Rights Gone to Potty


Mar 10, 2016
During her commencement speech at Jackson State University last Saturday, Michelle Obama took a shot at Mississippiā€™s ā€œreligious freedom billā€.

Michelle Obama Slams Mississippi ā€˜Religious Freedomā€™ Bill in Commencement Speech

ā€œWe see it right here in Mississippi ā€” just two weeks ago -ā€“ how swiftly progress can hurtle backward,ā€ the first lady said. ā€œHow easy it is to single out a small group and marginalize them because of who they are or who they love.ā€

Actually, Mrs. Obama, Mississippiā€™s law basically allows for an employee with a belief that marriage is a union between one man and one woman and that any other combination is not a marriage and is a sin- to not hand a same sex couple a Marriage License application. The law also assures that all steps are made that the couple not be keep waiting or inconvenienced in any way by this other employee handing them the application. Indeed, the couple probably wonā€™t even be aware of it.

Mississippi, HB 1523 or the Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act, would protect religious organizations and individuals from being forced to act against their faith on matters involving same-sex marriage. Government officials who want to recuse themselves from involvement in a same-sex marriage would have to take ā€œall necessary stepsā€ to ensure that a marriage license is not delayed.

Mississippi HB1523 | 2016 | Regular Session

Imagine, if you will. Itā€™s a government building where licenses are issued. Two workers are behind the desk. A same sex couple requests a license. A religious worker says to the couple, ā€œone moment please.ā€ This worker walks over to the other worker and asks him to wait on the people at the desk. No one is being denied anything here, Mrs. Obama. The couple gets their license, the religious person doesnā€™t have to wring her hands over the prospect of burning in hell. Those serious about everybodyā€™s rights might even call it a win/win.

Mrs. Obama says that, ā€œso we've got to stand side by side with all our neighbors ā€“- straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender; Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu immigrant, Native American -- because the march for civil rights isn't just about African Americans, it's about all Americans," she said. "It's about making things more just, more equal, more free for all our kids and grandkidsā€¦.ā€

According to Michelle Obama, the fight for more freedom has caused her husband much suffering as he bravely defends things like the right to use any toilet you want.

First Lady Criticizes Mississippi's 'Religious Freedom' Bill

ā€œā€¦North Carolinaā€™s Law, H.B. 2, is ā€œan act to provide for single-sex multiple occupancy bathroom and changing facilities in schools and public agencies and to create statewide consistency in regulation of employment and public accommodations.ā€

It also states that those restrooms are to be used according to oneā€™s biological sex ā€“ ā€œthe physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a personā€™s birth certificate.ā€ The law also allows for ā€œaccommodationsā€ by allowing entities to provide single-use restrooms ā€œupon a personā€™s request due to special circumstances.ā€

Obama in UK: NC Bathroom Law and Mississippi Religious Freedom Law Should be Overturned

No, Mrs. Obama, it is not a loss of civil rights that someone with a penis has to use the Menā€™s room. Weā€™re not talking segregation that denies someone a seat. This is a common sense response to a whole lot of caterwauling over how bathrooms ought to be used. In short, the Womanā€™s room is where people with vaginas go potty. The Menā€™s Room is where people with penises go potty.

No, Mrs. Obama, it is not marginalizing a group of people to insist that they use the toilet in a room with other people who have the same style genitalia. Yes, weā€™ve all been told that some people donā€™t always feel the same way in terms of their gender identity. The law provides for accommodation. In other words, that male who feels like a female at the very moment the girls are showering in the Girlā€™s locker room will not be denied the right to use the toilet. The principal will let this person use his private bathroom after heā€™s finished in there.

You see, Mrs. Obama, itā€™s not taking oneā€™s rights away by not saluting their genital du jour. Thereā€™s a time and a place for attention seeking. Empting your bladder really ought not be one of those times. How sad that a law has to be created to remind us of that. No one is being denied access to a toilet. This is not religious freedom blocking rest room freedom. Rather than edifying a graduating class on the beauty of civil rights in this country, you are exhibiting the very divisiveness you claim to abhor.

Frankly, Mrs. Obama, all your arm waving and claims of rampant vitriol over of a so-called marginalized group upset because everybody doesnā€™t celebrate their every move, sound very much like poopy talk better delivered by someone wearing a diaper than a cap and gown.
I think its sad we have to legislate individual freedom in AMERICA
Mississippi has to be so worried about out bits and pieces.

No one has a right to hold a civil service job and not serve a customer because of his beliefs that have nothing to do with the job.

The fed courts will knock it down.
Mississippi has to be so worried about out bits and pieces.

No one has a right to hold a civil service job and not serve a customer because of his beliefs that have nothing to do with the job.

The fed courts will knock it down.
Discrimination from the institution is beyond bullshit. The institution doesn't have "rights"
"To think of humans as freedom - loving, you must be ready to view nearly all of history as a mistake." John Gray

Freedom to discriminate is about as un-American as it can get. Whenever conservative republicans mention freedom think of those ten hands. If Conservatism is the Ideology of Freedom ā€¦.

