Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

airplane 13108063
Um what was the price of gas through most of Obama's presidency?

Ain't no crow being eatin here bud.

Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96% Under Obama

The average price of a gallon of gas has increased 96 percent since President Barack Obama first took office in 2009, according to figures from the Energy Information Agency (EIA).

I guess we'll call that the inconvenient truth.

Do you know what year it is now? Your CNS LINK:

By Matt Cover | February 12, 2013 | 5:31 PM EST

"According to EIA data, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the United States was $1.838 on Jan. 19, 2009--the day before Obama took office. As of Monday, Feb. 11, 2013, the per-gallon price had risen to an average of $3.611--an increase of 96 percent"

Again: Why did so many idiots on the right tell Americans that gas was going to go to $5.00 per gal if Obama was reelected in 2012?

There were no scientific or speculative industry data that pointed to skyrocketing prices.

But how do you not compare January 2009 prices (when a million lost their job that month) to today's prices when jobs have been added every month for 69 straight months.

WASHINGTON -- U.S. average gas prices dropped below $2 per gallon on Dec. 22 for the first time since March 25, 2009, according to AAA. The national average price of gas is $1.998 per gallon.

AAA estimates that cheaper gas prices have saved Americans more than $115 billion on gasoline so far this year, which works out to more than $550 per licensed driver. More than 91 million Americans plan to take advantage of cheaper gas prices to drive 50 miles or more during the upcoming holiday period.

U.S. Average Gas Prices Drop Below $2 Per Gallon

To know truth you need to know what freaking year you are living in. It's almost 2016 not early 2013.

Again: Why did so many idiots on the right tell Americans that gas was going to go to $5.00 per gal if Obama was reelected in 2012?

Why did Obama want it to go higher?
FAQ2 13105618
They right likes to pretend that Obama is running away from the conflict over there and the left like to pretend that Obama has somehow ended most of the hostilities.

What 'left' are you imagining now? No one is pretending or making a case that Obama ended hostilities? Where did you get your blatantly false generalization?

Obama is very hostile to terrorist groups starting with leadership as high as Osama Bin Ladin down to the lowest low ranked terrorist scum. Obama just is not stupid as to how these daesh terrorist scum can be destroyed. Locals do the ground fighting, The U.S. Trains and equips locals and bombs terrorists from the air.

If you have a problem with that go pledge your allegiance to some isolationist or pacifist society. Obama orders direct military strikes on terrorists. I strongly support those strikes all the way to killing the very last one of them.

But also, I never criticized Bush for bombing known terrorists wherever they might be. And Bush was correct to send troops into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban. So don't throw your partisan crap charges at me.

You need to go by reality not your imagination about what the left is all about. There are pacifists and isolationists across the political spectrum but those groups complain that Obama's hostile actions against terrorists is some kind of problem. Nobody pays serious attention to them.
You were just parroting that bullshit earlier now you are signing a different tune.

I hate to break it to you but dropping hundreds of bombs is not ending terrorism. It is alive and well - even getting stronger. That is what happens when you drop bombs and kill without a ground campaign.
Oldstyle 13101986
He sat on his thumbs while ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with troops and armor to attack Iraqi cities and did nothing.

Another lie there Oldstyle. You are on a roll. Daesh terrorist scum did not invade Iraq in open desert. They infiltrated Sunni tribes in support of the insurgency against Bush's crooked damn near Shiite dictator Maliki.

Iraq is a sovereign nation and Obama could not have taken military action even if he wanted to when Mosul fell. Obama wanted Maliki to straighten up or be gone. Maliki is gone. Now Iraqis are taking city after village after highway away from daesh even as I write this. Have you heard about Ramadi. Iraqis are fighting on the ground as it should be,

I know you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq during the terrorist assault in Sunni areas, but Obama is too wise to grant you your wishes and see hundreds more Americans die in the dumb war that your Bush ignorantly started.

ISIS didn't move troops across open desert to attack cities in Iraq? You're as clueless about what took place with ISIS in Iraq as you are with most things on this board, TotallyfooledbyObama!

Yes, troops are fighting back against ISIS and slowly taking back Iraqi cities...too bad so many people had to die because Barry let ISIS take those cities in the first place!

ISIS need not exist if President Bush hadn't attacked, invaded and ran an unsuccessful occupation in Iraq. All the death are on that policy. How many US servicemen have died while Iraq and Iran, back by America, take back that territory?
The fist part is likely correct - ISIS would not have had the ability to form into what it was without the fall of Iraq.

The second part is utter garbage. You do not get to hide bad decisions and failed policies under the guise that the last guy failed horribly. Bush fucked over the ME. Obama CONTINUES to fuck over the ME.







...democrats are like the little girl who point the finger at the other child when they both play and break something then one doesn't take responsibility for their own part. HE DID IT!

Once a leader steps up, leaders don't point the finger at their predecessor. The reason a new leader steps in that position is to fix what was broken and make it better, but Obama said he had it contained, right?

^^^ Another BushBoy desperately trying to get people to believe that Bush is over-blamed for his colossal blunders.
Ray 12944525
Correct, provided that he took no actions to reduce fuel production.

Oil companies were not developing some federal land leases back in 2012 that they already had acquired. Was that an 'action' by the oil companies to reduce oil production or had they reached maximum capability to increase production beyond a certain limit at that time or was it simplybmarket forces in play?
Those leases which you Obamabots were crowing about are on some of the most inhospitable unproductive land known to the petroleum industry.
Of course the oil companies were going no where near them.
Gas is $2.50ish in CA. So, we still pay. We have Dems f'ing us over out here.
If you were a knowledgeable person you would already know about the huge refinery that was closed down by fire in California, forcing the long-haul trucking of a lot more gas, raising the price.

