Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

How many times have I asked you to show me that section of the Constitution that gives the federal government jurisdiction over the states to invite whomever they choose to let in?

You try to make your life all about what you believe with this garden variety of questions like when did you quit beating your wife. What you need to do is step back and examine the issue from the perspective of others. The left and the right have appealed to each other. I'm on the outside, looking in. BOTH of you are going to the same destination, just by different routes. So, let me dumb this down for you.

There was a time in America when we respected the constitutional Rights of individuals and the federal government had some modicum of respect for states rights.

Back then employers hired whomever they chose. Since that was the case, they relied on what neighbors and former employers had to say with respect to a job candidate. Today, people like you want to "vet" potential workers. Part of your religion says that government is God. And so, you want to take the word of liars in government. Adding insult to injury, you are naive enough to think that a foreign government that lies to us and disagrees with us is going to give us the straight skinny about some individual they want to pawn off on us OR an individual that is going to do us harm.

When employers were required to hire X number of blacks, Y number of women, Z number of gays / transgender, etc. it took away the private property Rights of Americans. An American owns the job as much as a writer owns the words to the music or manuscript they wrote. When ANY law puts those Rights into jeopardy, they are unconstitutional. When you limit the private sector's ability to get government records about an individual, then you have to rely on people who actually KNOW the person you want to do business with.

There are times when it is applicable to have information on potential workers: you don't want pedophiles watching your kids and you don't want a bank robber to work in a bank. But, in your world, those people cannot find ANY job since ANY criminal act precludes those people from finding ANY job. Employers are able to access records that are irrelevant to their needs. Americans get locked out of jobs due to these background checks and MILLIONS wind up on welfare.

I might be wrong, but I don't think you're so stupid that you don't realize that a background check cannot be limited to people you don't like and just of the purpose of delving into their immigration status (and yes, those laws are unconstitutional.) The background check, as applied by employers, is a clear cut violation of the Fourth Amendment. We may try to make bogus arguments that the limitation applies to the government; however, what you want is for the employer to an agent of law enforcement for federal officials. THAT is what makes it unconstitutional.

As to federal law, the federal government has NO jurisdiction in who may or may not be invited into a state. This bogus B.S. about "vetting" foreigners is about as worthless as tits on a boar hog. What you are advocating is pure socialism. Background checks did not stop the parents of Nidal Hasan from brainwashing their son with Muslim crap that led him to kill 13 of his fellow soldiers and injure 30 more. It did not stop the Boston Marathon Bombers; had no effect on stopping the son of a Muslim politician from killing 49 people in a bar in Florida. It did not stop the San Bernadino shooters. Even the 9 / 11 attackers were background checked. Bottom line: background checks are ineffective AND there are better ways.

If you still do not understand why I'm against background checks, I will do yet another long winded diatribe on the effects they've had on the Bill of Rights. Quit asking rhetorical questions suggesting you have the only answer - you don't. Quit being a liar and suggesting that those who disagree with your solutions want to flood this country with foreigners. Your strategies are going to fail; you're going to make enemies when some day you might need the support of constitutionalists.
Kewl...anyone who harbors illegals is not objective.
Your state is merely a corridor to states that don’t want them.

If / when communities and states in particular are left to act in their own best interests AND when the government is limited as to how much money they can waste under any pretext to influence the people, the situation balances itself out. IF Trump cuts off federal funds to Sanctuary Cities for harboring undocumented foreigners, you get to see where Pelosi's real beliefs are. Either she wants them and can afford them or she can't. Her attitude will be adjusted accordingly.
Save your bullshit for yourself.
Pelosi changes her mind every time MSNBC criticizes her.
When you can contain illegals in your border, get back to us minus your bleeding heart nonsense.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

There are no "illegals" since we have a presumption of innocence.

You are a cancer on the face of humanity; you're a traitor; worse you are a political propaganda prostitute and a hate monger. You didn't impress me one damn bit.

The legal "presumption of innocence" is not a reason to claim that we have no illegal aliens living among US.

It is not propaganda nor hate to have a problem with that.

Your position makes no sense.

If the United States Supreme Court says it is not a crime, who are YOU to argue with them? Additionally, do you have any inkling what kind of dangerous precedent that you are creating?
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

There are no "illegals" since we have a presumption of innocence.

You are a cancer on the face of humanity; you're a traitor; worse you are a political propaganda prostitute and a hate monger. You didn't impress me one damn bit.
Ad hominem coming from someone as dignified as yourself.
Color me shocked.
I’d appreciate your paying my property taxes to pay for their shelter, clothing, food and hospital emergency room use.

