Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

Lol hmmm funny how many signed the constitution oppppppps

Funny. How many were allowed to.
How many weren’t?? There were none lol America was all white haha

I'm talking women. Blacks. Non land owning men...
Woman blacks and other races couldn’t keep up with what whites were doing.. if you didn’t assimilate you didn’t last long. Like it should be today
Only a fucktard would say a lie like that.

You ever say that to a republican's face, or are you only a complete asshole online?

I would say that it is more correct to state that bigots and racists are more attracted to the Republicans than they are Dems. Most GoPers aren't like that.
I am still waiting for a link of the above embolden part of your post. In the meantime, I am trying to visualize this:

Caller" "Is Garcia getting out of jail today?"
San Francisco County cop: "Who is asking"
Caller, "Immigration"
San Francisco County cop, "Fuck off" (Click)

Yeah, I am sure that is exactly what is happening.

That is what Sanctuary City MEANS. That is what the stated policy of these cities and local governments ARE.

Nope. That is Rush Limbaugh's imaginary definition of "Sanctuary city"

Ordering the people in the city government to not cooperate with the feds, that is not Rush Limbaugh's imagination, that is what the sanctuary cities are doing.

Then, I am sure that you can post a link that contains such exact order to municipal or county employees stating that. After all, everything don by county or city governments regarding policy is public.

It is? I'm sure that is news to the thousands of girls raped in Rotherham. THe city government did not have a stated policy of allowing the sexual slavery of young white girls, but they did have actual de facto policy of doing so.

I thought not.
YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.
He is all over the lot. The bottom line is he seems to want what's not good for the country, and says we have no business telling states who they can let enter their borders. That's obviously and manifestly a lie.

WHile pretending to be of the far right and caring about "whites".

I'm thinking possibly a dishonest far lefty thinking he can trick the "less educated" to support anti-American policies,

I'm thinking YOU are the real lefty. Isn't THIS what you want to hear?

Just cause you drank the Kool Aid doesn't mean I'm going to.

1. THe bit where you slander me as a kool aid drinker? That is just you being afraid to debate me on the issue, based on the merits or lack there of, of YOUR position vs mine.

2. That bit where you use Bill CLinton to try to cause an emotional reaction from people on the right? That is you playing a emotional game, instead of defending your position on it's merits, or honestly addressing our position.

You don't have a position. You lost the debate when you failed to cite a single sentence from the Constitution to support your claim.
Meet the newest Democrat voters.

1,600 Migrants Dumped In New Mexico; City Forced To Spend $75K For "Humanitarian Assistance"

YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.
He is all over the lot. The bottom line is he seems to want what's not good for the country, and says we have no business telling states who they can let enter their borders. That's obviously and manifestly a lie.

WHile pretending to be of the far right and caring about "whites".

I'm thinking possibly a dishonest far lefty thinking he can trick the "less educated" to support anti-American policies,

I'm thinking YOU are the real lefty. Isn't THIS what you want to hear?

Just cause you drank the Kool Aid doesn't mean I'm going to.

1. THe bit where you slander me as a kool aid drinker? That is just you being afraid to debate me on the issue, based on the merits or lack there of, of YOUR position vs mine.

2. That bit where you use Bill CLinton to try to cause an emotional reaction from people on the right? That is you playing a emotional game, instead of defending your position on it's merits, or honestly addressing our position.

You don't have a position. You lost the debate when you failed to cite a single sentence from the Constitution to support your claim.

Who cites the US Constitution in court to determine a verdict?
The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity and your lack of a solid knowledge base.

You cannot cite one, single, solitary sentence in the entire Constitution that supports your xenophobia. Apparently, you were a member in the militia the OP began this thread about.

My "fear of barriers" as you call it brings me to the point of educating your dumb ass since trying to be civil didn't work. In order for a wall to be effective, it relies on the background checks you thrive on. You are simply too stupid to understand that we cannot devise a background check system that applies to undocumented foreigners only.

That being the case, Americans are subject to endless background checks that have been employed for ulterior motives (i.e. locking millions of white Americans out of the job market.) Today, 97 percent of the public wants to have a background check in order to buy a firearm. However, in order for the background check to be worth a shit, that means National Gun Registration. The background check to purchase weapons is worthless without the National Gun Registration.

Registration is the precursor to weapon confiscation. The fact that you cannot follow your own line of reasoning says more about you than all the name calling I can engage in here on USM.

YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.

No sir. You like being dishonest because you've been outed for the nazi that you are. Let's dumb this stuff down for the masses:

America was founded as Republic by white Christians. ALL of our legal institutions and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on Anglo Saxon law. The de jure / lawful / constitutional government is a Republican form of government wherein the Bill of Rights is an absolute guarantee that the government will not infringe on the Rights of the people.

The Declaration of Independence, which is a statement of our foundational principles states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The bottom line here is that either all men are created equal OR they are not. Correll's position is that all men are NOT created equal. He's yet to express an opinion about a Creator. IF he supports a democracy, then his Creator would be mob rule since man is his own idiot God, the majority deciding what privileges they can dole out to their fellow man.

