Rightwingers, anti Constitution to the bone

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Can anyone of you Republitards find it in the Constitution where the writers intended for religious fundies like Santorum and super rich greedy capitalists like the Koch Brothers to be the rulers of this country? The country is ran by the executive, judicial and legislative branches, is that the blueprint of a country that is to be ran by religious fundies and super rich greedy capitalists? Come on now punk trolls, put your hands up and attempt to fight back.
Can anyone of you Republitards find it in the Constitution where the writers intended for religious fundies like Santorum and super rich greedy capitalists like the Koch Brothers to be the rulers of this country? The country is ran by the executive, judicial and legislative branches, is that the blueprint of a country that is to be ran by religious fundies and super rich greedy capitalists? Come on now punk trolls, put your hands up and attempt to fight back.

Neither Santorum or the Koch brothers rule America and Santorum won't get the nomination so can't even be elected President. By the way dumb ass? President's don't RULE the Country.
Can anyone of you dickhead liberals find it in the Constitution where the writers intended forcommie fundies like Obam and super rich greedy assholes like the George Soros to be the rulers of this country? The country is ran by the executive, judicial and legislative branches, is that the blueprint of a country that is to be ran by commie-liberal-asshole fundies and super rich greedy capitaEuro elitists?

Come on now punk liberal trolls, put your white flags up and run away like the little punks you are.

Can anyone of you Republitards find it in the Constitution where the writers intended for religious fundies like Santorum and super rich greedy capitalists like the Koch Brothers to be the rulers of this country? The country is ran by the executive, judicial and legislative branches, is that the blueprint of a country that is to be ran by religious fundies and super rich greedy capitalists? Come on now punk trolls, put your hands up and attempt to fight back.

Neither Santorum or the Koch brothers rule America and Santorum won't get the nomination so can't even be elected President. By the way dumb ass? President's don't RULE the Country.

But bassifier is a commie punk - he no know any better
Can anyone of you Republitards find it in the Constitution where the writers intended for religious fundies like Santorum and super rich greedy capitalists like the Koch Brothers to be the rulers of this country? The country is ran by the executive, judicial and legislative branches, is that the blueprint of a country that is to be ran by religious fundies and super rich greedy capitalists? Come on now punk trolls, put your hands up and attempt to fight back.
The US Constitution is NOT a unchanging document, as evidenced by the several amendments to it.

Secondly, the founder fathers wrote the Constitution from the perspective of their time, and from their own opinions, which were not always the correct ones (as evidenced by their support or ambiance thereof towards slavery). They could not have perceived that their notions of society and such would be changed as they have perhaps, but they never wrote the constitution believing that it would not need to be changed or amended as time went on.

Thus, the Constitution is a fine document, but just like legislation, it is meant to change with the times, through the process of amendment, so people can urr and ahh, about it, but its legal.

Lastly, 'Loopholes' exist in all constitutional documents, i.e. the humans who write them are not perfect.
Can anyone of you Republitards find it in the Constitution where the writers intended for religious fundies like Santorum and super rich greedy capitalists like the Koch Brothers to be the rulers of this country? The country is ran by the executive, judicial and legislative branches, is that the blueprint of a country that is to be ran by religious fundies and super rich greedy capitalists? Come on now punk trolls, put your hands up and attempt to fight back.

Neither Santorum or the Koch brothers rule America and Santorum won't get the nomination so can't even be elected President. By the way dumb ass? President's don't RULE the Country.

You rightwing monkeys support retards like Santorum, a religious fundie and think super rich capitalists should run the country, when you advocate privatizing every damn thing that's what you advocate.
Can anyone of you Republitards find it in the Constitution where the writers intended for religious fundies like Santorum and super rich greedy capitalists like the Koch Brothers to be the rulers of this country? The country is ran by the executive, judicial and legislative branches, is that the blueprint of a country that is to be ran by religious fundies and super rich greedy capitalists? Come on now punk trolls, put your hands up and attempt to fight back.
The US Constitution is NOT a unchanging document, as evidenced by the several amendments to it.

