Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Look at their POLICIES, stupid. Dem billionaires want to raise taxes on THEMSELVES and to invest in America, yours want to cut their taxes and screw the workers, the environment, and brainwash fools like you. Soros is nothing like the Kochs, Murdoch, Adelson, Moonies etc etc. Everything you "know" is bs propaganda. See sig, all fact. See the lies,FACTUAL, lies you believe. Someone like you who believes Obama had 2 years of control is by definition a pathetic Pub dupe.

Look franco hater dupe, you're stupid and a pathological liar. (other than that, you're a great guy!)

Yes, the Koch brothers defy the rulers in their iron fisted control of the peasants, and support rights for those in the middle, where you of the Khmer Rouge put a boot to the face of anyone climbing the ladder of success. You ensure that only the elite are at the top, pulling the ladder of success up is what you do.

Obama has been president for 7 years, he is an incompetent cocksucker (literally, I mean he's a cocksucker - and he is incompetent, but he's no doubt really good at sucking cocks...) and fucks up everything he touches. He had 2 years where the filthy democratic - socialist party had full control of Congress, both houses, and he still couldn't destroy the Bill of Rights as he wants to do.
Yup, funny how the Pubs filibustered over 200 bills when Obama had total control, IDIOT. With you I'm deleting FUNCTIONAL lol...
I love it, see, the term that is used in a debate is compromise. Libturds have never used that word before, nor know how to use the word or process. things are not as you and the left say, compromise is always needed. Why don't you all compromise? Why do you take a stand and stay on that stand? you want the conservatives to, and yet you have no intention of. Funny shit, I know why, so you can pass blame, divide a nation, cause corruption and hate. Hate baiters
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.
provide one compromise ever suggested by your side. One.
I hate your bs disastrous MANIPULATED politics, functional moron...And thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, and the corrupt world depression, AND 7 years of mindless obstruction and bs. Change the channel and get some truth.Read something.

Smart people wanted out of Iraq, all we got was 170k casualties and being the Great Satan.
NOW: Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism

It's called reality, diplomacy, and intelligence, not bought off, jingoist RW idiocy.

You hate anything your evil masters tell you to hate, you mindless insect.

You attack freedom and the ability of people to rise above the station they are born into. You do the bidding of the elite in establishing a caste system to ensure that no one ever threatens the power of the elite you worship and serve.
Yeah, that's why we're making college loans cheaper, trying to pass training programs, a living wage, etc etc. IDIOT. 30 years of Reaganism have wrecked the middle class and the country, MORON. See sig. All fact and unknown to hater dupes.

You have the BS propaganda machine, not us. Jeeeesh...That's all the GOP has now.A disgrace.
laughing, so how do you make college loans cheaper? Please enlighten us.
You don't give the franchise to banks like W, regulate (10% of income at most, limit length) like Obama has done and tried to do. Of course, you're not given the news, hater dupe.
about what, you should really read what you post. blacks and hispanics make up the majority. Did you read that part, or were you hoping I wouldn't read that?


"A disproportionately high number are black or Hispanic. And regardless of race, high abortion rates are linked to hard times."
Last edited:
Yeah, that's why we're making college loans cheaper,


You just bounce off the walls with mindless talking points, utterly unrelated to the subject.

Okay franco hater dupe, exactly WHAT are you doing to make "college loans cheaper?" Some mindless slogan from the fuckwad in chief? Has that reduced the cost of college?

trying to pass training programs, a living wage, etc etc. IDIOT. 30 years of Reaganism have wrecked the middle class and the country, MORON. See sig. All fact and unknown to hater dupes.

You have the BS propaganda machine, not us. Jeeeesh...That's all the GOP has now.A disgrace.

franco hater dupe, of the last 30 years, we had #fuctardObama and Bill Clinton for 15 of them. Are you saying that these two are so fucking incompetent that they can't offset a mere 8 years by Reagan?

Says a lot about the effectiveness of your filthy party, doesn't it? You of the demagogue - sociopath party aren't just evil, you're incompetent to boot.
Look at their POLICIES, stupid. Dem billionaires want to raise taxes on THEMSELVES and to invest in America, yours want to cut their taxes and screw the workers, the environment, and brainwash fools like you. Soros is nothing like the Kochs, Murdoch, Adelson, Moonies etc etc. Everything you "know" is bs propaganda. See sig, all fact. See the lies,FACTUAL, lies you believe. Someone like you who believes Obama had 2 years of control is by definition a pathetic Pub dupe.

