Right-Winger Accuses Rhianna Of Satan Worship And It Ends Badly

That picture was taken more than 5 months ago not long after giving birth.

The jealously in this thread it getting to epic levels


Anyone that would hate on a woman after giving birth likely is in the 300 pound range at least

You're a goddamn clown. Nobody is jealous of some fat broad lyp syncing crap music

Well maybe you are. Sit the fck down ya fraud
You very much are cracker.

One can almost smell the jealously in this thread.

One one hand we have a billionaire entertainer that just rocked the super bowl on the other we have lonely people on an internet forum lashing out at those that do what they cannot.
Never heard of Stew Peters until about a week ago. He started showing up on my Twitter feed for some reason. It's clear he's the one Alex Jones has passed the torch to.
One can almost smell the jealously in this thread.

One one hand we have a billionaire entertainer that just rocked the super bowl on the other we have lonely people on an internet forum lashing out at those that do what they cannot.
Rocked the Super Bowl is over stating things. Her performance was low energy,half assed and her dancers were weird.

Don’t cry though a lot of Super Bowl performances suck…Did you see Journey a couple years ago. They were crap too.
Rocked the Super Bowl is over stating things. Her performance was low energy,half assed and her dancers were weird.

Thanks for your opinion. Those that were the target audience have a different view

Don’t cry though a lot of Super Bowl performances suck…Did you see Journey a couple years ago. They were crap too.

Journey has been crap since Infinity came out and they went pop rock.
I think she had on the plastic breast covering so her nips did not show.
I mean she could not move around much or dance but I thought the show was fine.
She literally sings songs that people with an as semblance of a soul, tend to like......and promotes women empowerment.......oh never mind, I see why y'all hate her so much....

Women's empowerment is a "SPECTACULARLY SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINER" grabbing her crotch, then smelling her hand, and mass humping?

Can you explain to me how a college law course that has been around for 40 years is hurting your life? Serious question?

And you said "gender" -- so the word gender is Marxist? Or are you upset that everyone doesn't conform to your binary gender choice? If so, how does that really affect you? You can't move on with your life because of what someone in Kentucky decides to identify as?

An d socialist feminism isn't a policy nor is it even a thing....just two words you decided to ram together and expect us to know what it is...
As you said, it is a COLLEGE COURSE, however bad, certainly not age appropriate for public schools. You don't know diddly about CRT, do you? Allow me to inform you a bit.

Background Information​

Critical race theory (CRT) makes race the lens through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life. CRT underpins identity politics, an ongoing effort to reimagine the United States as a nation driven by racial groups, each with specific claims on victimization. Ultimately, CRT weakens the public and private bonds that create trust and allow for civic engagement.

Roots of Critical Race Theory
Critical race theory (CRT) is a descendent of critical theory (CT), a school of philosophy that began in Frankfurt, Germany, in the 1920s and 1930s at the University of Frankfurt’s Institute for Social Research. It became known as “the Frankfurt School.” It was one of the first, if not the first, Western Marxist schools patterned after the Marx–Engels Institute in Moscow.

The Frankfurt School’s scholars fled to Columbia University’s Teachers College in New York in 1934 to escape persecution by the Nazis, and were careful to erase the word Marxism from their research papers so as not to attract attention in America.
Critical theory was, from the start, an unremitting attack on Western institutions and norms in order to tear them down. It built on the work of philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Georg Friedrich Hegel and his best-known disciple, Karl Marx.

It next became a short step to critical race theory in the late 1970s and 1980s. CRT built on critical theory’s idea that the world is based on systems of power and claims that American law is systemically oppressive. It went a step further to claim that America is systemically racist, and that this racism produced an alliance between working-class whites and the oppressor capitalist class, which prevented working-class solidarity. CRT holds to the idea that:
  1. There is no absolute truth—only competing narratives. It sees “lived experiences” as mattering more than facts.
  2. Individuals are either an oppressor or victim. You are predetermined by immutable characteristics such as race to fall into either category. Culture is defined by groups exercising power over each other.
  3. America is systemically racist and must be dismantled. It sees America as having been founded on the system of capitalism, which is racist, and therefore must be disrupted.
When followed to its logical conclusion, CRT is destructive and rejects the fundamental ideas on which our constitutional republic is based. Applying the philosophy would violate a multitude of American civil rights laws by treating people differently according to race. It should not be elevated in American classrooms.
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How long did it take lefties to find some guy (they immediately labeled "rightwing") who allegedly insulted some dumb assed pop-diva? Another inane non current event that seems to excite only idiots.

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