Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

2012? I'm still trying to get you to admit that in 2008 he wanted higher prices. That in 2008 he didn't want lower prices. That he wanted higher prices, just more slowy, in 2008.

You have provided nothing that shows Obama wanted higher prices in 2008 or didn't want lower gas prices. You said you wanted to see where he said he wanted lower prices. You didn't stipulate a time frame until now.

As I said before he was not asked in 2008 what he wanted, so he didnt answer or need to answer an unasked question,

In 2012 he was asked what he 'wanted' and his answer was that he wanted lower prices and now lower prices are what we got.

You have your answer now you run away from your question.

You have provided nothing that shows Obama wanted higher prices in 2008

You have provided nothing that shows Obama wanted lower prices in 2008.
Toddster 13128617
What were Obama's awesome policies that encouraged "FRACKING and PRIVATE domestic drilling"?
Gotta list?

I have said nothing about awesome policies or encouraging fracking and private domestic drilling. No list needed.

My point was that fracking and private domestic drilling were included in Obama's "ALL OF THE ABOVE" energy strategy.

Private stuff is encouraged by the profit motive if you believe in a free market capitalist system. Perhaps you want the Federal Government to do such innovation and investment?

Really? What Obama policy encouraged fracking and private drilling? Funny how the areas that the Federal Government DID control saw a decrease in production of fossil fuels...while the areas that they DIDN'T control saw HUGE increases in production.
"Oldstyle 13126386
That's total bullshit on your part...ISIS crossed hundreds of miles of open desert with large numbers of fighters in trucks along with tanks and artillery pieces BEFORE they were able to "embed" themselves in Iraqi cities where it's proving extremely difficult to use air power to dislodge them.

Please note that Mosul is about 150 miles from the Syrian border. Raqqa is over 300 miles southwest of Mosul as the crow flies. It says here that Mosul was attacked from the west and northwest using only pickup trucks. Perhaps a couple hundred pickup trucks.

Fall of Mosul On 6 June, ISIL attacked Mosul from the northwest and quickly entered the western part of the city. The ISIL forces numbered approximately 1,500, while there were at least 15 times more Iraqi forces.

Sunni sympathizers live in the west side of the city.

A couple hundred pickup trucks could blend with traffic from many areas and assemble just a few miles from the first Mosul checkpoint. That would keep the element of surprise in the terrorists favor. I doubt they all came at one time. Only two guards were at each checkpoint.

So it is clear Oldstyle that the attackers did not attack across hundreds of miles of open desert from Syria with tanks and artillery pieces. They massed in convoys of pickup truck on Iraqi highways and came through checkpoints.

The assault started at 02:30 in the morning when ISIL convoys of pickup trucks advancing from the west shot their way through the two-man checkpoints into the city. By 03:30, street fighting was raging in Mosul.

Tell us Oldstyle how US bombing could have been ordered to stop street fighting as the assault began.

In southern Mosul, five suicide bombers attacked an arms depot killing 11 soldiers. Two suicide bombers also killed six people in the village of Muaffakiya, near Mosul. Heavy fighting continued in the city the next day. Over the two days, 61 militants, 41 government troops and seven civilians were killed.

They didn't have the tanks and artillery that you claimed they brought across the desert from Syria. Do you realize that you've been lying all this time yet.

As the militants advanced they seized military vehicles and weapons and reportedly hanged soldiers and lit them ablaze, crucified them, and torched them on the hoods of Humvees.

You see they seized them after they were advancing across Mosul.

June 8, 2014 sleeper cells inside Mosul are activated:

By this time, insurgents surged into Mosul, sleeper cells hiding in the city had been activated and neighbourhoods rallied to them.

Some police joined the terrorists.

By the afternoon of 9 June, some 40 members of the fourth police battalion were among the very last local police fighting to hold back the jihadists in western Mosul. The rest had either defected or deserted.

They didn't need tanks they used s water truck.

At 04:30 in the afternoon, a military water tanker, rigged with explosives, raced towards the Mosul Hotel where the policemen were stationed.

They released more terrorist scum recruits from Mosul prison.

The militants also claimed to had released at least 2,400 prisoners, after seizing police stations and prisons across the city.[99][100] However, after the takeover of Badush prison in Mosul, ISIL separated and removed the Sunni inmates, while the remaining 670 prisoners were executed.[101]

In four days it was over:

At the end of 10 June, ISIL was considered to be in control of Mosul.ISIL seized large quantities of US-supplied military equipment. It also freed thousands of prisoners, many of whom are likely to join the insurgency.