Jewish communist wannabe wants to use words he don't know the definition of... you don't impress me Groucho.
Groucho had a way of cutting to the truth.
The ramifications of off-shoring, Business Visas and illegals are destructive.

You believe in communism so your opinions don't count to me.

Weak dodge.

I don't dodge a damn thing. I just didn't come here to trade barbs with morons. The thread is about a right wing militia. Personal shit belongs in PMs.
YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.
He is all over the lot. The bottom line is he seems to want what's not good for the country, and says we have no business telling states who they can let enter their borders. That's obviously and manifestly a lie.

WHile pretending to be of the far right and caring about "whites".

I'm thinking possibly a dishonest far lefty thinking he can trick the "less educated" to support anti-American policies,
Kewl...anyone who harbors illegals is not objective.
Your state is merely a corridor to states that don’t want them.

If / when communities and states in particular are left to act in their own best interests AND when the government is limited as to how much money they can waste under any pretext to influence the people, the situation balances itself out. IF Trump cuts off federal funds to Sanctuary Cities for harboring undocumented foreigners, you get to see where Pelosi's real beliefs are. Either she wants them and can afford them or she can't. Her attitude will be adjusted accordingly.
Save your bullshit for yourself.
Pelosi changes her mind every time MSNBC criticizes her.
When you can contain illegals in your border, get back to us minus your bleeding heart nonsense.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

There are no "illegals" since we have a presumption of innocence.

You are a cancer on the face of humanity; you're a traitor; worse you are a political propaganda prostitute and a hate monger. You didn't impress me one damn bit.

The legal "presumption of innocence" is not a reason to claim that we have no illegal aliens living among US.

It is not propaganda nor hate to have a problem with that.

Your position makes no sense.

If the United States Supreme Court says it is not a crime, who are YOU to argue with them? Additionally, do you have any inkling what kind of dangerous precedent that you are creating?

Someone who can look at tens of millions of foreign nationals living in this country in violation of our laws, and see that the emperor has no clothes on.

I don't care how many Supreme Court Justices you cite, nor how smart or even you are.
Ad hominem coming from someone as dignified as yourself.
Color me shocked.
I’d appreciate your paying my property taxes to pay for their shelter, clothing, food and hospital emergency room use.

Jewish communist wannabe wants to use words he don't know the definition of... you don't impress me Groucho.
Groucho had a way of cutting to the truth.
The ramifications of off-shoring, Business Visas and illegals are destructive.

You believe in communism so your opinions don't count to me.

Weak dodge.

I don't dodge a damn thing. I just didn't come here to trade barbs with morons. The thread is about a right wing militia. Personal shit belongs in PMs.

Calling some one a "communist", is not a rebuttal of his point(s).

Using a name calling as a substitute for addressing his point, is a form of a dodge.
Your avatar pretty well told me that you were a liberal. But, unfortunately your mental disorder is not the issue.
:icon_rolleyes: George Orwell? He was an anti fascist, anti authoritarian and anti Communist. Yes...a real genuine leftist. You should be so "liberal".
Scan my posts and point out all the liberal ones you can find, dimwit.

Your carefully crafted personae is now being gutted by your own ad hom idiocy. If you let dumb people talk enough they will always tell you who they are.

The real issue is that the civilian militias got hoodwinked by the far left and now the whole militia concept is being ridiculed because of the wallists willingness to violate the Constitution they pretend to care about.
Your fear of barriers seems stupid, absurd and pointless. How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

Your imbecilic view of the Constitution seems to be states can bring into the country whoever and however many people they wish. I don't know why any rational person would think that but you seem to really believe it.

The Federal Government, not California or New Mexico or New York, controls who gets in. Fuck off!

The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity and your lack of a solid knowledge base.

You cannot cite one, single, solitary sentence in the entire Constitution that supports your xenophobia. Apparently, you were a member in the militia the OP began this thread about.

My "fear of barriers" as you call it brings me to the point of educating your dumb ass since trying to be civil didn't work. In order for a wall to be effective, it relies on the background checks you thrive on. You are simply too stupid to understand that we cannot devise a background check system that applies to undocumented foreigners only.

That being the case, Americans are subject to endless background checks that have been employed for ulterior motives (i.e. locking millions of white Americans out of the job market.) Today, 97 percent of the public wants to have a background check in order to buy a firearm. However, in order for the background check to be worth a shit, that means National Gun Registration. The background check to purchase weapons is worthless without the National Gun Registration.

Registration is the precursor to weapon confiscation. The fact that you cannot follow your own line of reasoning says more about you than all the name calling I can engage in here on USM.

YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.

