Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

With all due respect, Mertex...you're using statistics to obscure the reality of what the ACA has done! Has the spending on healthcare in this country gone down because the ACA lowered costs...or has spending decreased because Middle Class Americans are being forced onto high deductible plans and not going to the doctors because they can't afford those deductibles?

It would be like bragging about how a tax on gasoline has helped cut pollution because so many people can't afford to put gas in their cars!

The ACA has ushered in a situation where poor people get subsidized sub standard healthcare...rich people get excellent healthcare by avoiding the ACA entirely...and the Middle Class struggles to figure out how they can pay their bills.

I'm just repeating what reputable sources are saying. You can continue to deny that it is working like the majority of conservatives are doing, or you can accept facts....I can't force you to accept the facts. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. That's not true that middle class is struggling to figure out how they can pay their bills due to ACA. Anyone that is struggling to afford ACA probably didn't have a policy worth anything.....and they would be struggling regardless of ACA.

This is perhaps the hardest of the ACA’s aims to sort out. In part, there is no easy answer because the effect varies so much, depending on individual circumstances. The preponderance of the evidence, however, suggests that insurance is now more affordable on average than it was before the ACA’s implementation:
JAMA Forum: How Well Is the Affordable Care Act Working?

The ACA is Working for Wisconsinites

The ACA is working. So why is the opposition to it so strong and persistent? | The Incidental Economist

The Affordable Care Act Is Working

No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

You don't care if he has healthcare? Gee, Mertex...what happened to "compassionate liberalism"? You care about poor people having healthcare but if someone in the MiddleClass is struggling to pay their bills it's because they don't know how to budget within their means?

You ass clowns set up this mess...now you're going to blame the Middle Class for not being able to afford it?
With all due respect, Mertex...you're using statistics to obscure the reality of what the ACA has done! Has the spending on healthcare in this country gone down because the ACA lowered costs...or has spending decreased because Middle Class Americans are being forced onto high deductible plans and not going to the doctors because they can't afford those deductibles?

It would be like bragging about how a tax on gasoline has helped cut pollution because so many people can't afford to put gas in their cars!

The ACA has ushered in a situation where poor people get subsidized sub standard healthcare...rich people get excellent healthcare by avoiding the ACA entirely...and the Middle Class struggles to figure out how they can pay their bills.

I'm just repeating what reputable sources are saying. You can continue to deny that it is working like the majority of conservatives are doing, or you can accept facts....I can't force you to accept the facts. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. That's not true that middle class is struggling to figure out how they can pay their bills due to ACA. Anyone that is struggling to afford ACA probably didn't have a policy worth anything.....and they would be struggling regardless of ACA.

This is perhaps the hardest of the ACA’s aims to sort out. In part, there is no easy answer because the effect varies so much, depending on individual circumstances. The preponderance of the evidence, however, suggests that insurance is now more affordable on average than it was before the ACA’s implementation:
JAMA Forum: How Well Is the Affordable Care Act Working?

The ACA is Working for Wisconsinites

The ACA is working. So why is the opposition to it so strong and persistent? | The Incidental Economist

The Affordable Care Act Is Working

No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.
With all due respect, Mertex...you're using statistics to obscure the reality of what the ACA has done! Has the spending on healthcare in this country gone down because the ACA lowered costs...or has spending decreased because Middle Class Americans are being forced onto high deductible plans and not going to the doctors because they can't afford those deductibles?

It would be like bragging about how a tax on gasoline has helped cut pollution because so many people can't afford to put gas in their cars!

The ACA has ushered in a situation where poor people get subsidized sub standard healthcare...rich people get excellent healthcare by avoiding the ACA entirely...and the Middle Class struggles to figure out how they can pay their bills.

I'm just repeating what reputable sources are saying. You can continue to deny that it is working like the majority of conservatives are doing, or you can accept facts....I can't force you to accept the facts. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. That's not true that middle class is struggling to figure out how they can pay their bills due to ACA. Anyone that is struggling to afford ACA probably didn't have a policy worth anything.....and they would be struggling regardless of ACA.

