Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

It's amazing how high you dupes can pile the irrelevant Pubcrappe....time for more tin foil...

So Franco...you asked me for a link about the deal Barry worked out with the Chinese...and when I provided it...YOU RAN FROM THE QUESTION I ASKED, LIKE SUPERMAN FROM KRYTONITE!

So did you want to take a crack at explaining how letting the Chinese continue to increase their CO2 pollution for the next 15 years and only THEN cap it...while we are reducing ours starting NOW is a good deal for the US?

DumBama can't make China do anything he wants. It's the same type of deal he made with Iran "postpone it until I'm out of office."
44 ran for President and won TWICE!!! Whats on your resume hack boi? Thats a rhetorical question :eusa_shhh:

When did I say I planned on running for President?
What DumbRay? Stop using your dopey nickname for our President
It's only a dopey nickname if it doesn't fit, Dottie! So did you want to explain why that CO2 emissions treaty with China was a good deal? Or have you not read it either?
It's amazing how high you dupes can pile the irrelevant Pubcrappe....time for more tin foil...

So Franco...you asked me for a link about the deal Barry worked out with the Chinese...and when I provided it...YOU RAN FROM THE QUESTION I ASKED, LIKE SUPERMAN FROM KRYTONITE!

So did you want to take a crack at explaining how letting the Chinese continue to increase their CO2 pollution for the next 15 years and only THEN cap it...while we are reducing ours starting NOW is a good deal for the US?

DumBama can't make China do anything he wants. It's the same type of deal he made with Iran "postpone it until I'm out of office."
44 ran for President and won TWICE!!! Whats on your resume hack boi? Thats a rhetorical question :eusa_shhh:

When did I say I planned on running for President?
What DumbRay? Stop using your dopey nickname for our President

It's a deal.......when you stop being a troll.
So Franco...you asked me for a link about the deal Barry worked out with the Chinese...and when I provided it...YOU RAN FROM THE QUESTION I ASKED, LIKE SUPERMAN FROM KRYTONITE!

So did you want to take a crack at explaining how letting the Chinese continue to increase their CO2 pollution for the next 15 years and only THEN cap it...while we are reducing ours starting NOW is a good deal for the US?

DumBama can't make China do anything he wants. It's the same type of deal he made with Iran "postpone it until I'm out of office."
44 ran for President and won TWICE!!! Whats on your resume hack boi? Thats a rhetorical question :eusa_shhh:

When did I say I planned on running for President?
What DumbRay? Stop using your dopey nickname for our President

It's a deal.......when you stop being a troll.
I'm being a troll :lol: By pointing-out your partisan pettiness, Whatever you say :cuckoo:
It's amazing how high you dupes can pile the irrelevant Pubcrappe....time for more tin foil...

So Franco...you asked me for a link about the deal Barry worked out with the Chinese...and when I provided it...YOU RAN FROM THE QUESTION I ASKED, LIKE SUPERMAN FROM KRYTONITE!

So did you want to take a crack at explaining how letting the Chinese continue to increase their CO2 pollution for the next 15 years and only THEN cap it...while we are reducing ours starting NOW is a good deal for the US?
Moot. China is doing it on its own. It pays.
It's amazing how high you dupes can pile the irrelevant Pubcrappe....time for more tin foil...

So Franco...you asked me for a link about the deal Barry worked out with the Chinese...and when I provided it...YOU RAN FROM THE QUESTION I ASKED, LIKE SUPERMAN FROM KRYTONITE!

So did you want to take a crack at explaining how letting the Chinese continue to increase their CO2 pollution for the next 15 years and only THEN cap it...while we are reducing ours starting NOW is a good deal for the US?

DumBama can't make China do anything he wants. It's the same type of deal he made with Iran "postpone it until I'm out of office."
44 ran for President and won TWICE!!! Whats on your resume hack boi? Thats a rhetorical question :eusa_shhh:

Did you want to take a crack at explaining why the climate deal Barry cut with China is good for the US, Dottie? Answering that seems to be above Franco's "pay grade".
And where does it say we do it NOW anyway lol?
why can't rw Presidents deliver on gas prices like Barack has? :dunno:
Kenyan voodoo?
why can't rw Presidents deliver on gas prices like Barack has? :dunno:
Kenyan voodoo?