If you were a knowledgeable person.
Umm. Taxes on fuel in California plus the eco regulations adding to the cost of refining gasoline add to the prices.
BTW, i understand the need for special blends in California due to topography and weather patterns. The taxes? Not so much. Kinda ridiculous to collect nearly 60 cents per gallon when there is virtually no accountability in Sacramento as to where the money gets spent.
Should Obama have taken the threat of ISIS more seriously? Not labeled them the JV team and done nothing as they poured across the border of Syria and took over cities in Iraq? Is that Bush's fault as well?
They were the JV team at the time that he said it. The Varsity was al Qaeda. You remember them, right? The ones who Bush didn't protect America against?
Should Obama have pulled US troops out of Iraq? His military leaders warned him that it was premature. He did so anyways!

Bush gave Iran nukes to temporarily stop killing our soldiers in Iraq & paid Sunni to temporarily stop killing our soldiers in Iraq so he could fake a victory claim with surge & pull out. You are a fool to try to blame Bush's failed policy shit on Obama.

The only way nation build Iraq was to spend $35 Trillion, lose over 20,000 US soldiers & 2 million US casualties, occupy it for 30 years with 500,000 US or UN police, build secular schools to teach all the children instead of letting the radical mosque train them to be terrorist martyrs.

Bush wasted over $5 trillion, caused a million US casualties & killed 5,000 US citizens in Iraq & failed. He caused ISIS, armed them & armed Iran with nukes! Bush killed 9,000 US citizens & made US less safe.

Obama is keeping US safe!

Bush gave Iran nukes? God you're an idiot!
Bush allowed Iran's nuclear program to grow unfettered. He did the same with the North Koreans.
Oldstyle 13106300
That would be a great talking point if ISIS hadn't originated in Syria,

Where do you get you imaginary data that ISIS originated in Syria Oldstyle? Let's see your sources.

You have already posted a link that contradicts your claim that ISIS originated in Syria.


It is not hard to understand how the founding of the Islamic State by ISIS in contemporary Iraq might resonate amongst those who recall this history.

You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia

Your word comprehension is about as bad as your knowledge of history, TotallyfooledbyObama! Yes...ISIS has been attempting to found an Islamic State located primarily in Iraq! That doesn't mean that ISIS didn't attack Iraq out of it's strongholds in Syria! What ISIS DID was move into the vacuum of power left behind when Obama pulled American troops out of Iraq prematurely.
Should Obama have taken the threat of ISIS more seriously? Not labeled them the JV team and done nothing as they poured across the border of Syria and took over cities in Iraq? Is that Bush's fault as well?
They were the JV team at the time that he said it. The Varsity was al Qaeda. You remember them, right? The ones who Bush didn't protect America against?

Yet that "JV team" started taking over vast areas of Iraq shortly after that infamous Obama quote...what was it that Al Qaeda was doing at the same time, Synth? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry badly underestimated the capabilities of ISIS...something that led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere...which in turn led to the massive refugee problem now causing turmoil both here and throughout Europe! When the "Leader of the Free World" abdicates his power...choosing to "lead from behind" (which is code for not leading at all!) then bad things happen.
Should Obama have pulled US troops out of Iraq? His military leaders warned him that it was premature. He did so anyways!

Bush gave Iran nukes to temporarily stop killing our soldiers in Iraq & paid Sunni to temporarily stop killing our soldiers in Iraq so he could fake a victory claim with surge & pull out. You are a fool to try to blame Bush's failed policy shit on Obama.

The only way nation build Iraq was to spend $35 Trillion, lose over 20,000 US soldiers & 2 million US casualties, occupy it for 30 years with 500,000 US or UN police, build secular schools to teach all the children instead of letting the radical mosque train them to be terrorist martyrs.

Bush wasted over $5 trillion, caused a million US casualties & killed 5,000 US citizens in Iraq & failed. He caused ISIS, armed them & armed Iran with nukes! Bush killed 9,000 US citizens & made US less safe.

Obama is keeping US safe!

Bush gave Iran nukes? God you're an idiot!
Bush allowed Iran's nuclear program to grow unfettered. He did the same with the North Koreans.

Bush couldn't in fact figure out how to stop Iran's nuclear program from going forward because it was being aided by the Russians, the French and the North Koreans. That isn't the same as "allowing" their nuclear program to grow unfettered. The North Koreans got their nukes from Russia and Pakistan...not from George Bush!
Oldstyle 13106431
Obama's lack of a coherent foreign policy has led to the "leading from behind" doctrine which has in turn led to the refugee crisis as violence in the Middle East forces millions of civilians to flee for their lives.

What was your coherent foreign policy being stated back in January 2009? Did you start with invading Iraq again claiming Maliki was hiding WMD, get the Brits to cook the books again and do a regime change ousting Shiite Maliki and turning Iraq back to Sunni control and keeping Iran out of there? Is that what Obama was lacking?

Since I'm not the President it's laughable that you blame me for not having a coherent foreign policy.

If I WAS sitting in the Oval Office...I would put more credence in the opinions of my military leaders as to when Iraq was ready to stand on it's own against Islamic terrorists than in my inner circle of advisers, none of which have any military background at all!

Barack Obama's Middle East foreign policy is in tatters because he listened to people like Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton.
Bush allowed Iran's nuclear program to grow unfettered. He did the same with the North Koreans.

And being the warmonger that you are, what exactly should Bush have done? Please list full details.
Form a coalition of partners to all place crippling sanctions and severe financial and trade restrictions until they comply.

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