This is perhaps the hardest of the ACA’s aims to sort out. In part, there is no easy answer because the effect varies so much, depending on individual circumstances. The preponderance of the evidence, however, suggests that insurance is now more affordable on average than it was before the ACA’s implementation:
JAMA Forum: How Well Is the Affordable Care Act Working?

The ACA is Working for Wisconsinites

The ACA is working. So why is the opposition to it so strong and persistent? | The Incidental Economist

The Affordable Care Act Is Working

No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.

Damn Ray, I had no idea you were struggling so hard.

You a grown man and not have $600 a month disposable income?
What kind of decisions have you been making all your life?

Hell you even have rental property.

How are YOUR decisions Obamas fault?

Just curious on that one.
Does that in any way make the people who were happy with their cheaper policy suddenly feel better?

More than likely yes. If they had gotten sick with their old policies they would have found out that it didn't really cover much....not really cheap when you end up paying more in the end.

More than likely yes.

They bought cheap policies with limited coverage.
If they wanted to buy more expensive policies which covered more, they were free to do that.
I'm glad that you knew better than they did.

Most of them didn't realize their insurance policies didn't cover certain basic needs. They found out when their policy no longer met the basic requirements of ACA.

Why buy insurance if it isn't going to do much for you? That's why I don't buy dental insurance, because it doesn't really cover much.....if I ever need major work to my teeth, I guess I will wish I had bought an insurance that did. However, my teeth are in great shape, so I'm able to continue to take care of that with bi-annual cleaning and check ups....and if I need major work, I'm able to afford it. Many of these people couldn't afford an appendix surgery....which probably wasn't covered, or other common illnesses that could end up bankrupting a person. The ACA covers the most basic needs that anyone should ever need.

Why buy insurance if it isn't going to do much for you?

That's the question we've had since Commie Care was passed. Have you seen the cost and deductibles for some of these plans? Outrageous.

Sure, you can buy better plans, but you always could even before DumBama raided the White House.

Dental insurance is around $400.00 per year. It costs almost twice as much for just one month of healthcare under Commie Care.

Yeah, right....that's what Faux News says and you're sticking to it. Quit with the lies.... don't know where you are getting your information, but the cheapest policy, the Bronze plan monthly cost:

Age 30 Age 40 Age 50 Age 60
$263 $296 $413 $627

Yes, and the cheapest policy is just that, the cheapest policy. Now why don't you run along and go to the Commie Care site like I did and see for yourself what these "affordable" plans cover. I'll save you the time, they don't cover anything. Deductibles as high as $7,000.00. 70/30 coverage after that. Do you know how many tens of thousands of dollars you would be in debt if something serious happened to you under one of these plans???
With all due respect, Mertex...you're using statistics to obscure the reality of what the ACA has done! Has the spending on healthcare in this country gone down because the ACA lowered costs...or has spending decreased because Middle Class Americans are being forced onto high deductible plans and not going to the doctors because they can't afford those deductibles?

It would be like bragging about how a tax on gasoline has helped cut pollution because so many people can't afford to put gas in their cars!

The ACA has ushered in a situation where poor people get subsidized sub standard healthcare...rich people get excellent healthcare by avoiding the ACA entirely...and the Middle Class struggles to figure out how they can pay their bills.

I'm just repeating what reputable sources are saying. You can continue to deny that it is working like the majority of conservatives are doing, or you can accept facts....I can't force you to accept the facts. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. That's not true that middle class is struggling to figure out how they can pay their bills due to ACA. Anyone that is struggling to afford ACA probably didn't have a policy worth anything.....and they would be struggling regardless of ACA.

This is perhaps the hardest of the ACA’s aims to sort out. In part, there is no easy answer because the effect varies so much, depending on individual circumstances. The preponderance of the evidence, however, suggests that insurance is now more affordable on average than it was before the ACA’s implementation:
JAMA Forum: How Well Is the Affordable Care Act Working?

The ACA is Working for Wisconsinites

The ACA is working. So why is the opposition to it so strong and persistent? | The Incidental Economist

The Affordable Care Act Is Working

No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.

Damn Ray, I had no idea you were struggling so hard.

You a grown man and not have $600 a month disposable income?
What kind of decisions have you been making all your life?

Hell you even have rental property.

How are YOUR decisions Obamas fault?