Only an idiot could believe US military action could have prevented this or lie about how the fall of Mosul happened.

months preceding the attack:

Sources within the Iraq government allege that in the months preceding the assault, Ba'ath loyalists led by al-Douri had been in contact with disaffected Sunni officers who either defected or withdrew upon the ISIL-Ba'ath attack.

How does Obama know which Iraqi officers to bomb or assassinate if he could do such a thing?

Are you aware of your lies yet Oldstyle?

Northern Iraq offensive (June 2014) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So two hundred plus pick up trucks just magically appeared? Complete with heavy weapons in their beds? Your stupidity knows no bounds.
Toddster 13129305
Yes, your inability to prove your claims is well known.

Name one claim has not or cannot be proven. Are saying that private fracking and drilling are not part of Obama's ALL OF THE ABOVE energy strategy? That is my claim.

If it's not true show us why you think it's not.

Do you see how foolish you are defending?

So tell us how does hoping gas prices are low combat the Green agenda and AGW?

How does it sell electric cars, If fuel is $1.40 a gallon?
Toddster 13129305
Yes, your inability to prove your claims is well known.

Name one claim has not or cannot be proven. Are saying that private fracking and drilling are not part of Obama's ALL OF THE ABOVE energy strategy? That is my claim.

If it's not true show us why you think it's not.

Do you see how foolish you are defending?

So tell us how does hoping gas prices are low combat the Green agenda and AGW?

How does it sell electric cars, If fuel is $1.40 a gallon?

It's amusing to watch the Obama Administration pursue energy policies that are anti-fossil fuels...but then turn around and claim as a "win" lower fossil fuel prices!

The only thing more amusing is watching lemmings like so many of the progressives on this board BUY that narrative!
So tell us how does hoping gas prices are low combat the Green agenda and AGW?

How does it sell electric cars, If fuel is $1.40 a gallon?

I see you could not deny or refute what I said is true and factual regarding Obama's "ALL OF THE ABOVE" energy strategy.

The answer to your question is contained in Obama's strategy. I'm not concerned that you are to right wing and ignorant to try to read and understand it. A fifth grader wouldn't have to ask such stupid questions. Electric cars are for later when they cost the same and perform the same as internal combustion driven vehicles.

It will be up to the free market ultimately with government assistance on research and insuring the use of both is given a fair transition.

Younger generations are not muscle car lovers such as me. My kids and grandkids could care less how there vehicle is powered. I realize that I won't be around for ever and the great 50's through 70s America with respect to automobiles is gone forever.

Green is coming whether you hate it or not.
So tell us how does hoping gas prices are low combat the Green agenda and AGW?

How does it sell electric cars, If fuel is $1.40 a gallon?

I see you could not deny or refute what I said is true and factual regarding Obama's "ALL OF THE ABOVE" energy strategy.

The answer to your question is contained in Obama's strategy. I'm not concerned that you are to right wing and ignorant to try to read and understand it. A fifth grader wouldn't have to ask such stupid questions. Electric cars are for later when they cost the same and perform the same as internal combustion driven vehicles.

It will be up to the free market ultimately with government assistance on research and insuring the use of both is given a fair transition.

Younger generations are not muscle car lovers such as me. My kids and grandkids could care less how there vehicle is powered. I realize that I won't be around for ever and the great 50's through 70s America with respect to automobiles is gone forever.

Green is coming whether you hate it or not.

I see you could not deny or refute what I said is true and factual regarding Obama's "ALL OF THE ABOVE" energy strategy.

We could examine policies he enacted for "EACH OF THE ABOVE".
Let's see, waste billions on green energy. Check.
Make cars less safe by hiking CAFE standards to idiotic, unattainable levels. Check.
Encouraging domestic production.......nope.
So tell us how does hoping gas prices are low combat the Green agenda and AGW?

How does it sell electric cars, If fuel is $1.40 a gallon?

I see you could not deny or refute what I said is true and factual regarding Obama's "ALL OF THE ABOVE" energy strategy.

The answer to your question is contained in Obama's strategy. I'm not concerned that you are to right wing and ignorant to try to read and understand it. A fifth grader wouldn't have to ask such stupid questions. Electric cars are for later when they cost the same and perform the same as internal combustion driven vehicles.

