Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

long knife 12999362
Another ignorant thread.

What is ignorant about the thread? RW'ers predicted $5 to $10 gasoline if Obama got reelected in 2012. There is your ignorance. It's not this thread.

The pittance of US oil exports kept from the global market had very little effect on the price of gasoline in the U.S. The past few years.

U.S. Drilling is being suspended at some wells because of those low oil prices that Republicans were so wrong about.
long knife 12999362
Another ignorant thread.

What is ignorant about the thread? RW'ers predicted $5 to $10 gasoline if Obama got reelected in 2012. There is your ignorance. It's not this thread.

The pittance of US oil exports kept from the global market had very little effect on the price of gasoline in the U.S. The past few years.

U.S. Drilling is being suspended at some wells because of those low oil prices that Republicans were so wrong about.

RW'ers predicted $5 to $10 gasoline if Obama got reelected in 2012.

Some made that prediction. Some didn't. So what?
I predicted Obama would screw things up. He did.
What do I win?
FAQ2 12995149
Ill take that as a yes - you are going to ignore reality in your face in the name of partisanship.

What 'reality' is being ignored? Reality would be your providing evidence that President Obama wanted to raise gasoline prices to $5 to $10 if he was to be reelected in 2912.

I can't ignore a reality that only exists in a mind such as yours.

So where is that Obama statement that you think exists? A direct quote regarding him wanting gasoline prices to go up if he won re-election.
Toddster 13000825
I predicted Obama would screw things up. He did.

What specifically has Obama screwed up?
I don't really think he "screwed up" because I don't think he had any intention of achieving the goals he originally campaigned on. So there was no failure. I just think he lied about his intentions.

But obviously I can't be sure. Maybe he's just a fuck up.
whatever you have to tell yourselves Rw'ers. It took a two-term Democrat President to get prices down

It's difficult to believe anyone is stupid enough to believe Obama deserves the credit for lower oil prices. They can't name a single thing he did to bring them down.
Remember now the far left wanted high gas prices to curb the driving habits of everyone in America except themselves..

However you can thank ISIS for the low oil prices...
You can thank them.
I'll attribute the price drop to fracking and the supply increase it enhances.

It is because of the ISIS control and selling the OIL dirt cheap which has prevented any big rises in OIL prices..

Saudi Arabia has increased the flow of OIL on the market to keep prices low even against the advice of OPEC.. It also keeps Putin and ISIS from making big profits in OIL to fuel their empires..

So you can thank ISIS...

You can thank fracking. ISIS had little to do with it.
Toddster 13000825
I predicted Obama would screw things up. He did.

What specifically has Obama screwed up?
I don't really think he "screwed up" because I don't think he had any intention of achieving the goals he originally campaigned on. So there was no failure. I just think he lied about his intentions.

But obviously I can't be sure. Maybe he's just a fuck up.
Maybe you're just a brainwashed ignoramus. (50% chance racist)...
Remember now the far left wanted high gas prices to curb the driving habits of everyone in America except themselves..

However you can thank ISIS for the low oil prices...
You can thank them.
I'll attribute the price drop to fracking and the supply increase it enhances.

It is because of the ISIS control and selling the OIL dirt cheap which has prevented any big rises in OIL prices..

Saudi Arabia has increased the flow of OIL on the market to keep prices low even against the advice of OPEC.. It also keeps Putin and ISIS from making big profits in OIL to fuel their empires..

So you can thank ISIS...

You can thank fracking. ISIS had little to do with it.
And alternate energy and economical cars and Iran oil, etc. BTW, fracking is not GOP, but safer fracking IS Dem.
Oldstyle 12972396
I ask the question once again, Notfooled...name an Obama policy that's decreased the cost of oil and led to lower gas prices!

I've replied that my point is based on the fact that private sector fracking that took off in 2003 is what helped in large part to lead us to the lower price of gas today. So I know of no reason that you keep making your irrelevant request.

You knew that private sector fracking was going on in 2012. So why would you believe every crackpot politician and RW'er that was predicting massive increases in gasoline if Obama was elected for a second term.

Obama's energy policy was called "all of the above" which included private sector fracking. So how do you rightwingers declare that Obama's energy policy failed to contribute to the lower price of gasoline right now? Private sector fracking went on its merry way under Obama's energy policy. So much so that major investments in existing and potential drilling sites has dropped off due to the decrease in that value of a barrel of oil where fracking more sites would see a diminished or negative return on investment.

Why not start blaming Obama for every oil company that abandons millions spent on new fracking fields. That is your game isn't it. Something goes wrong blame Obama. Something goes right - call it Obama failing to prevent it.

