Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Papageo 13089022
. I hate Putin, he is a thug and he makes our President look like an idiot.

Idiots are Americans that waste their vote. I'm glad you waste yours. How on god's earth has Putin made Obama look like an idiot, specifically if you believe Putin is a thug? Is Obama supposed to out-thug Putin so he is not seen by you as an idiot? You make absolutely no sense whatsoever. In your mind a thug makes an intelligent civilized man look like an idiot? How can that be, unless you appreciate thuggery more than intelligence and correct well thought out decisions.

So you would compromise your principle and vote for the lesser of two evils than vote third party. Interesting, if it came down to Hillary and Trump the. I should vote for the lesser of two evils? So I can vote for the bull in the China Shop that speaks his mind or go with a lady that has a long history of supporting Wall St. and has huge corporate ties and donations from big business and has a reputation of lies and scandal.

If I had only two choices, I'd pick the bull in a China Shop. The other is status quo and the last few times we picked the lesser of two evils we got Bush and Obama, neither any good.
Papageo 13082974
As far as Trump, why in the hell would you think I'd vote for Trump?

So if Trump is GOP candidate you won't vote for him. That's interesting. You said Obama was Putin's Bitch and then you post a NY Post report from September that declares the U.S. No longer the world's superpower. Russia is. Putin entered the fight late in Syria and leads a coalition of three. The U.S. Leads a coalition of dozens. And Russia is not involved in the fight against daesh terrorist scum in Iraq. Daesh is losing big time in Iraq and they are having setback after setback in Syria long before Putin entered Syria.

That NY Post op-ed you cited is grossly an un-American opinionated potshot at Obama that is already in two months proven to be absurd.

If you are absurd enough to post that crap you just might be absurd enough to vote for Trump should he win the nomination.

These traitor Putin lovers are simply Un-American. Putin is truly Obama's bitch. Obama smacked Putin with trade embargo & cut the value of Russian Ruble in half. Putin is a loser and Russian citizens are paying for it through high 22%+ interest rates & double high prices on everything. These traitor Putin lovers are the same people who thought Bush was a winner when he caused prices here to triple.


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Papageo 13082974
As far as Trump, why in the hell would you think I'd vote for Trump?

So if Trump is GOP candidate you won't vote for him. That's interesting. You said Obama was Putin's Bitch and then you post a NY Post report from September that declares the U.S. No longer the world's superpower. Russia is. Putin entered the fight late in Syria and leads a coalition of three. The U.S. Leads a coalition of dozens. And Russia is not involved in the fight against daesh terrorist scum in Iraq. Daesh is losing big time in Iraq and they are having setback after setback in Syria long before Putin entered Syria.

That NY Post op-ed you cited is grossly an un-American opinionated potshot at Obama that is already in two months proven to be absurd.

If you are absurd enough to post that crap you just might be absurd enough to vote for Trump should he win the nomination.

These traitor Putin lovers are simply Un-American. Putin is truly Obama's bitch. Obama smacked Putin with trade embargo & cut the value of Russian Ruble in half. Putin is a loser and Russian citizens are paying for it through high 22%+ interest rates & double high prices on everything. These traitor Putin lovers are the same people who thought Bush was a winner when he caused prices here to triple.



Dude, NOBODY is Barry's bitch! He's the most ineffectual American President ever. He draws lines in the sand and then does nothing when those lines are crossed. He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing. He released five high level Taliban commanders to get back one American Private who had deserted his post. He lost an American Ambassador to an attack by Islamic extremists on a US Consulate! Putin may have economic difficulties but he also has control of the Crimea! How is THAT a win for Obama?
Oldstyle 13101986
He draws lines in the sand and then does nothing when those lines are crossed.

Huge lie there Oldstyle. He was getting authorization from Congress to do something and during that process Putin and Assad surrendered as they were forced to give up Assad's WMD arsenal. And give it up they did.

Can't tell the truth about Obama can you?
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Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.
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Oldstyle 13101986
He released five high level Taliban commanders to get back one American Private who had deserted his post.

That's not being ineffectual that's getting a US soldier back from enemy hands. Whether he deserted or not is now being tried. You have him guilty before the trial. That sucks when you think about what you stand for. Abandoning a U.S. Soldier to the enemy. America is better than you.
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Oldstyle 13101986
He lost an American Ambassador to an attack by Islamic extremists on a US Consulate!

Is Reagan's presidential legacy known to you as 'Ineffectual' because he 'lost' 241 U.S. Marines to terrorist bombing in Lebanon. And then he cut & run from the country? I dare you to call Reagan ineffectual. Bad things happen during presidencies. Benghazi was one of those. How about Bush43? He 'lost' 125 US military personnel to a terrorist attack at the Pentagon itself. Plus on that day Bush43 "lost" nearly three thousand souls at the WTC.

