Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Gas is $2.50ish in CA. So, we still pay. We have Dems f'ing us over out here.
If you were a knowledgeable person you would already know about the huge refinery that was closed down by fire in California, forcing the long-haul trucking of a lot more gas, raising the price.

If you were a knowledgeable person.

If you were knowledgeable, you'd know that California politics continually dictate the highest gas prices in the nation. But whereas you think you know sh** you don't know and presume to lecture me, I live this nonsense.
Are you claiming that there was no fire that destroyed a major refinery in California?

Or are you claiming that gas doesn't have a longer, more expensive route to get to California?
The expiration of the SOFA agreement has been used by Obama apologists for years now to excuse his strategic blunder in withdrawing combat troops prematurely! The truth is that Obama used the expiration of that agreement as an excuse to pull out of Iraq.
You need to get your facts straight. All of the negotiations for a new SOFA were done under Bush. By the time Obama came into office, it was a done deal. The Iraqis refused to give any legal protections to U.S. troops.

He never made any real effort to get a new SOFA because he didn't want American combat troops in Iraq.

Are you saying that Obama would have been successful at getting a deal, where Bush failed?
So tell me this, Jillian...was the Middle East more or less stable when W. left office...or at the end of Barry's second term?
U.S. Casualties in the Iraq War

Oldstyle 13115382
The "truth" KissMy...is that Barack Obama has no Middle Eastern strategy. He has no strategy to combat ISIS. .

That is a lie. Evidence of a strategy is here and it is working.

The Tishrin dam on the Euphrates was taken from Daesh militants after heavy ground fighting and with the help of US-led coalition airstrikes, the online statement by Col. Sharvan Darwish reads.

As a consequence, a strategic supply route connecting Daesh-held Jarabulus, which sits on the Turkish border, and the de-facto capital Raqqa has been cut and anti-terrorist forces have gained a foothold on the right bank of the Euphrates.

Read more: Daesh Loses Major Supply Route Amid Strategic Defeat on Euphrates

Even a Russian Website admits that Obama has a strategy. Take away strategic supply routes without US troops needing to die in combat on the ground.. That is the perfect strategy unless you prefer seeing Americans dying in Iraq and Syria like the bad old Bush days in Iraq.
Oldstyle 13114710
When you are in a position of power and choose not to protect the innocent...then ultimately you ARE responsible for the actions of barbaric, backward men!

That is fools talk. First off the U.S. was never in a position of power in Iraq after 2011 when the Bush/Maliki SOFA expired as Bush agreed before leaving office in 2008. Bush surrendered US power on his way out because he had no power over Iraq in 2008 even with 150,000 U.S. Troops stationed there. Maliki called the shots on every combat mission once the SOFA went into effect. So if Bush gave up U.S. Power in Iraq how was Obama expected to take it back?

So to you Oldstyle Bush chose not to protect the innocent on 9/11/01. So the 19 attackers were not ultimately responsible - Bush was. You are a sick demented human being. I would never go there about Bush or Obama or Reagan and the 246 dead Marines. Because you are sick and I am not.
You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry badly underestimated the capabilities of ISIS...something that led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere
Whether he did or didn't, neither "led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere".

Barbaric, backward men are the only ones who led any rapes or murders.

When you are in a position of power and choose not to protect the innocent...then ultimately you ARE responsible for the actions of barbaric, backward men! Barack Obama may not WANT to be the Leader of the Free World...but as the President of the United States...HE WAS...and he failed at that job...HORRIBLY!
That's just your U.S. arrogance talking. We aren't the World's Policemen. And even if we wanted to be, the Republicans in Congress would never allocate the funds to do it successfully.

We've been the world's "Policeman" for the better part of seventy years, Synth...that isn't "arrogance"...that's simple fact. We're the country that oppressed people around the world turn to for help. We're the superpower that doesn't take over it's neighbors even though we quite obviously could!
Oldstyle 13114710
When you are in a position of power and choose not to protect the innocent...then ultimately you ARE responsible for the actions of barbaric, backward men!