No sir. You like being dishonest because you've been outed for the nazi that you are. Let's dumb this stuff down for the masses:

America was founded as Republic by white Christians. ALL of our legal institutions and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on Anglo Saxon law. The de jure / lawful / constitutional government is a Republican form of government wherein the Bill of Rights is an absolute guarantee that the government will not infringe on the Rights of the people.

The Declaration of Independence, which is a statement of our foundational principles states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The bottom line here is that either all men are created equal OR they are not. Correll's position is that all men are NOT created equal. He's yet to express an opinion about a Creator. IF he supports a democracy, then his Creator would be mob rule since man is his own idiot God, the majority deciding what privileges they can dole out to their fellow man.

The non-whites, well aware of this dynamic, want to eradicate the white race off the face of the earth. That they are doing so subtly is a testament to their more than adequate strategizing.

The difference between what the wallists want and what constitutionalists want boils down to the reality:

Those who make the pretentious argument that only a wall / militarized border is the solution are living in a delusional world. For it has been shown that, by a ratio of 4 to 1, new immigrants are siding with Democrats over Republicans and are slowly voting the wallists into the pages of history.

There is no window dressing on my side. I'm offering to be specific as to the names and affiliations of the nazis that originated the talking points that Correll relies on. And, I'm not insecure in trusting the rest of you to understand that Correll cannot put a single sentence from the Constitution before you that supports his National Socialist viewpoint.

There is no realistic way of vetting foreigners whose country of birth would lie like Hell for them. The ONLY people being affected by endless background checks are Americans. Many of them are being denied jobs, credit, housing, etc. - many times over insignificant crap that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Correll does not trust his fellow man. If he did, he might understand that if many mom and pop companies were not weighted down by endless regulations and laws, they would probably hire people that looked like the owners and shared their values. There is more to it than that, but at the end of the day, if you don't have any Rights left, thank people Correll.
YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.
He is all over the lot. The bottom line is he seems to want what's not good for the country, and says we have no business telling states who they can let enter their borders. That's obviously and manifestly a lie.

No sir. I did not lie. And you have NO facts to back up your position. The next time you make a personal post about me I will report it and it can be deleted. Your post must have something relative to the OP.
YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.
He is all over the lot. The bottom line is he seems to want what's not good for the country, and says we have no business telling states who they can let enter their borders. That's obviously and manifestly a lie.

WHile pretending to be of the far right and caring about "whites".

I'm thinking possibly a dishonest far lefty thinking he can trick the "less educated" to support anti-American policies,

I'm thinking YOU are the real lefty. Isn't THIS what you want to hear?

Just cause you drank the Kool Aid doesn't mean I'm going to.
If / when communities and states in particular are left to act in their own best interests AND when the government is limited as to how much money they can waste under any pretext to influence the people, the situation balances itself out. IF Trump cuts off federal funds to Sanctuary Cities for harboring undocumented foreigners, you get to see where Pelosi's real beliefs are. Either she wants them and can afford them or she can't. Her attitude will be adjusted accordingly.
Save your bullshit for yourself.
Pelosi changes her mind every time MSNBC criticizes her.
When you can contain illegals in your border, get back to us minus your bleeding heart nonsense.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

There are no "illegals" since we have a presumption of innocence.

You are a cancer on the face of humanity; you're a traitor; worse you are a political propaganda prostitute and a hate monger. You didn't impress me one damn bit.

The legal "presumption of innocence" is not a reason to claim that we have no illegal aliens living among US.

It is not propaganda nor hate to have a problem with that.

Your position makes no sense.

If the United States Supreme Court says it is not a crime, who are YOU to argue with them? Additionally, do you have any inkling what kind of dangerous precedent that you are creating?

Someone who can look at tens of millions of foreign nationals living in this country in violation of our laws, and see that the emperor has no clothes on.

I don't care how many Supreme Court Justices you cite, nor how smart or even you are.

The reality is, whether right or wrong, the United States Supreme Court cannot be over-ruled by we the sheeple unless we're willing to go to war. It's obvious to me that you don't pack the gear.
Your avatar pretty well told me that you were a liberal. But, unfortunately your mental disorder is not the issue.
:icon_rolleyes: George Orwell? He was an anti fascist, anti authoritarian and anti Communist. Yes...a real genuine leftist. You should be so "liberal".
Scan my posts and point out all the liberal ones you can find, dimwit.

Your carefully crafted personae is now being gutted by your own ad hom idiocy. If you let dumb people talk enough they will always tell you who they are.

