Rightwing backlash against smart, educated people like Dr Tyson

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

If there’s one belief that binds the disparate factions of the American right together, it’s the belief in American exceptionalism, both for the nation and for individuals. The mythology that conservatism is about promoting excellence and encouraging strivers is found throughout conservative media and literature, from the story of John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Reagan’s description of America as a “shining city on a hill.” While it often manifests as contempt for the poor and the vulnerable, in the abstract this conservative enthusiasm for doing better could, in theory, be channeled productively toward actually pushing people to achieve.

So why are so many conservatives abandoning this enthusiasm for the exceptional in favor of what can only be described as jealous sniping aimed at people who are actually trying to expand the world creatively and scientifically? There’s a lot of high-falutin’ talk on the right about supporting the strivers, but in practice, the conservative response to someone who tries to stick his head above the crowd is to beat it down with a hammer. Conservatives may think of themselves as lovers of excellence, but in reality, “Who do you think you are?” is swiftly becoming an unofficial right-wing motto.

It’s easy to see why, despite their supposed enthusiasm for excellence, conservative pundits would offer up liberal scientists, journalists, and artists as hate objects for their base. This is a time of economic instability and ordinary people are seeing their fortunes declining. It’s easy to turn that anxiety into rage at people conservative audiences think have easy, charmed lives as coastal elites.

But in doing so, conservative pundits are exploiting their audiences, turning their class-based anger away from the people who are actually causing their economic problems, such as the Wall Street elite, and toward people who may be successful but who are not doing any harm to other Americans and are often trying to help them. If you can get your audiences to hate journalists and scientists, they won't hate the wealthy bankers who actually screwed them over.

Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?
This thread is a fail right from the outset. As Doc noted, using Alternet isn't a good opening move. Secondly, you and Alternet mischaracterize the the inspiration for the article. Here's an excerpt from the NR article:

This rather unspecific message is a call to arms, aimed at those who believe wholeheartedly they are included in the elect “we.” Thus do we see unexceptional liberal-arts students lecturing other people about things they don’t understand themselves and terming the dissenters “flat-earthers.” Thus do we see people who have never in their lives read a single academic paper clinging to the mantle of “science” as might Albert Einstein. Thus do we see residents of Brooklyn who are unable to tell you at what temperature water boils rolling their eyes at Bjørn Lomborg or Roger Pielke Jr. because he disagrees with Harry Reid on climate change. Really, the only thing in these people’s lives that is peer-reviewed are their opinions. Don’t have a Reddit account? Believe in God? Skeptical about the threat of overpopulation? Who are you, Sarah Palin?​

It's very common for conservatives to run across liberals who don't know jack but assume the posture of being scientifically literate and this only because they're liberals. A liberal, in their conception, is intelligent and scientifically literate and one need not actually know anything about anything because to be liberal means that one is always correct.

It's the cheap and transparent posturing of liberals which is as offensive as a skunk's stench to non-liberals. Here's a news flash for you - adherence to dogma doesn't equate with being sciency or enlightened. The liberal tends to really rely on appeal to authority as the basis for their belief in their own science sophistication. They can't though, generally, argue their way out of a wet paper bag when someone questions the validity of the position presented by liberal appeal to authority. Here's a hint for you - to be enlightened means that one has the mental horsepower to power your way through an analysis of a situation or argument, to make a case, to refute, to question, to seek answer. This was all settled back in Galileo's time when he battled the Aristotelians.

The complaint is that liberals have tended to regress back to Aristotelian appeals to authority as the basis for their self-image of being scientifically literate wunderkinds. The persona of being intelligent and enlightened that liberals wear like a cloak is what rubs people the wrong way. It's like liberals have forgotten that reputations have to be earned and you don't get to wear a persona through association. If one liberal is intelligent and well-spoken that doesn't mean that you get to benefit from the reputation that he's earned for himself by showing himself to be intelligent and well-spoken.
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Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

If there’s one belief that binds the disparate factions of the American right together, it’s the belief in American exceptionalism, both for the nation and for individuals. The mythology that conservatism is about promoting excellence and encouraging strivers is found throughout conservative media and literature, from the story of John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Reagan’s description of America as a “shining city on a hill.” While it often manifests as contempt for the poor and the vulnerable, in the abstract this conservative enthusiasm for doing better could, in theory, be channeled productively toward actually pushing people to achieve.

