Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Oldstyle 13166664
It it had been you would be able to name an Obama Administration policy that DID promote fossil fuels.

Can you explain why gasoline needs to be 'promoted'? Let alone why the Federal Government must promote it in your mind? Fossil fuel produced gasoline has become damn near a necessity for modern life as we know it, ever since the Golden Age for kids and dogs came to an end with the invention of the horseless carriage.

Your argument makes no sense. Do you think too many people don't know what a gasoline station is for?
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Not Fooled, Good come back story on your part.
Do you ever get the impression that we try and argue with people who say that we are what they seem to be. Failing.

And that somehow they are what we actually are. Successfull.

We should be the Repubs. These folks are actully what they claim Democrats are. Lazy and poor.

Weird as hell.

I am looking at a 2001 Road King. One owner, low miles. Nice bike. I have an old iron head Sporster now due for a re do. But I also got a new to me pontoon boat for the lake house last year. Got a new Martin guitar for Christmas.

Life sure sucks under Obama eh? LMAO

I would vote for him again over ANY candidate running. In a heartbeat.
Leftwingers eating Crow & pretending 4 & 5 dollar gas never existed. Regular Americans remember

We know Bush destroyed the US dollar & exploded prices. He made commodities, building materials, gasoline, nat gas, electricity, houses, land, food, water, sewer & trash so expensive that people could not afford to live.
Interesting fable. Real Americans not obsessed with politics didn't see a decline until Obama came along. Obama completely crippled our recovery.
GRAMPA 13167052
This thread is not about a national average lol and the spike to near 5 bucks was in California I believe



NFBW 12923583
Credit Card in Northern Virginia at $1.82. National avg at $2.04 right now.
Read the title jackass. You know what a title is right? It defines what the thread is about.

It's clear this thread is about the left's ability to keep their heads in the sand as long as it takes to ignore facts till they're gone.
Does that in any way make the people who were happy with their cheaper policy suddenly feel better?

More than likely yes. If they had gotten sick with their old policies they would have found out that it didn't really cover much....not really cheap when you end up paying more in the end.

More than likely yes.

They bought cheap policies with limited coverage.
If they wanted to buy more expensive policies which covered more, they were free to do that.
I'm glad that you knew better than they did.

Most of them didn't realize their insurance policies didn't cover certain basic needs. They found out when their policy no longer met the basic requirements of ACA.

Why buy insurance if it isn't going to do much for you? That's why I don't buy dental insurance, because it doesn't really cover much.....if I ever need major work to my teeth, I guess I will wish I had bought an insurance that did. However, my teeth are in great shape, so I'm able to continue to take care of that with bi-annual cleaning and check ups....and if I need major work, I'm able to afford it. Many of these people couldn't afford an appendix surgery....which probably wasn't covered, or other common illnesses that could end up bankrupting a person. The ACA covers the most basic needs that anyone should ever need.

They found out when their policy no longer met the basic requirements of ACA.

Yes, forcing people to buy more expensive policies that cost much more and covered things they didn't want was a very nice way to hike their costs.

So much for saving the average family $2500 a year.
If the "goal" for the ACA was to give subsidized healthcare to millions of poor Americans and pass the cost of that along to Middle Class Americans...then you're correct. If the ACA's "goal" was to lower healthcare costs for America...then it has been a complete failure.

I don't think so. Many continue to compare their old insurance to their new Obamacare one and complain they are paying more, not admitting that the Obamacare most likely covers a whole lot more than their old insurance did. Also, the price of insurance has always continue to increase, but at least now, under ACA, it is not rising as quickly as it did the 8 years before it was implemented. Fact.

For decades, health care costs have been rising much faster than the rest of the American economy, outrunning inflation and wages and driving a growing imbalance in the federal budget. With the Affordable Care Act, President Obama promised to slow it all down. The law, he saidoften, would “bend the cost curve,” flattening health spending’s precipitous rise and making health care more affordable for the country.

The last few years have seen a significant slowdown in the growth of health spending. Across nearly every measure — medical price growth,employer insurance premiums, per capita Medicare spending — the amounts the country spends on health care have increased by much smaller margins than the nation is used to.


Many continue to compare their old insurance to their new Obamacare one and complain they are paying more, not admitting that the Obamacare most likely covers a whole lot more than their old insurance did.

Many preferred a cheaper policy that covered less. Admit that.