The real issue is that the civilian militias got hoodwinked by the far left and now the whole militia concept is being ridiculed because of the wallists willingness to violate the Constitution they pretend to care about.
Your fear of barriers seems stupid, absurd and pointless. How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

Your imbecilic view of the Constitution seems to be states can bring into the country whoever and however many people they wish. I don't know why any rational person would think that but you seem to really believe it.

The Federal Government, not California or New Mexico or New York, controls who gets in. Fuck off!

The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity and your lack of a solid knowledge base.

You cannot cite one, single, solitary sentence in the entire Constitution that supports your xenophobia. Apparently, you were a member in the militia the OP began this thread about.

My "fear of barriers" as you call it brings me to the point of educating your dumb ass since trying to be civil didn't work. In order for a wall to be effective, it relies on the background checks you thrive on. You are simply too stupid to understand that we cannot devise a background check system that applies to undocumented foreigners only.

That being the case, Americans are subject to endless background checks that have been employed for ulterior motives (i.e. locking millions of white Americans out of the job market.) Today, 97 percent of the public wants to have a background check in order to buy a firearm. However, in order for the background check to be worth a shit, that means National Gun Registration. The background check to purchase weapons is worthless without the National Gun Registration.

Registration is the precursor to weapon confiscation. The fact that you cannot follow your own line of reasoning says more about you than all the name calling I can engage in here on USM.

YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.

No sir. You like being dishonest because you've been outed for the nazi that you are. Let's dumb this stuff down for the masses:

America was founded as Republic by white Christians. ALL of our legal institutions and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on Anglo Saxon law. The de jure / lawful / constitutional government is a Republican form of government wherein the Bill of Rights is an absolute guarantee that the government will not infringe on the Rights of the people.

The Declaration of Independence, which is a statement of our foundational principles states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The bottom line here is that either all men are created equal OR they are not. Correll's position is that all men are NOT created equal. He's yet to express an opinion about a Creator. IF he supports a democracy, then his Creator would be mob rule since man is his own idiot God, the majority deciding what privileges they can dole out to their fellow man.

The non-whites, well aware of this dynamic, want to eradicate the white race off the face of the earth. That they are doing so subtly is a testament to their more than adequate strategizing.

The difference between what the wallists want and what constitutionalists want boils down to the reality:

Those who make the pretentious argument that only a wall / militarized border is the solution are living in a delusional world. For it has been shown that, by a ratio of 4 to 1, new immigrants are siding with Democrats over Republicans and are slowly voting the wallists into the pages of history.

There is no window dressing on my side. I'm offering to be specific as to the names and affiliations of the nazis that originated the talking points that Correll relies on. And, I'm not insecure in trusting the rest of you to understand that Correll cannot put a single sentence from the Constitution before you that supports his National Socialist viewpoint.

There is no realistic way of vetting foreigners whose country of birth would lie like Hell for them. The ONLY people being affected by endless background checks are Americans. Many of them are being denied jobs, credit, housing, etc. - many times over insignificant crap that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Correll does not trust his fellow man. If he did, he might understand that if many mom and pop companies were not weighted down by endless regulations and laws, they would probably hire people that looked like the owners and shared their values. There is more to it than that, but at the end of the day, if you don't have any Rights left, thank people Correll.

1. You can shove your Godwins, back up your ass where you pulled them from.

2. Your pretense that you care about the institution of America and/or "white Christians" is proved to be false, by your support of polices that, you yourself admit are existential threats to them.

3. Most of the above post was unneeded filler. The only purpose it served was to take up additional time of mine to wade though to find your actual points. Please stop that.
Jewish communist wannabe wants to use words he don't know the definition of... you don't impress me Groucho.
Groucho had a way of cutting to the truth.
The ramifications of off-shoring, Business Visas and illegals are destructive.

You believe in communism so your opinions don't count to me.

Weak dodge.

I don't dodge a damn thing. I just didn't come here to trade barbs with morons. The thread is about a right wing militia. Personal shit belongs in PMs.

Calling some one a "communist", is not a rebuttal of his point(s).

Using a name calling as a substitute for addressing his point, is a form of a dodge.

When someone comes here, makes an allegation, and avoids the OP, they are NOT due any response. Giving someone what they dish out is called self defense. Even you should be able to figure that one out.
Your avatar pretty well told me that you were a liberal. But, unfortunately your mental disorder is not the issue.
:icon_rolleyes: George Orwell? He was an anti fascist, anti authoritarian and anti Communist. Yes...a real genuine leftist. You should be so "liberal".
Scan my posts and point out all the liberal ones you can find, dimwit.

Your carefully crafted personae is now being gutted by your own ad hom idiocy. If you let dumb people talk enough they will always tell you who they are.