The non-whites, well aware of this dynamic, want to eradicate the white race off the face of the earth. That they are doing so subtly is a testament to their more than adequate strategizing.

The difference between what the wallists want and what constitutionalists want boils down to the reality:

Those who make the pretentious argument that only a wall / militarized border is the solution are living in a delusional world. For it has been shown that, by a ratio of 4 to 1, new immigrants are siding with Democrats over Republicans and are slowly voting the wallists into the pages of history.

There is no window dressing on my side. I'm offering to be specific as to the names and affiliations of the nazis that originated the talking points that Correll relies on. And, I'm not insecure in trusting the rest of you to understand that Correll cannot put a single sentence from the Constitution before you that supports his National Socialist viewpoint.

There is no realistic way of vetting foreigners whose country of birth would lie like Hell for them. The ONLY people being affected by endless background checks are Americans. Many of them are being denied jobs, credit, housing, etc. - many times over insignificant crap that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Correll does not trust his fellow man. If he did, he might understand that if many mom and pop companies were not weighted down by endless regulations and laws, they would probably hire people that looked like the owners and shared their values. There is more to it than that, but at the end of the day, if you don't have any Rights left, thank people Correll.

1. You can shove your Godwins, back up your ass where you pulled them from.

2. Your pretense that you care about the institution of America and/or "white Christians" is proved to be false, by your support of polices that, you yourself admit are existential threats to them.

3. Most of the above post was unneeded filler. The only purpose it served was to take up additional time of mine to wade though to find your actual points. Please stop that.

I've bled more blood for this country than you've said words in defense of it. I stand for the principles our forefathers fought and died for and you stupid mother fucker - I manned that border before you were a gleam in your daddy's eyes. And you don't have what it takes to shove a damn thing up my ass. If you disagree, PM me. I'd give my front seat in HELL to give you that opportunity.

You should be wary of who you threaten. I just called your bluff snowflake.

1. You call me a nazi, you don't get to whine about me using harsh language on you in return, old man.

2. Your claim to stand for those principles. But your position on them is self defeating to say the least.

1) You asked for the debate; you just lost it.

2) Don't ever question my stand unless you say it to my face. Otherwise you are a coward. And now, ladies and gentlemen, let us proceed to prove Correll the wannabe militiaman is exactly what I claimed he is:

Let us re-quote post #810:

The primary way I reached my conclusions came back in the early 2000s when a group of Salvadorans tried to enter the United States by trespassing over private property. They were met by Ranch Rescue, a civilian border group protecting property at the behest of the property owner, Jack Foote. An altercation took place and the Salvadorans came out second best in round one.

In round two, the matter ended up in court with Ranch Rescue members ending up in prison and the property owner losing his home and land to the Salvadorans. The judge ruled that the civilian border patrol had violated the "civil rights" of the Salvadorans. Those "civil rights" obviously trumped the private property Rights of land owners (thanks to the illegally ratified 14th Amendment.)

Leiva v. Ranch Rescue

Bear in mind I was with the legal team that begged Foote and Ranch Rescue to appeal that decision. They refused. So, when the wallists tell you about your property Rights and duty to protect borders, they are feeding you a load of pure horse shit. It was not the left or Democrats; liberals or "open border" types; it wasn't even Nancy Pelosi supporters that insured the foreigners would have "civil rights" regardless of whether they had papers or not. That ruling was made possible by the neo nazis that developed the wall worship idea.

In 2004, the border patrols were organized by neo nazis (honest to God real nazis) into an organization called the Minutemen. Ever since, these people have worked day and night to screw you out of your unalienable Rights. They lie to you (yes, due to the actions of the wallists, undocumented foreigners DO have rights.) They propose solutions that are calculated so as to deprive you of your Rights and dismantle the Constitution. While you are focused on foreigners - who are economically profitable for business,your Rights and your culture are disappearing from right under your nose. In the case of that background check argument, you are helping destroy the militia, the Right to Privacy, the ability of free men to revolt against tyranny, and you are nullifying the Fourth Amendment. Now, do you require proof of what I just said?


Now, let us continue:

When Ranch Rescue lost and decided to ignore the advice of U.S. Militias and the Militia of Georgia, suddenly the so - called Minutemen popped up Started in 2004, the Minutemen tried to use the regurgitated Border Watch idea that David Duke of the KKK in the 1970s. Correll parrots their talking points and you are invited to Google all the names and positions of the following principal players to see whether or not I told you the truth.

Other than David Duke, you will find no other border watch group advocating what Gilchrist and Chris Simcox made famous. So, let me introduce you to the players:

Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox were the founders of the so - called Minutemen. According to one liberal site (largely because Correll and his ilk like to hide their past):

"Jim Gilchrist truly believes he's an American hero. Gilchrist—a co-founder of the Minutemen Project, a now-defunct civilian border militia—insists it was his group's actions that led to the conservative fervor over cracking down on illegal immigration. He traces the current Republican discourse on the issue—Donald Trump's infamous wall, the renewed interest in revoking birthright citizenship, and the calls for mass deportations back to his movement, which mobilized hundreds of armed vigilantes to fend off migrants at the US-Mexico border back in the spring of 2005."

