Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Lowest since statistics have been kept.

He got it down by driving major portions completely out of the labor sector.

The ONLY ones benefiting from Obama's failed policies are Wall Street insiders. Main Street is getting fucked.
We didn't TRY any of Obama's policies, leaving the Fed you're complaining about as the only option.

So Barry had Democratic majorities in the House and Senate for two years and we didn't TRY any of his policies? How can that be, Franco? How could Obama and his minions have passed the ACA yet not pass other policies?
They had 2 weeks, dingbat dupe. What planet are you on?

So let me see if I've got this straight...they had two weeks to pass stuff and they managed to pass the ACA a piece of legislation thousands of pages long that affects 1/6th of our economy...but they didn't have time to pass any other legislation?

You really buy that nonsense...don't you, Franco!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
you meant two years right?

LOL...no, I was referring to Franco's nonsense about Obama only having Super Majorities for a total of two weeks during his first two years. It's part of the progressive "mantra" why Barry wasn't able to do great things! You've gotta love the contortions that libs will do in order to protect The One's legacy!
Paid $1.79 in south Texas yesterday........

When gas goes high....it's Obama's fault....when it is low, oh well, it's something else.

Damn rw will never admit that Obama is a hell of a lot better president than G W Doofus ever was.

So do tell: what were we hearing from the libs when gasoline went so high under Bush? That it certainly wasn't the Presidents fault?

Ray, what action did Bush take that Obama has avoided? (Concerning gasoline prices is the subject)

Bush invaded an oil producing country in the ME. It was a forgone conclusion the oil prices would rise when the invasion happened.

Obama hasnt done that.
Thats how I blame Bush for the gas price increases and dont give Obama credit for dropping prices.

We got drilled so to speak by the oil companies during the Bush years.
Maybe you recall the record breaking profits posted by oil companies during that period.

Oil companies loved Bush and the invasion of Iraq.

Thats why the neo cons are so ready to invade somewhere that instability will effect crude oil prices.
Oil companies arent making record profits at the present.

Regualr old Americans are currently reaping the rewards of the market. To much supply/to little demand market.

And Republicans hate it when regular people get a benefit while their oil company buddies dont.

So its off to war we go sometime after Obamas gone.

Till then, enjoy. You a truck driver? Your company (or you) are really enjoying these fuel prices. Right?

You seem to be implying that Bush invaded Iraq not because Saddam Hussein was blatantly violating UN sanctions but because Big Oil wanted him to so they could make larger profits. That's quite the scenario you've bought into.
We didn't TRY any of Obama's policies, leaving the Fed you're complaining about as the only option.

So Barry had Democratic majorities in the House and Senate for two years and we didn't TRY any of his policies? How can that be, Franco? How could Obama and his minions have passed the ACA yet not pass other policies?
They had 2 weeks, dingbat dupe. What planet are you on?

So let me see if I've got this straight...they had two weeks to pass stuff and they managed to pass the ACA a piece of legislation thousands of pages long that affects 1/6th of our economy...but they didn't have time to pass any other legislation?

You really buy that nonsense...don't you, Franco!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

This is not to mention that all Republicans are not normally unified on all subjects.

Bwahahahaha.....I simply can't stop laughing at your comment. You are talking about the lock-step GOP? They don't care what their constituents want. Try another one.

What's so sad is that even the Republican women in Congress voted against their own interest when they voted against the Equal Pay for all act....just like Stepford Wives....:)

Rebellious rank-and-file House Republicans are feeling pressure from leaders to toe the party line.

While leaders aren’t whipping Members on some major votes — amendments to this week’s stopgap spending measure, for example — they have strongly tried to minimize defections on procedural matters and made it clear that unity is a priority.
Republicans Face Pressure to Vote in Lock Step

Voting or acting against their political self-interest is a thing that some women do. Women opposed the Equal Rights Amendment and the suffrage movement. They always have their reasons, but in this case the reasons seem mighty cynical.

The Republican women in the Senate, like all Congress members except the Speaker of the House and minority and majority leaders, earn $174,000 a year. That’s 4.6 times women workers’ median yearly income but only 3.5 times that of working men.

With equal pay for equal work, it appears that these Republicans can afford to play politics with other women’s economic security.

Why These Republican Women Voted Against Equal Pay for All

What's laughable, Mertex is the notion that women don't already get equal pay for equal work.
Weakest president ever, but at least he's blackish.