It will be up to the free market ultimately with government assistance on research and insuring the use of both is given a fair transition.

Younger generations are not muscle car lovers such as me. My kids and grandkids could care less how there vehicle is powered. I realize that I won't be around for ever and the great 50's through 70s America with respect to automobiles is gone forever.

Green is coming whether you hate it or not.

I won't waste my time with your idiotic "all of the above"
Make cars less safe by hiking CAFE standards to idiotic, unattainable levels. Check.
You Lie!
Bush was an awful president.....he nearly tanked the country and thanks to Obama we recovered, but I don't expect those who are in denial about how terrible Bush was to appreciate Obama.

Mertie, the "Bush did it" line died with the 2014 elections. From 2017 on, it will be "Obama did it." I hope to still be on this forum when the tables are turned squarely in the opposite direction.

I'm sure we could get into a lengthy debate about accomplishments and all that, but what honestly can you say Obama did that had such an indelible impact on America?

But it's a waste of time to expect you to appreciate what Bush did either. Partisan to the bitter end, not to mention overly sycophantic about Obama. Why is it you act like you're worshiping him?

I guess I missed your response. Sorry, but you can't forget about the fucking mess Bush left, and then just blame Obama for it.....conservatives seem to think that because they lost the election, whatever mess they left behind is no longer a factor. It takes time to recover from such a mess, only Jesus could fix it in a minute, and thank God that Obama was able to reverse some of Bush's failed policies and bring the country out the mess.

About Obama's accomplishments.......are you sure you want me to list them? They would take up a lot of space. I'll just give you his top 50....but knowing what a lock-step right-winger you are, I know you'll dismiss them and continue to think that doofus George W. Bush was a better president.......:badgrin:

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

And let's see....what were Bush's accomplishments, besides attacking the wrong country, not doing a damn thing about OBL and screwing up the economy? And, I'm not making this up. Whether you like it or not, GW Bush will always be considered one of the worst presidents.....

Getting back to George W. Bush, his foreign policy would almost have to be considered a failure, and it was a failure of commission. He wasn’t responsible for the 9/11 attack in any meaningful way, of course, but his response—sending the U.S. military into the lands of Islam with the mission of remaking Islamic societies in the image of Western democracy—was delusional and doomed. One need only read today’s headlines, with forces aligned with Al Qaeda taking over significant swaths of territory within Iraq, to see Bush’s failure in stark relief.

In addition, Bush’s wars sapped resources and threw the nation’s budget into deficit. The president made no effort to inject fiscal austerity into governmental operations, eschewing his primary weapon of budgetary discipline, the veto pen. The national debt shot up, and economic growth began a steady decline, culminating in negative growth in the 2008 campaign year. The devastating financial crisis erupted on his watch.

It’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that Bush belongs in the category of the country’s five worst presidents, along with such perennial bottom-dwellers, in the academic polls, as Buchanan, Franklin Pierce and Millard Fillmore.

Thus do we come to one man’s assessment (mine) of the five worst presidents of our heritage (in ascending order): Buchanan, Pierce, Wilson, G. W. Bush and Fillmore.

5 Worst U.S. Presidents of All Time

Even conservative sources recognize some of Obama's accomplishments, I don't expect someone like you to do so.

Conservative Forbes Admits Obamacare Is Adding Jobs And Helping The Economy

Bill O’Reilly Shocks Fox News Anchor By Expressing Support For Iran Deal
So tell us how does hoping gas prices are low combat the Green agenda and AGW?

How does it sell electric cars, If fuel is $1.40 a gallon?

I see you could not deny or refute what I said is true and factual regarding Obama's "ALL OF THE ABOVE" energy strategy.

The answer to your question is contained in Obama's strategy. I'm not concerned that you are to right wing and ignorant to try to read and understand it. A fifth grader wouldn't have to ask such stupid questions. Electric cars are for later when they cost the same and perform the same as internal combustion driven vehicles.

It will be up to the free market ultimately with government assistance on research and insuring the use of both is given a fair transition.

Younger generations are not muscle car lovers such as me. My kids and grandkids could care less how there vehicle is powered. I realize that I won't be around for ever and the great 50's through 70s America with respect to automobiles is gone forever.

Green is coming whether you hate it or not.

You really can't tell the difference between a "statement" and an actual strategy...can you, TotallyfooledbyObama?