Whatever Happened to Arizona's Minutemen?

Minuteman Project

Jim Gilchrist who was so screwed up, nazis kicked him out of his own organization. Let's learn a little about the pioneers of this effort:

"In addition to border watching, the project (The Minutemen) created a political action committee lobbying for representatives supporting proactive immigration law enforcement and border security issues. Members believe government officials have failed to protect the country from foreign enemy invasion.[4] They strongly support building a wall and placing additional border patrol agents or involving the military to curb free movement across the Mexico-United States border."

Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

If you access that article, you find that Gilchrist's co founder was Chris Simcox. Chris Simcox was both a pedophile AND a neo-nazi:

Alleged Pedophile Chris Simcox Drops Bid to Personally Cross-Examine Child Victims

Minuteman Co-Founder Sentenced to 19½ Years for Molesting 5-Year-Old

Simcox would recruit fellow neo nazi sympathizer, J.T. Ready (who became a mass murderer) to join him in the build the wall effort.

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Jim Gilchrist also recruited Shawna Forde and she was convicted of a double murder:

Notice she is ALSO a FAIR spokesperson

Minuteman Leader Jim Gilchrist's Ties To Shawna Forde's Gang Of Killers Finally Catch Up With Him

State's Rights -

New Mexico governor orders withdrawal of National Guard border troops, citing no "national security crisis"

At a national level, John Tanton, who founded and funds FAIR, CIS, NumbersUSA and about a dozen anti immigrant non-profits combined has some questionable ties:

American Renaissance (magazine) - Wikipedia

* Note in the article that the Pioneer Fund was generous to David Duke and "eugenicists." According to Wikipedia:

"Under Tanton's leadership FAIR was criticized for taking funding for many years from the Pioneer Fund, a non-profit foundation dedicated to "improving the character of the American people" by, among other things, promoting the practice of eugenics, or selective breeding."

John Tanton - Wikipedia

Walter Kistler financed the Pioneer Fund out his own pocket.

Pioneer Fund - RationalWiki

A little more about who the Pioneer Fund has financed:

"I know you guys don't want to misrepresent the Pioneer Fund, but prioritizing positions that they don't actually hold anymore over their actual positions does this and functions as a straw man logical fallacy.--Nectarflowed T 23:46, 3 August 2005 (UTC)Giving over a million dollar to the Nazist Roger Pearson in the eighties and nineties should clarify that this is a current issue. As well as having Rushton as head, his R/K theory for human races and his use of sources has been rejected as at best gross misrepresentation by every independent researcher. "

Talk:Pioneer Fund/Archive 1 - Wikipedia

No matter how many rocks you flip over, you continue to find nazis within the organizations that Correll is being a lap dog for.
Only a fucktard would say a lie like that.

You ever say that to a republican's face, or are you only a complete asshole online?

I would say that it is more correct to state that bigots and racists are more attracted to the Republicans than they are Dems. Most GoPers aren't like that.

With the examples of IM2, and Paul on this very site you can say that? LOL!!!!!
YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.
He is all over the lot. The bottom line is he seems to want what's not good for the country, and says we have no business telling states who they can let enter their borders. That's obviously and manifestly a lie.

WHile pretending to be of the far right and caring about "whites".

I'm thinking possibly a dishonest far lefty thinking he can trick the "less educated" to support anti-American policies,

I'm thinking YOU are the real lefty. Isn't THIS what you want to hear?

Just cause you drank the Kool Aid doesn't mean I'm going to.

1. THe bit where you slander me as a kool aid drinker? That is just you being afraid to debate me on the issue, based on the merits or lack there of, of YOUR position vs mine.

2. That bit where you use Bill CLinton to try to cause an emotional reaction from people on the right? That is you playing a emotional game, instead of defending your position on it's merits, or honestly addressing our position.

You don't have a position. You lost the debate when you failed to cite a single sentence from the Constitution to support your claim.

If you truly thought that, you would not play a the emotional card of citing Bill Clinton.
He is all over the lot. The bottom line is he seems to want what's not good for the country, and says we have no business telling states who they can let enter their borders. That's obviously and manifestly a lie.

WHile pretending to be of the far right and caring about "whites".

I'm thinking possibly a dishonest far lefty thinking he can trick the "less educated" to support anti-American policies,

I'm thinking YOU are the real lefty. Isn't THIS what you want to hear?

Just cause you drank the Kool Aid doesn't mean I'm going to.

1. THe bit where you slander me as a kool aid drinker? That is just you being afraid to debate me on the issue, based on the merits or lack there of, of YOUR position vs mine.

2. That bit where you use Bill CLinton to try to cause an emotional reaction from people on the right? That is you playing a emotional game, instead of defending your position on it's merits, or honestly addressing our position.

You don't have a position. You lost the debate when you failed to cite a single sentence from the Constitution to support your claim.

If you truly thought that, you would not play a the emotional card of citing Bill Clinton.

