Rightwing backlash against smart, educated people like Dr Tyson

Yeah, the same kind of backlash that suggested the world was round instead of flat. "Global warming" (renamed climate change) has been shown to rely on bad science and selective "evidence". It's funny that the same people who unquestioningly worship at the feet of "scientists" used to preach "question authority".

Notice now they've made scientist into the G-d we all need to bow to

I mean it's not like they've EVER been wrong before

like Globull warming so has science become something of a religious/cult and you dare go against them and you get article's like the one above or called names like, DENIER of all the stupid things they could come up...but it hails from the gawd of all climate knowledge, Al bore Gore who his family made their riches off a damn ZINC MINE...these people are full of crap

what's scary is these people who just falls in line with then NO questions asked, needed and they will beat you down you dare disagree

Its religion that demands blind obedience.

Science demands that we always question, always search and never "bow down" to dogma.

(Why am I answering a poster who can't understand her Medicare, gets govt aid while denying it to others and even spell g-l-o-b-a-l?)
WTF is wrong with Tyson? I love physicists.

The complaint about Tyson is when he leverages his celebrity for liberal political purposes. Just stick to explaining science and no one complains.

On a more fundamental level, Tyson is a celebrity because he's black. Look at his accomplishments in his field - his publication record is pathetic. He isn't an acclaimed physicist who earned his acclaim due to accomplishments, he's a famous physicist because he's black and breaks stereotypes. He's following the Obama route - no accomplishments, being rewarded for being black.
Yeah, the same kind of backlash that suggested the world was round instead of flat. "Global warming" (renamed climate change) has been shown to rely on bad science and selective "evidence". It's funny that the same people who unquestioningly worship at the feet of "scientists" used to preach "question authority".

Notice now they've made scientist into the G-d we all need to bow to

I mean it's not like they've EVER been wrong before

like Globull warming so has science become something of a religious/cult and you dare go against them and you get article's like the one above or called names like, DENIER of all the stupid things they could come up...but it hails from the gawd of all climate knowledge, Al bore Gore who his family made their riches off a damn ZINC MINE...these people are full of crap

what's scary is these people who just falls in line with then NO questions asked, needed and they will beat you down you dare disagree

Its religion that demands blind obedience.

Science demands that we always question, always search and never "bow down" to dogma.

(Why am I answering a poster who can't understand her Medicare, gets govt aid while denying it to others and even spell g-l-o-b-a-l?)

I should have known there was a trick to this thread. You're a fucking loser. You've surrounded yourself with science but if your bullshit gets spread too thin you can always call on the FUCKING RACE CARD to bail your welfare receiving ass out because Mr Tyson is black.
Notice now they've made scientist into the G-d we all need to bow to

I mean it's not like they've EVER been wrong before

like Globull warming so has science become something of a religious/cult and you dare go against them and you get article's like the one above or called names like, DENIER of all the stupid things they could come up...but it hails from the gawd of all climate knowledge, Al bore Gore who his family made their riches off a damn ZINC MINE...these people are full of crap

what's scary is these people who just falls in line with then NO questions asked, needed and they will beat you down you dare disagree

Its religion that demands blind obedience.

Science demands that we always question, always search and never "bow down" to dogma.

(Why am I answering a poster who can't understand her Medicare, gets govt aid while denying it to others and even spell g-l-o-b-a-l?)

I should have known there was a trick to this thread. You're a fucking loser. You've surrounded yourself with science but if your bullshit gets spread too thin you can always call on the FUCKING RACE CARD to bail your welfare receiving ass out because Mr Tyson is black.

Read my posts again.

Its actually this racist ditz who (incorrectly) brings race into it.

Rightwing backlash against smart, educated people like Dr Tyson - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I stand by what I wrote -

Religion requires faith, which in turn, requires emotion instead of intelligence and education.

Science requires we question what is in front of us, that we use our brain and our powers of reason.

As we all know because various Repubs have said it and because the evidence is in front of, the Republican party believes education is elitist and snobbish. It depends on blind obedience and the willingness to vote against one's own best interest.

That is the trick and you are one of the sheep losers who just believes what they're told to believe without ever using your own brain.
Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

If there’s one belief that binds the disparate factions of the American right together, it’s the belief in American exceptionalism, both for the nation and for individuals. The mythology that conservatism is about promoting excellence and encouraging strivers is found throughout conservative media and literature, from the story of John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Reagan’s description of America as a “shining city on a hill.” While it often manifests as contempt for the poor and the vulnerable, in the abstract this conservative enthusiasm for doing better could, in theory, be channeled productively toward actually pushing people to achieve.