Look franco hater dupe, you're stupid and a pathological liar. (other than that, you're a great guy!)

Yes, the Koch brothers defy the rulers in their iron fisted control of the peasants, and support rights for those in the middle, where you of the Khmer Rouge put a boot to the face of anyone climbing the ladder of success. You ensure that only the elite are at the top, pulling the ladder of success up is what you do.

Obama has been president for 7 years, he is an incompetent cocksucker (literally, I mean he's a cocksucker - and he is incompetent, but he's no doubt really good at sucking cocks...) and fucks up everything he touches. He had 2 years where the filthy democratic - socialist party had full control of Congress, both houses, and he still couldn't destroy the Bill of Rights as he wants to do.
Yup, funny how the Pubs filibustered over 200 bills when Obama had total control, IDIOT. With you I'm deleting FUNCTIONAL lol...
I love it, see, the term that is used in a debate is compromise. Libturds have never used that word before, nor know how to use the word or process. things are not as you and the left say, compromise is always needed. Why don't you all compromise? Why do you take a stand and stay on that stand? you want the conservatives to, and yet you have no intention of. Funny shit, I know why, so you can pass blame, divide a nation, cause corruption and hate. Hate baiters
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.
provide one compromise ever suggested by your side. One.
ACA, $400k tax hike, Catholic BC bill,
What Happens When Obama Tries To Compromise With The GOP

Instead, Obama broke that campaign promise and gave ground. "In negotiations with Mr. Boehner," theNew York Times reported on December 22, 2012, Obama "had tentatively agreed to raise that threshold to $400,000, and Congressional Democrats on Friday said they would go as high as $500,000 if it would seal a deal with Republicans." Observers were optimistic that Obama's concession would lead to a deal.

What did Boehner do? He cut off negotiations and introduced a bill that he called "Plan B," which would have set the threshold for tax increases at $1 million and was an "alternative to negotiating a broader package with President Obama." Boehner had hoped to pass the bill to put pressure on Obama and the Senate to follow suit. The plan quickly fell apart. Even a threshold of $1 million was unacceptable to the orthodox anti-tax members of the House Republican caucus, and, facing unified Democratic opposition, Boehner and the rest of the House Republican leadership were unable to muster sufficient Republican support to pass the bill.

"Plan B" was shelved and Boehner abruptly recessed the House for the holidays. The fiasco left the task of forging a deal to the Senate and the White House, and when they finally hammered out an acceptable compromise, it passed the House but only because of strong Democratic support -- the Republican caucus voted against it by a 2-1 margin. The final fiscal cliff deal differed significantly from the White House's initial overtures. It put the threshold for tax increases at $400,000 and set the estate tax at 40 percent (the White House originally wanted 45 percent).

New York magazine's Jonathan Chait pointed out on September 30 that following the fiscal cliff, the Republicans hammered out a legislative strategy during an early 2013 retreat in Williamsburg, Virginia, to "boycott all direct negotiations with President Obama." That strategy was a successor to their January 2009 strategy of reflexive opposition to every single legislative goal of the newly elected president. When you consider all this and how the House Republicans, led by Boehner, have behaved when negotiating with the president, it's tough to take seriously attempts by pundits to fault Obama for his unwillingness to negotiate.
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.

So franco hater dupe, you lying pile of shit, since the ACA was the GOP plan, how many Republicans voted for it? How many Communists?

Question, did you go through some sort of ritual to purge yourself of every hint of ethics? Do you declare yourself to be an "integrity free zone?" If you are in a room and someone tells the truth, do you have to filth (you wouldn't cleanse) yourself for fear you might be infected with integrity?
I hate your bs disastrous MANIPULATED politics, functional moron...And thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, and the corrupt world depression, AND 7 years of mindless obstruction and bs. Change the channel and get some truth.Read something.

Smart people wanted out of Iraq, all we got was 170k casualties and being the Great Satan.
NOW: Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism

It's called reality, diplomacy, and intelligence, not bought off, jingoist RW idiocy.

You hate anything your evil masters tell you to hate, you mindless insect.

You attack freedom and the ability of people to rise above the station they are born into. You do the bidding of the elite in establishing a caste system to ensure that no one ever threatens the power of the elite you worship and serve.
Yeah, that's why we're making college loans cheaper, trying to pass training programs, a living wage, etc etc. IDIOT. 30 years of Reaganism have wrecked the middle class and the country, MORON. See sig. All fact and unknown to hater dupes.