You want to step in here and help out Dottie and Franco, Synth? I asked them to explain why the CO2 emissions deal Barry got with the Chinese is good for America? They seem to be struggling...

So here's the gist of the deal...the Chinese get to continue polluting the atmosphere...in fact increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 15 years (even though they are already far and away the biggest polluters on the planet!) and only THEN capping their pollution levels!

We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So tell me why that's a good deal, Synth!
why can't rw Presidents deliver on gas prices like Barack has? :dunno:
Kenyan voodoo?

You want to step in here and help out Dottie and Franco, Synth? I asked them to explain why the CO2 emissions deal Barry got with the Chinese is good for America? They seem to be struggling...

So here's the gist of the deal...the Chinese get to continue polluting the atmosphere...in fact increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 15 years (even though they are already far and away the biggest polluters on the planet!) and only THEN capping their pollution levels!

We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So tell me why that's a good deal, Synth!

The beautiful part of the deal is that 15 years from now the Chinese can just say "Never mind. We're not complying with the terms of the deal." Isn't that diabolical?
The fact is...that deal is the very definition of "fail"! It might even be a worse deal than Barry got with the Iranians in regards to them building a nuke!

We conservatives tend to declare that Barry is a failure BECAUSE of deals like these...duh?
why can't rw Presidents deliver on gas prices like Barack has? :dunno:
Kenyan voodoo?

You want to step in here and help out Dottie and Franco, Synth? I asked them to explain why the CO2 emissions deal Barry got with the Chinese is good for America? They seem to be struggling...

So here's the gist of the deal...the Chinese get to continue polluting the atmosphere...in fact increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 15 years (even though they are already far and away the biggest polluters on the planet!) and only THEN capping their pollution levels!

We on the other hand will immediately decrease our CO2 emissions by 20%...driving up the cost of energy in America and making it that much harder for US businesses to compete with Chinese industries.

So tell me why that's a good deal, Synth!

The beautiful part of the deal is that 15 years from now the Chinese can just say "Never mind. We're not complying with the terms of the deal." Isn't that diabolical?
Even if they comply with the terms of the agreement...God only knows how bad they'll be polluting the atmosphere by then! They already burn about half the coal consumed worldwide at 49%. We on the other hand consume about 11% if my memory serves me right. But WE'RE going to cut our levels first and then fifteen YEARS from now the Chinese might cap theirs? Who would sign that kind of a deal? You'd have to be the most naive fool on the planet!
I just have to ask again.

Obama: GREAT president? Or the GREATEST president?

Failed President. Bottom 5.
Well, you're a fanatic, and that's what I would expect a fanatic to say.

Well he's a failure, what else would I say?
Only a Right-Wing fanatic would make the laughable claim that Obama has been a failure.

Because left-wing fanatics are still in denial.
I just have to ask again.

Obama: GREAT president? Or the GREATEST president?

Failed President. Bottom 5.
Well, you're a fanatic, and that's what I would expect a fanatic to say.

Well he's a failure, what else would I say?
Only a Right-Wing fanatic would make the laughable claim that Obama has been a failure.

Because left-wing fanatics are still in denial.

What's sad, Todd...is that most of these people don't seem to have a clue what's IN the damned agreement! Yet they lambaste the GOP for opposing it? Seriously?
The price has yet to drop to the level it was a week before your shithead was inaugurated.
can you ease-up-up on your rw hate Celus? Our two-term President did what his war president predecessor couldn't- bring gas prices down

How did he do that?
Answer: by not being able to get in the way.

He did get in the way, numskull.
Not of fracking. The latest boon is because he didn't have the authority to stop it. Leases had been granted before he could do anything about it. Obama's not being able to get in the way is what opened the door to enhanced supply.

The Obama administration lifted the moratorium on deepwater oil and gas drilling on Tuesday, but it will be weeks or months before drilling resumes while industry and government regulators scramble to meet strict new rules intended to prevent another disaster like the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill.


Falling oil prices are putting the squeeze on a lot of governments, businesses, rebel groups and gangs.

