Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Oldstyle 13120170
The only thing that Obama would have had to use was the threat to withhold US financial and military aid to Iraq.

You really are an idiot aren't you?

We want a majority of members of your legislative body to vote to extend the Bush/Maliki SOFA and give our troops the same immunity that you granted three years ago as long as we promised to leave by now.

We now wish to break that promise to leave and furthermore if you don't accept our broken promise and our over-rule of your Constitution and sovereignty, we will pull all financial and military aid that has also been promised to you.

Because this is how America treats our friends and allies.

Also, Iraq had signed contracts for fighter aircraft and Abrams tanks etc - Iraq's oil wealth coming our way. Real good idea to jeopardize that arms market with wild and crazy threats.

Iraq's parliament would tell the U.S. to shove that threat up Uncle Sams ass.
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Oldstyle 13119736
We've been the world's "Policeman" for the better part of seventy years, Synth...that isn't "arrogance"...that's simple fact.

Starting and ending in absolute 'policing' disasters. Vietnam and Iraq. Invading Iraq was pure arrogance. Remember "bring 'em on"? Remember telling the UN to get out of the way - we will find the WMD for you?
Grampa 13119776
Dumb leftwingers don't realize that FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling have driven down the cost of oil DESPITE Obama's anti energy policies

How is it that Obama's "All of the Above" energy policy which includes FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling did not contribute to driving down the cost of oil. Where in the hell does 'DESPITE' come from? Explain how you've excluded that which Obama has not excluded?
FAQ2 13120027
Yes yes, we all know that it certainly is not the presidents job to have negotiated a new SOFA for the area.

The SOFA was to be extended only with Iraq's consent. Obama certainly negotiated but it never could be 'his job' to give Iraq!s consent to terms they could not accept.
The Iraqis wanted us out of the country. They knew that denying our military and contractors legal protections from Sharia Law would be a SOFA-killer.
FAQ2 13112463
You were just parroting that bullshit earlier now you are signing a different tune.

Where have I parroted the pretension that Obama has somehow ended most of the hostilities against terrorists. Since you can't cite me 'parroting' any such thing you are caught in a lie. One more for the record.
FAQ2 13112463
. I hate to break it to you but dropping hundreds of bombs is not ending terrorism.

I have never stated, inferred or suggested that dropping any number of bombs will end terrorism. Who are you arguing with.

Dropping bombs on daesh terrorist scum will end whatever scum and assets our bombs hit. It has degraded their actions in Syria and Iraq and eventually will put an end to this worst of the worst terrorist groups Their self-proclaimed caliphate in Syria and Iraq will cease to exist in any physical or territorial sense.

That is a good thing right.
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FAQ2 13112463
. It is alive and well - even getting stronger.

Tell us why you insist that daesh terrorist scum are getting stronger by losing leaders, killers, territory, supply routes, cities and villages, income producing assets, military assets, and the ability to gather and move in mass maneuvers. They lose those critical items every day to coalition bombing and our coalition partners on the ground.

You must have access to current news. You are on this message board.
Oldstyle 13106320
So every bad decision by Obama is excused by you because Bush shouldn't have invaded Iraq in the first place?

Obama has made no bad decisions from Afghanistan all the way through Israel. No excuses needed.

If you'd care to list what you think were bad decisions by Obama in that part of the world I will gladly set you straight.
Oldstyle 13106333
Should Obama have taken the threat of ISIS more seriously? Not labeled them the JV team and done nothing as they poured across the border of Syria and took over cities in Iraq? Is that Bush's fault as well?

They did not pour across the border of Syria in any way that U.S. Military action could have stopped them. ISIS originated inside Iraq and were already embedded in Iraq's cities long before the big advance made during June 2014. Maliki did not ask for assistance until after Mosul fell.

Fallujah could not be randomly bombed when ISIS infiltrated the Sunni insurgency there. We had Sunni tribes that partnered with us to drive al Qaeda out in 2006 and 2007.
It's what they did with the Keystone Pipeline.

What effect did rejecting the Keystone pipeline have on the price of a gallon of gas six plus years into Obama's presidency?

It appears your theory and your example of its implementation has a very serious flaw. The study and rejection have nothing to do with the price of gasoline we are buying these days and very long into the future. The President had no effect.

I was using the Keystone Pipeline as an example of what a President can do to affect the price of commodities by wielding the power of agencies like the EPA. How many times did the Obama Administration call for yet ANOTHER study on the environmental impact of the Keystone Pipeline, TotallyfooledbyObama?
Oldstyle 13124991
You don't appoint someone as your Energy Secretary who's message for the past twenty YEARS has been that we need much higher gasoline prices here in the US to wean Americans off fossil fuels unless you have the same belief yourself!

Chu refuted that policy when he was sitting before Congress Members who were preparing to approve him as Energy Secretary. Do you have any evidence that shows Obama appointed him not knowing what his current up to date position was?

You don't, so how can you say what Obama had in mind when Chu was selected?