Just curious on that one.

Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.
Oldstyle 13141620
Once again...name an Obama strategy that actually promoted fossil fuels.

You ignorant old fool. The"all of the above' energy policy is a strategy and has long been in place and succeeding quite well thank you. Fossil fuels are the immediate mainstay of that strategy and are never banned in that strategy. And the lower the price of gasoline the better it is for Anericans within that policy. So you are merely acting dumb or lying that you think Obama has no strategy that includes the extraction and import and use of cheap fossil fuels? We need to have alternatives for maintaining energy cost stability over the long term. Think if you children's children and their children for once for God's sake!
Obama has failed in many ways, he said he wanted gas prices to rise gradually, they haven't. He was going to shut down Gitmo, he didn't. He wanted to save people an average of $2500 on health care, that didn't happen. He promised that people from his administration would not go into lobbying, that didn't work. So many failures on his part.

Yep....by focusing on the few things he said he would do and didn't do....you totally ignore all the many other things he did do. So typical of someone who continues to deny that Obama has done a whole lot more for the country than Bush ever did. It's probably the reason the GOP is in such dire straits!

The thing he did was increase the cost of health care to the middle class, the group that carries the nation. He is another President in a long line of Presidents who works for the rich.

No he didn't. Those that are paying more for their policies are getting a lot more than they had with their old policies....they were unable to keep their old policies because the old policies didn't meet the requirements set up by ACA which benefits the people instead of the insurance companies. And no, Obama is all for wage increase and other benefits for the people....it's the Republicans that want to keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor.

Yeah, that is why he mandated the insurance for Americans and relieved businesses another year.
I pay $600 a month and won't use my medical unless it is a major medical issue. The cost on tests I won't pay for unless my doctors negotiate and we cut out insurance. $1600 deductible was not touched last year, nor the year before. So far $14,400 spent, plus 700 on deductible the first year and 400 this last year.

It covers jack squat.

Yeah sure....I'm sure you were specifically picked out and given a rotten deal! That's why it is called insurance......you may never need it (unlikely) but it's there when you need it.

I wasn't the only one, I used to have catastrophic insurance. It was less than half of what I pay now.

The bullshit of saving anyone $2500 a year was a huge lie and the asshole knew it, most of America knew it and yet liberal nutters bought the lie hook, line and sinker and somehow still think it's true. Liberals really ramped up on stupid.
Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.

It appears from previous posts that Ray works for a boss, most likely a Republican who craps on his employees and cut their pay to keep all the extra bucks for himself. And Ray complains about the ACA instead of some selfish small business owner who needs to feel the teeth of organized labor and s strike.

We used to have workers with guts and organization in this country that could prevent the sort of thing Ray says happened to him. Apparently workers have turned into sheep at Ray!s place of employment. Blame the liberals is all they know how to do. The liberals that still believe in organized labor.
I'm just repeating what reputable sources are saying. You can continue to deny that it is working like the majority of conservatives are doing, or you can accept facts....I can't force you to accept the facts. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. That's not true that middle class is struggling to figure out how they can pay their bills due to ACA. Anyone that is struggling to afford ACA probably didn't have a policy worth anything.....and they would be struggling regardless of ACA.

This is perhaps the hardest of the ACA’s aims to sort out. In part, there is no easy answer because the effect varies so much, depending on individual circumstances. The preponderance of the evidence, however, suggests that insurance is now more affordable on average than it was before the ACA’s implementation:
JAMA Forum: How Well Is the Affordable Care Act Working?

The ACA is Working for Wisconsinites

The ACA is working. So why is the opposition to it so strong and persistent? | The Incidental Economist

The Affordable Care Act Is Working

No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.

Damn Ray, I had no idea you were struggling so hard.

You a grown man and not have $600 a month disposable income?
What kind of decisions have you been making all your life?

Hell you even have rental property.

How are YOUR decisions Obamas fault?

Just curious on that one.

Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.
I'm just repeating what reputable sources are saying. You can continue to deny that it is working like the majority of conservatives are doing, or you can accept facts....I can't force you to accept the facts. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. That's not true that middle class is struggling to figure out how they can pay their bills due to ACA. Anyone that is struggling to afford ACA probably didn't have a policy worth anything.....and they would be struggling regardless of ACA.

