Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry badly underestimated the capabilities of ISIS...something that led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere
Whether he did or didn't, neither "led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere".

Barbaric, backward men are the only ones who led any rapes or murders.
Should Obama have pulled US troops out of Iraq? His military leaders warned him that it was premature. He did so anyways!

Bush gave Iran nukes to temporarily stop killing our soldiers in Iraq & paid Sunni to temporarily stop killing our soldiers in Iraq so he could fake a victory claim with surge & pull out. You are a fool to try to blame Bush's failed policy shit on Obama.

The only way nation build Iraq was to spend $35 Trillion, lose over 20,000 US soldiers & 2 million US casualties, occupy it for 30 years with 500,000 US or UN police, build secular schools to teach all the children instead of letting the radical mosque train them to be terrorist martyrs.

Bush wasted over $5 trillion, caused a million US casualties & killed 5,000 US citizens in Iraq & failed. He caused ISIS, armed them & armed Iran with nukes! Bush killed 9,000 US citizens & made US less safe.

Obama is keeping US safe!

Bush gave Iran nukes? God you're an idiot!
Bush allowed Iran's nuclear program to grow unfettered. He did the same with the North Koreans.

Bush couldn't in fact figure out how to stop Iran's nuclear program from going forward because it was being aided by the Russians, the French and the North Koreans. That isn't the same as "allowing" their nuclear program to grow unfettered. The North Koreans got their nukes from Russia and Pakistan...not from George Bush!
I stated how to do it: economic sanctions and pressure on our allies.
You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry badly underestimated the capabilities of ISIS...something that led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere
Whether he did or didn't, neither "led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere".

Barbaric, backward men are the only ones who led any rapes or murders.

When you are in a position of power and choose not to protect the innocent...then ultimately you ARE responsible for the actions of barbaric, backward men! Barack Obama may not WANT to be the Leader of the Free World...but as the President of the United States...HE WAS...and he failed at that job...HORRIBLY!
And I still maintain that you can't bring yourself to admit that Barack Obama badly underestimated ISIS and then refused to admit that he had underestimated them...hence the JV team description!

Bush launched a Huge Globally Televised Address that started with him landing on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln displaying an ENORMOUS "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner. Then the Iraqi people kicked our ass. Bush was forced pay them to stop killing our soldiers, sign the Status of Forces Agreement, saying “All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.” and to allowed Iran to build Nukes. This is a Major Embarrassments for US.

Bush is Major Embarrassment for US yet you suck his ass & try to blame his failures on Obama.
Gas is $2.50ish in CA. So, we still pay. We have Dems f'ing us over out here.
If you were a knowledgeable person you would already know about the huge refinery that was closed down by fire in California, forcing the long-haul trucking of a lot more gas, raising the price.

If you were a knowledgeable person.

If you were knowledgeable, you'd know that California politics continually dictate the highest gas prices in the nation. But whereas you think you know sh** you don't know and presume to lecture me, I live this nonsense.
And I still maintain that you can't bring yourself to admit that Barack Obama badly underestimated ISIS and then refused to admit that he had underestimated them...hence the JV team description!

Bush launched a Huge Globally Televised Address that started with him landing on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln displaying an ENORMOUS "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner. Then the Iraqi people kicked our ass. Bush was forced pay them to stop killing our soldiers, sign the Status of Forces Agreement, saying “All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.” and to allowed Iran to build Nukes. This is a Major Embarrassments for US.

Bush is Major Embarrassment for US yet you suck his ass & try to blame his failures on Obama.

The "Mission Accomplished" banner that you Bush haters love to bring up was something that was put up on the USS Abraham Lincoln because THEY were returning home after being deployed to the Middle East as part of the invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein!