Do you make this shit up as you go along?

Correll, you are much like Larry Hopkins of the United Constitutional Patriots who, BTW, is the subject of this thread, not me.

I'm not playing any emotional card. I'm telling the people that the solutions and strategies you use are based upon SOCIALISM. Karl Marx is credited with being the father of socialism. His particular brand of socialism became communism, but the commonalities are really unmistakable. In essence, you have a government - god wherein the government controls labor and production. There is no Right to private property. I've addressed that in the origins of the leadership whose strategies and proposed solutions you embrace.

National Socialism embraces a white culture, but it is still socialism. You would have people believe that one cannot abhor this new version of National Socialism AND care about the posterity of the founding fathers who are the beneficiaries of the Constitution.

You make this pretentious and silly argument that you are not against immigration; you just want it done all "legal" like. This strategy fools nobody except those of your ilk. The foreigners aren't buying the lie. When they run for public office (and Kamala Harris, a second generation foreigner is an example) they run as Democrats.

The primary difference between your argument and mine is that I would shut the doors of citizenship that you have no problem with. I would allow employers to hire whomever they want and I would restore the constitutional Liberties you shit-canned in order to enforce your version of National Socialism. I would give the MILLIONS of Americans you locked out of society a second chance and give them the tools and encouragement they need to return as citizens.

Restoring the Second Amendment and the Fourth Amendment to which you have nothing but disdain for would become primary objectives. Revisiting the constitutionality of the 14th and 16th Amendments (which exacerbate this issue with foreigners) and repealing / nullifying them would become top priorities. Calling a halt to citizenship and doing a year without doling out ANY citizenship while we hammer out a viable solution would get the public's attention and give them a reason to resolve this issue once and for all.
My, oh my! The head of the militia who is in jail awaiting trial for violation of firearm charges, was attacked by other inmates, and is now in the hospital with several broken ribs. This, after the Union Pacific Railroad threw the rest of the militia off of their land.

Generally speaking, it would appear that this vigilantly group has failed in their mission to save America. We will somehow have to muddle along without them.
My, oh my! The head of the militia who is in jail awaiting trial for violation of firearm charges, was attacked by other inmates, and is now in the hospital with several broken ribs. This, after the Union Pacific Railroad threw the rest of the militia off of their land.

Generally speaking, it would appear that this vigilantly group has failed in their mission to save America. We will somehow have to muddle along without them.
Thank God the nation is safe from that existential threat! We really dodged a bullet when they put away Larry Mitchell Hopkins.
The Southern border, not so much. More Chaos At The Southern Border
My, oh my! The head of the militia who is in jail awaiting trial for violation of firearm charges, was attacked by other inmates, and is now in the hospital with several broken ribs. This, after the Union Pacific Railroad threw the rest of the militia off of their land.

Generally speaking, it would appear that this vigilantly group has failed in their mission to save America. We will somehow have to muddle along without them.
Thank God the nation is safe from that existential threat! We really dodged a bullet when they put away Larry Mitchell Hopkins.
The Southern border, not so much. More Chaos At The Southern Border

Those kinds of staged antics remind me of professional wrestling on tv.
YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.

No sir. You like being dishonest because you've been outed for the nazi that you are. Let's dumb this stuff down for the masses:

America was founded as Republic by white Christians. ALL of our legal institutions and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on Anglo Saxon law. The de jure / lawful / constitutional government is a Republican form of government wherein the Bill of Rights is an absolute guarantee that the government will not infringe on the Rights of the people.

The Declaration of Independence, which is a statement of our foundational principles states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The bottom line here is that either all men are created equal OR they are not. Correll's position is that all men are NOT created equal. He's yet to express an opinion about a Creator. IF he supports a democracy, then his Creator would be mob rule since man is his own idiot God, the majority deciding what privileges they can dole out to their fellow man.

The non-whites, well aware of this dynamic, want to eradicate the white race off the face of the earth. That they are doing so subtly is a testament to their more than adequate strategizing.

The difference between what the wallists want and what constitutionalists want boils down to the reality:

Those who make the pretentious argument that only a wall / militarized border is the solution are living in a delusional world. For it has been shown that, by a ratio of 4 to 1, new immigrants are siding with Democrats over Republicans and are slowly voting the wallists into the pages of history.

There is no window dressing on my side. I'm offering to be specific as to the names and affiliations of the nazis that originated the talking points that Correll relies on. And, I'm not insecure in trusting the rest of you to understand that Correll cannot put a single sentence from the Constitution before you that supports his National Socialist viewpoint.

There is no realistic way of vetting foreigners whose country of birth would lie like Hell for them. The ONLY people being affected by endless background checks are Americans. Many of them are being denied jobs, credit, housing, etc. - many times over insignificant crap that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Correll does not trust his fellow man. If he did, he might understand that if many mom and pop companies were not weighted down by endless regulations and laws, they would probably hire people that looked like the owners and shared their values. There is more to it than that, but at the end of the day, if you don't have any Rights left, thank people Correll.