This is perhaps the hardest of the ACA’s aims to sort out. In part, there is no easy answer because the effect varies so much, depending on individual circumstances. The preponderance of the evidence, however, suggests that insurance is now more affordable on average than it was before the ACA’s implementation:
JAMA Forum: How Well Is the Affordable Care Act Working?

The ACA is Working for Wisconsinites

The ACA is working. So why is the opposition to it so strong and persistent? | The Incidental Economist

The Affordable Care Act Is Working

No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.

Damn Ray, I had no idea you were struggling so hard.

You a grown man and not have $600 a month disposable income?
What kind of decisions have you been making all your life?

Hell you even have rental property.

How are YOUR decisions Obamas fault?

Just curious on that one.

Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.

That the best you got Ray? My Mothers basement? LMAO. My mom lives in a ranch on a slab. Beside that I havent lived at home since I was 17. And now I am 62.

I made a financial plan many years ago. I worked that plan. It has a pay off that I am now enjoying. My plan involved delayed gratification and patience.

I thought you Republicans were all about self reliance and all that shit. Pick your self up and so on.

You sound like some poor bleeding heart liberal. Poor you. All my poor friends and such. You made suck oh decisions and it is somebody elses fault.

Vote for Hillary. Maybe she can help you.
BTW Ray, I come from the coal fields of Virginia. My family was dirt poor. I am the first to raise a kid that got a college degree. And have two more working toward that goal.

Planning, lots of hard long work and decent decision making is what has got me where I am.

Clinton was president when the plan went into effect.
Obama was President as I recovered from the Bush disaster.

Of course I am an Obama fan. If Clinton had screwed the pooch and Bush oversaw a recovery, I wouldve been a Bush fan.

But truly, I am my own biggest fan and solely responsible for my success or lack of same.

Just like you are responsible for where you are.
Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.

It appears from previous posts that Ray works for a boss, most likely a Republican who craps on his employees and cut their pay to keep all the extra bucks for himself. And Ray complains about the ACA instead of some selfish small business owner who needs to feel the teeth of organized labor and s strike.

We used to have workers with guts and organization in this country that could prevent the sort of thing Ray says happened to him. Apparently workers have turned into sheep at Ray!s place of employment. Blame the liberals is all they know how to do. The liberals that still believe in organized labor.

That is an interesting point.

Ray is always going on about the shortage of truck drivers.

But somehow the drivers cant figure out how that shortage of labor SHOULD make it possible for truck drivers wages to increase.

Something about how supply and demand effect the value of goods or services.

Sounds like Ray needs the Teamsters.
Wilbur 13165719
That the best you got Ray? My Mothers basement? LMAO. My mom lives in a ranch on a slab. Beside that I havent lived at home since I was 17. And now I am 62.

I made a financial plan many years ago. I worked that plan. It has a pay off that I am now enjoying. My plan involved delayed gratification and patience.

I thought you Republicans were all about self reliance and all that shit. Pick your self up and so on.

You sound like some poor bleeding heart liberal. Poor you. All my poor friends and such. You made suck oh decisions and it is somebody elses fault.

Vote for Hillary. Maybe she can help you.

Isn't it great to be self-reliant and prefer Democrat's policies while listening to all the right wing victim's out there complain and complain and offer no genuine solutions for their miserable lives.

I moveef out and began supporting myself at 15. I signed my own grade cards through high school - took vocational drafting and my Senior year I went to school until noon and worked 10 hours after school near Cleveland, operating a forklift and loading products onto railway box cars. I learned from my dad who was UAW that if you don't work you don't eat.

I got married and first born came into my life at 20 years old. I took a half cut in pay to work for a heavy water and wastewater contractor as a draftsman. Worked hard never went to college but worked my way up to project manager and never looked back. Bought a home and rental property raised two daughters and put one through college. When the company I worked for closed its doors and couldn't find work I moved to where work was. Seventeen years ago suffered a setback was broke but set up my own home remodeling business by word of mouth and kept going until I found a job with a top five international construction firm / then while somewhat in debt got remarried 15 years ago with a six year old new stepdaughter. We bought a modest townhouse in Northern Va, helped put my wife through to an MPH degree at GW University and our daughter is graduating from George Mason this spring.