So why are so many conservatives abandoning this enthusiasm for the exceptional in favor of what can only be described as jealous sniping aimed at people who are actually trying to expand the world creatively and scientifically? There’s a lot of high-falutin’ talk on the right about supporting the strivers, but in practice, the conservative response to someone who tries to stick his head above the crowd is to beat it down with a hammer. Conservatives may think of themselves as lovers of excellence, but in reality, “Who do you think you are?” is swiftly becoming an unofficial right-wing motto.

It’s easy to see why, despite their supposed enthusiasm for excellence, conservative pundits would offer up liberal scientists, journalists, and artists as hate objects for their base. This is a time of economic instability and ordinary people are seeing their fortunes declining. It’s easy to turn that anxiety into rage at people conservative audiences think have easy, charmed lives as coastal elites.

But in doing so, conservative pundits are exploiting their audiences, turning their class-based anger away from the people who are actually causing their economic problems, such as the Wall Street elite, and toward people who may be successful but who are not doing any harm to other Americans and are often trying to help them. If you can get your audiences to hate journalists and scientists, they won't hate the wealthy bankers who actually screwed them over.

Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?

It's interesting the people the Right hates the most: teachers, artists, muscians, philosophers, the highly educated, etc. The same people Mao hated and forced to work on farms instead of practicing their professions.
It's interesting the people the Right hates the most: teachers, artists, muscians, philosophers, the highly educated, etc. The same people Mao hated and forced to work on farms instead of practicing their professions.

Do the political opinions of actors or musicians gain any stature from their expertise in music or theater?

Misusing authority or trust or station or position in order to advance any political position is not really something that should be admired.

And what's with this cockamamie notion that the Right doesn't like highly educated people? It's not the education which is off-putting, it's the liberal dogma being wrapped in a shiny new package by highly educated liberals that is objectionable. Putting lipstick on a pig doesn't disguise the pig.
^^^You completely missed my point, but I suppose that is no surprise.
This thread is a fail right from the outset. As Doc noted, using Alternet isn't a good opening move. Secondly, you and Alternet mischaracterize the the inspiration for the article. Here's an excerpt from the NR article:

This rather unspecific message is a call to arms, aimed at those who believe wholeheartedly they are included in the elect “we.” Thus do we see unexceptional liberal-arts students lecturing other people about things they don’t understand themselves and terming the dissenters “flat-earthers.” Thus do we see people who have never in their lives read a single academic paper clinging to the mantle of “science” as might Albert Einstein. Thus do we see residents of Brooklyn who are unable to tell you at what temperature water boils rolling their eyes at Bjørn Lomborg or Roger Pielke Jr. because he disagrees with Harry Reid on climate change. Really, the only thing in these people’s lives that is peer-reviewed are their opinions. Don’t have a Reddit account? Believe in God? Skeptical about the threat of overpopulation? Who are you, Sarah Palin?​

It's very common for conservatives to run across liberals who don't know jack but assume the posture of being scientifically literate and this only because they're liberals. A liberal, in their conception, is intelligent and scientifically literate and one need not actually know anything about anything because to be liberal means that one is always correct.

It's the cheap and transparent posturing of liberals which is as offensive as a skunk's stench to non-liberals. Here's a news flash for you - adherence to dogma doesn't equate with being sciency or enlightened. The liberal tends to really rely on appeal to authority as the basis for their belief in their own science sophistication. They can't though, generally, argue their way out of a wet paper bag when someone questions the validity of the position presented by liberal appeal to authority. Here's a hint for you - to be enlightened means that one has the mental horsepower to power your way through an analysis of a situation or argument, to make a case, to refute, to question, to seek answer. This was all settled back in Galileo's time when he battled the Aristotelians.