Since none were Ambassadors I guess to you their lives don't matter,

As much as I hate Bush's invasion of Iraq I would not stoop so low as you and say Bush 'lost' so many Americans on 9/11/01, as if there was something we know for certain that he could have done to stop it.

There is something sickening about how low you go in your hatred of Obama. This post 13101986 is a perfect example.

I'm waiting to see you place the ineffectual label on Raegan and Bush43.

If you do that at least you will be consistent in your lowness.
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Papageo 13082974
As far as Trump, why in the hell would you think I'd vote for Trump?

So if Trump is GOP candidate you won't vote for him. That's interesting. You said Obama was Putin's Bitch and then you post a NY Post report from September that declares the U.S. No longer the world's superpower. Russia is. Putin entered the fight late in Syria and leads a coalition of three. The U.S. Leads a coalition of dozens. And Russia is not involved in the fight against daesh terrorist scum in Iraq. Daesh is losing big time in Iraq and they are having setback after setback in Syria long before Putin entered Syria.

That NY Post op-ed you cited is grossly an un-American opinionated potshot at Obama that is already in two months proven to be absurd.

If you are absurd enough to post that crap you just might be absurd enough to vote for Trump should he win the nomination.

These traitor Putin lovers are simply Un-American. Putin is truly Obama's bitch. Obama smacked Putin with trade embargo & cut the value of Russian Ruble in half. Putin is a loser and Russian citizens are paying for it through high 22%+ interest rates & double high prices on everything. These traitor Putin lovers are the same people who thought Bush was a winner when he caused prices here to triple.



Dude, NOBODY is Barry's bitch! He's the most ineffectual American President ever. He draws lines in the sand and then does nothing when those lines are crossed. He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing. He released five high level Taliban commanders to get back one American Private who had deserted his post. He lost an American Ambassador to an attack by Islamic extremists on a US Consulate! Putin may have economic difficulties but he also has control of the Crimea! How is THAT a win for Obama?

What about the kid staying in the Russian airport and Putin thumbed his nose at Obama. More tough Obama talk, and then nothing. The kid was allowed to defect.
Oldstyle 13101986
He draws lines in the sand and then does nothing when those lines are crossed.

Huge lie there Oldstyle. He was getting authorization from Congress to do something and during that process Putin and Assad surrendered as they were forced to give up Assad's WMD arsenal. And give it up they did.

Can't tell the truth about Obama can you?

Barack Obama drew a red line in the sand stating that if Assad used chemical weapons against his own civilians that the US would respond militarily. Assad used chemical weapons against his own people. Barack Obama didn't respond militarily. That's the truth...that's who Barry is...
Oldstyle 13101986
He lost an American Ambassador to an attack by Islamic extremists on a US Consulate!

Is Reagan's presidential legacy known to you as 'Ineffectual' because he 'lost' 241 U.S. Marines to terrorist bombing in Lebanon. And then he cut & run from the country? I dare you to call Reagan ineffectual. Bad things happen during presidencies. Benghazi was one of those. How about Bush43? He 'lost' 125 US military personnel to a terrorist attack at the Pentagon itself. Plus on that day Bush43 "lost" nearly three thousand souls at the WTC.

Since none were Ambassadors I guess to you their lives don't matter,

As much as I hate Bush's invasion of Iraq I would not stoop so low as you and say Bush 'lost' so many Americans on 9/11/01, as if there was something we know for certain that he could have done to stop it.

There is something sickening about how low you go in your hatred of Obama. This post 13101986 is a perfect example.

I'm waiting to see you place the ineffectual label on Raegan and Bush43.

If you do that at least you will be consistent in your lowness.

Bad things happen during a Presidency? That's your excuse for Benghazi?
Oldstyle 13101986
He released five high level Taliban commanders to get back one American Private who had deserted his post.

That's not being ineffectual that's getting a US soldier back from enemy hands. Whether he deserted or not is now being tried. You have him guilty before the trial. That sucks when you think about what you stand for. Abandoning a U.S. Soldier to the enemy. America is better than you.

We didn't "abandon" that soldier...that soldier deserted his post in a time of war. He is a deserter...the Obama Administration KNEW he was a deserter...yet they went ahead and made the trade anyways!
Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!
Oldstyle 13101986
Putin may have economic difficulties but he also has control of the Crimea! How is THAT a win for Obama?

How is that a loss for Obama? The U.S. has no strategic interest in Crimea. Ukrainians rioting in Kiev lost Crimea because of their coup against an elected president. It was Crimeans that put that deposed president in office constitutionally. They were pissed and afraid when Ukraine right wingers took over. So they left. Get over it Obama had no skin in that game. Ukraine lost Crimea. They deserved to lose it.