So why are so many conservatives abandoning this enthusiasm for the exceptional in favor of what can only be described as jealous sniping aimed at people who are actually trying to expand the world creatively and scientifically? There’s a lot of high-falutin’ talk on the right about supporting the strivers, but in practice, the conservative response to someone who tries to stick his head above the crowd is to beat it down with a hammer. Conservatives may think of themselves as lovers of excellence, but in reality, “Who do you think you are?” is swiftly becoming an unofficial right-wing motto.

It’s easy to see why, despite their supposed enthusiasm for excellence, conservative pundits would offer up liberal scientists, journalists, and artists as hate objects for their base. This is a time of economic instability and ordinary people are seeing their fortunes declining. It’s easy to turn that anxiety into rage at people conservative audiences think have easy, charmed lives as coastal elites.

But in doing so, conservative pundits are exploiting their audiences, turning their class-based anger away from the people who are actually causing their economic problems, such as the Wall Street elite, and toward people who may be successful but who are not doing any harm to other Americans and are often trying to help them. If you can get your audiences to hate journalists and scientists, they won't hate the wealthy bankers who actually screwed them over.
Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?

Why does the left wing do the same fucking thing, asshole? Why the fuck don't you pull you head out of your ass and look around at the real world instead of pretending that you are smart enough to actually debate things based on the posturing of idiots?



Idiots will be idiots I guess, and Duddly do Wrong is an idiot.
Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

If there’s one belief that binds the disparate factions of the American right together, it’s the belief in American exceptionalism, both for the nation and for individuals. The mythology that conservatism is about promoting excellence and encouraging strivers is found throughout conservative media and literature, from the story of John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Reagan’s description of America as a “shining city on a hill.” While it often manifests as contempt for the poor and the vulnerable, in the abstract this conservative enthusiasm for doing better could, in theory, be channeled productively toward actually pushing people to achieve.

So why are so many conservatives abandoning this enthusiasm for the exceptional in favor of what can only be described as jealous sniping aimed at people who are actually trying to expand the world creatively and scientifically? There’s a lot of high-falutin’ talk on the right about supporting the strivers, but in practice, the conservative response to someone who tries to stick his head above the crowd is to beat it down with a hammer. Conservatives may think of themselves as lovers of excellence, but in reality, “Who do you think you are?” is swiftly becoming an unofficial right-wing motto.

It’s easy to see why, despite their supposed enthusiasm for excellence, conservative pundits would offer up liberal scientists, journalists, and artists as hate objects for their base. This is a time of economic instability and ordinary people are seeing their fortunes declining. It’s easy to turn that anxiety into rage at people conservative audiences think have easy, charmed lives as coastal elites.

But in doing so, conservative pundits are exploiting their audiences, turning their class-based anger away from the people who are actually causing their economic problems, such as the Wall Street elite, and toward people who may be successful but who are not doing any harm to other Americans and are often trying to help them. If you can get your audiences to hate journalists and scientists, they won't hate the wealthy bankers who actually screwed them over.
Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?

It's interesting the people the Right hates the most: teachers, artists, muscians, philosophers, the highly educated, etc. The same people Mao hated and forced to work on farms instead of practicing their professions.

What I find interesting is that you think you can think. With all the hate you express almost every time you post you have demonstrated your immense inability to think quite successfully, yet you still pretend that you are better than me even though I never hate anyone.
Blaming it all on "the bankers" is too close to Nazi rhetoric for me.

Big Pharma, Big Corn, Big Oil, Big Labor, etc, etc, have just as much if not more control than Wall Street does.

Big Academia, Big Medicine.

The problem, in short, is with rentseekers.

Actually, the problem isn't with the rent seekers, rather it's a problem because those who control the rent (corporations) keep bumping up the prices so they can make more money.

It's the renters (those who own the money and capital) rather than the rent seekers (those who are looking to work hard and gain a decent life) that are the problem.

Me personally? I'd like to see the corporations finally pay a decent wage to the slaves they currently hold via economic slavery.

I suggest you look up the term rent seeking, and then come back and admit you are an idiot.
You do damage to your argument using sources like Alternet.

What part of it was incorrect?

You do damage to your own pov when you blindly blame the source instead of the content.

The content is questionable because the source is questionable. If you don't believe that, I suggest you go back to school and learn about why pointing out the bias of a source is actually a valid argument.
Yeah, the same kind of backlash that suggested the world was round instead of flat. "Global warming" (renamed climate change) has been shown to rely on bad science and selective "evidence". It's funny that the same people who unquestioningly worship at the feet of "scientists" used to preach "question authority".