That is fools talk. First off the U.S. was never in a position of power in Iraq after 2011 when the Bush/Maliki SOFA expired as Bush agreed before leaving office in 2008. Bush surrendered US power on his way out because he had no power over Iraq in 2008 even with 150,000 U.S. Troops stationed there. Maliki called the shots on every combat mission once the SOFA went into effect. So if Bush gave up U.S. Power in Iraq how was Obama expected to take it back?

So to you Oldstyle Bush chose not to protect the innocent on 9/11/01. So the 19 attackers were not ultimately responsible - Bush was. You are a sick demented human being. I would never go there about Bush or Obama or Reagan and the 246 dead Marines. Because you are sick and I am not.

Only the truly partisan or truly stupid blame George W. Bush for the attacks on 9/11! They were planned long before Bush took office and would have gone forward whether Bush was sitting in the Oval Office or Al Gore was sitting in the Oval Office. To say that W "chose" not to protect the innocent on 9/11 is absurd.

Barack Obama on the other hand "chose" not to protect Iraqi civilians from the ISIS invasion of Iraq.
Oldstyle 13115382
The "truth" KissMy...is that Barack Obama has no Middle Eastern strategy. He has no strategy to combat ISIS. .

That is a lie. Evidence of a strategy is here and it is working.

The Tishrin dam on the Euphrates was taken from Daesh militants after heavy ground fighting and with the help of US-led coalition airstrikes, the online statement by Col. Sharvan Darwish reads.

As a consequence, a strategic supply route connecting Daesh-held Jarabulus, which sits on the Turkish border, and the de-facto capital Raqqa has been cut and anti-terrorist forces have gained a foothold on the right bank of the Euphrates.

Read more: Daesh Loses Major Supply Route Amid Strategic Defeat on Euphrates

Even a Russian Website admits that Obama has a strategy. Take away strategic supply routes without US troops needing to die in combat on the ground.. That is the perfect strategy unless you prefer seeing Americans dying in Iraq and Syria like the bad old Bush days in Iraq.

The "evidence" that Obama had no strategy against ISIS is the hundreds of thousands of refugees that have fled from ISIS threatened areas in the Middle East...leaving their homes and businesses behind because they feared for their lives! So Barry's "strategy" was to let ISIS take over vast areas of Iraq...rape, murder and plunder the civilian population of Iraq...and then cut their supply lines? That's your definition of a "perfect" strategy? Gee, I wonder if those who bore the brunt of ISIS's savage behavior feels the same way you do?
You wouldn't have had to invade Iraq, you dumbass. Our troops were already there. All you needed to do was to give Maliki some political cover so that he could agree to an extension of the existing SOFA.

You fool. Maliki didn't want to extend the SOFA. And even if he did, it was not up to him. Parliament had to approve it and there was no way the Sadrist block in 2011 would approve it again if it were to include immunity.

Our troops that were there were packing and preparing to leave by the deadline as well as mist they other MPs.

Obama would had to use military force to try change the minds of the Sadrists.
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You wouldn't have had to invade Iraq, you dumbass. Our troops were already there. All you needed to do was to give Maliki some political cover so that he could agree to an extension of the existing SOFA.

You fool. Maliki didn't want to extend the SOFA. And even if he did, it was not up to him. Parliament had to approve it and there was no way the Sadrist block in 2011 would approve it again if it were to include immunity.

Our troops that were there were packing and preparing to leave by the deadline as well as mist they other MPs.

Obama would had to use military force to try change the minds of the Sadrists.
Yes yes, we all know that it certainly is not the presidents job to have negotiated a new SOFA for the area. He was utterly powerless and deserves no flack for failing to get one.

IOW, whatever happens under Obama - good unless it was Bush's fault.
Gramps 13119776
Dumb leftwingers don't realize that FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling have driven down the cost of oil DESPITE Obama's anti energy policies

Despite what Obama's anti-energy policy?

I realize that fracking and private and
Domestic drilling helped drive down the cost of oil. I also realize those two operations have resulted in too much domestic oil being drilled when oil prices fell below $45 per barrel,
Gramps 13119776
Dumb leftwingers don't realize that FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling have driven down the cost of oil DESPITE Obama's anti energy policies

Despite what Obama's anti-energy policy?