Secondly, the founder fathers wrote the Constitution from the perspective of their time, and from their own opinions, which were not always the correct ones (as evidenced by their support or ambiance thereof towards slavery). They could not have perceived that their notions of society and such would be changed as they have perhaps, but they never wrote the constitution believing that it would not need to be changed or amended as time went on.

Thus, the Constitution is a fine document, but just like legislation, it is meant to change with the times, through the process of amendment, so people can urr and ahh, about it, but its legal.

Lastly, 'Loopholes' exist in all constitutional documents, i.e. the humans who write them are not perfect.

True, but thats not what rightwingers are, they are that everything they advocate is the same as what the Constitution's writers advocated which is BS, I doubt if they wanted religious fundies mandating morality and corporate American corrupting the political process.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Rightwingers try tap dancing around that bold part.
Doesn't your country have its own constitution for you to read? Why are you bothering us?
Doesn't your country have its own constitution for you to read? Why are you bothering us?

Read it again, smack! Read it again, smack!

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Do right rightwingers promote general welfare or corporate welfare?
Can anyone of you Republitards find it in the Constitution where the writers intended for religious fundies like Santorum and super rich greedy capitalists like the Koch Brothers to be the rulers of this country? The country is ran by the executive, judicial and legislative branches, is that the blueprint of a country that is to be ran by religious fundies and super rich greedy capitalists? Come on now punk trolls, put your hands up and attempt to fight back.

Neither Santorum or the Koch brothers rule America and Santorum won't get the nomination so can't even be elected President. By the way dumb ass? President's don't RULE the Country.

You rightwing monkeys support retards like Santorum, a religious fundie and think super rich capitalists should run the country, when you advocate privatizing every damn thing that's what you advocate.

Racist morons like you really should stop before you prove just how ignorant you are.

You claimed that Santorum and the Koch brothers were going to Rule America. Even if Santorum got elected President he would not rule America and the Koch brothers have no power to rule anywhere except in business circles.

But lets play your stupid game shall we? Obama is a socialist and is supported openly by the powerful ultra rich Soros. So using YOUR logic Obama and Soros rule America. Right?
Neither Santorum or the Koch brothers rule America and Santorum won't get the nomination so can't even be elected President. By the way dumb ass? President's don't RULE the Country.

You rightwing monkeys support retards like Santorum, a religious fundie and think super rich capitalists should run the country, when you advocate privatizing every damn thing that's what you advocate.

Racist morons like you really should stop before you prove just how ignorant you are.

You claimed that Santorum and the Koch brothers were going to Rule America. Even if Santorum got elected President he would not rule America and the Koch brothers have no power to rule anywhere except in business circles.

But lets play your stupid game shall we? Obama is a socialist and is supported openly by the powerful ultra rich Soros. So using YOUR logic Obama and Soros rule America. Right?

I never said they were going to rule the country, I said rightwingers want retards like them to rule the country, reading is fundamental.
reading is fundamental.


Comprehension is also VERY IMPORTANT... go re-read The Constitution to The United States of America, and get back to us.... especially the general welfare part, because you're doing it wrong.
Doesn't your country have its own constitution for you to read? Why are you bothering us?

Read it again, smack! Read it again, smack!

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Do right rightwingers promote general welfare or corporate welfare?

Here ya go, Frenchie, have fun: http://files.myopera.com/Hoang Ngoc Hung/blog/french_constitution.jpg
You're not a very good Frenchman, being more concerned with some other country's constitution than your own.
The general welfare clause gives the federal government the right to tax and spend, rightwingers oppose it, so who is really against the constitution?
The general welfare clause gives the federal government the right to tax and spend, rightwingers oppose it, so who is really against the constitution?


It does not mean that the gov't is supposed to supply all your needs....It means the gov't is to provide an environment conducive to brisk private sector growth.... and to protect us from enemies foreign and, in your case, domestic.

So what the Hell is your idiotic point?
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