Once again...name an Obama strategy that actually promoted fossil fuels.
Bush was an awful president.....he nearly tanked the country and thanks to Obama we recovered, but I don't expect those who are in denial about how terrible Bush was to appreciate Obama.

Mertie, the "Bush did it" line died with the 2014 elections. From 2017 on, it will be "Obama did it." I hope to still be on this forum when the tables are turned squarely in the opposite direction.

I'm sure we could get into a lengthy debate about accomplishments and all that, but what honestly can you say Obama did that had such an indelible impact on America?

But it's a waste of time to expect you to appreciate what Bush did either. Partisan to the bitter end, not to mention overly sycophantic about Obama. Why is it you act like you're worshiping him?

I guess I missed your response. Sorry, but you can't forget about the fucking mess Bush left, and then just blame Obama for it.....conservatives seem to think that because they lost the election, whatever mess they left behind is no longer a factor. It takes time to recover from such a mess, only Jesus could fix it in a minute, and thank God that Obama was able to reverse some of Bush's failed policies and bring the country out the mess.

About Obama's accomplishments.......are you sure you want me to list them? They would take up a lot of space. I'll just give you his top 50....but knowing what a lock-step right-winger you are, I know you'll dismiss them and continue to think that doofus George W. Bush was a better president.......:badgrin:

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

And let's see....what were Bush's accomplishments, besides attacking the wrong country, not doing a damn thing about OBL and screwing up the economy? And, I'm not making this up. Whether you like it or not, GW Bush will always be considered one of the worst presidents.....

Getting back to George W. Bush, his foreign policy would almost have to be considered a failure, and it was a failure of commission. He wasn’t responsible for the 9/11 attack in any meaningful way, of course, but his response—sending the U.S. military into the lands of Islam with the mission of remaking Islamic societies in the image of Western democracy—was delusional and doomed. One need only read today’s headlines, with forces aligned with Al Qaeda taking over significant swaths of territory within Iraq, to see Bush’s failure in stark relief.

In addition, Bush’s wars sapped resources and threw the nation’s budget into deficit. The president made no effort to inject fiscal austerity into governmental operations, eschewing his primary weapon of budgetary discipline, the veto pen. The national debt shot up, and economic growth began a steady decline, culminating in negative growth in the 2008 campaign year. The devastating financial crisis erupted on his watch.

It’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that Bush belongs in the category of the country’s five worst presidents, along with such perennial bottom-dwellers, in the academic polls, as Buchanan, Franklin Pierce and Millard Fillmore.

Thus do we come to one man’s assessment (mine) of the five worst presidents of our heritage (in ascending order): Buchanan, Pierce, Wilson, G. W. Bush and Fillmore.

5 Worst U.S. Presidents of All Time

Even conservative sources recognize some of Obama's accomplishments, I don't expect someone like you to do so.

Conservative Forbes Admits Obamacare Is Adding Jobs And Helping The Economy

Bill O’Reilly Shocks Fox News Anchor By Expressing Support For Iran Deal

Jesus, Mertex...are you running that 50 Obama Accomplishments cite at us AGAIN? Seriously? That list is so full of overblown claims it's hilarious to read through them. It's like someone's "resume" that they've totally exaggerated because their REAL record of accomplishment is so unimpressive.
Saudi's 2016 budget projects average Oil Price of $29 for 2016. That means $0.69 wholesale gasoline prices for 2016. Which spells about $1.20 national average pump price.
Saudi's 2016 budget projects average Oil Price of $29 for 2016. That means $0.69 wholesale gasoline prices for 2016. Which spells about $1.20 national average pump price.

So tell me why the Saudis are selling oil so cheaply, Kiss? Tell us all what Obama policy it was that prompted the Saudis to slash the price of oil?

I think we both know that price reduction was the direct result of huge increases in fossil fuel production in the US that took place DESPITE Barack Obama and his minions at the Department of Energy, the EPA and the State Department!

All of which makes the premise of this string...RIDICULOUS!!!
Bush was an awful president.....he nearly tanked the country and thanks to Obama we recovered, but I don't expect those who are in denial about how terrible Bush was to appreciate Obama.

Mertie, the "Bush did it" line died with the 2014 elections. From 2017 on, it will be "Obama did it." I hope to still be on this forum when the tables are turned squarely in the opposite direction.

I'm sure we could get into a lengthy debate about accomplishments and all that, but what honestly can you say Obama did that had such an indelible impact on America?