1. You can shove your Godwins, back up your ass where you pulled them from.

2. Your pretense that you care about the institution of America and/or "white Christians" is proved to be false, by your support of polices that, you yourself admit are existential threats to them.

3. Most of the above post was unneeded filler. The only purpose it served was to take up additional time of mine to wade though to find your actual points. Please stop that.

I've bled more blood for this country than you've said words in defense of it. I stand for the principles our forefathers fought and died for and you stupid mother fucker - I manned that border before you were a gleam in your daddy's eyes. And you don't have what it takes to shove a damn thing up my ass. If you disagree, PM me. I'd give my front seat in HELL to give you that opportunity.

You should be wary of who you threaten. I just called your bluff snowflake.

1. You call me a nazi, you don't get to whine about me using harsh language on you in return, old man.

2. Your claim to stand for those principles. But your position on them is self defeating to say the least.

The primary way I reached my conclusions came back in the early 2000s when a group of Salvadorans tried to enter the United States by trespassing over private property. They were met by Ranch Rescue, a civilian border group protecting property at the behest of the property owner, Jack Foote. An altercation took place and the Salvadorans came out second best in round one.

In round two, the matter ended up in court with Ranch Rescue members ending up in prison and the property owner losing his home and land to the Salvadorans. The judge ruled that the civilian border patrol had violated the "civil rights" of the Salvadorans. Those "civil rights" obviously trumped the private property Rights of land owners (thanks to the illegally ratified 14th Amendment.)

Leiva v. Ranch Rescue

Bear in mind I was with the legal team that begged Foote and Ranch Rescue to appeal that decision. They refused. So, when the wallists tell you about your property Rights and duty to protect borders, they are feeding you a load of pure horse shit. It was not the left or Democrats; liberals or "open border" types; it wasn't even Nancy Pelosi supporters that insured the foreigners would have "civil rights" regardless of whether they had papers or not. That ruling was made possible by the neo nazis that developed the wall worship idea.

"The ruling was made possible by the "neo nazis"?

The people being arrested are not responsible for the ruling against them.

That you take that, as a given, and then build on it, is just one of the many flaws in your reasoning.

In 2004, the border patrols were organized by neo nazis (honest to God real nazis) into an organization called the Minutemen.

So you claim, and sorry, I don't care. All you are doing here is attacking the messenger, instead of addressing the message.

That is a logical fallacy and not a valid argument.

Ever since, these people have worked day and night to screw you out of your unalienable Rights. They lie to you (yes, due to the actions of the wallists, undocumented foreigners DO have rights.) They propose solutions that are calculated so as to deprive you of your Rights and dismantle the Constitution.

THat sounds like your opinion of other people's motives.

While you are focused on foreigners - who are economically profitable for business,

Those business's desire for profit does not give them the right to ignore the law, nor does it trump the rights of Americans to have economic and trade policies designed to serve their interests.

Rights and your culture are disappearing from right under your nose. In the case of that background check argument, you are helping destroy the militia, the Right to Privacy, the ability of free men to revolt against tyranny, and you are nullifying the Fourth Amendment. Now, do you require proof of what I just said?

None of that is caused by my desire for immigration policies that serve my interests. That you try to put that on me, because I want immigration policy that serves my interests is confusing at best.


Now, let us continue:

When Ranch Rescue lost and decided to ignore the advice of U.S. Militias and the Militia of Georgia, suddenly the so - called Minutemen popped up Started in 2004, the Minutemen tried to use the regurgitated Border Watch idea that David Duke of the KKK in the 1970s. Correll parrots their talking points and you are invited to Google all the names and positions of the following principal players to see whether or not I told you the truth.

Logical Fallacy of attacking the messenger, and Logical Fallacy of Guilt by Association. As weak association at that.

Both invalid arguments.

Other than David Duke, you will find no other border watch group advocating what Gilchrist and Chris Simcox made famous. So, let me introduce you to the players:

Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox were the founders of the so - called Minutemen. According to one liberal site (largely because Correll and his ilk like to hide their past):

"Jim Gilchrist truly believes he's an American hero. Gilchrist—a co-founder of the Minutemen Project, a now-defunct civilian border militia—insists it was his group's actions that led to the conservative fervor over cracking down on illegal immigration. He traces the current Republican discourse on the issue—Donald Trump's infamous wall, the renewed interest in revoking birthright citizenship, and the calls for mass deportations back to his movement, which mobilized hundreds of armed vigilantes to fend off migrants at the US-Mexico border back in the spring of 2005."

Whatever Happened to Arizona's Minutemen?

Minuteman Project

Jim Gilchrist who was so screwed up, nazis kicked him out of his own organization. Let's learn a little about the pioneers of this effort:

"In addition to border watching, the project (The Minutemen) created a political action committee lobbying for representatives supporting proactive immigration law enforcement and border security issues. Members believe government officials have failed to protect the country from foreign enemy invasion.[4] They strongly support building a wall and placing additional border patrol agents or involving the military to curb free movement across the Mexico-United States border."

Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

If you access that article, you find that Gilchrist's co founder was Chris Simcox. Chris Simcox was both a pedophile AND a neo-nazi:

Alleged Pedophile Chris Simcox Drops Bid to Personally Cross-Examine Child Victims

Minuteman Co-Founder Sentenced to 19½ Years for Molesting 5-Year-Old

Simcox would recruit fellow neo nazi sympathizer, J.T. Ready (who became a mass murderer) to join him in the build the wall effort.

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Jim Gilchrist also recruited Shawna Forde and she was convicted of a double murder:

Notice she is ALSO a FAIR spokesperson

Minuteman Leader Jim Gilchrist's Ties To Shawna Forde's Gang Of Killers Finally Catch Up With Him

State's Rights -

New Mexico governor orders withdrawal of National Guard border troops, citing no "national security crisis"

At a national level, John Tanton, who founded and funds FAIR, CIS, NumbersUSA and about a dozen anti immigrant non-profits combined has some questionable ties:

American Renaissance (magazine) - Wikipedia

* Note in the article that the Pioneer Fund was generous to David Duke and "eugenicists." According to Wikipedia:

"Under Tanton's leadership FAIR was criticized for taking funding for many years from the Pioneer Fund, a non-profit foundation dedicated to "improving the character of the American people" by, among other things, promoting the practice of eugenics, or selective breeding."

John Tanton - Wikipedia

Walter Kistler financed the Pioneer Fund out his own pocket.

Pioneer Fund - RationalWiki

A little more about who the Pioneer Fund has financed:

"I know you guys don't want to misrepresent the Pioneer Fund, but prioritizing positions that they don't actually hold anymore over their actual positions does this and functions as a straw man logical fallacy.--Nectarflowed T 23:46, 3 August 2005 (UTC)Giving over a million dollar to the Nazist Roger Pearson in the eighties and nineties should clarify that this is a current issue. As well as having Rushton as head, his R/K theory for human races and his use of sources has been rejected as at best gross misrepresentation by every independent researcher. "

Talk:Pioneer Fund/Archive 1 - Wikipedia

No matter how many rocks you flip over, you continue to find nazis within the organizations that Correll is being a lap dog for.

All irrelevant and logical fallacies, even if true, which I am NOT granting.
WHile pretending to be of the far right and caring about "whites".

I'm thinking possibly a dishonest far lefty thinking he can trick the "less educated" to support anti-American policies,

I'm thinking YOU are the real lefty. Isn't THIS what you want to hear?

Just cause you drank the Kool Aid doesn't mean I'm going to.

1. THe bit where you slander me as a kool aid drinker? That is just you being afraid to debate me on the issue, based on the merits or lack there of, of YOUR position vs mine.

2. That bit where you use Bill CLinton to try to cause an emotional reaction from people on the right? That is you playing a emotional game, instead of defending your position on it's merits, or honestly addressing our position.

You don't have a position. You lost the debate when you failed to cite a single sentence from the Constitution to support your claim.

If you truly thought that, you would not play a the emotional card of citing Bill Clinton.

Do you make this shit up as you go along?

Correll, you are much like Larry Hopkins of the United Constitutional Patriots who, BTW, is the subject of this thread, not me.

I'm not playing any emotional card. I'm telling the people that the solutions and strategies you use are based upon SOCIALISM. Karl Marx is credited with being the father of socialism. ....

You posted a video of Bill Clinton stating a policy similar to what I want, to support your claim that what I want is "socialism".

The thing is, that Bill Clinton was lying his ass off in that clip and his policies were the exact opposite. He did not secure the border, nor did he deport the illegals.

Having an immigration policy is not socialism. Talking a lot about Karl Marx or other people does not change that. It is irrelevant.
No sir. You like being dishonest because you've been outed for the nazi that you are. Let's dumb this stuff down for the masses:

America was founded as Republic by white Christians. ALL of our legal institutions and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on Anglo Saxon law. The de jure / lawful / constitutional government is a Republican form of government wherein the Bill of Rights is an absolute guarantee that the government will not infringe on the Rights of the people.

The Declaration of Independence, which is a statement of our foundational principles states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The bottom line here is that either all men are created equal OR they are not. Correll's position is that all men are NOT created equal. He's yet to express an opinion about a Creator. IF he supports a democracy, then his Creator would be mob rule since man is his own idiot God, the majority deciding what privileges they can dole out to their fellow man.

The non-whites, well aware of this dynamic, want to eradicate the white race off the face of the earth. That they are doing so subtly is a testament to their more than adequate strategizing.

The difference between what the wallists want and what constitutionalists want boils down to the reality:

Those who make the pretentious argument that only a wall / militarized border is the solution are living in a delusional world. For it has been shown that, by a ratio of 4 to 1, new immigrants are siding with Democrats over Republicans and are slowly voting the wallists into the pages of history.

There is no window dressing on my side. I'm offering to be specific as to the names and affiliations of the nazis that originated the talking points that Correll relies on. And, I'm not insecure in trusting the rest of you to understand that Correll cannot put a single sentence from the Constitution before you that supports his National Socialist viewpoint.

