Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
look at trump you hear him say wrong things all the time ... not once has he ever admitted he was wrong .... my thinking is you Republicans have no Idea in what you're saying ... when a dem makes a statement, you on the right go off the deep end over that statement ... saying all kinds of shit that never happens .... when we point it out to you you say we deams never admit we are wrong ... whys that??? could it be we were right at the time saying it and you can't stand that Idea

What I get sick of is Democrats saying they are not for X when they really are. It's like what Limbaugh says all the time: when Democrats want to win elections, they start talking like Republicans.

Since alternative fuel is not wanted by the general public, how would you force people to accept it?

Well, you can make laws, but there are only so many laws you can make. You can subsidize it like Obama did with solar panels and electric cars. Or........you can make the current fuels more expensive than the alternatives, and people would use alternatives willingly.

DumBama increased the cost of electricity. How did he do that? He placed heavy green improvements on the electricity makers. He even closed some plants down. Does this sound like somebody more concerned about price than his political agenda?
what Limmbaught has to say is only for himself and his misguided followers... his opinion of a democrats belief is sooooo biased ... your source here is pathetic at best when you quote Limbaugh...

then you showed us your ignorance of what liberals are saying ... I don't think I've ever heard a Dem/liberal ever use the phrase "alternative fuel"... ... I have heard them say alternative energy source ... like wind, sun, and plant based energy ... and I've never heard any body say anything against solar and wind energy ...

then your final rant is priceless... the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas ... he also made the car companies make cars with better fuel consumption that's the reason the cost of fuel went down ... it's because they have more oil then they can sell .... they are forced to drop the prices ... the reason they dropped the prices is because the wind power, solar energy, and natural gas ... what you have said is funny at best .... its like you haven't any clue in what your saying ... you just say it because it sounds good to you
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
look at trump you hear him say wrong things all the time ... not once has he ever admitted he was wrong .... my thinking is you Republicans have no Idea in what you're saying ... when a dem makes a statement, you on the right go off the deep end over that statement ... saying all kinds of shit that never happens .... when we point it out to you you say we deams never admit we are wrong ... whys that??? could it be we were right at the time saying it and you can't stand that Idea

What I get sick of is Democrats saying they are not for X when they really are. It's like what Limbaugh says all the time: when Democrats want to win elections, they start talking like Republicans.

Since alternative fuel is not wanted by the general public, how would you force people to accept it?

Well, you can make laws, but there are only so many laws you can make. You can subsidize it like Obama did with solar panels and electric cars. Or........you can make the current fuels more expensive than the alternatives, and people would use alternatives willingly.

DumBama increased the cost of electricity. How did he do that? He placed heavy green improvements on the electricity makers. He even closed some plants down. Does this sound like somebody more concerned about price than his political agenda?
what Limmbaught has to say is only for himself and his misguided followers... his opinion of a democrats belief is sooooo biased ... your source here is pathetic at best when you quote Limbaugh...

then you showed us your ignorance of what liberals are saying ... I don't think I've ever heard a Dem/liberal ever use the phrase "alternative fuel"... ... I have heard them say alternative energy source ... like wind, sun, and plant based energy ... and I've never heard any body say anything against solar and wind energy ...

then your final rant is priceless... the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas ... he also made the car companies make cars with better fuel consumption that's the reason the cost of fuel went down ... it's because they have more oil then they can sell .... they are forced to drop the prices ... the reason they dropped the prices is because the wind power, solar energy, and natural gas ... what you have said is funny at best .... its like you haven't any clue in what your saying ... you just say it because it sounds good to you

and I've never heard any body say anything against solar and wind energy ...

They're expensive and unreliable.
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
look at trump you hear him say wrong things all the time ... not once has he ever admitted he was wrong .... my thinking is you Republicans have no Idea in what you're saying ... when a dem makes a statement, you on the right go off the deep end over that statement ... saying all kinds of shit that never happens .... when we point it out to you you say we deams never admit we are wrong ... whys that??? could it be we were right at the time saying it and you can't stand that Idea

What I get sick of is Democrats saying they are not for X when they really are. It's like what Limbaugh says all the time: when Democrats want to win elections, they start talking like Republicans.