The complaint is that liberals have tended to regress back to Aristotelian appeals to authority as the basis for their self-image of being scientifically literate wunderkinds. The persona of being intelligent and enlightened that liberals wear like a cloak is what rubs people the wrong way. It's like liberals have forgotten that reputations have to be earned and you don't get to wear a persona through association. If one liberal is intelligent and well-spoken that doesn't mean that you get to benefit from the reputation that he's earned for himself by showing himself to be intelligent and well-spoken.

You're right.................adherence to dogma doesn't make you any more any more intelligent or enlightened.

But................quick question.....................why does the GOP adhere to it's dogma?

Most of what the GOP says is wrong, but yet many of their followers adhere to their bumper sticker nonsense as if it's gospel.

Ted Cruz and his ilk need to be voted out.

Matter of fact, if there is something in the closet of Ted Cruz that can be classified as a skeleton, I'd like to see it brought out to the light of day.

Sorry, but I can't believe that the GOP leadership (of which Ted Cruz is one) doesn't have some kind of crap in their past.

And, since they try to "out purify" each other, I'd like to see them be shown as human with a few flaws.

Wonder how the party of family values and moral integrity would do with something like that.
Blaming it all on "the bankers" is too close to Nazi rhetoric for me.

Big Pharma, Big Corn, Big Oil, Big Labor, etc, etc, have just as much if not more control than Wall Street does.
^^^You completely missed my point, but I suppose that is no surprise.

If I missed your point, then the fault lies with you for not making it clear.

Let me make my point clear - the disapproval is not focused on profession but on practitioners who corrupt their profession by politicizing it.

Keep politics and professional reputations separate.

Please feel free to make your point again.
Blaming it all on "the bankers" is too close to Nazi rhetoric for me.

Big Pharma, Big Corn, Big Oil, Big Labor, etc, etc, have just as much if not more control than Wall Street does.

You're right..................the "bankers" aren't the only ones responsible for the current crop of bullshit.

We also need to include big corporations, meaning everyone from Wal-Mart and Monsanto to BP and all of the other oil companies.
Blaming it all on "the bankers" is too close to Nazi rhetoric for me.

Big Pharma, Big Corn, Big Oil, Big Labor, etc, etc, have just as much if not more control than Wall Street does.

Big Academia, Big Medicine.

The problem, in short, is with rentseekers.
Blaming it all on "the bankers" is too close to Nazi rhetoric for me.

Big Pharma, Big Corn, Big Oil, Big Labor, etc, etc, have just as much if not more control than Wall Street does.

Big Academia, Big Medicine.

The problem, in short, is with rentseekers.

Actually, the problem isn't with the rent seekers, rather it's a problem because those who control the rent (corporations) keep bumping up the prices so they can make more money.

It's the renters (those who own the money and capital) rather than the rent seekers (those who are looking to work hard and gain a decent life) that are the problem.

Me personally? I'd like to see the corporations finally pay a decent wage to the slaves they currently hold via economic slavery.

In economics (see public choice theory), rent-seeking is spending wealth on political lobbying to increase one's share of existing wealth without creating wealth. The effects of rent-seeking are reduced economic efficiency through poor allocation of resources, reduced wealth creation, lost government revenue, increased income inequality,[1] and national decline.​
that is so much insulting I don't where to begin

and smartypants? are they writing to a children?

they have some nerve to talk about hate when that whole article was nothing but hate

lets see, How have they treated, Dr. Carson, business owner Herman Cain, Governor of a state, Mrs. Palin, so they should eat their bs and look a mirror you want jealous SNIPING

and we should be insulted with this bs that anyone is against education...that is a lie that show nothing but hate right there

articles like that is why people can't stand a liberal, they're just ugly condescending liar snobs

some of the most hateful ever you bring this on here as if it's the gospel truth
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Yeah, the same kind of backlash that suggested the world was round instead of flat. "Global warming" (renamed climate change) has been shown to rely on bad science and selective "evidence". It's funny that the same people who unquestioningly worship at the feet of "scientists" used to preach "question authority".
Yeah, the same kind of backlash that suggested the world was round instead of flat. "Global warming" (renamed climate change) has been shown to rely on bad science and selective "evidence". It's funny that the same people who unquestioningly worship at the feet of "scientists" used to preach "question authority".