I realize that fracking and private and
Domestic drilling helped drive down the cost of oil. I also realize those two operations have resulted in too much domestic oil being drilled when oil prices fell below $45 per barrel,

"Helped" drive down the cost???? No, they WERE the reason for the price drop as the Saudi's have increased production to lower the cost to drive the frackers out of business. Get your facts straight.
You wouldn't have had to invade Iraq, you dumbass. Our troops were already there. All you needed to do was to give Maliki some political cover so that he could agree to an extension of the existing SOFA.

You fool. Maliki didn't want to extend the SOFA. And even if he did, it was not up to him. Parliament had to approve it and there was no way the Sadrist block in 2011 would approve it again if it were to include immunity.

Our troops that were there were packing and preparing to leave by the deadline as well as mist they other MPs.

Obama would had to use military force to try change the minds of the Sadrists.

The only thing that Obama would have had to use was the threat to withhold US financial and military aid to Iraq. He didn't do so because he didn't want US combat troops in Iraq. So instead of listening to the advice of his military leaders, Barry decided that he and his merry band of Progressives knew best. The result is something that HE and those that advised him now OWN!
Gramps 13119776
Dumb leftwingers don't realize that FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling have driven down the cost of oil DESPITE Obama's anti energy policies

Despite what Obama's anti-energy policy?

I realize that fracking and private and
Domestic drilling helped drive down the cost of oil. I also realize those two operations have resulted in too much domestic oil being drilled when oil prices fell below $45 per barrel,

"Helped" drive down the cost???? No, they WERE the reason for the price drop as the Saudi's have increased production to lower the cost to drive the frackers out of business. Get your facts straight.

He doesn't deal in facts...he deals in liberal talking points to cover Obama's ass.
You wouldn't have had to invade Iraq, you dumbass. Our troops were already there. All you needed to do was to give Maliki some political cover so that he could agree to an extension of the existing SOFA.

You fool. Maliki didn't want to extend the SOFA. And even if he did, it was not up to him. Parliament had to approve it and there was no way the Sadrist block in 2011 would approve it again if it were to include immunity.

Our troops that were there were packing and preparing to leave by the deadline as well as mist they other MPs.

Obama would had to use military force to try change the minds of the Sadrists.

The only thing that Obama would have had to use was the threat to withhold US financial and military aid to Iraq. He didn't do so because he didn't want US combat troops in Iraq. So instead of listening to the advice of his military leaders, Barry decided that he and his merry band of Progressives knew best. The result is something that HE and those that advised him now OWN!
That's a BIG FAT LIE!
You wouldn't have had to invade Iraq, you dumbass. Our troops were already there. All you needed to do was to give Maliki some political cover so that he could agree to an extension of the existing SOFA.

You fool. Maliki didn't want to extend the SOFA. And even if he did, it was not up to him. Parliament had to approve it and there was no way the Sadrist block in 2011 would approve it again if it were to include immunity.

Our troops that were there were packing and preparing to leave by the deadline as well as mist they other MPs.

Obama would had to use military force to try change the minds of the Sadrists.

The only thing that Obama would have had to use was the threat to withhold US financial and military aid to Iraq. He didn't do so because he didn't want US combat troops in Iraq. So instead of listening to the advice of his military leaders, Barry decided that he and his merry band of Progressives knew best. The result is something that HE and those that advised him now OWN!
That's a BIG FAT LIE!

Another far left drone not wi8lling to admit that they voted for worse than Bush twice..

Obama lied and people died!
Dumb leftwingers don't realize that FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling have driven down the cost of oil DESPITE Obama's anti energy policies
You Lie!

Obama has always been a pro-energy president. He even declared we will have the USA produce more oil & gas on the first "Earth Day" soon after he took office.

Obama Delivered!
Dumb leftwingers don't realize that FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling have driven down the cost of oil DESPITE Obama's anti energy policies
You Lie!

Obama has always been a pro-energy president. He even declared we will have the USA produce more oil & gas on the first "Earth Day" soon after he took office.

Obama Delivered!

Another far left drone diversion:

Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline - CNNPolitics.com


Two dozen states sue Obama over coal plant emissions rule

Obama stands firm against lifting U.S. oil export ban despite potential economic benefits

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