Notice now they've made scientist into the G-d we all need to bow to

I mean it's not like they've EVER been wrong before

like Globull warming so has science become something of a religious/cult and you dare go against them and you get article's like the one above or called names like, DENIER of all the stupid things they could come up...but it hails from the gawd of all climate knowledge, Al bore Gore who his family made their riches off a damn ZINC MINE...these people are full of crap

what's scary is these people who just falls in line with then NO questions asked, needed and they will beat you down you dare disagree

Its religion that demands blind obedience.

Science demands that we always question, always search and never "bow down" to dogma.

(Why am I answering a poster who can't understand her Medicare, gets govt aid while denying it to others and even spell g-l-o-b-a-l?)

Really? I must have missed that part in all the church sermons I have listened to, especially the ones that challenged me to think for myself.

Then again, I am not a idiot blinded by dogma. unlike you.

By the way, you have admitted that you don't understand science more than once, and that you are so stupid you can barely use a computer. You are the last person in the world that should try to explain sconce, or anything else, to anyone with an IQ above the freezing point of water.
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Its religion that demands blind obedience.

Science demands that we always question, always search and never "bow down" to dogma.

(Why am I answering a poster who can't understand her Medicare, gets govt aid while denying it to others and even spell g-l-o-b-a-l?)

I should have known there was a trick to this thread. You're a fucking loser. You've surrounded yourself with science but if your bullshit gets spread too thin you can always call on the FUCKING RACE CARD to bail your welfare receiving ass out because Mr Tyson is black.

Read my posts again.

Its actually this racist ditz who (incorrectly) brings race into it.

Rightwing backlash against smart, educated people like Dr Tyson - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I stand by what I wrote -

Religion requires faith, which in turn, requires emotion instead of intelligence and education.

Science requires we question what is in front of us, that we use our brain and our powers of reason.

As we all know because various Repubs have said it and because the evidence is in front of, the Republican party believes education is elitist and snobbish. It depends on blind obedience and the willingness to vote against one's own best interest.

That is the trick and you are one of the sheep losers who just believes what they're told to believe without ever using your own brain.

I love it when people who don't understand something try to prove they understand something.

Science is built on faith, the faith that we can understand the universe around us. It requires that we believe in something that cannot be proven, cause and effect. We blindly assume that there is a relationship between those two things, but we cannot prove it, and all of sconce relies on that belief.

See what I mean about your incompetence? If you were half as smart as you think I am you would have been able to see the fatal flaw in your argument, and not have made it in the first place. Every single thing humans do is built upon faith, the fact that you are too stupid to understand that basic truth is why you should never be involved in a discussion about anything beyond what you are going to have for dinner.
Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

If there’s one belief that binds the disparate factions of the American right together, it’s the belief in American exceptionalism, both for the nation and for individuals. The mythology that conservatism is about promoting excellence and encouraging strivers is found throughout conservative media and literature, from the story of John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Reagan’s description of America as a “shining city on a hill.” While it often manifests as contempt for the poor and the vulnerable, in the abstract this conservative enthusiasm for doing better could, in theory, be channeled productively toward actually pushing people to achieve.

So why are so many conservatives abandoning this enthusiasm for the exceptional in favor of what can only be described as jealous sniping aimed at people who are actually trying to expand the world creatively and scientifically? There’s a lot of high-falutin’ talk on the right about supporting the strivers, but in practice, the conservative response to someone who tries to stick his head above the crowd is to beat it down with a hammer. Conservatives may think of themselves as lovers of excellence, but in reality, “Who do you think you are?” is swiftly becoming an unofficial right-wing motto.

It’s easy to see why, despite their supposed enthusiasm for excellence, conservative pundits would offer up liberal scientists, journalists, and artists as hate objects for their base. This is a time of economic instability and ordinary people are seeing their fortunes declining. It’s easy to turn that anxiety into rage at people conservative audiences think have easy, charmed lives as coastal elites.

But in doing so, conservative pundits are exploiting their audiences, turning their class-based anger away from the people who are actually causing their economic problems, such as the Wall Street elite, and toward people who may be successful but who are not doing any harm to other Americans and are often trying to help them. If you can get your audiences to hate journalists and scientists, they won't hate the wealthy bankers who actually screwed them over.
Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?

Why does the left wing do the same fucking thing, asshole? Why the fuck don't you pull you head out of your ass and look around at the real world instead of pretending that you are smart enough to actually debate things based on the posturing of idiots?