You make stuff up, that's how you can say it.

We are on to you Oldstyle. Facts mean nothing to you. Absolutely nothing.

Chu sat in front of that Congressional Committee and said what he was told to say! You think his long held position suddenly changed once he became Energy Secretary? That just proves how gullible you really are.
It's what they did with the Keystone Pipeline.

What effect did rejecting the Keystone pipeline have on the price of a gallon of gas six plus years into Obama's presidency?

It appears your theory and your example of its implementation has a very serious flaw. The study and rejection have nothing to do with the price of gasoline we are buying these days and very long into the future. The President had no effect.

I was using the Keystone Pipeline as an example of what a President can do to affect the price of commodities by wielding the power of agencies like the EPA. How many times did the Obama Administration call for yet ANOTHER study on the environmental impact of the Keystone Pipeline, TotallyfooledbyObama?
Current low prices prove Keystone was never needed to begin with.

Good call, Obama!

Oldstyle 13106333
Should Obama have taken the threat of ISIS more seriously? Not labeled them the JV team and done nothing as they poured across the border of Syria and took over cities in Iraq? Is that Bush's fault as well?

They did not pour across the border of Syria in any way that U.S. Military action could have stopped them. ISIS originated inside Iraq and were already embedded in Iraq's cities long before the big advance made during June 2014. Maliki did not ask for assistance until after Mosul fell.

Fallujah could not be randomly bombed when ISIS infiltrated the Sunni insurgency there. We had Sunni tribes that partnered with us to drive al Qaeda out in 2006 and 2007.

That's total bullshit on your part...ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with large numbers of fighters in trucks along with tanks and artillery pieces BEFORE they were able to "embed" themselves in Iraqi cities where it's proving extremely difficult to use air power to dislodge them.
It's what they did with the Keystone Pipeline.

What effect did rejecting the Keystone pipeline have on the price of a gallon of gas six plus years into Obama's presidency?

It appears your theory and your example of its implementation has a very serious flaw. The study and rejection have nothing to do with the price of gasoline we are buying these days and very long into the future. The President had no effect.

I was using the Keystone Pipeline as an example of what a President can do to affect the price of commodities by wielding the power of agencies like the EPA. How many times did the Obama Administration call for yet ANOTHER study on the environmental impact of the Keystone Pipeline, TotallyfooledbyObama?
Current low prices prove Keystone was never needed to begin with.

Good call, Obama!


Keystone was never going to lower the price of oil...it simply provided a more secure way of transporting it! Instead of through a pipeline...it's now either trucked or sent by rail.
It's what they did with the Keystone Pipeline.

What effect did rejecting the Keystone pipeline have on the price of a gallon of gas six plus years into Obama's presidency?

It appears your theory and your example of its implementation has a very serious flaw. The study and rejection have nothing to do with the price of gasoline we are buying these days and very long into the future. The President had no effect.

I was using the Keystone Pipeline as an example of what a President can do to affect the price of commodities by wielding the power of agencies like the EPA. How many times did the Obama Administration call for yet ANOTHER study on the environmental impact of the Keystone Pipeline, TotallyfooledbyObama?
Current low prices prove Keystone was never needed to begin with.

Good call, Obama!


Keystone was never going to lower the price of oil...it simply provided a more secure way of transporting it! Instead of through a pipeline...it's now either trucked or sent by rail.
That may be the rightwing meme now; but it wasn't when gas prices were higher.
It's what they did with the Keystone Pipeline.

What effect did rejecting the Keystone pipeline have on the price of a gallon of gas six plus years into Obama's presidency?

It appears your theory and your example of its implementation has a very serious flaw. The study and rejection have nothing to do with the price of gasoline we are buying these days and very long into the future. The President had no effect.

I was using the Keystone Pipeline as an example of what a President can do to affect the price of commodities by wielding the power of agencies like the EPA. How many times did the Obama Administration call for yet ANOTHER study on the environmental impact of the Keystone Pipeline, TotallyfooledbyObama?
Current low prices prove Keystone was never needed to begin with.

Good call, Obama!


Keystone was never going to lower the price of oil...it simply provided a more secure way of transporting it! Instead of through a pipeline...it's now either trucked or sent by rail.
That may be the rightwing meme now; but it wasn't when gas prices were higher.

Dude, Keystone was never anything other than a symbol to you on the Left...it's one more pipeline among thousands that already crisscross the United States...yet you've delayed it's being built for the better part of a decade. That oil coming down from Canada still would have been transported on essentially the same route as the Keystone Pipeline except it would have been sent in tanker trucks or in tanker rail cars...both of which have a higher probability of a spill than sending it by pipeline. So kindly explain to me why you're all so adamant that it not be built?
We're the country that oppressed people around the world turn to for help.

We used to be. Now Republicans want to turn oppressed people away.

What's ironic about that comment, Synth...is that if we had a President who wasn't clueless...there wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of refugees from the countries that ISIS has ravaged seeking safe haven in the first place! They'd be living in their own homes in their country of origin.

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