But petroleum’s collapsing value could hurt Islamic State more than most, according to a recent newsletter from the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. And this could force the jihadi group to adjust its military strategy.

Oil Prices Are Dropping Like a Rock—And Hitting Islamic State — War Is Boring

Saudi Arabia has not changed their output despite what OPEC wants. Or course most of the OIL is under OPEC control, but at 56%
FAQ2 12995149
Ill take that as a yes - you are going to ignore reality in your face in the name of partisanship.

What 'reality' is being ignored? Reality would be your providing evidence that President Obama wanted to raise gasoline prices to $5 to $10 if he was to be reelected in 2912.

I can't ignore a reality that only exists in a mind such as yours.

So where is that Obama statement that you think exists? A direct quote regarding him wanting gasoline prices to go up if he won re-election.
You have been given direct statements. You have been given video clips. You have ducked, dodged and tried to change claims I have made in a disastrous effort to ignore the blatantly obvious. What makes you think I would post any of it yet again - you ignored it the first time. I have no illusions that you are going to suddenly stop being a partisan hack. Come back when you are willing to actually think, post actual rebuttals and accept hard evidence.
. You have been given direct statements. You have been given video clips.

The truth is, I have not been given direct statements or videos containing direct statements of any kind where anyone in my the. Obama Administration declares an intent or desire to raise the price of gasoline for any reason whatsoever.

You have ignore the direct statements I have provided that are direct statements from Obama's nominated and approved Energy Secretary where he states before Congress that he has no intention or desire to raise the price of gasoline.

So you must be a whacko conspiracy theorist that sees evil intent in what Obama and Chu actually said and therefore must be lying.

Don't talk to me about direct statements. You have chosen not to believe there actual words.

Gas prices did not go to $6 per gal after Obama and his Administration was reelected as Repuplicans have predicted.

You are a pitiful conspiracy theorist since the situation your leaders and media goons put forward turned out to never happen. You have a CT where the evil event did not happen. The exact opposite happened.

That's reality if you ever come back to belief in reality.
Posted by Kosh from the NYTimes 13004254
The Obama administration lifted the moratorium on deepwater oil and gas drilling on Tuesday, but it will be weeks or months before drilling resumes while industry and government regulators scramble to meet strict new rules intended to prevent another disaster like the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill.

Are you opposed to preventing an environmental disaster, where 11 workers were killed, from becoming US law and a Regulation.

The price of oil obviously did not rise as a result of very important regulations imposed after such a huge disaster for a lot of people on shore as well as those earning a living from fishing etc.
Posted by Kosh from the NYTimes 13004254
The Obama administration lifted the moratorium on deepwater oil and gas drilling on Tuesday, but it will be weeks or months before drilling resumes while industry and government regulators scramble to meet strict new rules intended to prevent another disaster like the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill.

Are you opposed to preventing an environmental disaster, where 11 workers were killed, from becoming US law and a Regulation.

The price of oil obviously did not rise as a result of very important regulations imposed after such a huge disaster for a lot of people on shore as well as those earning a living from fishing etc.

When are you going to change your name to fooled by Obama?

Another far left drone running a narrative that do not understand, but must run that narrative all costs..

Notice how my post was cherry picked.

The Obama administration lifted the moratorium on deepwater oil and gas drilling on Tuesday, but it will be weeks or months before drilling resumes while industry and government regulators scramble to meet strict new rules intended to prevent another disaster like the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill.


Falling oil prices are putting the squeeze on a lot of governments, businesses, rebel groups and gangs.

But petroleum’s collapsing value could hurt Islamic State more than most, according to a recent newsletter from the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. And this could force the jihadi group to adjust its military strategy.

Oil Prices Are Dropping Like a Rock—And Hitting Islamic State — War Is Boring

Saudi Arabia has not changed their output despite what OPEC wants. Or course most of the OIL is under OPEC control, but at 56%

You can thank ISIS for the low OIL prices.. You can thank Obama/the far left for making sure the labor force participation is reduced to close to 60%..

However as most far left drone do not understand OIL supply has never been the problem, it is bottleneck into gasoline when demand exceeds production..

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