Why I defend Bjorn Lomborg | The Prussian

The Liberals' War on Science - Scientific American

Idiots will be idiots I guess, and Duddly do Wrong is an idiot.

[MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION]

No sarcasm, not being nasty, just stating the truth when I say that coming from you, this is a true compliment.

Thanks very much.

Okay, you're back on ignore.

Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?

Why does the left wing do the same fucking thing, asshole? Why the fuck don't you pull you head out of your ass and look around at the real world instead of pretending that you are smart enough to actually debate things based on the posturing of idiots?

Why I defend Bjorn Lomborg | The Prussian

The Liberals' War on Science - Scientific American

Idiots will be idiots I guess, and Duddly do Wrong is an idiot.

@Quantum Windbag

No sarcasm, not being nasty, just stating the truth when I say that coming from you, this is a true compliment.

Thanks very much.

Okay, you're back on ignore.


Did you know that 41% of Democrats are Young Earth Creationists? Did you know that Democrats are more likely to believe in the return of Jesus before the end of the century than Republicans?

Like I said, idiots will be idiots.
Yeah, the same kind of backlash that suggested the world was round instead of flat. "Global warming" (renamed climate change) has been shown to rely on bad science and selective "evidence". It's funny that the same people who unquestioningly worship at the feet of "scientists" used to preach "question authority".

Notice now they've made scientist into the G-d we all need to bow to

I mean it's not like they've EVER been wrong before

like Globull warming so has science become something of a religious/cult and you dare go against them and you get article's like the one above or called names like, DENIER of all the stupid things they could come up...but it hails from the gawd of all climate knowledge, Al bore Gore who his family made their riches off a damn ZINC MINE...these people are full of crap

what's scary is these people who just falls in line with then NO questions asked, needed and they will beat you down you dare disagree

You wouldn't know science from a hole in the ground , I bet you took your last science class in the 5th grade. Lets roll!!, rollin' rollin' rollin' keep those trailer houses rollin' :eek:
Yeah, the same kind of backlash that suggested the world was round instead of flat. "Global warming" (renamed climate change) has been shown to rely on bad science and selective "evidence". It's funny that the same people who unquestioningly worship at the feet of "scientists" used to preach "question authority".

Notice now they've made scientist into the G-d we all need to bow to

I mean it's not like they've EVER been wrong before

like Globull warming so has science become something of a religious/cult and you dare go against them and you get article's like the one above or called names like, DENIER of all the stupid things they could come up...but it hails from the gawd of all climate knowledge, Al bore Gore who his family made their riches off a damn ZINC MINE...these people are full of crap

what's scary is these people who just falls in line with then NO questions asked, needed and they will beat you down you dare disagree

You wouldn't know science from a hole in the ground , I bet you took your last science class in the 5th grade. Lets roll!!, rollin' rollin' rollin' keep those trailer houses rollin' :eek:

That would put her one up on you, wouldn't it?
You do damage to your argument using sources like Alternet.

What part of it was incorrect?

You do damage to your own pov when you blindly blame the source instead of the content.

Did I say it was "incorrect"?

Alternet is the left wing version of Breitbart. It's not news, it's food for confirmation bias. It's a site that tells leftists just what they want to hear - and I have no patience for that garbage from either side of the aisle.

If you wanted to attack the New Republic article, why not just post the article itself and explain what you think is wrong with it, rather than just reusing someone else's hand-fed opinion as your own?
Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

If there’s one belief that binds the disparate factions of the American right together, it’s the belief in American exceptionalism, both for the nation and for individuals. The mythology that conservatism is about promoting excellence and encouraging strivers is found throughout conservative media and literature, from the story of John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Reagan’s description of America as a “shining city on a hill.” While it often manifests as contempt for the poor and the vulnerable, in the abstract this conservative enthusiasm for doing better could, in theory, be channeled productively toward actually pushing people to achieve.

So why are so many conservatives abandoning this enthusiasm for the exceptional in favor of what can only be described as jealous sniping aimed at people who are actually trying to expand the world creatively and scientifically? There’s a lot of high-falutin’ talk on the right about supporting the strivers, but in practice, the conservative response to someone who tries to stick his head above the crowd is to beat it down with a hammer. Conservatives may think of themselves as lovers of excellence, but in reality, “Who do you think you are?” is swiftly becoming an unofficial right-wing motto.