Yeah....until they have to use it and then they'd be whining.

There's too much freedom around here.
You should make all the decisions.......for everybody.
What's the worst that could happen?

I don't make decisions for anyone else other than myself.........but as a taxpayer I resented having to support those that don't want to buy insurance and then go to the ER to take care of medical needs that could have been avoided if they had healthcare. ACA should continue to reduce the need for ER. Republicans try to restrict abortions with all kinds of new laws....you want to make the decisions for them, too?

Emergency room visits may be up, but today more people are using insurance to pay for visits rather than simply sticking hospitals with unpaid bills.
Study Shows ER Visits Up Under ACA - Obamacare Facts

I don't make decisions for anyone else other than myself.........

You....Obama...whatever. Making decisions instead of letting people decide for themselves.
Oldstyle 13141620
Once again...name an Obama strategy that actually promoted fossil fuels.

You ignorant old fool. The"all of the above' energy policy is a strategy and has long been in place and succeeding quite well thank you. Fossil fuels are the immediate mainstay of that strategy and are never banned in that strategy. And the lower the price of gasoline the better it is for Anericans within that policy. So you are merely acting dumb or lying that you think Obama has no strategy that includes the extraction and import and use of cheap fossil fuels? We need to have alternatives for maintaining energy cost stability over the long term. Think if you children's children and their children for once for God's sake!

The"all of the above' energy policy is a strategy

Wrong. It's a sound bite.
Actual policy to implement "all of the above" would be the strategy.
Leftwingers eating Crow & pretending 4 & 5 dollar gas never existed. Regular Americans remember

We know Bush destroyed the US dollar & exploded prices. He made commodities, building materials, gasoline, nat gas, electricity, houses, land, food, water, sewer & trash so expensive that people could not afford to live.

Wow, if Bush had all that power, why doesn't Obama have a fraction of that power?

I mean besides stopping the rise of the oceans. LOL!
Toddster 13168189
Actual policy to implement "all of the above" would be the strategy.

Definition of "implement" verb:

to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be used

Are you telling me that oil
fossil derived fuel has not been used as part of Obama's 'ALL OF THE ABOVE' energy strategy
Toddster 13168189
Actual policy to implement "all of the above" would be the strategy.

Definition of "implement" verb:

to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be used

Are you telling me that oil
fossil derived fuel has not been used as part of Obama's 'ALL OF THE ABOVE' energy strategy

to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be used

We know what he did to help increase "green energy", he shoveled taxpayer dollars to some donors.
We know what he did to reduce gas consumption, he mandated higher, unrealistic CAFE standards.
What policy did he put into place through passing a new law or creating a new regulation, that was intended to increase domestic production of oil?
Does that in any way make the people who were happy with their cheaper policy suddenly feel better?

More than likely yes. If they had gotten sick with their old policies they would have found out that it didn't really cover much....not really cheap when you end up paying more in the end.

More than likely yes.

They bought cheap policies with limited coverage.
If they wanted to buy more expensive policies which covered more, they were free to do that.
I'm glad that you knew better than they did.

Most of them didn't realize their insurance policies didn't cover certain basic needs. They found out when their policy no longer met the basic requirements of ACA.

Why buy insurance if it isn't going to do much for you? That's why I don't buy dental insurance, because it doesn't really cover much.....if I ever need major work to my teeth, I guess I will wish I had bought an insurance that did. However, my teeth are in great shape, so I'm able to continue to take care of that with bi-annual cleaning and check ups....and if I need major work, I'm able to afford it. Many of these people couldn't afford an appendix surgery....which probably wasn't covered, or other common illnesses that could end up bankrupting a person. The ACA covers the most basic needs that anyone should ever need.

They found out when their policy no longer met the basic requirements of ACA.

Yes, forcing people to buy more expensive policies that cost much more and covered things they didn't want was a very nice way to hike their costs.

So much for saving the average family $2500 a year.

What????? You mean like 50 year old women being covered for maternity care????
Not Fooled, Good come back story on your part.
Do you ever get the impression that we try and argue with people who say that we are what they seem to be. Failing.

And that somehow they are what we actually are. Successfull.

We should be the Repubs. These folks are actully what they claim Democrats are. Lazy and poor.

Weird as hell.