You have the BS propaganda machine, not us. Jeeeesh...That's all the GOP has now.A disgrace.
laughing, so how do you make college loans cheaper? Please enlighten us.
You don't give the franchise to banks like W, regulate (10% of income at most, limit length) like Obama has done and tried to do. Of course, you're not given the news, hater dupe.
see you don't even know the facts, all made up shit. Why can't for once argue a valid point. I blame bush, but it wasn't him, but was under his watch and that can't happen. But i can admit it. you can't. See it was defaulted loans and the banks in cahoots Barnie Frank and Chris Dodd. I think the two are Dems last I looked. Didn't they run the banks and financial institutions when Bush was pres?
I hate your bs disastrous MANIPULATED politics, functional moron...And thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, and the corrupt world depression, AND 7 years of mindless obstruction and bs. Change the channel and get some truth.Read something.

Smart people wanted out of Iraq, all we got was 170k casualties and being the Great Satan.
NOW: Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism

It's called reality, diplomacy, and intelligence, not bought off, jingoist RW idiocy.

You hate anything your evil masters tell you to hate, you mindless insect.

You attack freedom and the ability of people to rise above the station they are born into. You do the bidding of the elite in establishing a caste system to ensure that no one ever threatens the power of the elite you worship and serve.
Yeah, that's why we're making college loans cheaper, trying to pass training programs, a living wage, etc etc. IDIOT. 30 years of Reaganism have wrecked the middle class and the country, MORON. See sig. All fact and unknown to hater dupes.

You have the BS propaganda machine, not us. Jeeeesh...That's all the GOP has now.A disgrace.
laughing, so how do you make college loans cheaper? Please enlighten us.
You don't give the franchise to banks like W, regulate (10% of income at most, limit length) like Obama has done and tried to do. Of course, you're not given the news, hater dupe.
see you don't even know the facts, all made up shit. Why can't for once argue a valid point. I blame bush, but it wasn't him, but was under his watch and that can't happen. But i can admit it. you can't. See it was defaulted loans and the banks in cahoots Barnie Frank and Chris Dodd. I think the two are Dems last I looked. Didn't they run the banks and financial institutions when Bush was pres?
Nope. Fannie and Freddie went from 75% to 25% of the market in 2003, and Bush crony regulators allowed private toxic loans to be rated A+, insured, and sold around the world. Bubble, bust, world depression.
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.

So franco hater dupe, you lying pile of shit, since the ACA was the GOP plan, how many Republicans voted for it? How many Communists?

Question, did you go through some sort of ritual to purge yourself of every hint of ethics? Do you declare yourself to be an "integrity free zone?" If you are in a room and someone tells the truth, do you have to filth (you wouldn't cleanse) yourself for fear you might be infected with integrity?
Calling us communists, fags, lazy welfarites is not hate, but saying you're brainwashed dupes, with nonstop evidence, IS hate. LOL.
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.

So franco hater dupe, you lying pile of shit, since the ACA was the GOP plan, how many Republicans voted for it? How many Communists?

Question, did you go through some sort of ritual to purge yourself of every hint of ethics? Do you declare yourself to be an "integrity free zone?" If you are in a room and someone tells the truth, do you have to filth (you wouldn't cleanse) yourself for fear you might be infected with integrity?
2, now thrown out of the GOP. Imagine, voting their beliefs.
Look franco hater dupe, you're stupid and a pathological liar. (other than that, you're a great guy!)

Yes, the Koch brothers defy the rulers in their iron fisted control of the peasants, and support rights for those in the middle, where you of the Khmer Rouge put a boot to the face of anyone climbing the ladder of success. You ensure that only the elite are at the top, pulling the ladder of success up is what you do.