But it's a waste of time to expect you to appreciate what Bush did either. Partisan to the bitter end, not to mention overly sycophantic about Obama. Why is it you act like you're worshiping him?

I guess I missed your response. Sorry, but you can't forget about the fucking mess Bush left, and then just blame Obama for it.....conservatives seem to think that because they lost the election, whatever mess they left behind is no longer a factor. It takes time to recover from such a mess, only Jesus could fix it in a minute, and thank God that Obama was able to reverse some of Bush's failed policies and bring the country out the mess.

About Obama's accomplishments.......are you sure you want me to list them? They would take up a lot of space. I'll just give you his top 50....but knowing what a lock-step right-winger you are, I know you'll dismiss them and continue to think that doofus George W. Bush was a better president.......:badgrin:

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

And let's see....what were Bush's accomplishments, besides attacking the wrong country, not doing a damn thing about OBL and screwing up the economy? And, I'm not making this up. Whether you like it or not, GW Bush will always be considered one of the worst presidents.....

Getting back to George W. Bush, his foreign policy would almost have to be considered a failure, and it was a failure of commission. He wasn’t responsible for the 9/11 attack in any meaningful way, of course, but his response—sending the U.S. military into the lands of Islam with the mission of remaking Islamic societies in the image of Western democracy—was delusional and doomed. One need only read today’s headlines, with forces aligned with Al Qaeda taking over significant swaths of territory within Iraq, to see Bush’s failure in stark relief.

In addition, Bush’s wars sapped resources and threw the nation’s budget into deficit. The president made no effort to inject fiscal austerity into governmental operations, eschewing his primary weapon of budgetary discipline, the veto pen. The national debt shot up, and economic growth began a steady decline, culminating in negative growth in the 2008 campaign year. The devastating financial crisis erupted on his watch.

It’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that Bush belongs in the category of the country’s five worst presidents, along with such perennial bottom-dwellers, in the academic polls, as Buchanan, Franklin Pierce and Millard Fillmore.

Thus do we come to one man’s assessment (mine) of the five worst presidents of our heritage (in ascending order): Buchanan, Pierce, Wilson, G. W. Bush and Fillmore.

5 Worst U.S. Presidents of All Time

Even conservative sources recognize some of Obama's accomplishments, I don't expect someone like you to do so.

Conservative Forbes Admits Obamacare Is Adding Jobs And Helping The Economy

Bill O’Reilly Shocks Fox News Anchor By Expressing Support For Iran Deal

Jesus, Mertex...are you running that 50 Obama Accomplishments cite at us AGAIN? Seriously? That list is so full of overblown claims it's hilarious to read through them. It's like someone's "resume" that they've totally exaggerated because their REAL record of accomplishment is so unimpressive.

Bwahahaha...you sound like another of those comatose Bush lovers......that still think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread even though most historians have already labeled him as one of the worst........why don't you list his accomplishments so we can compare them to Obama's.........bwahahaha...if you can find at least one.
Saudi's 2016 budget projects average Oil Price of $29 for 2016. That means $0.69 wholesale gasoline prices for 2016. Which spells about $1.20 national average pump price.

So tell me why the Saudis are selling oil so cheaply, Kiss? Tell us all what Obama policy it was that prompted the Saudis to slash the price of oil?

I think we both know that price reduction was the direct result of huge increases in fossil fuel production in the US that took place DESPITE Barack Obama and his minions at the Department of Energy, the EPA and the State Department!

All of which makes the premise of this string...RIDICULOUS!!!

Yeah......but when the price of gas went up......it was Obama's fault. We're familiar with how you conservatives roll.........:badgrin:
Bush was an awful president.....he nearly tanked the country and thanks to Obama we recovered, but I don't expect those who are in denial about how terrible Bush was to appreciate Obama.

Mertie, the "Bush did it" line died with the 2014 elections. From 2017 on, it will be "Obama did it." I hope to still be on this forum when the tables are turned squarely in the opposite direction.

I'm sure we could get into a lengthy debate about accomplishments and all that, but what honestly can you say Obama did that had such an indelible impact on America?

But it's a waste of time to expect you to appreciate what Bush did either. Partisan to the bitter end, not to mention overly sycophantic about Obama. Why is it you act like you're worshiping him?

I guess I missed your response. Sorry, but you can't forget about the fucking mess Bush left, and then just blame Obama for it.....conservatives seem to think that because they lost the election, whatever mess they left behind is no longer a factor. It takes time to recover from such a mess, only Jesus could fix it in a minute, and thank God that Obama was able to reverse some of Bush's failed policies and bring the country out the mess.