At least Obama knew it was inevitable and not worth igniting WWIII over it.
Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?
Oldstyle 13104952
ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board,

You kindly call ISIS terrorists, murderers and rapists "troops" as if some kind of national army. Do you believe they massed in Syria, put on uniforms and advanced across open desert - separating themselves from other civilian traffic?
Oldstyle 13104952
ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board,

I can cite news reports in June 2014 that explains what happened. I am correct and you are absolutely ignorant about the fall of Mosul to Daesh terrorist scum. The terrorists you call 'troops'.

Mosul was infiltrated by those Iraq-native terrorists long before US troops left Iraq as Iraq and Bush agreed in 2008.

Insurgents seize Mosul as Iraqi troops flee

.Mosul has long served as a significant source of funding for ISIS, which has routinely extorted businessmen on both sides of the city for contributions since well before the U.S. departure.

Prior to June 2014 ISIS was in Mosul for a long time Oldstyle. They already had control of Fallujah for six months before they seized Mosul from Iraqi government forces.

. The city of Fallujah was captured in January by ISIS and other insurgents, but Mosul is a bigger and more important prize, located at a strategically vital intersection on routes linking Iraq to Turkey and Syria

Show me a report where ISIS massed in Syria and then blitzkrieged across open Iraqi desert and went into Mosul or Fallujah and captured either of those cities.

You sonething the U.S. Military saw on satellite so Obama could ordered airstrikes which would have destroyed that invading army In open desert before it reached Fallujah or Mosul or wherever the hell you think they attacked by crossing open desert.

I see Ray agrees with your lunatic imagination.
Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?
The fist part is likely correct - ISIS would not have had the ability to form into what it was without the fall of Iraq.

The second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.
Oldstyle 13104952
ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board,

You need to tell us how Obama was supposed to bomb insurgents blended in with the population inside Mosul or in neighboring provinces or scattered into the Iraqi desert on June 6, 2014 to prevent the complete fall of Mosul four days later.

Here is an excerpt from the days active reporting on the fall of Mosul by Reuters on June 6 2014:


Mohammed Ibrahim, a member of the security and defence committee in the provincial council of Nineveh, said the army had killed 105 militants and destroyed 20 of their vehicles mounted with machine guns, preventing them from holding ground.

By Friday evening, 90 percent of Mosul was back under government control, security sources said, and the army was still firing mortar rounds at remaining pockets of resistance.

Most of the militants withdrew into the desert, made their way to neighbouring provinces or simply took cover among the local population.

Mosul has long been a stronghold for insurgents, who have been invigorated by the conflict in nearby Syria. The Sunni militant Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is active on both sides of the border.

Insurgents fight Iraqi forces in city of Mosul | Reuters

"Most of the militants withdrew into the desert, made their way to neighbouring provinces or simply took cover among the local population."

How does Obama drop one bomb on Iraq if Iraq does not request it? How does Obama drop bombs on insurgents that are blended in with the population or scattered thin in the desert where dozens of insurgents in pickup trucks may have temporarily dispersed?

Do you think insurgents retreating from Mosul into the desert put bullseyes on their vehicles hoping some superpower nation will drop bombs on them?

You are incredibly ignorant about how Mosul fell.

Maybe Ray can help you out since he likes your big fantasy so much.
FA 13105399
he second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.

We are not hiding from Obana's decisions with regard to Iraq and Syria. His decisions are correct. He has made correct decisions ever since he predicted that invading Iraq would be dumb before Bush decided to do it.

You cannot reverse Bush's catastrophic decision to invade and occupy Iraq by labeling Obama's decisions as bad without defining what was bad or wrong with the decisions that Obama has been forced to make.

There were no U.S. military options to prevent the Daesh terrorist scum from siezing territory in Iraq and Syria and committing the atrocities we've seen the past two years.

The US military component (train advise and support from the air) gas stopped the advance and had begun the process of killing them and rolling back the territory they seized.

The rolling back has long since begun and there are no indications that daesh terrorist scum will be able to defend and hold the territory it seized for any length of time that would justify calling them rulers of a nation state.

The only way to call Obama's decisions bad at this point is to deceive yourself on what happened and what could be done about.

Your decision to do that is a very bad decision since Bush43 made the ultimate bad decision to invade and destroy Iraq in the first place.
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Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?
The fist part is likely correct - ISIS would not have had the ability to form into what it was without the fall of Iraq.

The second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.







...democrats are like the little girl who point the finger at the other child when they both play and break something then one doesn't take responsibility for their own part. HE DID IT!

Once a leader steps up, leaders don't point the finger at their predecessor. The reason a new leader steps in that position is to fix what was broken and make it better, but Obama said he had it contained, right?


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