I am looking at a 2001 Road King. One owner, low miles. Nice bike. I have an old iron head Sporster now due for a re do. But I also got a new to me pontoon boat for the lake house last year. Got a new Martin guitar for Christmas.

Life sure sucks under Obama eh? LMAO

I would vote for him again over ANY candidate running. In a heartbeat.

Oh, so DumBama is responsible for your boat, guitar and Sportster?
Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.

It appears from previous posts that Ray works for a boss, most likely a Republican who craps on his employees and cut their pay to keep all the extra bucks for himself. And Ray complains about the ACA instead of some selfish small business owner who needs to feel the teeth of organized labor and s strike.

We used to have workers with guts and organization in this country that could prevent the sort of thing Ray says happened to him. Apparently workers have turned into sheep at Ray!s place of employment. Blame the liberals is all they know how to do. The liberals that still believe in organized labor.

That is an interesting point.

Ray is always going on about the shortage of truck drivers.

But somehow the drivers cant figure out how that shortage of labor SHOULD make it possible for truck drivers wages to increase.

Something about how supply and demand effect the value of goods or services.

Sounds like Ray needs the Teamsters.

As I've stated repeatedly, because Americans are too busy getting fat on SNAP's cards and talking on their Obama Phone, you can't get Americans to work today. That's why they are bringing in foreigners. Some of these people can't read English, speak English, and they are terrible drivers to boot. And remember, they may be driving next to you someday when they can't read the signs on the highway and last minute decide to swerve over three lanes to take an exit.
Grampa 13167669
Read the title jackass. You know what a title is right? It defines what the thread is about.

It's clear this thread is about the left's ability to keep their heads in the sand as long as it takes to ignore facts till they're gone.

Triple IDIOT!!!!

Title; 2. a descriptive heading or caption, as of achapter, section, or other part of a book.

First reason you are an idiot is the title contains the price of gasoline in Indiana. You declare the title is specific to the content of the thread. Then you violate your own dimwitted 'thread' rule by bringing up the price of gasoline in California.

The second reason you are an idiot is because you are admitting that you don't raad beyond the title to find out more specifics on the author's intent.

Grampa 13167669
It's clear this thread is about the left's ability to keep their heads in the sand as long as it takes to ignore facts till they're gone.

The third reason you are an idiot is because you declare we must go strictly by the title to define the content of this thread and then you absolutely violate your own rule be declaring this thread is about something not close to being mentioned in the title of this thread.

We have been discussing the national average gasoline prices throughout this thread.

But if you do not mind being an idiot I don't mind pointing out exactly why you are.
No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.

Damn Ray, I had no idea you were struggling so hard.

You a grown man and not have $600 a month disposable income?
What kind of decisions have you been making all your life?

Hell you even have rental property.

How are YOUR decisions Obamas fault?

Just curious on that one.

Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.
No. If people were struggling with healthcare before Commie Care, it was an option to drop it. That's no longer the case since it's now a mandate.
Yeah, right, and we, the taxpayer get to foot the ER bill when they get sick and have to go to the ER. Since when do conservatives care about the middle class struggling, anyway?

One of the real problems with Commie Care is that they determine what you can afford based on your gross pay. What they don't know is what kind of bills you have to pay.

Well, if you don't know how to budget your earnings to take care of your most important needs, then it's not the rest of us taxpayer's fault. I guess you like the idea of going to the ER and not paying and the rest of us picking up the tab? Oh, maybe you're one of those that never gets sick and will never get sick.....bwahahaha!

How does government determine I can afford health insurance when they don't know what I pay for gasoline every month to get to work? They don't know what I'm paying in child support or alimony. They don't know what I'm paying for my mortgage or rent. They don't know what I'm paying for property taxes. They don't know what I'm paying for prescriptions every month or utilities. They don't know anything.

In other words, you've gotten yourself way over your head and you want the rest of us to take care of you when you get sick and pick up your ER bill. Doesn't sound like the attitude of a conservative......who claim they don't want free stuff!

This is why we don't need the government trying to micromanage our lives. The federal government is now making decisions about our lives instead of ourselves. They didn't even do this in the former Soviet Union for crying out loud.

Sounds to me that you are butt hurt because you are no longer able to go without healthcare and when you have to go to the ER the rest of us would to pay for your bill.....people that don't know how to budget within their means do need micromanaging.....especially when their recklessness is costing me money. I really don't care whether you have healthcare or not......as long as I'm not having to pay for your ER bills.