Obama has been president for 7 years, he is an incompetent cocksucker (literally, I mean he's a cocksucker - and he is incompetent, but he's no doubt really good at sucking cocks...) and fucks up everything he touches. He had 2 years where the filthy democratic - socialist party had full control of Congress, both houses, and he still couldn't destroy the Bill of Rights as he wants to do.
Yup, funny how the Pubs filibustered over 200 bills when Obama had total control, IDIOT. With you I'm deleting FUNCTIONAL lol...
I love it, see, the term that is used in a debate is compromise. Libturds have never used that word before, nor know how to use the word or process. things are not as you and the left say, compromise is always needed. Why don't you all compromise? Why do you take a stand and stay on that stand? you want the conservatives to, and yet you have no intention of. Funny shit, I know why, so you can pass blame, divide a nation, cause corruption and hate. Hate baiters
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.
provide one compromise ever suggested by your side. One.
ACA, $400k tax hike, Catholic BC bill,
What Happens When Obama Tries To Compromise With The GOP

Instead, Obama broke that campaign promise and gave ground. "In negotiations with Mr. Boehner," theNew York Times reported on December 22, 2012, Obama "had tentatively agreed to raise that threshold to $400,000, and Congressional Democrats on Friday said they would go as high as $500,000 if it would seal a deal with Republicans." Observers were optimistic that Obama's concession would lead to a deal.

What did Boehner do? He cut off negotiations and introduced a bill that he called "Plan B," which would have set the threshold for tax increases at $1 million and was an "alternative to negotiating a broader package with President Obama." Boehner had hoped to pass the bill to put pressure on Obama and the Senate to follow suit. The plan quickly fell apart. Even a threshold of $1 million was unacceptable to the orthodox anti-tax members of the House Republican caucus, and, facing unified Democratic opposition, Boehner and the rest of the House Republican leadership were unable to muster sufficient Republican support to pass the bill.

"Plan B" was shelved and Boehner abruptly recessed the House for the holidays. The fiasco left the task of forging a deal to the Senate and the White House, and when they finally hammered out an acceptable compromise, it passed the House but only because of strong Democratic support -- the Republican caucus voted against it by a 2-1 margin. The final fiscal cliff deal differed significantly from the White House's initial overtures. It put the threshold for tax increases at $400,000 and set the estate tax at 40 percent (the White House originally wanted 45 percent).

New York magazine's Jonathan Chait pointed out on September 30 that following the fiscal cliff, the Republicans hammered out a legislative strategy during an early 2013 retreat in Williamsburg, Virginia, to "boycott all direct negotiations with President Obama." That strategy was a successor to their January 2009 strategy of reflexive opposition to every single legislative goal of the newly elected president. When you consider all this and how the House Republicans, led by Boehner, have behaved when negotiating with the president, it's tough to take seriously attempts by pundits to fault Obama for his unwillingness to negotiate.
so negotiation means that each side has something to give. Explain how that write up is showing a negotiation. Bhoener did not have any obligation to make sure the president kept his campaign promise. That was/ is all on the president, which means that compromise is necessary. an impasse is that neither party had enough to compromise. Obama wasn't going to get 200k, he no longer had the congress. Now a good president would have offered up something to make the transaction happen. Open up the books and start negotiating on how to make things work. Not just demand someone do their job. The congress job is totally about negotiating. I don't see where the pres offered up anything accept moving the target down 200k. It seems you don't realize that there are folks on the republican side that didn't want that. So, more was needed to offer up to drop that number.

The dems were unwilling to give anything more I guess. It was the repubs who held the upper hand, and the dems didn't want to give in to them. Again, I didn't see in that write up where the dems offered up anything else as an attempt to comprise down to the 400 or 500K number. I'm unclear what he, the pres, didn't get. He eventually got 400k as he asked for correct? He didn't give in on anything, other than a campaign promise. he most likely could have gotten that by giving up something else. That is compromise. You all should learn the word before you complain.

A fair compromise if the repubs were at 1M would have been 600K not 400K. So who lost on that, the repubs, it is and has been the problem from my side. We keep giving in because they don't want bad press. Well I don't care, the dems need to bring something to the table. My side is too weak. I know that. So don't complain here, your side keeps getting the wins in congress.

BTW, that is a trump strong suit.
Paid $1.79 in south Texas yesterday........

When gas goes high....it's Obama's fault....when it is low, oh well, it's something else.

Damn rw will never admit that Obama is a hell of a lot better president than G W Doofus ever was.

So do tell: what were we hearing from the libs when gasoline went so high under Bush? That it certainly wasn't the Presidents fault?

Ray, what action did Bush take that Obama has avoided? (Concerning gasoline prices is the subject)

Bush invaded an oil producing country in the ME. It was a forgone conclusion the oil prices would rise when the invasion happened.

Obama hasnt done that.
Thats how I blame Bush for the gas price increases and dont give Obama credit for dropping prices.

We got drilled so to speak by the oil companies during the Bush years.
Maybe you recall the record breaking profits posted by oil companies during that period.