Yeah.....it chaps any real red blooded Right Wing American any time we don't have a few of America's youth dying every week or two 10,000 miles from home in a goddam desert. Don't you people ever pay attention:

I suppose you're fine with tens of thousands of innocent civilians being raped and killed by ISIS every week or two...causing one of the largest migrations of refugees in memory? American used to be the country the world could count on to defend the weak...now we're the country that "leads from behind"...whatever the hell that means!

he's probably happy about the fourteen deaths in San Bernardino, and the little secret that let the wifee in without a background check for the marriage visa. Now it's 41 thousand of these muslims besides the female shooter were allowed in with a secret non screening no one knew about until yesterday I supposed. But hey, the government should never had allowed old bride-o into the country. NEVER, the agency admits it. Ouch, so now we have Benghazi and San Bernardino on Obama's hands.

Bush had repeated warnings about the Al Queda attacking the U S using commercial aircraft but he was too busy working on his two tax cuts for the wealthy(2001 and 2003) to pay any attention to it. 3000 innocent, dead Americans later he declared war on the wrong country. Iraq didn't have a goddam thing to do with it.

yeah ok bubba, why didn't Clinton just take care of this mess when he had it then. you wish to blame someone let's blame Bill. I mean it started in the garage in New York under slick Willie.

IF ONLY Crazy Bill would have known how mind numbingly stupid the new incoming adminastration would be, concerning the use of his very good intelligence about an attack, HE WOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF THE SITUATION.

You and I know Bush/Cheney/Rice were to fucking stupid to deal with that complex situation. I dont blame you for being pissed at Clinton for not taking care of Bin Laden.

Republicans suck at national security. Most stupid fucking decisions ever made concerning foreign policy are made during Republican admins.

Kinda like listening to a Republican go on about the economy and how they would fix it. Repubs just dont have many successful economic periods to point out though where they "fixed" it.

And one big recent disaster of an economy. That they are still trying to blame the black guy for.

You want to blame Bushs economy on Clinton also? Might as well.
Paid $1.79 in south Texas yesterday........

When gas goes high....it's Obama's fault....when it is low, oh well, it's something else.

Damn rw will never admit that Obama is a hell of a lot better president than G W Doofus ever was.

So do tell: what were we hearing from the libs when gasoline went so high under Bush? That it certainly wasn't the Presidents fault?

Ray, what action did Bush take that Obama has avoided? (Concerning gasoline prices is the subject)

Bush invaded an oil producing country in the ME. It was a forgone conclusion the oil prices would rise when the invasion happened.

Obama hasnt done that.
Thats how I blame Bush for the gas price increases and dont give Obama credit for dropping prices.

We got drilled so to speak by the oil companies during the Bush years.
Maybe you recall the record breaking profits posted by oil companies during that period.

Oil companies loved Bush and the invasion of Iraq.

Thats why the neo cons are so ready to invade somewhere that instability will effect crude oil prices.
Oil companies arent making record profits at the present.

Regualr old Americans are currently reaping the rewards of the market. To much supply/to little demand market.

And Republicans hate it when regular people get a benefit while their oil company buddies dont.

So its off to war we go sometime after Obamas gone.

Till then, enjoy. You a truck driver? Your company (or you) are really enjoying these fuel prices. Right?

You seem to be implying that Bush invaded Iraq not because Saddam Hussein was blatantly violating UN sanctions but because Big Oil wanted him to so they could make larger profits. That's quite the scenario you've bought into.

Not buying any scenairo. Just stating what happened. Oil prices and subsequenty oil company profits went skyhigh during the Iraq war. True.

Are you saying that Bush and Cheney (both long time oil men) were clueless as to what would happen to the price of oil when they invaded Iraq?

What did they those oil company executives talk about with Cheney in that special, unrecorded meeting? The price of tea in China?

You think they (Bush/Cheney) were that stupid not to know what would happen to the price of oil if they invaded? Thats scary they would be that stupid not to know isnt it?

Or are you not wanting to admit that they had to have understood what would happen. Its the history of the world that war and rising oil prices go hand in hand. Especially when the war is happening in an the oil producing region. Thats not conspiracy, thats fact.
Look it up.
Yup, it's fine that GOPers believe Obama had 2 years of control and his policies hurt the middle class. lol dupe.

#fucktardObama has had 7 years of control, and his policies have eviscerated the middle class. But that is the goal of the democrats, a 1% elite who rules uncontested over a 99% underclass. Just as you have done in the Bolshevik hellholes and the dreary European social democracies.
Yeah.....it chaps any real red blooded Right Wing American any time we don't have a few of America's youth dying every week or two 10,000 miles from home in a goddam desert. Don't you people ever pay attention:

I suppose you're fine with tens of thousands of innocent civilians being raped and killed by ISIS every week or two...causing one of the largest migrations of refugees in memory? American used to be the country the world could count on to defend the weak...now we're the country that "leads from behind"...whatever the hell that means!

he's probably happy about the fourteen deaths in San Bernardino, and the little secret that let the wifee in without a background check for the marriage visa. Now it's 41 thousand of these muslims besides the female shooter were allowed in with a secret non screening no one knew about until yesterday I supposed. But hey, the government should never had allowed old bride-o into the country. NEVER, the agency admits it. Ouch, so now we have Benghazi and San Bernardino on Obama's hands.