There is no realistic way of vetting foreigners whose country of birth would lie like Hell for them. The ONLY people being affected by endless background checks are Americans. Many of them are being denied jobs, credit, housing, etc. - many times over insignificant crap that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Correll does not trust his fellow man. If he did, he might understand that if many mom and pop companies were not weighted down by endless regulations and laws, they would probably hire people that looked like the owners and shared their values. There is more to it than that, but at the end of the day, if you don't have any Rights left, thank people Correll.

1. You can shove your Godwins, back up your ass where you pulled them from.

2. Your pretense that you care about the institution of America and/or "white Christians" is proved to be false, by your support of polices that, you yourself admit are existential threats to them.

3. Most of the above post was unneeded filler. The only purpose it served was to take up additional time of mine to wade though to find your actual points. Please stop that.

I've bled more blood for this country than you've said words in defense of it. I stand for the principles our forefathers fought and died for and you stupid mother fucker - I manned that border before you were a gleam in your daddy's eyes. And you don't have what it takes to shove a damn thing up my ass. If you disagree, PM me. I'd give my front seat in HELL to give you that opportunity.

You should be wary of who you threaten. I just called your bluff snowflake.

1. You call me a nazi, you don't get to whine about me using harsh language on you in return, old man.

2. Your claim to stand for those principles. But your position on them is self defeating to say the least.

The primary way I reached my conclusions came back in the early 2000s when a group of Salvadorans tried to enter the United States by trespassing over private property. They were met by Ranch Rescue, a civilian border group protecting property at the behest of the property owner, Jack Foote. An altercation took place and the Salvadorans came out second best in round one.

In round two, the matter ended up in court with Ranch Rescue members ending up in prison and the property owner losing his home and land to the Salvadorans. The judge ruled that the civilian border patrol had violated the "civil rights" of the Salvadorans. Those "civil rights" obviously trumped the private property Rights of land owners (thanks to the illegally ratified 14th Amendment.)

Leiva v. Ranch Rescue

Bear in mind I was with the legal team that begged Foote and Ranch Rescue to appeal that decision. They refused. So, when the wallists tell you about your property Rights and duty to protect borders, they are feeding you a load of pure horse shit. It was not the left or Democrats; liberals or "open border" types; it wasn't even Nancy Pelosi supporters that insured the foreigners would have "civil rights" regardless of whether they had papers or not. That ruling was made possible by the neo nazis that developed the wall worship idea.

"The ruling was made possible by the "neo nazis"?

The people being arrested are not responsible for the ruling against them.

That you take that, as a given, and then build on it, is just one of the many flaws in your reasoning.

In 2004, the border patrols were organized by neo nazis (honest to God real nazis) into an organization called the Minutemen.

So you claim, and sorry, I don't care. All you are doing here is attacking the messenger, instead of addressing the message.

That is a logical fallacy and not a valid argument.

Ever since, these people have worked day and night to screw you out of your unalienable Rights. They lie to you (yes, due to the actions of the wallists, undocumented foreigners DO have rights.) They propose solutions that are calculated so as to deprive you of your Rights and dismantle the Constitution.

THat sounds like your opinion of other people's motives.

While you are focused on foreigners - who are economically profitable for business,

Those business's desire for profit does not give them the right to ignore the law, nor does it trump the rights of Americans to have economic and trade policies designed to serve their interests.

Rights and your culture are disappearing from right under your nose. In the case of that background check argument, you are helping destroy the militia, the Right to Privacy, the ability of free men to revolt against tyranny, and you are nullifying the Fourth Amendment. Now, do you require proof of what I just said?

None of that is caused by my desire for immigration policies that serve my interests. That you try to put that on me, because I want immigration policy that serves my interests is confusing at best.


Now, let us continue:

When Ranch Rescue lost and decided to ignore the advice of U.S. Militias and the Militia of Georgia, suddenly the so - called Minutemen popped up Started in 2004, the Minutemen tried to use the regurgitated Border Watch idea that David Duke of the KKK in the 1970s. Correll parrots their talking points and you are invited to Google all the names and positions of the following principal players to see whether or not I told you the truth.

Logical Fallacy of attacking the messenger, and Logical Fallacy of Guilt by Association. As weak association at that.

Both invalid arguments.

Other than David Duke, you will find no other border watch group advocating what Gilchrist and Chris Simcox made famous. So, let me introduce you to the players:

Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox were the founders of the so - called Minutemen. According to one liberal site (largely because Correll and his ilk like to hide their past):

"Jim Gilchrist truly believes he's an American hero. Gilchrist—a co-founder of the Minutemen Project, a now-defunct civilian border militia—insists it was his group's actions that led to the conservative fervor over cracking down on illegal immigration. He traces the current Republican discourse on the issue—Donald Trump's infamous wall, the renewed interest in revoking birthright citizenship, and the calls for mass deportations back to his movement, which mobilized hundreds of armed vigilantes to fend off migrants at the US-Mexico border back in the spring of 2005."

Whatever Happened to Arizona's Minutemen?