Since alternative fuel is not wanted by the general public, how would you force people to accept it?

Well, you can make laws, but there are only so many laws you can make. You can subsidize it like Obama did with solar panels and electric cars. Or........you can make the current fuels more expensive than the alternatives, and people would use alternatives willingly.

DumBama increased the cost of electricity. How did he do that? He placed heavy green improvements on the electricity makers. He even closed some plants down. Does this sound like somebody more concerned about price than his political agenda?
what Limmbaught has to say is only for himself and his misguided followers... his opinion of a democrats belief is sooooo biased ... your source here is pathetic at best when you quote Limbaugh...

then you showed us your ignorance of what liberals are saying ... I don't think I've ever heard a Dem/liberal ever use the phrase "alternative fuel"... ... I have heard them say alternative energy source ... like wind, sun, and plant based energy ... and I've never heard any body say anything against solar and wind energy ...

then your final rant is priceless... the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas ... he also made the car companies make cars with better fuel consumption that's the reason the cost of fuel went down ... it's because they have more oil then they can sell .... they are forced to drop the prices ... the reason they dropped the prices is because the wind power, solar energy, and natural gas ... what you have said is funny at best .... its like you haven't any clue in what your saying ... you just say it because it sounds good to you

the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas

why can't rw Presidents deliver on gas prices like Barack has? :dunno:
Kenyan voodoo?

You want to step in here and help out Dottie and Franco, Synth? I asked them to explain why the CO2 emissions deal Barry got with the Chinese is good for America? They seem to be struggling...

So here's the gist of the deal...the Chinese get to continue polluting the atmosphere...in fact increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 15 years (even though they are already far and away the biggest polluters on the planet!) and only THEN capping their pollution levels!

We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So tell me why that's a good deal, Synth!
Why am I getting the feeling that I'm only hearing half of the story?
Papageo 12985814 I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
look at trump you hear him say wrong things all the time ... not once has he ever admitted he was wrong .... my thinking is you Republicans have no Idea in what you're saying ... when a dem makes a statement, you on the right go off the deep end over that statement ... saying all kinds of shit that never happens .... when we point it out to you you say we deams never admit we are wrong ... whys that??? could it be we were right at the time saying it and you can't stand that Idea

What I get sick of is Democrats saying they are not for X when they really are. It's like what Limbaugh says all the time: when Democrats want to win elections, they start talking like Republicans.

Since alternative fuel is not wanted by the general public, how would you force people to accept it?

Well, you can make laws, but there are only so many laws you can make. You can subsidize it like Obama did with solar panels and electric cars. Or........you can make the current fuels more expensive than the alternatives, and people would use alternatives willingly.

DumBama increased the cost of electricity. How did he do that? He placed heavy green improvements on the electricity makers. He even closed some plants down. Does this sound like somebody more concerned about price than his political agenda?
what Limmbaught has to say is only for himself and his misguided followers... his opinion of a democrats belief is sooooo biased ... your source here is pathetic at best when you quote Limbaugh...

then you showed us your ignorance of what liberals are saying ... I don't think I've ever heard a Dem/liberal ever use the phrase "alternative fuel"... ... I have heard them say alternative energy source ... like wind, sun, and plant based energy ... and I've never heard any body say anything against solar and wind energy ...

then your final rant is priceless... the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas ... he also made the car companies make cars with better fuel consumption that's the reason the cost of fuel went down ... it's because they have more oil then they can sell .... they are forced to drop the prices ... the reason they dropped the prices is because the wind power, solar energy, and natural gas ... what you have said is funny at best .... its like you haven't any clue in what your saying ... you just say it because it sounds good to you

the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas

Fuel cost is down because President Obama (praise be unto Him!) willed it so!
Saudi Arabia decided to pump all the oil it wants and to ignore anything OPEC says. They are clearly doing their best to wipe out the petroleum boom in the USA and Canada. Make the price so low that well heads will be shut down and exploration stopped.