Spoken like a true Communist "People that don't know how to budget within their means need micromanaging."

I'm sure our founders would be proud of your comments if they were only alive today; that it's now the federal governments job to micromanage their citizens.

I swear you Cradle-to-Gravers will be the end of this country yet. Nothing makes a liberal happier than when citizens lose more freedom and government gains more control.

Until the Commies took over, I had healthcare coverage all of my 55 years of life. It's because of Commie Care I and millions like myself lost our coverage. But oh, blame it on us and not the Democrats. Without the Democrats, I would still have my coverage today.

Now let's talk budgeting: My budget was fine until Ears ruined everything for good productive people to give to the sleezy lowlifes in our country. A healthcare plan can run anywhere from $300.00 to $800.00 for a single plan depending on factors.

Now you tell me, who do you know that has an extra $600.00 a month after all bills are paid? Most people don't. If we did, we would have applied that extra money towards other bills such as a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card balance.......

Of course, those with no outstanding bills would likely use that $600.00 a month for investments if they were half-way smart. But again, your average American doesn't have that kind of residual income every single month.

But liberals are not intelligent enough to figure that out. Instead, people like Hussein figure they will decide what you can afford and what you can't. This is why we have to make sure never to have Democrat leadership in this country again.

Damn Ray, I had no idea you were struggling so hard.

You a grown man and not have $600 a month disposable income?
What kind of decisions have you been making all your life?

Hell you even have rental property.

How are YOUR decisions Obamas fault?

Just curious on that one.

Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.

That the best you got Ray? My Mothers basement? LMAO. My mom lives in a ranch on a slab. Beside that I havent lived at home since I was 17. And now I am 62.

I made a financial plan many years ago. I worked that plan. It has a pay off that I am now enjoying. My plan involved delayed gratification and patience.

I thought you Republicans were all about self reliance and all that shit. Pick your self up and so on.

You sound like some poor bleeding heart liberal. Poor you. All my poor friends and such. You made suck oh decisions and it is somebody elses fault.

Vote for Hillary. Maybe she can help you.

When I made my own plans, I did fine. When Commies make plans for me, that's when the trouble starts.

You clowns love to run around USMB and blame the rich people for everything when the rich people have no influence on your life whatsoever. When I have documented evidence how Democrats made my life much worse, you say blame the people Democrats made it worse for.

This is not to mention you are such a fool believing that politicians give a crap whether you have insurance or not. What they were really after is making more people depend on the government. Well congrats, according to the White House, Commie Care made 10 million more government dependents, so I guess you have some celebration to do there.

Yeah, you're doing so well in life. Well join all the other liberal internet millionaires I seem to meet all the time on this anonymous screen of mine. All you liberals seem to work hard, make tons of money, and think that government should take more away from you. Well I'll tell you what, I DO know millionaires--some in my own family, and none of them are behind being taxed to death to provide for those that don't produce or produce very little.
Next time your mother lets you out of her basement, find some working people and ask them if they have an extra $600.00 a month that they had nothing to do with after all other bills are paid and see what kind of response you get.

It appears from previous posts that Ray works for a boss, most likely a Republican who craps on his employees and cut their pay to keep all the extra bucks for himself. And Ray complains about the ACA instead of some selfish small business owner who needs to feel the teeth of organized labor and s strike.

We used to have workers with guts and organization in this country that could prevent the sort of thing Ray says happened to him. Apparently workers have turned into sheep at Ray!s place of employment. Blame the liberals is all they know how to do. The liberals that still believe in organized labor.

You mean the same organized labor that's responsible for most of the jobs that left this country? The same organized labor that prompted businesses to invest in automation? The same organized labor that's responsible for driving states broke in this country?

So what did organized labor do? They forced companies to pay people superior wages and benefits to do monkey jobs. When those jobs left the country, those people who didn't invest in themselves in regards to securing a career or learning a trade were left there holding a stick in their hand.

Without unions we would have a lower cost of living in this country that would have made us more competitive with other countries. Instead, everybody had their fun for a few years and now look at the damage they've done.
Toddster 13168791
What policy did he put into place through passing a new law or creating a new regulation, that was intended to increase domestic production of oil?

Why pass a new regulation to increase production on something that was increasing production quite sufficiently on its own?

Now you whine because Obama didn't pass a regulation. Make up your hate-filled mind will you?

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