A "major embarrassment" for the United States would be a US consulate being over run by Al Qaeda forces who kill our Ambassador and three other Americans! A "major embarrassment" for the United States is watching ISIS troops pour across the border into Iraq taking over major cities and oil fields while our President does nothing. A "major embarrassment" for the United States is the millions of displaced refugees now flooding Europe because they were forced to flee for their lives because of the "JV team"!
The "truth" KissMy...is that Barack Obama has no Middle Eastern strategy. He has no strategy to combat ISIS. He's done little else but make excuses and blame others while he runs out the string with his last term in office. The mess that he's made of the Middle East will have to be sorted out by whoever the next President of the United States is...whether it's a Democrat or a Republican.
You Lie!

"My fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.

Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment — yet it is you, the members of the United States military, who achieved it. Your courage — your willingness to face danger for your country and for each other — made this day possible. Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free.

Operation Iraqi Freedom was carried out with a combination of precision, and speed, and boldness the enemy did not expect. America is grateful for a job well done."

Bush was a major embarrassment. The war for Iraq started after that major stupid speech by Bush! Bush failed to prevent 9/11 attacks, Failed to get Bin Laden, Failed to stop Iran, wasted over $5 Trillion, killed 9,000 US citizens, 40,000 citizens major wounded, a million US casualties.

Bush was a major embarrassment. Iran launched it's nuclear arms race under Bush. Ahmadinejad killed our soldiers in Iraq & played Bush as the fool he is! Ahmadinejad kept publicly rubbing Bush's nose in his failure to stop him.

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Oldstyle 13114328
Since I'm not the President it's laughable that you blame me for not having a coherent foreign policy.

I didn't blame you, you sniveling worm. You cannot condemn Obama's foreign policy when you have no clue whatsoever what you would have done differently that has any possibility of actually being a viable option.

Putting more credence in military advisers would have gotten you nothing different in determining when Iraq was capable of standing on its own. There is no, none, zero, nada one single US military adviser that told Obama to keep US combat troops inside Iraq without immunity beyond the expiration of the 2008 Bush Maliki SOFA which forced all US troops to be gone at the end of 2012.

Iraq is a sovereign state. You can't force US troops into a sovereign state unless you intend to invade, change the regime, throw out their constitution and occupy and rebuild their military from scratch. No military advisers were recommending that.

So your only suggested foreign policy for Iraq is based on acting upon non-existent advice from military leaders which shows how foolish and uninformed you are.
The "truth" KissMy...is that Barack Obama has no Middle Eastern strategy. He has no strategy to combat ISIS.

Says one who pays no attention to legitimate news and cannot read a simple graphic map.

. ISIS has lost control of several key towns in Iraq to government and Kurdish forces ....

Islamic State conflict: Iraqi forces push deeper into Ramadi - BBC News

December 2015

January 2015

That is the result of Obama's strategy which also involved getting Maliki to step down peacefully.

And Ramadi is all but liberated from ISIS with not one single American needing to die to save that city.

Islamic State conflict: Iraqi forces push deeper into Ramadi
Iraqi forces have moved deeper into Ramadi, pressing an offensive to drive Islamic State militants from the city.

Bombs and booby traps have been slowing their advance, army officials say.

Troops and Sunni tribal fighters were about 500m (550 yards) from the main local government office.

They have taken control of several districts since launching the operation five days ago. The mainly Sunni Arab city, about 55 miles (90km) west of Baghdad, was captured by IS in May.

Do you want Americans to get killed driving ISIS out of Iraq? Is that your problem with Obama's strategy?
The "truth" KissMy...is that Barack Obama has no Middle Eastern strategy. He has no strategy to combat ISIS. He's done little else but make excuses and blame others while he runs out the string with his last term in office. The mess that he's made of the Middle East will have to be sorted out by whoever the next President of the United States is...whether it's a Democrat or a Republican.

the mess was made in the middle east when baby bush invaded iraq for no reason.
Oldstyle 13114328
Since I'm not the President it's laughable that you blame me for not having a coherent foreign policy.

I didn't blame you, you sniveling worm. You cannot condemn Obama's foreign policy when you have no clue whatsoever what you would have done differently that has any possibility of actually being a viable option.