Bush had repeated warnings about the Al Queda attacking the U S using commercial aircraft but he was too busy working on his two tax cuts for the wealthy(2001 and 2003) to pay any attention to it. 3000 innocent, dead Americans later he declared war on the wrong country. Iraq didn't have a goddam thing to do with it.

yeah ok bubba, why didn't Clinton just take care of this mess when he had it then. you wish to blame someone let's blame Bill. I mean it started in the garage in New York under slick Willie.

IF ONLY Crazy Bill would have known how mind numbingly stupid the new incoming adminastration would be, concerning the use of his very good intelligence about an attack, HE WOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF THE SITUATION.

You and I know Bush/Cheney/Rice were to fucking stupid to deal with that complex situation. I dont blame you for being pissed at Clinton for not taking care of Bin Laden.

Republicans suck at national security. Most stupid fucking decisions ever made concerning foreign policy are made during Republican admins.

Kinda like listening to a Republican go on about the economy and how they would fix it. Repubs just dont have many successful economic periods to point out though where they "fixed" it.

And one big recent disaster of an economy. That they are still trying to blame the black guy for.

You want to blame Bushs economy on Clinton also? Might as well.

if only he'd done his job, the towers would still be up. So that's on slick Willie IMO.
Yup, it's fine that GOPers believe Obama had 2 years of control and his policies hurt the middle class. lol dupe.

#fucktardObama has had 7 years of control, and his policies have eviscerated the middle class. But that is the goal of the democrats, a 1% elite who rules uncontested over a 99% underclass. Just as you have done in the Bolshevik hellholes and the dreary European social democracies.

No 1%ers in the Republican class eh?
Plutocrats are plutocrats. Some more harmful to myself than others.
I suppose you're fine with tens of thousands of innocent civilians being raped and killed by ISIS every week or two...causing one of the largest migrations of refugees in memory? American used to be the country the world could count on to defend the weak...now we're the country that "leads from behind"...whatever the hell that means!
he's probably happy about the fourteen deaths in San Bernardino, and the little secret that let the wifee in without a background check for the marriage visa. Now it's 41 thousand of these muslims besides the female shooter were allowed in with a secret non screening no one knew about until yesterday I supposed. But hey, the government should never had allowed old bride-o into the country. NEVER, the agency admits it. Ouch, so now we have Benghazi and San Bernardino on Obama's hands.

Bush had repeated warnings about the Al Queda attacking the U S using commercial aircraft but he was too busy working on his two tax cuts for the wealthy(2001 and 2003) to pay any attention to it. 3000 innocent, dead Americans later he declared war on the wrong country. Iraq didn't have a goddam thing to do with it.
yeah ok bubba, why didn't Clinton just take care of this mess when he had it then. you wish to blame someone let's blame Bill. I mean it started in the garage in New York under slick Willie.

IF ONLY Crazy Bill would have known how mind numbingly stupid the new incoming adminastration would be, concerning the use of his very good intelligence about an attack, HE WOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF THE SITUATION.

You and I know Bush/Cheney/Rice were to fucking stupid to deal with that complex situation. I dont blame you for being pissed at Clinton for not taking care of Bin Laden.

Republicans suck at national security. Most stupid fucking decisions ever made concerning foreign policy are made during Republican admins.

Kinda like listening to a Republican go on about the economy and how they would fix it. Repubs just dont have many successful economic periods to point out though where they "fixed" it.

And one big recent disaster of an economy. That they are still trying to blame the black guy for.

You want to blame Bushs economy on Clinton also? Might as well.
if only he'd done his job, the towers would still be up. So that's on slick Willie IMO.

Of course you blame it on Bill. What else you gonna do? Admit Bush fucked up? Now that aint happenin.
LMAO!!!! You people who call the president names have one helluva short memory:


And anyone with an IQ greater than a Turnip looks back at Dubya with nostalgia for the time when competence existed.

I detested Bush, but my god is Barry the biggest fuckup to ever disgrace this nation. NEVER elect another faggot as president - ever.
he's probably happy about the fourteen deaths in San Bernardino, and the little secret that let the wifee in without a background check for the marriage visa. Now it's 41 thousand of these muslims besides the female shooter were allowed in with a secret non screening no one knew about until yesterday I supposed. But hey, the government should never had allowed old bride-o into the country. NEVER, the agency admits it. Ouch, so now we have Benghazi and San Bernardino on Obama's hands.

Bush had repeated warnings about the Al Queda attacking the U S using commercial aircraft but he was too busy working on his two tax cuts for the wealthy(2001 and 2003) to pay any attention to it. 3000 innocent, dead Americans later he declared war on the wrong country. Iraq didn't have a goddam thing to do with it.
yeah ok bubba, why didn't Clinton just take care of this mess when he had it then. you wish to blame someone let's blame Bill. I mean it started in the garage in New York under slick Willie.