In fifteen years we have paid off the mortgage on our townhouse and on New Years Eve our cash offer for a $250 grand Condo was accepted. Our daughter will live there pay expenses and take in her current room mate.

Our daughter worked and studied hard lived with us through college to save money. So she deserves it.

I just bought a new motorcycle (my passion) and we have not lived like paupers but spend only money we have saved. I'm 65 and all is great and I could never vote for a Republicans and all their whiny bitching victims that support them.

You are 100 percent right Wilber.
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Oldstyle 13141620
Once again...name an Obama strategy that actually promoted fossil fuels.

You ignorant old fool. The"all of the above' energy policy is a strategy and has long been in place and succeeding quite well thank you. Fossil fuels are the immediate mainstay of that strategy and are never banned in that strategy. And the lower the price of gasoline the better it is for Anericans within that policy. So you are merely acting dumb or lying that you think Obama has no strategy that includes the extraction and import and use of cheap fossil fuels? We need to have alternatives for maintaining energy cost stability over the long term. Think if you children's children and their children for once for God's sake!

No, the "all of the above" was a SPEECH you moron! It has never been Obama Administration POLICY! It it had been you would be able to name an Obama Administration policy that DID promote fossil fuels.
No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.

Damn Ray, I had no idea you were struggling so hard.

You a grown man and not have $600 a month disposable income?
What kind of decisions have you been making all your life?

Hell you even have rental property.

How are YOUR decisions Obamas fault?

Just curious on that one.

Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.
No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.

Damn Ray, I had no idea you were struggling so hard.

You a grown man and not have $600 a month disposable income?
What kind of decisions have you been making all your life?

Hell you even have rental property.

How are YOUR decisions Obamas fault?

Just curious on that one.

Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.

That the best you got Ray? My Mothers basement? LMAO. My mom lives in a ranch on a slab. Beside that I havent lived at home since I was 17. And now I am 62.

I made a financial plan many years ago. I worked that plan. It has a pay off that I am now enjoying. My plan involved delayed gratification and patience.

I thought you Republicans were all about self reliance and all that shit. Pick your self up and so on.

You sound like some poor bleeding heart liberal. Poor you. All my poor friends and such. You made suck oh decisions and it is somebody elses fault.

Vote for Hillary. Maybe she can help you.

With all due respect, Wilber...Hillary helps Hillary...she didn't move into those million dollar mansions in Westchester and Washington because of some "financial plan" the Clinton's have followed for decades! Slick Willie and her have made millions off pretending to be there for the poor while really being there for the powerful and the connected. That's what you're going to get with four more years of Clinton.
No, the "all of the above" was a SPEECH you moron! It has never been Obama Administration POLICY! It it had been you would be able to name an Obama Administration policy that DID promote fossil fuels.

All of the above is in effect. No matter what you want to characterize it as, it is much more than a speech Or are you of the belief that a speech was given saying fossil fuels are an important part of Obama's energy policy but then not a drop of oil related energy had been in use ever since? If you think that you are dumber than we already know you are. If you agree that fossil fuels have been used extensively the past six years then your stupid argument is full of so many holes your brain had leaked out of your skull.
Leftwingers eating Crow & pretending 4 & 5 dollar gas never existed. Regular Americans remember

Where have I pretended that the national average of Regular Gasoline did not reach about $4.00 a gal. You'll have to show when the national avg reached $5.00 a gal however. We are talking national average here,
Leftwingers eating Crow & pretending 4 & 5 dollar gas never existed. Regular Americans remember

Where have I pretended that the national average of Regular Gasoline did not reach about $4.00 a gal. You'll have to show when the national avg reached $5.00 a gal however. We are talking national average here,
This thread is not about a national average lol and the spike to near 5 bucks was in California I believe
Leftwingers eating Crow & pretending 4 & 5 dollar gas never existed. Regular Americans remember

We know Bush destroyed the US dollar & exploded prices. He made commodities, building materials, gasoline, nat gas, electricity, houses, land, food, water, sewer & trash so expensive that people could not afford to live.
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