Putting more credence in military advisers would have gotten you nothing different in determining when Iraq was capable of standing on its own. There is no, none, zero, nada one single US military adviser that told Obama to keep US combat troops inside Iraq without immunity beyond the expiration of the 2008 Bush Maliki SOFA which forced all US troops to be gone at the end of 2012.

Iraq is a sovereign state. You can't force US troops into a sovereign state unless you intend to invade, change the regime, throw out their constitution and occupy and rebuild their military from scratch. No military advisers were recommending that.

So your only suggested foreign policy for Iraq is based on acting upon non-existent advice from military leaders which shows how foolish and uninformed you are.

The expiration of the SOFA agreement has been used by Obama apologists for years now to excuse his strategic blunder in withdrawing combat troops prematurely! The truth is that Obama used the expiration of that agreement as an excuse to pull out of Iraq. He never made any real effort to get a new SOFA because he didn't want American combat troops in Iraq.

You wouldn't have had to invade Iraq, you dumbass. Our troops were already there. All you needed to do was to give Maliki some political cover so that he could agree to an extension of the existing SOFA. Maliki didn't want a US pullout because he understood the danger involved. You'd be hard pressed to find an American military leader who wasn't telling Obama that Iraq's military needed more time and wasn't recommending leaving a force of at least 10,000 combat troops in Iraq to strengthen resistance to outside groups.

Barry wanted to be the guy who ends wars however...so he pulled our troops despite what he was being told by his military advisers. That was HIS call and he owns the aftermath of that call!
The "truth" KissMy...is that Barack Obama has no Middle Eastern strategy. He has no strategy to combat ISIS. He's done little else but make excuses and blame others while he runs out the string with his last term in office. The mess that he's made of the Middle East will have to be sorted out by whoever the next President of the United States is...whether it's a Democrat or a Republican.

the mess was made in the middle east when baby bush invaded iraq for no reason.

So tell me this, Jillian...was the Middle East more or less stable when W. left office...or at the end of Barry's second term?
The "truth" KissMy...is that Barack Obama has no Middle Eastern strategy. He has no strategy to combat ISIS.

Says one who pays no attention to legitimate news and cannot read a simple graphic map.

. ISIS has lost control of several key towns in Iraq to government and Kurdish forces ....

Islamic State conflict: Iraqi forces push deeper into Ramadi - BBC News

December 2015

January 2015

That is the result of Obama's strategy which also involved getting Maliki to step down peacefully.

And Ramadi is all but liberated from ISIS with not one single American needing to die to save that city.

Islamic State conflict: Iraqi forces push deeper into Ramadi
Iraqi forces have moved deeper into Ramadi, pressing an offensive to drive Islamic State militants from the city.

Bombs and booby traps have been slowing their advance, army officials say.

Troops and Sunni tribal fighters were about 500m (550 yards) from the main local government office.

They have taken control of several districts since launching the operation five days ago. The mainly Sunni Arab city, about 55 miles (90km) west of Baghdad, was captured by IS in May.

Do you want Americans to get killed driving ISIS out of Iraq? Is that your problem with Obama's strategy?

I want ISIS destroyed. I would have liked to have seen Barry respond as ISIS was taking over much of Iraq in the first place but that would have meant admitting that he'd erred by prematurely pulling out US combat troops. How many innocent civilians would be alive today and living in their homes still if Barack Obama hadn't turned a blind eye to what ISIS was doing? Those deaths are on his head. How many hundreds of thousands of refugees has Obama's blunder created in the Middle East? He created a power vacuum that ISIS was only too happy to exploit.
You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry badly underestimated the capabilities of ISIS...something that led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere
Whether he did or didn't, neither "led to the rape and murders of tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and elsewhere".

Barbaric, backward men are the only ones who led any rapes or murders.

When you are in a position of power and choose not to protect the innocent...then ultimately you ARE responsible for the actions of barbaric, backward men! Barack Obama may not WANT to be the Leader of the Free World...but as the President of the United States...HE WAS...and he failed at that job...HORRIBLY!
That's just your U.S. arrogance talking. We aren't the World's Policemen. And even if we wanted to be, the Republicans in Congress would never allocate the funds to do it successfully.

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