The real issue is that the civilian militias got hoodwinked by the far left and now the whole militia concept is being ridiculed because of the wallists willingness to violate the Constitution they pretend to care about.
Your fear of barriers seems stupid, absurd and pointless. How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

Your imbecilic view of the Constitution seems to be states can bring into the country whoever and however many people they wish. I don't know why any rational person would think that but you seem to really believe it.

The Federal Government, not California or New Mexico or New York, controls who gets in. Fuck off!

The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity and your lack of a solid knowledge base.

You cannot cite one, single, solitary sentence in the entire Constitution that supports your xenophobia. Apparently, you were a member in the militia the OP began this thread about.

My "fear of barriers" as you call it brings me to the point of educating your dumb ass since trying to be civil didn't work. In order for a wall to be effective, it relies on the background checks you thrive on. You are simply too stupid to understand that we cannot devise a background check system that applies to undocumented foreigners only.

That being the case, Americans are subject to endless background checks that have been employed for ulterior motives (i.e. locking millions of white Americans out of the job market.) Today, 97 percent of the public wants to have a background check in order to buy a firearm. However, in order for the background check to be worth a shit, that means National Gun Registration. The background check to purchase weapons is worthless without the National Gun Registration.

Registration is the precursor to weapon confiscation. The fact that you cannot follow your own line of reasoning says more about you than all the name calling I can engage in here on USM.

YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.

No sir. You like being dishonest because you've been outed for the nazi that you are. Let's dumb this stuff down for the masses:

America was founded as Republic by white Christians. ALL of our legal institutions and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on Anglo Saxon law. The de jure / lawful / constitutional government is a Republican form of government wherein the Bill of Rights is an absolute guarantee that the government will not infringe on the Rights of the people.

The Declaration of Independence, which is a statement of our foundational principles states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The bottom line here is that either all men are created equal OR they are not. Correll's position is that all men are NOT created equal. He's yet to express an opinion about a Creator. IF he supports a democracy, then his Creator would be mob rule since man is his own idiot God, the majority deciding what privileges they can dole out to their fellow man.

The non-whites, well aware of this dynamic, want to eradicate the white race off the face of the earth. That they are doing so subtly is a testament to their more than adequate strategizing.

The difference between what the wallists want and what constitutionalists want boils down to the reality:

Those who make the pretentious argument that only a wall / militarized border is the solution are living in a delusional world. For it has been shown that, by a ratio of 4 to 1, new immigrants are siding with Democrats over Republicans and are slowly voting the wallists into the pages of history.

There is no window dressing on my side. I'm offering to be specific as to the names and affiliations of the nazis that originated the talking points that Correll relies on. And, I'm not insecure in trusting the rest of you to understand that Correll cannot put a single sentence from the Constitution before you that supports his National Socialist viewpoint.

There is no realistic way of vetting foreigners whose country of birth would lie like Hell for them. The ONLY people being affected by endless background checks are Americans. Many of them are being denied jobs, credit, housing, etc. - many times over insignificant crap that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Correll does not trust his fellow man. If he did, he might understand that if many mom and pop companies were not weighted down by endless regulations and laws, they would probably hire people that looked like the owners and shared their values. There is more to it than that, but at the end of the day, if you don't have any Rights left, thank people Correll.

1. You can shove your Godwins, back up your ass where you pulled them from.

2. Your pretense that you care about the institution of America and/or "white Christians" is proved to be false, by your support of polices that, you yourself admit are existential threats to them.

3. Most of the above post was unneeded filler. The only purpose it served was to take up additional time of mine to wade though to find your actual points. Please stop that.

I've bled more blood for this country than you've said words in defense of it. I stand for the principles our forefathers fought and died for and you stupid mother fucker - I manned that border before you were a gleam in your daddy's eyes. And you don't have what it takes to shove a damn thing up my ass. If you disagree, PM me. I'd give my front seat in HELL to give you that opportunity.

You should be wary of who you threaten. I just called your bluff snowflake.
YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.
He is all over the lot. The bottom line is he seems to want what's not good for the country, and says we have no business telling states who they can let enter their borders. That's obviously and manifestly a lie.

WHile pretending to be of the far right and caring about "whites".

I'm thinking possibly a dishonest far lefty thinking he can trick the "less educated" to support anti-American policies,

I'm thinking YOU are the real lefty. Isn't THIS what you want to hear?

Just cause you drank the Kool Aid doesn't mean I'm going to.

1. THe bit where you slander me as a kool aid drinker? That is just you being afraid to debate me on the issue, based on the merits or lack there of, of YOUR position vs mine.