Notice now they've made scientist into the G-d we all need to bow to

I mean it's not like they've EVER been wrong before

like Globull warming so has science become something of a religious/cult and you dare go against them and you get article's like the one above or called names like, DENIER of all the stupid things they could come up...but it hails from the gawd of all climate knowledge, Al bore Gore who his family made their riches off a damn ZINC MINE...these people are full of crap

what's scary is these people who just falls in line with then NO questions asked, needed and they will beat you down you dare disagree
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Funny [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
but all the conservatives I know question and blame the liberal left
for punishing excellence and rewarding mediocrity by killing the education system
trying to make it all the same.

Both liberal teachers I know complain about the school system
and the conservative teachers I had in public school who were retiring
all warned me it was going downhill.

too much emphasis was put on state control and regulations,
and teaching to the tests instead of focusing on real content and teaching.

from seeing the politics in public housing promote bureaucracy to keep contract money and govt jobs, it seems the same bureaucracy undermines the schools. And both liberals
and conservatives blame the other while neither is fixing the problem.

Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

If there’s one belief that binds the disparate factions of the American right together, it’s the belief in American exceptionalism, both for the nation and for individuals. The mythology that conservatism is about promoting excellence and encouraging strivers is found throughout conservative media and literature, from the story of John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Reagan’s description of America as a “shining city on a hill.” While it often manifests as contempt for the poor and the vulnerable, in the abstract this conservative enthusiasm for doing better could, in theory, be channeled productively toward actually pushing people to achieve.

So why are so many conservatives abandoning this enthusiasm for the exceptional in favor of what can only be described as jealous sniping aimed at people who are actually trying to expand the world creatively and scientifically? There’s a lot of high-falutin’ talk on the right about supporting the strivers, but in practice, the conservative response to someone who tries to stick his head above the crowd is to beat it down with a hammer. Conservatives may think of themselves as lovers of excellence, but in reality, “Who do you think you are?” is swiftly becoming an unofficial right-wing motto.

It’s easy to see why, despite their supposed enthusiasm for excellence, conservative pundits would offer up liberal scientists, journalists, and artists as hate objects for their base. This is a time of economic instability and ordinary people are seeing their fortunes declining. It’s easy to turn that anxiety into rage at people conservative audiences think have easy, charmed lives as coastal elites.

But in doing so, conservative pundits are exploiting their audiences, turning their class-based anger away from the people who are actually causing their economic problems, such as the Wall Street elite, and toward people who may be successful but who are not doing any harm to other Americans and are often trying to help them. If you can get your audiences to hate journalists and scientists, they won't hate the wealthy bankers who actually screwed them over.

Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?
Blaming it all on "the bankers" is too close to Nazi rhetoric for me.

Big Pharma, Big Corn, Big Oil, Big Labor, etc, etc, have just as much if not more control than Wall Street does.

Actually banks are the most powerful because they are immune to anti-trust laws and therefore Big Oil, Big Agro, etc., can be CONTROLLED from a bank. Anti-trust laws only prevent you from OWNING a monopoly, but banks can invest the money deposited with them in stocks that control Big Oil, etc. The depositors OWN the stock but the bank votes the proxies thus having CONTROL. That is why Rockefeller switched from his Standard Oil Holding Company to banking to continue to CONTROL his oil monopoly after he lost his anti-trust case.

"Own nothing. Control everything"
John D Rockefeller

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