Right wingers are hoping America suffers for 4 years; Pathetic patriots.

Somehow the idiot Bucs thinks that reduced local revenues are going to fund public services. Good luck with that. Companies making reduced profits pay fewer state and local taxes too.

When revenue was UP, the right wing mayors and governors still slashed budgets down here.

So, it was two choices:

1- We go down, and watch all you thrive
2- We go down, and take you fuckers down with us

Welcome aboard!!!

Glad you're finally admitting that you and the left plan on taking everyone down. Isn't it refreshing when you can give up the facade and just be yourself?
those who cant predict any outcome correctly dont get the free stuff.

sorry guys but you lost and cant get anything correct.

that means you get no free stuff and have to lick the curb for a living


Losers get the free shit in America.

That is how it works.

Where do I sign up, experienced pro?
those who cant predict any outcome correctly dont get the free stuff.

sorry guys but you lost and cant get anything correct.

that means you get no free stuff and have to lick the curb for a living

We'll let you do that then just take it from you when you fall asleep drunk in the gutter.
Nonsense................The homosexuals, unborn executioners, welfare queens, teenage stoners, and tax and spend communist progressives are the ones committed to doubling down on failure
You guys are the dumb peopel in America.

you never get it right.

that makes you the dumb peopel not worth taking advice from.

Stop being stupid

Oh, damn! The secret's out...we're the dumb PEOPEL!!! Who blabbed?

(I starting to think she does this stuff on purpose?)
those who cant predict any outcome correctly dont get the free stuff.

sorry guys but you lost and cant get anything correct.

that means you get no free stuff and have to lick the curb for a living

Sorry bitch, People who have the stuff didn't get it by being stupid. You're going to get a widening pool of people competing with you to get your free stuff and the producers of the country are going to shrug. Those that have are protecting their assets now. Have fun scrabbling for the scraps.
who wants to be a hardworking Maker when you can be an easyliving Taker........?

down and out gutterlife heaven....:D
It is so sad, seeing the hate and rage flowing out of the right wing. Let me ask...and this is a hypothetical, for everyone to just think what the answer would be.....if the following things were about to happen, and God himself came down and allowed right wingers to silently vote on whether they'd happen or not, which ones would the right wing hope did NOT happen under Obama:

- US economy soars, highest level in 10 years
- Unemployment falls below 4%
- Afghans step up, secure their country, we get out and find peace
- Iran crumbles under sanctions, forfeits all nuclear research/materials
- Epic immigration compromise made; Both sides happy
- Deficit/Debt starts to shrink, gets on stable path
- Solution found to stabilize SS, Medicare, Medicaid programs
- Obamacare turns out ok, private sector innovates, and its announced that healthcare system will be better off with, than without, Obamacare

Now...if you polled 10,000 Romney voters, I'd be 9,500 or more would HOPE and PRAY the above things dont happen for us in the next 4 years.

What sad, horrible people they are.

I would say you are becoming a bigger idiot by day and you seem to forget how for the left wanting Bush to fail meant more to them than probably their own lives.
those who cant predict any outcome correctly dont get the free stuff.

sorry guys but you lost and cant get anything correct.

that means you get no free stuff and have to lick the curb for a living

Sorry bitch, People who have the stuff didn't get it by being stupid. You're going to get a widening pool of people competing with you to get your free stuff and the producers of the country are going to shrug. Those that have are protecting their assets now. Have fun scrabbling for the scraps.

It's already started. The rich that they loved demonizing are already pulling their assets.

Wealthy Dump Assets Before the 'Fiscal Cliff' - U.S. Business News - CNBC

Wait until the average "Joe Blow" starts pulling cash out of the bank for starters. Why put money in a bank that pays little to no interest. Cash is king along with gold and silver. Wise-up people. People already are getting off the grid so to speak.

The moochers are going to be running a moocher's deficit.
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Leftwards pulled the same shit last election..."You want obama to fail! You're not patriotic!" and the response was always the same...we want obama to NOT fail, we would like to be wrong about him....

But Obama DID fail, and he's still here (which most of us expected at this stage after the last election...we knew he would rig future elections, and maintain his position via criminal methods). We now know he will fail, at an accelerated pace; he failed over the last 4 years. He will continue to fail. It's disgusting. I hope you enjoy what you've done to this country.
get in line everybody....

do you idiots even remember your "if you aint with us your with the terrorists" crap?

damn you people are dishonest
Bullshit .

we predicted failure and that is what Bush served up

You wanted him to fail, as the research proves.

karma is a bitch.

I told you his policies would fuck up the eoncomy.


I told you he was lying us to war.

That has been proven.

Knowing the facts and trying to aprize you of them is not wishing their results will be bad.

Its knowing the facts and correctly decerning where they will lead.

Your predictions of failure and sucess have ALL BEEN WRONG.

that is why you lost this election

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