2. That bit where you use Bill CLinton to try to cause an emotional reaction from people on the right? That is you playing a emotional game, instead of defending your position on it's merits, or honestly addressing our position.
Save your bullshit for yourself.
Pelosi changes her mind every time MSNBC criticizes her.
When you can contain illegals in your border, get back to us minus your bleeding heart nonsense.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

There are no "illegals" since we have a presumption of innocence.

You are a cancer on the face of humanity; you're a traitor; worse you are a political propaganda prostitute and a hate monger. You didn't impress me one damn bit.

The legal "presumption of innocence" is not a reason to claim that we have no illegal aliens living among US.

It is not propaganda nor hate to have a problem with that.

Your position makes no sense.

If the United States Supreme Court says it is not a crime, who are YOU to argue with them? Additionally, do you have any inkling what kind of dangerous precedent that you are creating?

Someone who can look at tens of millions of foreign nationals living in this country in violation of our laws, and see that the emperor has no clothes on.

I don't care how many Supreme Court Justices you cite, nor how smart or even you are.

The reality is, whether right or wrong, the United States Supreme Court cannot be over-ruled by we the sheeple unless we're willing to go to war. It's obvious to me that you don't pack the gear.

Sure we can. Re-elect Trump and he'll remake the court in his image for a generation.
Totally false. They simply do not hold people in their jails for violating federal law. In short, if the feds are not there to do their job and take them into custody when the county releases them, the county is not going to do their job for them. You are a virtual encyclopedia of misinformation.
And you are a virtual encyclopedia of imagination.
Everyone knows a dump like San Francisco won't hold prisoners for the feds. But if the feds happen to call the county sheriff and just inquire about a certain prisoner being held and a release date the policy is to tell him to fuck off (but perhaps not in those exact words).

Yes. Simply releasing information to federal agents is considered "doing the job of the federal government" and they are ordered not to comply.
That is going far beyond simply not doing the work ICE should be doing to actual hostile proactive non cooperation that intentionally violates federal immigration law. So in a very real sense sanctuary cities and counties are intentionally and
diligently breaking the law when they are sworn to uphold it.

I am still waiting for a link of the above embolden part of your post. In the meantime, I am trying to visualize this:

Caller" "Is Garcia getting out of jail today?"
San Francisco County cop: "Who is asking"
Caller, "Immigration"
San Francisco County cop, "Fuck off" (Click)

Yeah, I am sure that is exactly what is happening.

That is what Sanctuary City MEANS. That is what the stated policy of these cities and local governments ARE.

Nope. That is Rush Limbaugh's imaginary definition of "Sanctuary city"

Ordering the people in the city government to not cooperate with the feds, that is not Rush Limbaugh's imagination, that is what the sanctuary cities are doing.

Then, I am sure that you can post a link that contains such exact order to municipal or county employees stating that. After all, everything don by county or city governments regarding policy is public.
:icon_rolleyes: George Orwell? He was an anti fascist, anti authoritarian and anti Communist. Yes...a real genuine leftist. You should be so "liberal".
Scan my posts and point out all the liberal ones you can find, dimwit.

Your carefully crafted personae is now being gutted by your own ad hom idiocy. If you let dumb people talk enough they will always tell you who they are.

Your fear of barriers seems stupid, absurd and pointless. How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

Your imbecilic view of the Constitution seems to be states can bring into the country whoever and however many people they wish. I don't know why any rational person would think that but you seem to really believe it.

The Federal Government, not California or New Mexico or New York, controls who gets in. Fuck off!

The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity and your lack of a solid knowledge base.

You cannot cite one, single, solitary sentence in the entire Constitution that supports your xenophobia. Apparently, you were a member in the militia the OP began this thread about.

My "fear of barriers" as you call it brings me to the point of educating your dumb ass since trying to be civil didn't work. In order for a wall to be effective, it relies on the background checks you thrive on. You are simply too stupid to understand that we cannot devise a background check system that applies to undocumented foreigners only.

That being the case, Americans are subject to endless background checks that have been employed for ulterior motives (i.e. locking millions of white Americans out of the job market.) Today, 97 percent of the public wants to have a background check in order to buy a firearm. However, in order for the background check to be worth a shit, that means National Gun Registration. The background check to purchase weapons is worthless without the National Gun Registration.

Registration is the precursor to weapon confiscation. The fact that you cannot follow your own line of reasoning says more about you than all the name calling I can engage in here on USM.

YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.

No sir. You like being dishonest because you've been outed for the nazi that you are. Let's dumb this stuff down for the masses:

America was founded as Republic by white Christians. ALL of our legal institutions and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on Anglo Saxon law. The de jure / lawful / constitutional government is a Republican form of government wherein the Bill of Rights is an absolute guarantee that the government will not infringe on the Rights of the people.