The best way to overcome this is do away with oil export restrictions. Let 'em ship all they want overseas and get the wells going again.

Lift EPA crap and build a few more refineries.
why can't rw Presidents deliver on gas prices like Barack has? :dunno:
Kenyan voodoo?

You want to step in here and help out Dottie and Franco, Synth? I asked them to explain why the CO2 emissions deal Barry got with the Chinese is good for America? They seem to be struggling...

So here's the gist of the deal...the Chinese get to continue polluting the atmosphere...in fact increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 15 years (even though they are already far and away the biggest polluters on the planet!) and only THEN capping their pollution levels!

We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So tell me why that's a good deal, Synth!
Why am I getting the feeling that I'm only hearing half of the story?

Another liberal who doesn't have a clue what's in that agreement between China and the US? Come on Synth...this is getting pathetic! Surely ONE of you must have read the deal?
can you ease-up-up on your rw hate Celus? Our two-term President did what his war president predecessor couldn't- bring gas prices down

How did he do that?
Answer: by not being able to get in the way.

He did get in the way, numskull.
Not of fracking. The latest boon is because he didn't have the authority to stop it. Leases had been granted before he could do anything about it. Obama's not being able to get in the way is what opened the door to enhanced supply.

The Obama administration lifted the moratorium on deepwater oil and gas drilling on Tuesday, but it will be weeks or months before drilling resumes while industry and government regulators scramble to meet strict new rules intended to prevent another disaster like the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill.


Falling oil prices are putting the squeeze on a lot of governments, businesses, rebel groups and gangs.

But petroleum’s collapsing value could hurt Islamic State more than most, according to a recent newsletter from the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. And this could force the jihadi group to adjust its military strategy.

Oil Prices Are Dropping Like a Rock—And Hitting Islamic State — War Is Boring

Saudi Arabia has not changed their output despite what OPEC wants. Or course most of the OIL is under OPEC control, but at 56%
Why are you posting an old story that was only a response to a moratorium he imposed? One step back, one step forward, net; zero.
Kosh 13004782
Notice how my post was cherry picked.

What was cherry picked? Are you for the tough regulations that followed the Deepwater Horizon disaster or are you not?

You posted a paragraph from the NYT and commented nothing about it. So I asked you this question.

"Are you opposed to preventing an environmental disaster, where 11 workers were killed, from becoming US law and a Regulation?"

So why did you post that paragraph? Why won't you answer my question?
Last edited:
We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So you believe in the same RW forecasters that predicted in 2012 that Obama's reelection would directly drive the cost of gasoline way above $5.00 per gallon. Those predictions were based on nothing.

Now you are still singing the same old song.

Reducing carbon emissions will not drive the cost of energy up any more than Obama winning a second term would drive up gasoline prices back in 2012.

. The Clean Power Plan will ultimately save about $45 billion a year, the EPA says, by both shrinking Americans’ energy use and reducing health costs for asthma, lung cancer and other illnesses caused by air pollution. The EPA estimates the rule will also cut about $85 a year from the average American’s utility bill.

White House Plan Calls for Even Greater Greenhouse Gas Reductions

You are hell bent on eating crow on the electricity angle too.

Meanwhile you might live longer because reducing carbon emissions has made your envirionment more healthy although you act as if you'd rather be living in Beijing right now with a surgical mask on your face.

Stop whining and believing idiots who make rediculous predictions based on nothing but RW'er standard boilerplate BS.

What's happening is US natural gas is cheaper and cleaner than coal and the power plants have been switching.

And alternative energy and renewables are continually becoming lower cost- higher benefit and competitive with carbon based sources.
why can't rw Presidents deliver on gas prices like Barack has? :dunno:
Kenyan voodoo?

You want to step in here and help out Dottie and Franco, Synth? I asked them to explain why the CO2 emissions deal Barry got with the Chinese is good for America? They seem to be struggling...