IF ONLY Crazy Bill would have known how mind numbingly stupid the new incoming adminastration would be, concerning the use of his very good intelligence about an attack, HE WOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF THE SITUATION.

You and I know Bush/Cheney/Rice were to fucking stupid to deal with that complex situation. I dont blame you for being pissed at Clinton for not taking care of Bin Laden.

Republicans suck at national security. Most stupid fucking decisions ever made concerning foreign policy are made during Republican admins.

Kinda like listening to a Republican go on about the economy and how they would fix it. Repubs just dont have many successful economic periods to point out though where they "fixed" it.

And one big recent disaster of an economy. That they are still trying to blame the black guy for.

You want to blame Bushs economy on Clinton also? Might as well.
if only he'd done his job, the towers would still be up. So that's on slick Willie IMO.

Of course you blame it on Bill. What else you gonna do? Admit Bush fucked up? Now that aint happenin.
I do, he was busy getting his cigar smoked instead of defending America. And his wife just let it happen. And now wants his old job. That's the really funny thing, she couldn't take care of her husband, and she wants to run for president. Tooooooo funnnnnnnny
No 1%ers in the Republican class eh?

Republicans like George Soros, Tim Cook, Andrew Grove, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg....

Plutocrats are plutocrats. Some more harmful to myself than others.

Dumbfucks are dumbfucks, democrats are dumbfucks.

Nearly all of the 1% are far left you stupid fool. You work to enslave yourself you mindless goon. You work to end civil rights so you can be a slave to Larry Ellison and Jeff Bezos, far left and elite - your massahs whom you crush liberty and property rights for so they can rule without interference.
Bush had repeated warnings about the Al Queda attacking the U S using commercial aircraft but he was too busy working on his two tax cuts for the wealthy(2001 and 2003) to pay any attention to it. 3000 innocent, dead Americans later he declared war on the wrong country. Iraq didn't have a goddam thing to do with it.

Oh quit fucking lying you stupid fool.

"Bin Laden determined to attack" is not actionable intelligence, regardless of how many times you retards tell lies.
Bush had repeated warnings about the Al Queda attacking the U S using commercial aircraft but he was too busy working on his two tax cuts for the wealthy(2001 and 2003) to pay any attention to it. 3000 innocent, dead Americans later he declared war on the wrong country. Iraq didn't have a goddam thing to do with it.

Oh quit fucking lying you stupid fool.

"Bin Laden determined to attack" is not actionable intelligence, regardless of how many times you retards tell lies.
what's truly sad is that the San Bernardino shootings were second to the twin tower disaster, and Obama had secret orders imposed to allow marriage visas to Muslims, and had not the secret order not been emposed, she would not have been let into the country and the shootings would not have occurred, so you can indeed blame Obama for San Bernardino. BTW, there are 41 thousand marriage visas handed out under this secret order. Can you imagine 41k more probable events? Yeah Obama is a smart guy.
The point is the dupes are totally misinformed

You're right, liberals are clueless.
Yup, it's fine that GOPers believe Obama had 2 years of control and his policies hurt the middle class. lol dupe.

Weakest president ever, but at least he's blackish.
Great president. Your party is a lying, thieving disgrace, racist dupe.
so, tell us how you really feel. I love the libturds when they go all nutso on a message board. Like this is some place of grave value. :boohoo:
Ugly American hater dupes like you ARE the problem in the world, chump. Hilarious.
Only so you can say that, dingbat.

Mainly greedy idiot Pubs, your brainwashing heroes.

Lying isn't going to help you. franco hater dupe.

Is Larry Elison a Republican? Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Tim Cook, your owner and owner of the democratic - socialist party George Soros? Warren Buffet, fallator of Obama? Gun Grabbing Micheal Bloomberg? Larry Page?

Simply lying doesn't alter reality, franco hater dupe.

Forbes 400

Minus two mavericks, it reads like a who's who of Obama's inner circle.

You Communists are some STUPID fuckers, licking the boots of the 1% while denying they are your masters.
You're right, liberals are clueless.
Yup, it's fine that GOPers believe Obama had 2 years of control and his policies hurt the middle class. lol dupe.

Weakest president ever, but at least he's blackish.
Great president. Your party is a lying, thieving disgrace, racist dupe.
so, tell us how you really feel. I love the libturds when they go all nutso on a message board. Like this is some place of grave value. :boohoo:
Ugly American hater dupes like you ARE the problem in the world, chump. Hilarious.
you hate me, I don't hate you. I feel sorry for you. You've been duped by the left. You parrot everything they tell you and don't use cognizant thought

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