The Declaration of Independence, which is a statement of our foundational principles states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The bottom line here is that either all men are created equal OR they are not. Correll's position is that all men are NOT created equal. He's yet to express an opinion about a Creator. IF he supports a democracy, then his Creator would be mob rule since man is his own idiot God, the majority deciding what privileges they can dole out to their fellow man.

The non-whites, well aware of this dynamic, want to eradicate the white race off the face of the earth. That they are doing so subtly is a testament to their more than adequate strategizing.

The difference between what the wallists want and what constitutionalists want boils down to the reality:

Those who make the pretentious argument that only a wall / militarized border is the solution are living in a delusional world. For it has been shown that, by a ratio of 4 to 1, new immigrants are siding with Democrats over Republicans and are slowly voting the wallists into the pages of history.

There is no window dressing on my side. I'm offering to be specific as to the names and affiliations of the nazis that originated the talking points that Correll relies on. And, I'm not insecure in trusting the rest of you to understand that Correll cannot put a single sentence from the Constitution before you that supports his National Socialist viewpoint.

There is no realistic way of vetting foreigners whose country of birth would lie like Hell for them. The ONLY people being affected by endless background checks are Americans. Many of them are being denied jobs, credit, housing, etc. - many times over insignificant crap that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Correll does not trust his fellow man. If he did, he might understand that if many mom and pop companies were not weighted down by endless regulations and laws, they would probably hire people that looked like the owners and shared their values. There is more to it than that, but at the end of the day, if you don't have any Rights left, thank people Correll.

1. You can shove your Godwins, back up your ass where you pulled them from.

2. Your pretense that you care about the institution of America and/or "white Christians" is proved to be false, by your support of polices that, you yourself admit are existential threats to them.

3. Most of the above post was unneeded filler. The only purpose it served was to take up additional time of mine to wade though to find your actual points. Please stop that.

I've bled more blood for this country than you've said words in defense of it. I stand for the principles our forefathers fought and died for and you stupid mother fucker - I manned that border before you were a gleam in your daddy's eyes. And you don't have what it takes to shove a damn thing up my ass. If you disagree, PM me. I'd give my front seat in HELL to give you that opportunity.

You should be wary of who you threaten. I just called your bluff snowflake.

1. You call me a nazi, you don't get to whine about me using harsh language on you in return, old man.

2. Your claim to stand for those principles. But your position on them is self defeating to say the least.
And you are a virtual encyclopedia of imagination.
Everyone knows a dump like San Francisco won't hold prisoners for the feds. But if the feds happen to call the county sheriff and just inquire about a certain prisoner being held and a release date the policy is to tell him to fuck off (but perhaps not in those exact words).

Yes. Simply releasing information to federal agents is considered "doing the job of the federal government" and they are ordered not to comply.
That is going far beyond simply not doing the work ICE should be doing to actual hostile proactive non cooperation that intentionally violates federal immigration law. So in a very real sense sanctuary cities and counties are intentionally and
diligently breaking the law when they are sworn to uphold it.

I am still waiting for a link of the above embolden part of your post. In the meantime, I am trying to visualize this:

Caller" "Is Garcia getting out of jail today?"
San Francisco County cop: "Who is asking"
Caller, "Immigration"
San Francisco County cop, "Fuck off" (Click)

Yeah, I am sure that is exactly what is happening.

That is what Sanctuary City MEANS. That is what the stated policy of these cities and local governments ARE.

Nope. That is Rush Limbaugh's imaginary definition of "Sanctuary city"

Ordering the people in the city government to not cooperate with the feds, that is not Rush Limbaugh's imagination, that is what the sanctuary cities are doing.

Then, I am sure that you can post a link that contains such exact order to municipal or county employees stating that. After all, everything don by county or city governments regarding policy is public.

It is? I'm sure that is news to the thousands of girls raped in Rotherham. THe city government did not have a stated policy of allowing the sexual slavery of young white girls, but they did have actual de facto policy of doing so.
Groucho had a way of cutting to the truth.
The ramifications of off-shoring, Business Visas and illegals are destructive.

You believe in communism so your opinions don't count to me.

Weak dodge.

I don't dodge a damn thing. I just didn't come here to trade barbs with morons. The thread is about a right wing militia. Personal shit belongs in PMs.

Calling some one a "communist", is not a rebuttal of his point(s).

Using a name calling as a substitute for addressing his point, is a form of a dodge.