So here's the gist of the deal...the Chinese get to continue polluting the atmosphere...in fact increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 15 years (even though they are already far and away the biggest polluters on the planet!) and only THEN capping their pollution levels!

We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So tell me why that's a good deal, Synth!
Why am I getting the feeling that I'm only hearing half of the story?

Another liberal who doesn't have a clue what's in that agreement between China and the US? Come on Synth...this is getting pathetic! Surely ONE of you must have read the deal?
Give me some links.

Did Sanders, Warren, Brown, Franken, Boxer vote for it?
Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
look at trump you hear him say wrong things all the time ... not once has he ever admitted he was wrong .... my thinking is you Republicans have no Idea in what you're saying ... when a dem makes a statement, you on the right go off the deep end over that statement ... saying all kinds of shit that never happens .... when we point it out to you you say we deams never admit we are wrong ... whys that??? could it be we were right at the time saying it and you can't stand that Idea

What I get sick of is Democrats saying they are not for X when they really are. It's like what Limbaugh says all the time: when Democrats want to win elections, they start talking like Republicans.

Since alternative fuel is not wanted by the general public, how would you force people to accept it?

Well, you can make laws, but there are only so many laws you can make. You can subsidize it like Obama did with solar panels and electric cars. Or........you can make the current fuels more expensive than the alternatives, and people would use alternatives willingly.

DumBama increased the cost of electricity. How did he do that? He placed heavy green improvements on the electricity makers. He even closed some plants down. Does this sound like somebody more concerned about price than his political agenda?
what Limmbaught has to say is only for himself and his misguided followers... his opinion of a democrats belief is sooooo biased ... your source here is pathetic at best when you quote Limbaugh...

then you showed us your ignorance of what liberals are saying ... I don't think I've ever heard a Dem/liberal ever use the phrase "alternative fuel"... ... I have heard them say alternative energy source ... like wind, sun, and plant based energy ... and I've never heard any body say anything against solar and wind energy ...

then your final rant is priceless... the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas ... he also made the car companies make cars with better fuel consumption that's the reason the cost of fuel went down ... it's because they have more oil then they can sell .... they are forced to drop the prices ... the reason they dropped the prices is because the wind power, solar energy, and natural gas ... what you have said is funny at best .... its like you haven't any clue in what your saying ... you just say it because it sounds good to you

the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas

Fuel cost is down because President Obama (praise be unto Him!) willed it so!

He can "will" all he likes, but willing something doesn't impact it. Actions impacts things like fuel prices.
Papageo 12985814
Already posted and you ignored.

I don't ignore a single one of those links. Specifically the Weekly Standard Gas Price Perfidy one.

It contains a major lie by omission. It omits that Chu backed off his gas-price comment that he wrote in the WSJ in 2008 during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Energy Secretary in early 2009.

Had Chu not done so It is quite obvious that Obama would not have chosen Chu as Energy Secretary with the economy hurting so many Americans from the Great Bush Recession.

That is s huge dishonest omission in one of your blessed RW PROPAGANDA RAGS.

Yeah, we know. The best thing about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.

But hey, keep believing that Democrats are for lower fuel prices, the right to own and protect oneself with a gun, not pro-abortion, because that's how the devil works. He tells you one thing when the truth is so in front of your face you have to close your eyes to avoid it.

But keep those palms of your hands against your ears and continue singing aloud. It's why we call you people the uninformed voters in this country.
look at trump you hear him say wrong things all the time ... not once has he ever admitted he was wrong .... my thinking is you Republicans have no Idea in what you're saying ... when a dem makes a statement, you on the right go off the deep end over that statement ... saying all kinds of shit that never happens .... when we point it out to you you say we deams never admit we are wrong ... whys that??? could it be we were right at the time saying it and you can't stand that Idea

What I get sick of is Democrats saying they are not for X when they really are. It's like what Limbaugh says all the time: when Democrats want to win elections, they start talking like Republicans.

Since alternative fuel is not wanted by the general public, how would you force people to accept it?

