Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Kosh 13120596
See how the far left drones can not deal with the facts as they will always destroy their religious narratives..

And they will lie as often as they can to protect their Gods..

When Kosh is caught in a lie and cannot defend himself or refute a series facts reasonably presented to him, his escape plan is always the same.

Says the irony impaired far left drone!

Links have already been posted and they were posted to you in a response, that you chose to ignore..

The fact the far left drones can not admit when they are wrong is 100% of the problem here!
Because they are part of the reason why the Saudi's have been pumping out oil at a record pace..

You may want to thank Putin and Iran for backing Assad. Thanking ISIS would only be done by fools like you for thinking ISIS and Iran and Russi

Saudi Arabia has led OPEC in a policy of keeping oil production steady despite a global glut that has sent crude prices spiraling more than 60 percent since last year. In the past, OPEC has cut output to prop up prices, but its members have opted to defend market share, putting pressure on other oil-dependent economies, such as Russia's.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia has been at loggerheads with Russia and Iran, who back Syrian President Bashar Assad in his country's civil war. The Saudis are aligned with U.S.-backed rebels

How ISIS attacks could affect Saudi oil production
I want ISIS destroyed. I would have liked to have seen Barry respond as ISIS was taking over much of Iraq in the first place but that would have meant admitting that he'd erred by prematurely pulling out US combat troops.

U.S. Troops were not pulled out prematurely you fool. Obama kept as many there as long as they were protected with immunity. No military adviser civilian retired or active duty advised the President there when Iraw refused to extend immunity.

So it is only those who don't care enough about our troops safety and protection in the worst case court system in the world that would preferred to keep troops in Iraq without immunity.

Just because you don't give a damn about the troops immunity from Iraqi laws doesn't mean everyone else with a reasonable mind agreed with you.

Obama would never have to admit he erred because quite frankly that argument of yours is nuts.
Kosh 12969823
It is because of the ISIS control and selling the OIL dirt cheap which has prevented any big rises in OIL prices..

Where is your link that backs up that idiotic statement?

It has already been posted and you have proven my comments with your own link..

Silly far left drone!

Because they are part of the reason why the Saudi's have been pumping out oil at a record pace..

You may want to thank Putin and Iran for backing Assad. Thanking ISIS would only be done by fools like you for thinking ISIS and Iran and Russi

Saudi Arabia has led OPEC in a policy of keeping oil production steady despite a global glut that has sent crude prices spiraling more than 60 percent since last year. In the past, OPEC has cut output to prop up prices, but its members have opted to defend market share, putting pressure on other oil-dependent economies, such as Russia's.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia has been at loggerheads with Russia and Iran, who back Syrian President Bashar Assad in his country's civil war. The Saudis are aligned with U.S.-backed rebels

How ISIS attacks could affect Saudi oil production

Your own link backs up my comments!!

Got to love how the far left will defeat their own religious narratives with links they think proves their religion..

Saudi Arabia has led OPEC in a policy of keeping oil production steady despite a global glut that has sent crude prices spiraling more than 60 percent since last year. In the past, OPEC has cut output to prop up prices, but its members have opted to defend market share, putting pressure on other oil-dependent economies, such as Russia's.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia has been at loggerheads with Russia and Iran, who back Syrian President Bashar Assad in his country's civil war. The Saudis are aligned with U.S.-backed rebels.

So like I said you can Thank Putin and ISIS for lower oil prices..

Lower Oil prices punishes Russia and ISIS so they can not grow money for their regimes..

Once again the far left proves my comments!
Ray 13002448
Ray From Cleveland said:
He refuses to take out ISIS oil wells because he's afraid of the environmental damage we may do in the process.

That is a flat out lie. You should be ashamed of yourself for making it.
Why would I want to do that ?

Because they are part of the reason why the Saudi's have been pumping out oil at a record pace..

You can also thank Putin while you are it..

And why is that ?

Same reason, that is if you keep up with what is happening in the world and do not rely on the far left religion for your information..

Well to be honest, if I'm looking for news relative to the oil biz, this board is probably the last place id visit.

Then why are you posting here?

I didn't come here looking for relevant news, that's for sure.
Kosh 13121511
Your own link backs up my comments!!

At the same time, Saudi Arabia has been at loggerheads with Russia and Iran, who back Syrian President Bashar Assad in his country's civil war. The Saudis are aligned with U.S.-backed rebels.

So like I said you can Thank Putin and ISIS for lower oil prices..

Lower Oil prices punishes Russia and ISIS so they can not grow money for their regimes

No. Only an idiot would thank ISIS and Putin. The proper thanks goes to the ally of the U.S.. That is Saudi Arabia. Putin does not want lower oil prices but he has to keep producing to keep his economy afloat.

Your idiot statement that I've asked you to back up is this:

"It is because of the ISIS control and selling the OIL dirt cheap which has prevented any big rises in OIL prices..".

You are saying ISIS is the cause of no rise in oil prices. Isis steals oil - used some and sells the rest on the black market. They have an infinitesimal minimal effect on the world commodity oil market and pricing if any effect at all.

But you would have us thank a terrorist organization instead of our ally and our own production from fracking in the U.S.

You are a terrorist loving pervert and a disgrace for suggesting that terrorists should be thanked for anything.[/QUOTE]
bripat 13001915
" I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment."

Meaning, he wanted the price to increase, only slower.

No. It means that given prices were going up due to freemarket forces, he would prefer that they rise gradually. There is no "wanting"
higher prices inferred, implied or directly stated.

You don't get to make up your own language or interpretations that distort the speaker's intent.
Because they are part of the reason why the Saudi's have been pumping out oil at a record pace..