Oil companies loved Bush and the invasion of Iraq.

Thats why the neo cons are so ready to invade somewhere that instability will effect crude oil prices.
Oil companies arent making record profits at the present.

Regualr old Americans are currently reaping the rewards of the market. To much supply/to little demand market.

And Republicans hate it when regular people get a benefit while their oil company buddies dont.

So its off to war we go sometime after Obamas gone.

Till then, enjoy. You a truck driver? Your company (or you) are really enjoying these fuel prices. Right?

You seem to be implying that Bush invaded Iraq not because Saddam Hussein was blatantly violating UN sanctions but because Big Oil wanted him to so they could make larger profits. That's quite the scenario you've bought into.

Not buying any scenairo. Just stating what happened. Oil prices and subsequenty oil company profits went skyhigh during the Iraq war. True.

Are you saying that Bush and Cheney (both long time oil men) were clueless as to what would happen to the price of oil when they invaded Iraq?

What did they those oil company executives talk about with Cheney in that special, unrecorded meeting? The price of tea in China?

You think they (Bush/Cheney) were that stupid not to know what would happen to the price of oil if they invaded? Thats scary they would be that stupid not to know isnt it?

Or are you not wanting to admit that they had to have understood what would happen. Its the history of the world that war and rising oil prices go hand in hand. Especially when the war is happening in an the oil producing region. Thats not conspiracy, thats fact.
Look it up.

Wow, you really do think Bush invaded Iraq to drive up oil prices! So answer me this...if Big Oil and profits were driving policy then why didn't we stay in Iraq, install a puppet leader and take their oil as our own?
You hate anything your evil masters tell you to hate, you mindless insect.

You attack freedom and the ability of people to rise above the station they are born into. You do the bidding of the elite in establishing a caste system to ensure that no one ever threatens the power of the elite you worship and serve.
Yeah, that's why we're making college loans cheaper, trying to pass training programs, a living wage, etc etc. IDIOT. 30 years of Reaganism have wrecked the middle class and the country, MORON. See sig. All fact and unknown to hater dupes.

You have the BS propaganda machine, not us. Jeeeesh...That's all the GOP has now.A disgrace.
laughing, so how do you make college loans cheaper? Please enlighten us.
You don't give the franchise to banks like W, regulate (10% of income at most, limit length) like Obama has done and tried to do. Of course, you're not given the news, hater dupe.
see you don't even know the facts, all made up shit. Why can't for once argue a valid point. I blame bush, but it wasn't him, but was under his watch and that can't happen. But i can admit it. you can't. See it was defaulted loans and the banks in cahoots Barnie Frank and Chris Dodd. I think the two are Dems last I looked. Didn't they run the banks and financial institutions when Bush was pres?
Nope. Fannie and Freddie went from 75% to 25% of the market in 2003, and Bush crony regulators allowed private toxic loans to be rated A+, insured, and sold around the world. Bubble, bust, world depression.
yep by who? Oh that's right the dems Frank and Dodd. Yeppers.
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.

So franco hater dupe, you lying pile of shit, since the ACA was the GOP plan, how many Republicans voted for it? How many Communists?

Question, did you go through some sort of ritual to purge yourself of every hint of ethics? Do you declare yourself to be an "integrity free zone?" If you are in a room and someone tells the truth, do you have to filth (you wouldn't cleanse) yourself for fear you might be infected with integrity?
Calling us communists, fags, lazy welfarites is not hate, but saying you're brainwashed dupes, with nonstop evidence, IS hate. LOL.
you should call those who use that language that, but me nope, never, you're just a libturd, unwanting to think for oneself. That is the definition of a libturd.
Yup, funny how the Pubs filibustered over 200 bills when Obama had total control, IDIOT. With you I'm deleting FUNCTIONAL lol...
I love it, see, the term that is used in a debate is compromise. Libturds have never used that word before, nor know how to use the word or process. things are not as you and the left say, compromise is always needed. Why don't you all compromise? Why do you take a stand and stay on that stand? you want the conservatives to, and yet you have no intention of. Funny shit, I know why, so you can pass blame, divide a nation, cause corruption and hate. Hate baiters
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.
provide one compromise ever suggested by your side. One.
ACA, $400k tax hike, Catholic BC bill,
What Happens When Obama Tries To Compromise With The GOP

Instead, Obama broke that campaign promise and gave ground. "In negotiations with Mr. Boehner," theNew York Times reported on December 22, 2012, Obama "had tentatively agreed to raise that threshold to $400,000, and Congressional Democrats on Friday said they would go as high as $500,000 if it would seal a deal with Republicans." Observers were optimistic that Obama's concession would lead to a deal.