"Where *freedom is real, equality is the passion of the masses. Where equality is real, freedom is the passion of a small minority." Eric Hoffer
During her commencement speech at Jackson State University last Saturday, Michelle Obama took a shot at Mississippiā€™s ā€œreligious freedom billā€.

Michelle Obama Slams Mississippi ā€˜Religious Freedomā€™ Bill in Commencement Speech

ā€œWe see it right here in Mississippi ā€” just two weeks ago -ā€“ how swiftly progress can hurtle backward,ā€ the first lady said. ā€œHow easy it is to single out a small group and marginalize them because of who they are or who they love.ā€

Actually, Mrs. Obama, Mississippiā€™s law basically allows for an employee with a belief that marriage is a union between one man and one woman and that any other combination is not a marriage and is a sin- to not hand a same sex couple a Marriage License application. The law also assures that all steps are made that the couple not be keep waiting or inconvenienced in any way by this other employee handing them the application. Indeed, the couple probably wonā€™t even be aware of it.

So we get to codify discrimination, by public employees, based on privately held religious beliefs? Sounds like South Africa Apartheid, and Southern, Christian Jim Crow laws.

What happens if everyone in the public office that day share a belief that marriage can only be defined as 'a union between one man and one woman' (defined by them, contrary to law)?
Public employees can disagree but will go to work and do their job the same for all applicants.
Imagine, if you will. Itā€™s a government building where licenses are issued. Two workers are behind the desk. A same sex couple requests a license. A religious worker says to the couple, ā€œone moment please.ā€ This worker walks over to the other worker and asks him to wait on the people at the desk. No one is being denied anything here, Mrs. Obama. The couple gets their license, the religious person doesnā€™t have to wring her hands over the prospect of burning in hell. Those serious about everybodyā€™s rights might even call it a win/win.

This is where your argument falls apart. What if both employees were minded that way ? Should the state then actively recruit non Christian staff to avoid that problem ?
Would that not mean that Christians were being discriminated against in the work place ?
What a mess !!
Civil servants should serve all tax payers who pay their wages, no ifs no buts.
Imagine, if you will. Itā€™s a government building where licenses are issued. Two workers are behind the desk. A same sex couple requests a license. A religious worker says to the couple, ā€œone moment please.ā€ This worker walks over to the other worker and asks him to wait on the people at the desk. No one is being denied anything here, Mrs. Obama. The couple gets their license, the religious person doesnā€™t have to wring her hands over the prospect of burning in hell. Those serious about everybodyā€™s rights might even call it a win/win.

This is where your argument falls apart. What if both employees were minded that way ? Should the state then actively recruit non Christian staff to avoid that problem ?
Would that not mean that Christians were being discriminated against in the work place ?
What a mess !!
Civil servants should serve all tax payers who pay their wages, no ifs no buts.
Your argument is the one that fails. Why have two faggots NOT tried to get a cake at an islamic bakery? Because government ALLOWS islam to trump rights.

Imagine, if you will. Itā€™s a government building where licenses are issued. Two workers are behind the desk. A same sex couple requests a license. A religious worker says to the couple, ā€œone moment please.ā€ This worker walks over to the other worker and asks him to wait on the people at the desk. No one is being denied anything here, Mrs. Obama. The couple gets their license, the religious person doesnā€™t have to wring her hands over the prospect of burning in hell. Those serious about everybodyā€™s rights might even call it a win/win.

This is where your argument falls apart. What if both employees were minded that way ? Should the state then actively recruit non Christian staff to avoid that problem ?
Would that not mean that Christians were being discriminated against in the work place ?
What a mess !!
Civil servants should serve all tax payers who pay their wages, no ifs no buts.
Your argument is the one that fails. Why have two faggots NOT tried to get a cake at an islamic bakery? Because government ALLOWS islam to trump rights.
Why dont you ask them ? Every member of the public is entitled to service. It is not specific to a single religion.Stop trying to act like a victim.Its ridiculous.
Imagine, if you will. Itā€™s a government building where licenses are issued. Two workers are behind the desk. A same sex couple requests a license. A religious worker says to the couple, ā€œone moment please.ā€ This worker walks over to the other worker and asks him to wait on the people at the desk. No one is being denied anything here, Mrs. Obama. The couple gets their license, the religious person doesnā€™t have to wring her hands over the prospect of burning in hell. Those serious about everybodyā€™s rights might even call it a win/win.