They are not 'part' of the reason. ISIS has nothing to do with Saudi production rates. ISIS is opposed to Assad, you moron. The Saudis are opposed to Assad. Putin does not favor low oil prices. There is no way Putin should be thanked. Thank US fracking technology, the recession in Europe and China, the huge downturn in demand in the U.S.

But thank ISIS? My god that is the stupidest idea ever.
Oldstyle 13114710
When you are in a position of power and choose not to protect the innocent...then ultimately you ARE responsible for the actions of barbaric, backward men!

That is fools talk. First off the U.S. was never in a position of power in Iraq after 2011 when the Bush/Maliki SOFA expired as Bush agreed before leaving office in 2008. Bush surrendered US power on his way out because he had no power over Iraq in 2008 even with 150,000 U.S. Troops stationed there. Maliki called the shots on every combat mission once the SOFA went into effect. So if Bush gave up U.S. Power in Iraq how was Obama expected to take it back?

So to you Oldstyle Bush chose not to protect the innocent on 9/11/01. So the 19 attackers were not ultimately responsible - Bush was. You are a sick demented human being. I would never go there about Bush or Obama or Reagan and the 246 dead Marines. Because you are sick and I am not.

Do you honestly believe your partisan bullshit?

If you do you are a special stupid, no wonder this country nary is going to hell. Extreme nutters on both sides are just pathetic. Someday you will join the rest of the world.
Why would I want to do that ?

Because they are part of the reason why the Saudi's have been pumping out oil at a record pace..

You can also thank Putin while you are it..

And why is that ?

Same reason, that is if you keep up with what is happening in the world and do not rely on the far left religion for your information..

Well to be honest, if I'm looking for news relative to the oil biz, this board is probably the last place id visit.

Then why are you posting here?

Entertainment value.
Dumb leftwingers don't realize that FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling have driven down the cost of oil DESPITE Obama's anti energy policies
You Lie!

Obama has always been a pro-energy president. He even declared we will have the USA produce more oil & gas on the first "Earth Day" soon after he took office.

Obama Delivered!

Another far left drone diversion:

Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline - CNNPolitics.com


Two dozen states sue Obama over coal plant emissions rule

Obama stands firm against lifting U.S. oil export ban despite potential economic benefits

All your BS shows is Obama is against expensive dirty foreign oil & against exporting US oil to close down US refineries that would kill US jobs & raise prices on US citizens.

Under Obama new US refineries have been built for the first time in 40 years. Repubtards want to increase Big Oil profits by closing US refineries, exporting our oil & jobs to unsafe dirty foreign refineries & sell it to the worlds highest bidders. This will leave US dependent, vulnerable, harm our economy & increase cost for US citizens.

Canada needs to import more US condensate & CO2 to more efficiently, cheaply & cleanly produce their oil they plan to export. We have vast stockpiles of that here that is costing US money to store it. We need a pipeline of this from the US into Canada, not the Keystone XL flowing this way.

All your BS shows is Obama is against expensive dirty foreign oil

That's funny. We import more from Canada than from all of OPEC.
More than from any other country.
bripat 13001915
" I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment."

Meaning, he wanted the price to increase, only slower.

No. It means that given prices were going up due to freemarket forces, he would prefer that they rise gradually. There is no "wanting"
higher prices inferred, implied or directly stated.

You don't get to make up your own language or interpretations that distort the speaker's intent.

It means that given prices were going up due to freemarket forces, he would prefer that they rise gradually.

Yes, he wanted them to continue to rise. The recent decline saddens him.
bripat 13001915
" I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment."

Meaning, he wanted the price to increase, only slower.

No. It means that given prices were going up due to freemarket forces, he would prefer that they rise gradually. There is no "wanting"
higher prices inferred, implied or directly stated.

You don't get to make up your own language or interpretations that distort the speaker's intent.

It means that given prices were going up due to freemarket forces, he would prefer that they rise gradually.

Yes, he wanted them to continue to rise. The recent decline saddens him.

Yep, that was his intention all along. He failed at keeping it up. :)
Toddster 13123189
Yes, he wanted them to continue to rise. The recent decline saddens him.

That is a lie. You have no basis for telling it.

Obama clearly indicates that his problem with the high prices prevailing then was not that they are high, but that they ramped up too quickly. He talks about ways to mitigate the impact of high prices instead of ways to reduce them and suggests that the increase could be beneficial, saying, “we can come out of this stronger.”
Toddster 13123189
Yes, he wanted them to continue to rise. The recent decline saddens him.

That is a lie. You have no basis for telling it.

Obama clearly indicates that his problem with the high prices prevailing then was not that they are high, but that they ramped up too quickly. He talks about ways to mitigate the impact of high prices instead of ways to reduce them and suggests that the increase could be beneficial, saying, “we can come out of this stronger.”

He never says he "wants" higher gasoline prices. Never. That is a lie by whoever says it.
Oldstyle 13115382
The "truth" KissMy...is that Barack Obama has no Middle Eastern strategy. He has no strategy to combat ISIS.

ISIS will be gone from Mosul before Obama leaves office. The stage is set with today's victory in Ramadi.

Iraqi Army Says It Has Retaken City Of Ramadi From ISIS
Victory in Ramadi deprives Islamic State militants of their biggest prize of 2015.

Iraqi Army Says It Has Retaken City Of Ramadi From ISIS

Sucks to be an Obama hater ISIS lover these days doesn't it Oldstyle. Obama has a working strategy against ISIS and Americans are not required to die as part of it. Does that still sadden you?
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