What did Boehner do? He cut off negotiations and introduced a bill that he called "Plan B," which would have set the threshold for tax increases at $1 million and was an "alternative to negotiating a broader package with President Obama." Boehner had hoped to pass the bill to put pressure on Obama and the Senate to follow suit. The plan quickly fell apart. Even a threshold of $1 million was unacceptable to the orthodox anti-tax members of the House Republican caucus, and, facing unified Democratic opposition, Boehner and the rest of the House Republican leadership were unable to muster sufficient Republican support to pass the bill.

"Plan B" was shelved and Boehner abruptly recessed the House for the holidays. The fiasco left the task of forging a deal to the Senate and the White House, and when they finally hammered out an acceptable compromise, it passed the House but only because of strong Democratic support -- the Republican caucus voted against it by a 2-1 margin. The final fiscal cliff deal differed significantly from the White House's initial overtures. It put the threshold for tax increases at $400,000 and set the estate tax at 40 percent (the White House originally wanted 45 percent).

New York magazine's Jonathan Chait pointed out on September 30 that following the fiscal cliff, the Republicans hammered out a legislative strategy during an early 2013 retreat in Williamsburg, Virginia, to "boycott all direct negotiations with President Obama." That strategy was a successor to their January 2009 strategy of reflexive opposition to every single legislative goal of the newly elected president. When you consider all this and how the House Republicans, led by Boehner, have behaved when negotiating with the president, it's tough to take seriously attempts by pundits to fault Obama for his unwillingness to negotiate.
so negotiation means that each side has something to give. Explain how that write up is showing a negotiation. Bhoener did not have any obligation to make sure the president kept his campaign promise. That was/ is all on the president, which means that compromise is necessary. an impasse is that neither party had enough to compromise. Obama wasn't going to get 200k, he no longer had the congress. Now a good president would have offered up something to make the transaction happen. Open up the books and start negotiating on how to make things work. Not just demand someone do their job. The congress job is totally about negotiating. I don't see where the pres offered up anything accept moving the target down 200k. It seems you don't realize that there are folks on the republican side that didn't want that. So, more was needed to offer up to drop that number.

The dems were unwilling to give anything more I guess. It was the repubs who held the upper hand, and the dems didn't want to give in to them. Again, I didn't see in that write up where the dems offered up anything else as an attempt to comprise down to the 400 or 500K number. I'm unclear what he, the pres, didn't get. He eventually got 400k as he asked for correct? He didn't give in on anything, other than a campaign promise. he most likely could have gotten that by giving up something else. That is compromise. You all should learn the word before you complain.

A fair compromise if the repubs were at 1M would have been 600K not 400K. So who lost on that, the repubs, it is and has been the problem from my side. We keep giving in because they don't want bad press. Well I don't care, the dems need to bring something to the table. My side is too weak. I know that. So don't complain here, your side keeps getting the wins in congress.

BTW, that is a trump strong suit.
That's the one compromise Pubs allowed, and didn't do a shutdown or threat, causing 1% cut in GDP growth AGAIN lol....No, Obama wanted 250k. He compromised AGAIN, only time Pubs did...and then fired Boehner- how dare he?
Yeah, that's why we're making college loans cheaper, trying to pass training programs, a living wage, etc etc. IDIOT. 30 years of Reaganism have wrecked the middle class and the country, MORON. See sig. All fact and unknown to hater dupes.