When someone comes here, makes an allegation, and avoids the OP, they are NOT due any response. Giving someone what they dish out is called self defense. Even you should be able to figure that one out.
Translation: your opinion is to be accepted as fact.
:icon_rolleyes: George Orwell? He was an anti fascist, anti authoritarian and anti Communist. Yes...a real genuine leftist. You should be so "liberal".
Scan my posts and point out all the liberal ones you can find, dimwit.

Your carefully crafted personae is now being gutted by your own ad hom idiocy. If you let dumb people talk enough they will always tell you who they are.

Your fear of barriers seems stupid, absurd and pointless. How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

Your imbecilic view of the Constitution seems to be states can bring into the country whoever and however many people they wish. I don't know why any rational person would think that but you seem to really believe it.

The Federal Government, not California or New Mexico or New York, controls who gets in. Fuck off!

The more you post, the more you show your lack of maturity and your lack of a solid knowledge base.

You cannot cite one, single, solitary sentence in the entire Constitution that supports your xenophobia. Apparently, you were a member in the militia the OP began this thread about.

My "fear of barriers" as you call it brings me to the point of educating your dumb ass since trying to be civil didn't work. In order for a wall to be effective, it relies on the background checks you thrive on. You are simply too stupid to understand that we cannot devise a background check system that applies to undocumented foreigners only.

That being the case, Americans are subject to endless background checks that have been employed for ulterior motives (i.e. locking millions of white Americans out of the job market.) Today, 97 percent of the public wants to have a background check in order to buy a firearm. However, in order for the background check to be worth a shit, that means National Gun Registration. The background check to purchase weapons is worthless without the National Gun Registration.

Registration is the precursor to weapon confiscation. The fact that you cannot follow your own line of reasoning says more about you than all the name calling I can engage in here on USM.

YOur rhetoric apes that of the far right, but your position on the issues, is that of the far left,

ie unlimited unvetted Third World immigration.

That will, no, that IS destroying America and you are supporting it.

All your pretense of caring about American institutions, or culture or even "whites" is irrelevant window dressing to try to hide that fact.

No sir. You like being dishonest because you've been outed for the nazi that you are. Let's dumb this stuff down for the masses:

America was founded as Republic by white Christians. ALL of our legal institutions and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on Anglo Saxon law. The de jure / lawful / constitutional government is a Republican form of government wherein the Bill of Rights is an absolute guarantee that the government will not infringe on the Rights of the people.

The Declaration of Independence, which is a statement of our foundational principles states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The bottom line here is that either all men are created equal OR they are not. Correll's position is that all men are NOT created equal. He's yet to express an opinion about a Creator. IF he supports a democracy, then his Creator would be mob rule since man is his own idiot God, the majority deciding what privileges they can dole out to their fellow man.

The non-whites, well aware of this dynamic, want to eradicate the white race off the face of the earth. That they are doing so subtly is a testament to their more than adequate strategizing.

The difference between what the wallists want and what constitutionalists want boils down to the reality:

Those who make the pretentious argument that only a wall / militarized border is the solution are living in a delusional world. For it has been shown that, by a ratio of 4 to 1, new immigrants are siding with Democrats over Republicans and are slowly voting the wallists into the pages of history.

There is no window dressing on my side. I'm offering to be specific as to the names and affiliations of the nazis that originated the talking points that Correll relies on. And, I'm not insecure in trusting the rest of you to understand that Correll cannot put a single sentence from the Constitution before you that supports his National Socialist viewpoint.

There is no realistic way of vetting foreigners whose country of birth would lie like Hell for them. The ONLY people being affected by endless background checks are Americans. Many of them are being denied jobs, credit, housing, etc. - many times over insignificant crap that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Correll does not trust his fellow man. If he did, he might understand that if many mom and pop companies were not weighted down by endless regulations and laws, they would probably hire people that looked like the owners and shared their values. There is more to it than that, but at the end of the day, if you don't have any Rights left, thank people Correll.

1. You can shove your Godwins, back up your ass where you pulled them from.

2. Your pretense that you care about the institution of America and/or "white Christians" is proved to be false, by your support of polices that, you yourself admit are existential threats to them.

3. Most of the above post was unneeded filler. The only purpose it served was to take up additional time of mine to wade though to find your actual points. Please stop that.

I've bled more blood for this country than you've said words in defense of it. I stand for the principles our forefathers fought and died for and you stupid mother fucker - I manned that border before you were a gleam in your daddy's eyes. And you don't have what it takes to shove a damn thing up my ass. If you disagree, PM me. I'd give my front seat in HELL to give you that opportunity.

You should be wary of who you threaten. I just called your bluff snowflake.
Aw shucks, yet another of your arguments in the toilet...
I know hundreds of people who have served and heartily disagree with your stance on this issue.

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