Minuteman Project

Jim Gilchrist who was so screwed up, nazis kicked him out of his own organization. Let's learn a little about the pioneers of this effort:

"In addition to border watching, the project (The Minutemen) created a political action committee lobbying for representatives supporting proactive immigration law enforcement and border security issues. Members believe government officials have failed to protect the country from foreign enemy invasion.[4] They strongly support building a wall and placing additional border patrol agents or involving the military to curb free movement across the Mexico-United States border."

Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

If you access that article, you find that Gilchrist's co founder was Chris Simcox. Chris Simcox was both a pedophile AND a neo-nazi:

Alleged Pedophile Chris Simcox Drops Bid to Personally Cross-Examine Child Victims

Minuteman Co-Founder Sentenced to 19½ Years for Molesting 5-Year-Old

Simcox would recruit fellow neo nazi sympathizer, J.T. Ready (who became a mass murderer) to join him in the build the wall effort.

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Jim Gilchrist also recruited Shawna Forde and she was convicted of a double murder:

Notice she is ALSO a FAIR spokesperson

Minuteman Leader Jim Gilchrist's Ties To Shawna Forde's Gang Of Killers Finally Catch Up With Him

State's Rights -

New Mexico governor orders withdrawal of National Guard border troops, citing no "national security crisis"

At a national level, John Tanton, who founded and funds FAIR, CIS, NumbersUSA and about a dozen anti immigrant non-profits combined has some questionable ties:

American Renaissance (magazine) - Wikipedia

* Note in the article that the Pioneer Fund was generous to David Duke and "eugenicists." According to Wikipedia:

"Under Tanton's leadership FAIR was criticized for taking funding for many years from the Pioneer Fund, a non-profit foundation dedicated to "improving the character of the American people" by, among other things, promoting the practice of eugenics, or selective breeding."

John Tanton - Wikipedia

Walter Kistler financed the Pioneer Fund out his own pocket.

Pioneer Fund - RationalWiki

A little more about who the Pioneer Fund has financed:

"I know you guys don't want to misrepresent the Pioneer Fund, but prioritizing positions that they don't actually hold anymore over their actual positions does this and functions as a straw man logical fallacy.--Nectarflowed T 23:46, 3 August 2005 (UTC)Giving over a million dollar to the Nazist Roger Pearson in the eighties and nineties should clarify that this is a current issue. As well as having Rushton as head, his R/K theory for human races and his use of sources has been rejected as at best gross misrepresentation by every independent researcher. "

Talk:Pioneer Fund/Archive 1 - Wikipedia

No matter how many rocks you flip over, you continue to find nazis within the organizations that Correll is being a lap dog for.

All irrelevant and logical fallacies, even if true, which I am NOT granting.

I don't normally do replies to multi - quotes. It only says you are stupid and have NOTHING but logical fallacies upon which to build your case. I'm going to do a few responses. Afterward, if you have AN issue, we can discuss it.

1) Ranch Rescue IS responsible for the ruling against them. When you get involved in legal matters, you are responsible for the outcome. In this case Ranch Rescue is MORE responsible since a ruling was made that affects YOU too and they failed to appeal the decision. Therefore, the ruling STANDS

2) You're using the term logical fallacy without a damn clue as to what it means so no response necessary except to say that birds of a feather flock together. You parrot the nazi party line - you're a nazi

3) I am not judging peoples motives. I am observing their outcomes. The Orwellian National ID legislation and warrant less searches and seizures are what your buddies lobbied for - fact is INTRODUCED into Congress

4) If one employer can avail themselves of foreign labor and another employer cannot due to a quota system wherein it is not allowable under the de jure interpretation of the Constitution, they have a duty, a Right and an obligation to ignore those laws.

Until you can show us the provision in the Constitution that allows for treating some employers differently than others, you don't have shit except that irrelevant and repetitive nonsense of "logical fallacy."

5) Your lobbying efforts have only hurt the posterity of the founders. That is a plain and simple fact. Being repetitive with irrelevant references to the same objection and being redundant do NOT give your case any credibility

6) The balance of your criticisms are acts of desperation. You see, you wanted a debate. You cannot moderate your own debate, so you're assuming that others reading the debate are too freaking stupid to read the points and counter points in order to come to their own conclusions.

Correll, if you lied down with dogs, you wind up with fleas. The neo-nazis pioneered the talking points to which you attach yourself. Sadly, those people do NOT hold a monopoly on potential solutions. You, instead of trying to find some credible and logical way to get people to see your point of view, rely on nothing more than mob rule. Unless everybody sees the infallibility of your position, they are idiots, fools, morons; they are "open border types" and every utterance they make is a logical fallacy. How absolutely arrogant of you!

To draw you an applicable analogy, if my neighbor waves a Confederate flag and is seen in public advocating shipping black people to Africa, it would not be a logical fallacy to say he was, at a bare minimum, influenced by the Ku Klux Klan. When anyone like Larry Hopkins gets exposed for what he is and you come here to defend him and parrot the party line - which any dumb ass can trace back to its original source, then I trust the posters here to draw their own conclusions.

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