This is where your argument falls apart. What if both employees were minded that way ? Should the state then actively recruit non Christian staff to avoid that problem ?
Would that not mean that Christians were being discriminated against in the work place ?
What a mess !!
Civil servants should serve all tax payers who pay their wages, no ifs no buts.
Your argument is the one that fails. Why have two faggots NOT tried to get a cake at an islamic bakery? Because government ALLOWS islam to trump rights.
Why dont you ask them ? Every member of the public is entitled to service. It is not specific to a single religion.Stop trying to act like a victim.Its ridiculous.
I'm not acting like a victim now am I idiot? I'm acting like someone who sees a clear difference in the way two groups are treated.
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What groups?

Who is denying public services to Christians?

Public workers don't have a religious exemption to deny services to those who are entitled to them.

No court will permit such silly thing. Kim Davis found that out. She was forced to submit to court orders to permit her office to issue marriage certificates LGBT.
Imagine, if you will. Itā€™s a government building where licenses are issued. Two workers are behind the desk. A same sex couple requests a license. A religious worker says to the couple, ā€œone moment please.ā€ This worker walks over to the other worker and asks him to wait on the people at the desk. No one is being denied anything here, Mrs. Obama. The couple gets their license, the religious person doesnā€™t have to wring her hands over the prospect of burning in hell. Those serious about everybodyā€™s rights might even call it a win/win.

This is where your argument falls apart. What if both employees were minded that way ? Should the state then actively recruit non Christian staff to avoid that problem ?
Would that not mean that Christians were being discriminated against in the work place ?
What a mess !!
Civil servants should serve all tax payers who pay their wages, no ifs no buts.
Your argument is the one that fails. Why have two faggots NOT tried to get a cake at an islamic bakery? Because government ALLOWS islam to trump rights.
The ugly side of the coin, eh Dark fury.
Great OP

What the left fails to understand in regards to the North Carolina bill is that it stopped an arbitrary and illegal discrimination from happening.

If a Male trans is simalarily situated to a woman, surely all males are simalarily situated to the trans male.

Excluding any male from the woman's restroom would then be an illegal discriminatory practice using arbitrary reasons.

If allowed the State would be perfectly fine in allowing bakers to deny service to gays, decide who can and cannot marry, and bring back Jim Crow.

It's amazing that homosexuals are not fully supportive of North Carolina.
Imagine, if you will. Itā€™s a government building where licenses are issued. Two workers are behind the desk. A same sex couple requests a license. A religious worker says to the couple, ā€œone moment please.ā€ This worker walks over to the other worker and asks him to wait on the people at the desk. No one is being denied anything here, Mrs. Obama. The couple gets their license, the religious person doesnā€™t have to wring her hands over the prospect of burning in hell. Those serious about everybodyā€™s rights might even call it a win/win.

This is where your argument falls apart. What if both employees were minded that way ? Should the state then actively recruit non Christian staff to avoid that problem ?
Would that not mean that Christians were being discriminated against in the work place ?
What a mess !!
Civil servants should serve all tax payers who pay their wages, no ifs no buts.
Your argument is the one that fails. Why have two faggots NOT tried to get a cake at an islamic bakery? Because government ALLOWS islam to trump rights.
Why dont you ask them ? Every member of the public is entitled to service. It is not specific to a single religion.Stop trying to act like a victim.Its ridiculous.
I'm not acting like a victim now am I idiot? I'm acting like someone who sees a clear difference in the way two groups are treated.
You have provided no evidence that they are.
Imagine, if you will. Itā€™s a government building where licenses are issued. Two workers are behind the desk. A same sex couple requests a license. A religious worker says to the couple, ā€œone moment please.ā€ This worker walks over to the other worker and asks him to wait on the people at the desk. No one is being denied anything here, Mrs. Obama. The couple gets their license, the religious person doesnā€™t have to wring her hands over the prospect of burning in hell. Those serious about everybodyā€™s rights might even call it a win/win.

This is where your argument falls apart. What if both employees were minded that way ? Should the state then actively recruit non Christian staff to avoid that problem ?
Would that not mean that Christians were being discriminated against in the work place ?
What a mess !!
Civil servants should serve all tax payers who pay their wages, no ifs no buts.
Your argument is the one that fails. Why have two faggots NOT tried to get a cake at an islamic bakery? Because government ALLOWS islam to trump rights.
Apples and oranges, one's the public sector the other is the private sector.
Actually, Mrs. Obama, Mississippiā€™s law basically allows for an employee with a belief that marriage is a union between one man and one woman and that any other combination is not a marriage and is a sin- to not hand a same sex couple a Marriage License application. The law also assures that all steps are made that the couple not be keep waiting or inconvenienced in any way by this other employee handing them the application. Indeed, the couple probably wonā€™t even be aware of it.

Mississippi, HB 1523 or the Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act, would protect religious organizations and individuals from being forced to act against their faith on matters involving same-sex marriage. Government officials who want to recuse themselves from involvement in a same-sex marriage would have to take ā€œall necessary stepsā€ to ensure that a marriage license is not delayed.

Wrong answer. The moment that you go to work for the government, local-state-federal, you work for the people. All people. Do the job you were hired to do. It really is that simple.

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