It’s easy to see why, despite their supposed enthusiasm for excellence, conservative pundits would offer up liberal scientists, journalists, and artists as hate objects for their base. This is a time of economic instability and ordinary people are seeing their fortunes declining. It’s easy to turn that anxiety into rage at people conservative audiences think have easy, charmed lives as coastal elites.

But in doing so, conservative pundits are exploiting their audiences, turning their class-based anger away from the people who are actually causing their economic problems, such as the Wall Street elite, and toward people who may be successful but who are not doing any harm to other Americans and are often trying to help them. If you can get your audiences to hate journalists and scientists, they won't hate the wealthy bankers who actually screwed them over.

Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?

It's interesting the people the Right hates the most: teachers, artists, muscians, philosophers, the highly educated, etc. The same people Mao hated and forced to work on farms instead of practicing their professions.

Where in the world do you get that nonsense?

Conservatives LOVE those who are professional and intelligent and talented and who can think outside the box to a degree and who are rational and have a strong set of core values.
Yeah, the same kind of backlash that suggested the world was round instead of flat. "Global warming" (renamed climate change) has been shown to rely on bad science and selective "evidence". It's funny that the same people who unquestioningly worship at the feet of "scientists" used to preach "question authority".

Notice now they've made scientist into the G-d we all need to bow to

I mean it's not like they've EVER been wrong before

like Globull warming so has science become something of a religious/cult and you dare go against them and you get article's like the one above or called names like, DENIER of all the stupid things they could come up...but it hails from the gawd of all climate knowledge, Al bore Gore who his family made their riches off a damn ZINC MINE...these people are full of crap

what's scary is these people who just falls in line with then NO questions asked, needed and they will beat you down you dare disagree

Its religion that demands blind obedience.

Science demands that we always question, always search and never "bow down" to dogma.

(Why am I answering a poster who can't understand her Medicare, gets govt aid while denying it to others and even spell g-l-o-b-a-l?)

If it make feel superior to keep lying than have at ... all of us know you have no shame or honor. so lying means nothing to you... and you're just like the person who wrote that article, a condensing jerk who hate's people (just like they did in that ugly article you brought over here) because you think you're better than everyone.
really, you're just a ugly human being and I feel sorry for the people who are forced be in your life
and all that because I comment on some ignorant you posted, you're not only hateful but petty and shallow too

And Emeralida, I'm sorry to have tell you this but I just can't let that one go. but I think a monkey could be trained to regurgitate those Dnc/leftwing hateful talking points...it's so silly is stupid... I don't KNOW anyone who hates those people but you have it all figured out who does and who doesn't..
Neither of you look intelligent, just full of hate

You both proved my point of why people can't stand liberals, nothing but hate for others come out of you

man who want's to live with so much hate....It's not our fault your lives are so miserable
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Right-Wing Backlash Against 'Smartypants' Like Neil deGrasse Tyson | Alternet

Why is the right so dead set against education and success by Americans? Why do they hate and fear American excellence?

Why does the left wing do the same fucking thing, asshole? Why the fuck don't you pull you head out of your ass and look around at the real world instead of pretending that you are smart enough to actually debate things based on the posturing of idiots?

Why I defend Bjorn Lomborg | The Prussian

The Liberals' War on Science - Scientific American

Idiots will be idiots I guess, and Duddly do Wrong is an idiot.

[MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION]

No sarcasm, not being nasty, just stating the truth when I say that coming from you, this is a true compliment.

Thanks very much.

Okay, you're back on ignore.


Yep. Being told I can't think by folks like Stephanie and Windbag is a real compliment. They have only a narrow, biased perspective on reality and few critical thinking skills. They exist in a black and white world of them versus us, of everything on Earth being rightwing or leftwing, of complete tunnel vision and partisanship.
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Why does the left wing do the same fucking thing, asshole? Why the fuck don't you pull you head out of your ass and look around at the real world instead of pretending that you are smart enough to actually debate things based on the posturing of idiots?

Why I defend Bjorn Lomborg | The Prussian

The Liberals' War on Science - Scientific American

Idiots will be idiots I guess, and Duddly do Wrong is an idiot.

[MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION]

No sarcasm, not being nasty, just stating the truth when I say that coming from you, this is a true compliment.

Thanks very much.

Okay, you're back on ignore.


Yep. Being told I can't think by folks like Stephanie and Windbag is a real compliment.

oh you think, it's just you think like a ape so you can beat your chest afterwards like you did something important...being put down by the like of you and luddy, I laugh and fell pity all the same time
I don't normally respond to you because of that very reason, but for you to accuse people of hating all those you mention was just to much and ugly
so now on with you snobby self
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