality of the situation with you.

1. If anyone says that this issue is not a crisis, they are either fools or liars.

2. If an illegal alien is here is violation of a law, then it is a crime for the illegal alien go be here. If being here is a violation of a law, or numerous laws, than the breaking of those laws are CRIMES.

You fail to understand the distinction between regulatory infraction and crime.
A crime is a violation of someone's personal rights, and is so inherently wrong that everyone should know this without having to be told or reading some statue. An example is rape.
But a regulatory infraction is not necessarily a violation of anyone's rights, and is just legislation that has been arbitrarily passed. And example is a parking ticket.
Violations of immigration laws are regulatory infractions, not crimes, because they are not based on defense of inherent rights and are not obvious.
You can commit a crime in order to immigrate illegally, such as forgery, etc., but that is a separate act.

Illegal immigration is a violation of the Right of Self Determination of the American Citizens.

ie, to be more clear, part of the right of Self Determination is for the citizens of a sovereign state to decide who they wish to invite to become part of their community and thus impact their right to define their community at they see fit.
I would agree with you, but we have no express immigration clause.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

Are you claiming to be a member of the vigilante group noted in your link, above?

If so, and you pointed a firearm at any of the migrants you've committed a crime, to wit:

Universal Citation: NM Stat § 30-3-1 (2017)
30-3-1. Assault.

Assault consists of either:

A. an attempt to commit a battery upon the person of another;

B. any unlawful act, threat or menacing conduct which causes another person to reasonably believe that he is in danger of receiving an immediate battery; or

C. the use of insulting language toward another impugning his honor, delicacy or reputation.

Whoever commits assault is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.

History: 1953 Comp., 40A-3-1, enacted by Laws 1963, ch. 303, 3-1.
So now you want to prosecute Americans for pointing a pistol at people invading this country you are a sick disgusting anti-american .. I wish you luck hiding

The militia didn't even point their guns at the Illegal Invaders. The media invented that.
Who cares if we did.. are we now this divided we try to jail fellow Americans for trying to protect its borders..
Dallas County Texas is no longer prosecuting property theft less than seven hundred fifty dollars. Why not go save them some money, instead? We have a Second Amendment.
patriots, who?
The ones that you don’t like lol
you mean like the infidel, protestant, or renegade kind?
The ones that restore limited government, freedom and liberty
Dallas County Texas, needs you!
We are every where.. currently holding illegals hostage
American citizens need you more.
The ones that you don’t like lol
you mean like the infidel, protestant, or renegade kind?
The ones that restore limited government, freedom and liberty
Dallas County Texas, needs you!
We are every where.. currently holding illegals hostage
American citizens need you more.
We are everywhere
We have millions of Europeans that would come here and do this farm work. Maybe not for the wage Mexicans do it for but they will assimilate. And add value to our country..
Latinos are to subservient, they never protest democrats, most are doing something illegal, and they don’t invest in America most use us and move back home

Actually no. There quota for Europeans is never filled.
They just do not want to come here.
They consider the US to be rude, noisy, crass, without taste, no sense of history, family, or values, and way to expensive and unjust.
Can't say I disagree with them either.
We don't even have public health care or mass transit, so we really are barbarians in most ways.
We still even have executions.

I work with European Nationals here and abroad. Our Standard of Living is better in the U.S. and our cost of living is lower. They are amazed at how much house I have near a major city, what I pay for cars, and gasoline. Also energy (electricity, oil, natural gas) in general is much lower in cost as are of course are taxes. They come here and just shake their head in disbelief, then they want to go my gun club to shoot guns as they can't have them there.

Disagree. Your standard of living is not at all better, as you don't get public health care and you lose coverage if you quit your job, you do not get good mass transit, and you do not get good air quality when there is no emission gasoline tax.
The US cost of living is not lower, except that food is subsidized and some European areas are very crowded.
How much house you have is not good, but bad because it means urban sprawl. You pay less for cars and gasoline because you are not being taxed for the road maintenance and emissions. You let the poor people who don't have a car pay for the road maintenance.

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