You have the BS propaganda machine, not us. Jeeeesh...That's all the GOP has now.A disgrace.
laughing, so how do you make college loans cheaper? Please enlighten us.
You don't give the franchise to banks like W, regulate (10% of income at most, limit length) like Obama has done and tried to do. Of course, you're not given the news, hater dupe.
see you don't even know the facts, all made up shit. Why can't for once argue a valid point. I blame bush, but it wasn't him, but was under his watch and that can't happen. But i can admit it. you can't. See it was defaulted loans and the banks in cahoots Barnie Frank and Chris Dodd. I think the two are Dems last I looked. Didn't they run the banks and financial institutions when Bush was pres?
Nope. Fannie and Freddie went from 75% to 25% of the market in 2003, and Bush crony regulators allowed private toxic loans to be rated A+, insured, and sold around the world. Bubble, bust, world depression.
yep by who? Oh that's right the dems Frank and Dodd. Yeppers.
Can you read? lol
I love it, see, the term that is used in a debate is compromise. Libturds have never used that word before, nor know how to use the word or process. things are not as you and the left say, compromise is always needed. Why don't you all compromise? Why do you take a stand and stay on that stand? you want the conservatives to, and yet you have no intention of. Funny shit, I know why, so you can pass blame, divide a nation, cause corruption and hate. Hate baiters
For 5 years, that's all we tried. Now gfy, thieves and dupes. ACA was the GOP plan, dupe. Etc etc etc etc. Change the CHANNEL. lol hater dupes.
provide one compromise ever suggested by your side. One.
ACA, $400k tax hike, Catholic BC bill,
What Happens When Obama Tries To Compromise With The GOP

Instead, Obama broke that campaign promise and gave ground. "In negotiations with Mr. Boehner," theNew York Times reported on December 22, 2012, Obama "had tentatively agreed to raise that threshold to $400,000, and Congressional Democrats on Friday said they would go as high as $500,000 if it would seal a deal with Republicans." Observers were optimistic that Obama's concession would lead to a deal.

What did Boehner do? He cut off negotiations and introduced a bill that he called "Plan B," which would have set the threshold for tax increases at $1 million and was an "alternative to negotiating a broader package with President Obama." Boehner had hoped to pass the bill to put pressure on Obama and the Senate to follow suit. The plan quickly fell apart. Even a threshold of $1 million was unacceptable to the orthodox anti-tax members of the House Republican caucus, and, facing unified Democratic opposition, Boehner and the rest of the House Republican leadership were unable to muster sufficient Republican support to pass the bill.

"Plan B" was shelved and Boehner abruptly recessed the House for the holidays. The fiasco left the task of forging a deal to the Senate and the White House, and when they finally hammered out an acceptable compromise, it passed the House but only because of strong Democratic support -- the Republican caucus voted against it by a 2-1 margin. The final fiscal cliff deal differed significantly from the White House's initial overtures. It put the threshold for tax increases at $400,000 and set the estate tax at 40 percent (the White House originally wanted 45 percent).

New York magazine's Jonathan Chait pointed out on September 30 that following the fiscal cliff, the Republicans hammered out a legislative strategy during an early 2013 retreat in Williamsburg, Virginia, to "boycott all direct negotiations with President Obama." That strategy was a successor to their January 2009 strategy of reflexive opposition to every single legislative goal of the newly elected president. When you consider all this and how the House Republicans, led by Boehner, have behaved when negotiating with the president, it's tough to take seriously attempts by pundits to fault Obama for his unwillingness to negotiate.
so negotiation means that each side has something to give. Explain how that write up is showing a negotiation. Bhoener did not have any obligation to make sure the president kept his campaign promise. That was/ is all on the president, which means that compromise is necessary. an impasse is that neither party had enough to compromise. Obama wasn't going to get 200k, he no longer had the congress. Now a good president would have offered up something to make the transaction happen. Open up the books and start negotiating on how to make things work. Not just demand someone do their job. The congress job is totally about negotiating. I don't see where the pres offered up anything accept moving the target down 200k. It seems you don't realize that there are folks on the republican side that didn't want that. So, more was needed to offer up to drop that number.

The dems were unwilling to give anything more I guess. It was the repubs who held the upper hand, and the dems didn't want to give in to them. Again, I didn't see in that write up where the dems offered up anything else as an attempt to comprise down to the 400 or 500K number. I'm unclear what he, the pres, didn't get. He eventually got 400k as he asked for correct? He didn't give in on anything, other than a campaign promise. he most likely could have gotten that by giving up something else. That is compromise. You all should learn the word before you complain.

A fair compromise if the repubs were at 1M would have been 600K not 400K. So who lost on that, the repubs, it is and has been the problem from my side. We keep giving in because they don't want bad press. Well I don't care, the dems need to bring something to the table. My side is too weak. I know that. So don't complain here, your side keeps getting the wins in congress.

BTW, that is a trump strong suit.
That's the one compromise Pubs allowed, and didn't do a shutdown or threat, causing 1% cut in GDP growth AGAIN lol....No, Obama wanted 250k. He compromised AGAIN, only time Pubs did...and then fired Boehner- how dare he?
he got fired because he didn't get anything. i stated that didn't I?

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