About Obama's accomplishments.......are you sure you want me to list them? They would take up a lot of space. I'll just give you his top 50....but knowing what a lock-step right-winger you are, I know you'll dismiss them and continue to think that doofus George W. Bush was a better president.......:badgrin:

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

And let's see....what were Bush's accomplishments, besides attacking the wrong country, not doing a damn thing about OBL and screwing up the economy? And, I'm not making this up. Whether you like it or not, GW Bush will always be considered one of the worst presidents.....

Getting back to George W. Bush, his foreign policy would almost have to be considered a failure, and it was a failure of commission. He wasn’t responsible for the 9/11 attack in any meaningful way, of course, but his response—sending the U.S. military into the lands of Islam with the mission of remaking Islamic societies in the image of Western democracy—was delusional and doomed. One need only read today’s headlines, with forces aligned with Al Qaeda taking over significant swaths of territory within Iraq, to see Bush’s failure in stark relief.

In addition, Bush’s wars sapped resources and threw the nation’s budget into deficit. The president made no effort to inject fiscal austerity into governmental operations, eschewing his primary weapon of budgetary discipline, the veto pen. The national debt shot up, and economic growth began a steady decline, culminating in negative growth in the 2008 campaign year. The devastating financial crisis erupted on his watch.

It’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that Bush belongs in the category of the country’s five worst presidents, along with such perennial bottom-dwellers, in the academic polls, as Buchanan, Franklin Pierce and Millard Fillmore.

Thus do we come to one man’s assessment (mine) of the five worst presidents of our heritage (in ascending order): Buchanan, Pierce, Wilson, G. W. Bush and Fillmore.

5 Worst U.S. Presidents of All Time

Even conservative sources recognize some of Obama's accomplishments, I don't expect someone like you to do so.

Conservative Forbes Admits Obamacare Is Adding Jobs And Helping The Economy

Bill O’Reilly Shocks Fox News Anchor By Expressing Support For Iran Deal

Jesus, Mertex...are you running that 50 Obama Accomplishments cite at us AGAIN? Seriously? That list is so full of overblown claims it's hilarious to read through them. It's like someone's "resume" that they've totally exaggerated because their REAL record of accomplishment is so unimpressive.

Bwahahaha...you sound like another of those comatose Bush lovers......that still think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread even though most historians have already labeled him as one of the worst........why don't you list his accomplishments so we can compare them to Obama's.........bwahahaha...if you can find at least one.

Let me tell you something, Mertex...as a history major...I can tell you quite honestly that competent historians don't start rating the "accomplishments" of a President until enough time has passed to have clarity of vision. In Barack Obama's case...his legacy will be based on such things as how the ACA works out...whether his deal with Iran keeps them from getting the bomb...and whether his strategy of leading from behind proves to be insightful or pure folly.

My prediction is that George W. Bush will end up somewhere in the middle of the pack as far as best and worst Presidents. Any "historian" who has already decided that place does a disservice to their own reputation because they've obviously based their rating on their own political leanings.
Last edited:
Saudi's 2016 budget projects average Oil Price of $29 for 2016. That means $0.69 wholesale gasoline prices for 2016. Which spells about $1.20 national average pump price.

So tell me why the Saudis are selling oil so cheaply, Kiss? Tell us all what Obama policy it was that prompted the Saudis to slash the price of oil?

I think we both know that price reduction was the direct result of huge increases in fossil fuel production in the US that took place DESPITE Barack Obama and his minions at the Department of Energy, the EPA and the State Department!

All of which makes the premise of this string...RIDICULOUS!!!

Yeah......but when the price of gas went up......it was Obama's fault. We're familiar with how you conservatives roll.........:badgrin:

I think that Barack Obama and many of the people he brought into his Administration would have been quite comfortable with a higher price for gasoline, Mertex. The fact that they were unable to achieve that isn't from a lack of trying...it's simply that oil and natural gas were being produced in record amounts from land that they had ZERO control over!

So let's be honest here...you know as well as I do that you can't switch from fossil fuels to far more expensive "green" energy sources if the price of oil and natural gas are low. The Saudi response to vast amounts of oil and natural gas being discovered in North America was to slash the price of oil coming from the Middle East. That's what drove the price down...Barack Obama had nothing to do with it.

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