Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Oldstyle 13104952
Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

How did President Obama 'let' ISIS take those cities? Specifically Mosul?

.The conquest of Mosul and much of northern Iraq led a triumphant Baghdadi to declare his territory a "caliphate" on July 4. By this, Baghdadi meant that ISIS was now a state — and not just any state but the only Islamically legitimate state in the world.

ISIS, a history: how the world's worst terror group came to be

You need to read that, learn something.

When they declared the caliphate, their legitimacy came to rest on the continuing viability of their state," Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, told me last October.

Obama knows what his opponents like you don't know - "ISIS could not continue the viability of their declared state" if the political and sectarian situation among all the nations in that region dramatically changed on the ground to defeat them. The U.S. Military could not enforce that change by use of military force alone.

I don't think there is a way to get you to think seriously about what Obama knows and what you obviously don't know.

Couch 13105470
The reason a new leader steps in that position is to fix what was broken and make it better,

How do you start to fix what is broken if you don't fully grasp what the dumbass did to break it in the first place.

First order is to not be that dumbass.

That is what Obama is doing. That dumbass thought US military might and shedding the blood of our military service members could remake the Middle East.

A true leader knows what can be fixed with military force and what can't.

So it's not that Obama is not leading and doing what can be done to fix things to your satisfaction - it's that you don't like the way he is not repeating (the ground invasion and occupation) 'fix' that your dumbass 'fixer' did in the first place.

No thanks. Just because you have not learned anything from Bush's dumb invasion and occupation of Iraq does not mean the rest of us can't.
Couch 13105470
The reason a new leader steps in that position is to fix what was broken and make it better,

Fixing the "flip" of Iraq in 2004 from minority Sunni control that excluded Iran to Shiite majority control that is in partnership with Iran is quite a task that I don't believe Obama or any leader would pretend that they could somehow fix in a four year term as President.

What a leader like Obama has sought to do is not 'fix' that Bush induced 'flip' but try to ameliorate the consequences of it. One aspect of that was to empower the moderates in Iran by getting the P5+1 deal to a close. Obama haters fought that amelioration all the way.

The new Iraq government is not allowing Iran-backed Shiite militias participate in the direct military operation to liberate Ramadi from ISIS.

So progress in the amelioration of Bush's disaster of 2003 is being made.

Fixing disasters of the magnitude that the Iraq invasion was may take several presidential terms. Obama has overcome obstacles and aligned forces in the right direction.

That is what you can't bear to admit so you post cartoons.
Low gas prices. Did Obama go back on another promise? No, American gas production went up against the wishes of Obama's EPA. But by all means, let's pretend Obama's looking out for us for a first time.
FA 13105399
he second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.

We are not hiding from Obana's decisions with regard to Iraq and Syria. His decisions are correct. He has made correct decisions ever since he predicted that invading Iraq would be dumb before Bush decided to do it.

You cannot reverse Bush's catastrophic decision to invade and occupy Iraq by labeling Obama's decisions as bad without defining what was bad or wrong with the decisions that Obama has been forced to make.

There were no U.S. military options to prevent the Daesh terrorist scum from siezing territory in Iraq and Syria and committing the atrocities we've seen the past two years.

The US military component (train advise and support from the air) gas stopped the advance and had begun the process of killing them and rolling back the territory they seized.

The rolling back has long since begun and there are no indications that daesh terrorist scum will be able to defend and hold the territory it seized for any length of time that would justify calling them rulers of a nation state.

The only way to call Obama's decisions bad at this point is to deceive yourself on what happened and what could be done about.

Your decision to do that is a very bad decision since Bush43 made the ultimate bad decision to invade and destroy Iraq in the first place.
Yes you are.

Obama has expanded military operations all over the ME. We are dropping hundreds of warheads a day. They right likes to pretend that Obama is running away from the conflict over there and the left like to pretend that Obama has somehow ended most of the hostilities. I have been there and I have seen what we do in just a small portion and it is asinine. I tire of warmongers and Obama is no different than the republican he followed except that he prefers to kill people from the air.

I would prefer that we STOP unseating functioning governments, arming radicals that are worse than those dictatorships ever were and killing people over there as though it will magically stop terrorism. Bush's idealism did not happen in the ME. Obama is going in the same damn direction.

It is amazing to me that the right can accept Bush but believe Obama is the worst president ever and that the left can point at Bush being the worst president ever but believe that Obama is somehow a wonderful president.

I don't expect you to see the reality that is right in front of you here. Partisanship has blinded you to anything other than Bush bad, Obama good. That blindness is why we continue to do the same shit from the same elitist political heads when it clearly is not working.
Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?
The fist part is likely correct - ISIS would not have had the ability to form into what it was without the fall of Iraq.

The second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.







...democrats are like the little girl who point the finger at the other child when they both play and break something then one doesn't take responsibility for their own part. HE DID IT!

Once a leader steps up, leaders don't point the finger at their predecessor. The reason a new leader steps in that position is to fix what was broken and make it better, but Obama said he had it contained, right?

That pretty much sums it up. Bush kills people - Bush is evil. Obama kills people, he is an amazing, peace loving guy.
Oldstyle 13101986 Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?
The fist part is likely correct - ISIS would not have had the ability to form into what it was without the fall of Iraq.

The second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.







...democrats are like the little girl who point the finger at the other child when they both play and break something then one doesn't take responsibility for their own part. HE DID IT!

Once a leader steps up, leaders don't point the finger at their predecessor. The reason a new leader steps in that position is to fix what was broken and make it better, but Obama said he had it contained, right?

That pretty much sums it up. Bush kills people - Bush is evil. Obama kills people, he is an amazing, peace loving guy.