Well, you can make laws, but there are only so many laws you can make. You can subsidize it like Obama did with solar panels and electric cars. Or........you can make the current fuels more expensive than the alternatives, and people would use alternatives willingly.

DumBama increased the cost of electricity. How did he do that? He placed heavy green improvements on the electricity makers. He even closed some plants down. Does this sound like somebody more concerned about price than his political agenda?
what Limmbaught has to say is only for himself and his misguided followers... his opinion of a democrats belief is sooooo biased ... your source here is pathetic at best when you quote Limbaugh...

then you showed us your ignorance of what liberals are saying ... I don't think I've ever heard a Dem/liberal ever use the phrase "alternative fuel"... ... I have heard them say alternative energy source ... like wind, sun, and plant based energy ... and I've never heard any body say anything against solar and wind energy ...

then your final rant is priceless... the reason fuel cost are down is because Obama made it easier to drill for oil and natural gas ... he also made the car companies make cars with better fuel consumption that's the reason the cost of fuel went down ... it's because they have more oil then they can sell .... they are forced to drop the prices ... the reason they dropped the prices is because the wind power, solar energy, and natural gas ... what you have said is funny at best .... its like you haven't any clue in what your saying ... you just say it because it sounds good to you

No, I said that the reason fuel prices are down is because of fracking and fracking only.

DumBama made it easier to get oil and natural gas? How? What did he do? Drilling and exploration permits went down after he took office. He had no plans on lowering anything except our quality of life.

The impact we've seen so far happened because of fuel we get from privately owned lands--not public. Find me one commodity investment company that sold short oil because of wind, solar or higher milage vehicles, and maybe you might have a point.
We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So you believe in the same RW forecasters that predicted in 2012 that Obama's reelection would directly drive the cost of gasoline way above $5.00 per gallon. Those predictions were based on nothing.

Now you are still singing the same old song.

Reducing carbon emissions will not drive the cost of energy up any more than Obama winning a second term would drive up gasoline prices back in 2012.

. The Clean Power Plan will ultimately save about $45 billion a year, the EPA says, by both shrinking Americans’ energy use and reducing health costs for asthma, lung cancer and other illnesses caused by air pollution. The EPA estimates the rule will also cut about $85 a year from the average American’s utility bill.

White House Plan Calls for Even Greater Greenhouse Gas Reductions

You are hell bent on eating crow on the electricity angle too.

Meanwhile you might live longer because reducing carbon emissions has made your envirionment more healthy although you act as if you'd rather be living in Beijing right now with a surgical mask on your face.

Stop whining and believing idiots who make rediculous predictions based on nothing but RW'er standard boilerplate BS.

What's happening is US natural gas is cheaper and cleaner than coal and the power plants have been switching.

And alternative energy and renewables are continually becoming lower cost- higher benefit and competitive with carbon based sources.

Reducing carbon emissions will not drive the cost of energy up any more than Obama winning a second term would drive up gasoline prices back in 2012.

Won't drive up the cost? What do you know that Obama doesn't?

why can't rw Presidents deliver on gas prices like Barack has? :dunno:
Kenyan voodoo?

You want to step in here and help out Dottie and Franco, Synth? I asked them to explain why the CO2 emissions deal Barry got with the Chinese is good for America? They seem to be struggling...

So here's the gist of the deal...the Chinese get to continue polluting the atmosphere...in fact increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 15 years (even though they are already far and away the biggest polluters on the planet!) and only THEN capping their pollution levels!

We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So tell me why that's a good deal, Synth!
Why am I getting the feeling that I'm only hearing half of the story?

Another liberal who doesn't have a clue what's in that agreement between China and the US? Come on Synth...this is getting pathetic! Surely ONE of you must have read the deal?
Give me some links.

Did Sanders, Warren, Brown, Franken, Boxer vote for it?

You want me to give you a link NOW so you can read up on what Barry has already agreed to? You Obamabots are hilarious, Synth. You're all here whining about the bad ole Republicans that won't give Obama what he wants on this climate deal...but you don't even know what it is that Obama wants? Like I said...PATHETIC!

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