Right wing nut *@#%& immigration rhetoric


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

What Mitt Romney Should Say in Tampa Speech
Peter Beinart:
Why he should talk about it:
Because the United States has created a vast, permanent underclass of people who cook our food, mow our lawns, build our houses, pick our crops, and care for our children, yet lack many of the rights that we consider fundamental.

What Romney should say:
“As Republicans, we often say that we oppose illegal immigration but support people coming to America legally. But in reality, the two are intertwined. :confused: Unless the United States starts legally admitting enough people across our southern border to do the jobs that native-born Americans won’t, :mad:our illegal immigration problem will never end.

Peter Beinart: What Mitt Romney Should Say in Tampa Speech - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

I am tired of hearing Left Wing Nuts rhetoric that Illegal Aliens do jobs that we will not do. The things mentions are the things that unskilled American do and has always done. It is because of illegal immigrants that work for less under slave conditions that Americans are not hired to do those jobs anymore, leaving them homeless and resorting to committing crimes or on welfare.
The united states has not created this vast, permanent underclass of people, it is Left Wing Nuts love affair with Illegal Aliens. Most Americans do these jobs for themselves. It is because of Illegal Aliens taking those jobs that the unemployment rate among Afro-Americans is 14.4% and the crime rate is 28.5% and the unemployment rate among Legal and Illegal Aliens is 9.9%.
Why the *#@% are Illegal Aliens building our houses, mowing our lawns, and caring for our children, working our city streets, picking up garbage, cleaning hotels rooms, cleaning office buildings, painting, maintenance and food preparations in hospitals, stocking in Wal-Mart, etc, when Afro-Americans and other unskilled Americans need those jobs to feed their families and send their children to college.
Let them pick our crops. But 20 million Illegal Aliens will not pick lettuce.

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