It's amazing the contrast. Libs wanted Bush's head on a stick. Obama does the same sh** and they worship at his altar. That tells you all you need to know about the state of affairs in America.
I tire of warmongers and Obama is no different than the republican he followed except that he prefers to kill people from the air.

How many US soldier have been killed under President Obama in Iraq? I suggest his strategy is much different that President Bushes.
Did Obama go back on another promise? No

On March 31, 2010, he announced that he'd be opening up new coastal areas to oil production.

"And in the short term, as we transition to cleaner energy sources, we’ll have to make tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development in ways that protect communities and coastlines," he said in his announcement at Andrews Air Force Base. "This is not a decision that I’ve made lightly... But the bottom line is this: given our energy needs, in order to sustain economic growth, produce jobs, and keep our businesses competitive, we’re going to need to harness traditional sources of fuel even as we ramp up production of new sources of renewable, homegrown energy."

On Aug. 1, 2008, Obama said he would compromise and support the New Energy Reform Act of 2008, a bipartisan bill that, in addition to spending $84 billion on the development of better batteries and energy-and-fuel saving technologies, would have allowed for drilling for oil and natural gas as close as 50 miles from Florida's west coast.

"Like all compromises, it also includes steps that I haven't always supported," Obama said in his announcement. "I remain skeptical that new offshore drilling will bring down gas prices in the short-term or significantly reduce our oil dependence in the long-term, though I do welcome the establishment of a process that will allow us to make future drilling decisions based on science and fact. But I've always believed that finding consensus will be essential to solving our energy crisis, and today's package represents a good faith effort at a new bipartisan beginning."

Once wobbly, Obama not inconsistent in latest oil drilling proposal
Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?

That would be a great talking point if ISIS hadn't originated in Syria, Boo! Bush ran a successful occupation in Iraq...it was Barack Obama who ran an unsuccessful one!
Did Obama go back on another promise? No

On March 31, 2010, he announced that he'd be opening up new coastal areas to oil production.

"And in the short term, as we transition to cleaner energy sources, we’ll have to make tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development in ways that protect communities and coastlines," he said in his announcement at Andrews Air Force Base. "This is not a decision that I’ve made lightly... But the bottom line is this: given our energy needs, in order to sustain economic growth, produce jobs, and keep our businesses competitive, we’re going to need to harness traditional sources of fuel even as we ramp up production of new sources of renewable, homegrown energy."

On Aug. 1, 2008, Obama said he would compromise and support the New Energy Reform Act of 2008, a bipartisan bill that, in addition to spending $84 billion on the development of better batteries and energy-and-fuel saving technologies, would have allowed for drilling for oil and natural gas as close as 50 miles from Florida's west coast.

"Like all compromises, it also includes steps that I haven't always supported," Obama said in his announcement. "I remain skeptical that new offshore drilling will bring down gas prices in the short-term or significantly reduce our oil dependence in the long-term, though I do welcome the establishment of a process that will allow us to make future drilling decisions based on science and fact. But I've always believed that finding consensus will be essential to solving our energy crisis, and today's package represents a good faith effort at a new bipartisan beginning."

Once wobbly, Obama not inconsistent in latest oil drilling proposal

You still haven't figured out that there is a HUGE difference between what Barry "says" and what he actually "does"...have you, Boo?
FA 13105399
he second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.

We are not hiding from Obana's decisions with regard to Iraq and Syria. His decisions are correct. He has made correct decisions ever since he predicted that invading Iraq would be dumb before Bush decided to do it.

You cannot reverse Bush's catastrophic decision to invade and occupy Iraq by labeling Obama's decisions as bad without defining what was bad or wrong with the decisions that Obama has been forced to make.

There were no U.S. military options to prevent the Daesh terrorist scum from siezing territory in Iraq and Syria and committing the atrocities we've seen the past two years.

The US military component (train advise and support from the air) gas stopped the advance and had begun the process of killing them and rolling back the territory they seized.

The rolling back has long since begun and there are no indications that daesh terrorist scum will be able to defend and hold the territory it seized for any length of time that would justify calling them rulers of a nation state.

The only way to call Obama's decisions bad at this point is to deceive yourself on what happened and what could be done about.

Your decision to do that is a very bad decision since Bush43 made the ultimate bad decision to invade and destroy Iraq in the first place.

So every bad decision by Obama is excused by you because Bush shouldn't have invaded Iraq in the first place? Does that about sum up your myopic view on Obama policy in the Middle East?
Should Obama have pulled US troops out of Iraq? His military leaders warned him that it was premature. He did so anyways!
Should Obama have taken the threat of ISIS more seriously? Not labeled them the JV team and done nothing as they poured across the border of Syria and took over cities in Iraq? Is that Bush's fault as well?
Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?
You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia

Read that, Boo and tell me where it mentions Bush?
Oldstyle 13101986 Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?
The fist part is likely correct - ISIS would not have had the ability to form into what it was without the fall of Iraq.

The second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.







...democrats are like the little girl who point the finger at the other child when they both play and break something then one doesn't take responsibility for their own part. HE DID IT!

Once a leader steps up, leaders don't point the finger at their predecessor. The reason a new leader steps in that position is to fix what was broken and make it better, but Obama said he had it contained, right?

That pretty much sums it up. Bush kills people - Bush is evil. Obama kills people, he is an amazing, peace loving guy.

Obama's lack of a coherent foreign policy has led to the "leading from behind" doctrine which has in turn led to the refugee crisis as violence in the Middle East forces millions of civilians to flee for their lives. Wonder if the Nobel Peace Prize committee might be having second thoughts about that award they gave Barry just for showing up back in 2009!

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