Could you please point out the legislation Obama pushed through Congress that promoted fracking?
whatever you have to tell yourselves Rw'ers. It took a two-term Democrat President to get prices down
The price has yet to drop to the level it was a week before your shithead was inaugurated.
can you ease-up-up on your rw hate Celus? Our two-term President did what his war president predecessor couldn't- bring gas prices down

How did he do that?
Answer: by not being able to get in the way.
Oldstyle 12973214
. As part of his "all of the above" strategy, Notfooled...please show me what initiatives the Obama Administration put forward to increase fossil fuel production!

I told you Obama's energy strategy 'all of the above' included private sector fracking. You can't argue that private sector fracking didn't happen can you? So Obama's initiative included increasing fossil fuel production in the U.S. It was part of the overall strategy to reduce demand while increasing U.S. Production which included fracking on private lands.

Your request has been answered many times now. Call Rush to see if you can come up with another baseless line of attack. Perhaps he can help you come up with something new.

The fact that something happened doesn't make it part of Obama's agenda. A major Earthquake "happened" in Japan during Obama's reign. Was that part of his agenda?

"All of the above" was not Obama's agenda because he did everything in his power to reduce the supply of fossil fuels.
whatever you have to tell yourselves Rw'ers. It took a two-term Democrat President to get prices down
The price has yet to drop to the level it was a week before your shithead was inaugurated.
can you ease-up-up on your rw hate Celus? Our two-term President did what his war president predecessor couldn't- bring gas prices down

How did he do that?
Answer: by not being able to get in the way.

He did get in the way, numskull.
Remember now the far left wanted high gas prices to curb the driving habits of everyone in America except themselves..

However you can thank ISIS for the low oil prices...
You can thank them.
I'll attribute the price drop to fracking and the supply increase it enhances.

It is because of the ISIS control and selling the OIL dirt cheap which has prevented any big rises in OIL prices..

Saudi Arabia has increased the flow of OIL on the market to keep prices low even against the advice of OPEC.. It also keeps Putin and ISIS from making big profits in OIL to fuel their empires..

So you can thank ISIS...

You can thank fracking. ISIS had little to do with it.
And alternate energy and economical cars and Iran oil, etc. BTW, fracking is not GOP, but safer fracking IS Dem.
All oil extraction is anti-democrat because of democrats' extremist climangelical religious faith. Democrats taking any credit for any reduction in the price of fossil fuels is pure hypocrisy.
whatever you have to tell yourselves Rw'ers. It took a two-term Democrat President to get prices down
The price has yet to drop to the level it was a week before your shithead was inaugurated.
can you ease-up-up on your rw hate Celus? Our two-term President did what his war president predecessor couldn't- bring gas prices down

How did he do that?
Answer: by not being able to get in the way.

He did get in the way, numskull.
Not of fracking. The latest boon is because he didn't have the authority to stop it. Leases had been granted before he could do anything about it. Obama's not being able to get in the way is what opened the door to enhanced supply.
Papa 12975267
Funny libs were wanting $5 a gallon gas, hell Obama wanted high gas prices.

Let's see a direct quote from Obama saying that he wanted high gas prices. It must be written down somewhere if you actually believe it is true.

HARWOOD: As difficult as this is for consumers right now, is, in fact, high gas prices what we need to let the market work, a line incentive so that we do shift to alternative means of energy?

Sen. OBAMA: Well, I think that we have been slow to move in a better direction when it comes to energy usage. And the president, frankly, hasn’t had an energy policy. And as a consequence, we’ve been consuming energy as if it’s infinite. We now know that our demand is badly outstripping supply with China and India growing as rapidly as they are. So…

HARWOOD: So could these high prices help us?

Sen. OBAMA: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing. But if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money into their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more quickly, particularly US automakers, then I think ultimately, we can come out of this stronger and have a more efficient energy policy than we do right now.

10 best rising gas prices quotes

“Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” – Energy Secretary Steven Chu (Sept. 2008)

The price has yet to drop to the level it was a week before your shithead was inaugurated.
can you ease-up-up on your rw hate Celus? Our two-term President did what his war president predecessor couldn't- bring gas prices down

How did he do that?
Answer: by not being able to get in the way.

He did get in the way, numskull.
Not of fracking. The latest boon is because he didn't have the authority to stop it. Leases had been granted before he could do anything about it. Obama's not being able to get in the way is what opened the door to enhanced supply.

The EPA still tried to shut it down. The only problem was that all the studies done showed it to be totally environmentally benign.

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