Rightwingers: don't you think it's rather ridiculous you have so much distrust in...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...government yet you find it so blasphemous to even criticize corporate America? Don't you realize how naive you sound? How do you not see the harm in letting corporate America becoming too powerful? I mean do you listen to EVERYTHING republicans say about the private sector? Is it really so hard to believe that republicans work to protect their interests even at the expense of yours?

I mean when corporations blatantly break the law and no one goes to prison, does that not bother you? Is it really okay with you that those legal messes are settled with meager fines?

Are you okay with corporations getting away anything for the sake of profit?

You should distrust corporations just as much as you distrust government.
Not at all. You see, governments use violence to reach their objectives. Businesses need to persuade people to purchase their products and services to obtain any value.

All we have to do to keep a bad business from having power over us is not to purchase their product or service. We have to do alot more to deal with oppressive government. Our power is limited in dealing with it.

In order for a corporation to make a profit they have to provide others with goods or services. In order for the government to get revenue, they just need to tell the IRS to take more by force (at least that's what they think)
Your'e one of those deep thinkers here, huh? Skipping the "bullshit" and cutting to the chase in your OP?
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What exactly is the danger of corporations getting big?

Let me ask YOU a return question:

Do you lefties ever get tired if spinning and making excuses for your president?
No honest answers are forthcoming from that bunch, they probably have never even considered the biggest contradiction of American conservatism. The truth is that they are far more devoted to their ideology than The People.
the brainwashed of a government subject is not a pretty thing
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No honest answers are forthcoming from that bunch, they probably have never even considered the biggest contradiction of American conservatism. The truth is that they are far more devoted to their ideology than The People.

in reality the OP is stating a position that really isn't the position of conservatives then railing against their false premise. Don't belittle yourself be thinking that the OP is some sort of genius political pundit.

The government perpetrates its fraud and abuse and influence and lies under the guise of "helping the people", and using money that it received from taxing the people.

Stupid question that shows ignorance. What about GSEs? Furthermore, government fosters most corporations that work above the law - like Monsanto for instance. It's called corporatism, and it is the doing of government that creates it.
No honest answers are forthcoming from that bunch, they probably have never even considered the biggest contradiction of American conservatism. The truth is that they are far more devoted to their ideology than The People.

in reality the OP is stating a position that really isn't the position of conservatives then railing against their false premise. Don't belittle yourself be thinking that the OP is some sort of genius political pundit.

He's just asking the same questions that conservatives get asked everyday on this board and getting no real answers as usual.
Wow the flawed far left logic is on display again.

No matter how good the explanation you will not change the mind of the far left and we will revisit this same topic once again very soon. With the very same comments from them,
No honest answers are forthcoming from that bunch, they probably have never even considered the biggest contradiction of American conservatism. The truth is that they are far more devoted to their ideology than The People.

in reality the OP is stating a position that really isn't the position of conservatives then railing against their false premise. Don't belittle yourself be thinking that the OP is some sort of genius political pundit.

He's just asking the same questions that conservatives get asked everyday on this board and getting no real answers as usual.

More proof that the far left does not understand how government is supposed to operate.
No honest answers are forthcoming from that bunch, they probably have never even considered the biggest contradiction of American conservatism. The truth is that they are far more devoted to their ideology than The People.

in reality the OP is stating a position that really isn't the position of conservatives then railing against their false premise. Don't belittle yourself be thinking that the OP is some sort of genius political pundit.

He's just asking the same questions that conservatives get asked everyday on this board and getting no real answers as usual.

I answered it. You either don't like or don't understand the answer.

There is a massive difference between the two.

...government yet you find it so blasphemous to even criticize corporate America? Don't you realize how naive you sound? How do you not see the harm in letting corporate America becoming too powerful? I mean do you listen to EVERYTHING republicans say about the private sector? Is it really so hard to believe that republicans work to protect their interests even at the expense of yours?

I mean when corporations blatantly break the law and no one goes to prison, does that not bother you? Is it really okay with you that those legal messes are settled with meager fines?

Are you okay with corporations getting away anything for the sake of profit?

You should distrust corporations just as much as you distrust government.

Gee a strawman argument from our resident moron.
Does anyone on this board have no trust whatsoever in government, as opposed to a healthy skepticism?
Does anyone on this board think all corporations are beyond criticism?

The sun rises in the East, Billy creates another troll thread.
...government yet you find it so blasphemous to even criticize corporate America? Don't you realize how naive you sound? How do you not see the harm in letting corporate America becoming too powerful? I mean do you listen to EVERYTHING republicans say about the private sector? Is it really so hard to believe that republicans work to protect their interests even at the expense of yours?

I mean when corporations blatantly break the law and no one goes to prison, does that not bother you? Is it really okay with you that those legal messes are settled with meager fines?

Are you okay with corporations getting away anything for the sake of profit?

You should distrust corporations just as much as you distrust government.

Years ago, when the phone company had service going to my home, they pissed me off massively. I was paying a fee to not be bothered with sales calls, and the phone company itself started calling me. Several times in fact. When I finally said I wasn't going to order this particular service, the telemarketter became nearly insulting, and refused to accept my answer of 'no'.

Not only did I not buy the service, but I also canceled phone service with that company on the spot. Hung up on that dude, and called the company and canceled phone service effective that very day.

Equally just a few years ago I had a job with a company that wasn't paying enough. I went to my boss, and explained I needed paid more, or I wouldn't work there anymore. He said he couldn't pay me more. Whether he could or not, I don't know. What I do know is that I fired that company. I found another job, and turned in my notice, and have never been back.

What's the moral of the stories?

When you talk about corporate America, there is nothing they can do to me, unless I allow them. When I quit my job, no one came for me, no one showed up demanding my service. No one confiscated my bank account to pay the phone bill I no longer wanted. No one did anything.

What happens if we don't want what government is selling? What if I don't want to pay for green-energy grants? What if I don't want to pay for Ethanol? What if I don't want my money given to ACORN, or some other group?

Can I fire the government? Can I stop paying the IRS? And what happens if I do? The government can take my legal property. The government can confiscate my bank accounts. The government can garnish any future wages, and even toss me in prison.

See, no one can garnish my wages, because I have zero debt. Bank of America can't foreclose on my property, or repo my car, because I don't owe BoA, or anyone else, anything.

The only time corporate America can do anything to anyone, is if you the individual choose to sign a contract allowing them to do that to you. And you have the choice to not do that. Thus you have the choice to not allow any corporation any control over your life. You have freedom in a Capitalist system, where everyone owns their own labor, property, and life, to not allow anyone else to have it.

You have no control over government. They can confiscate anything they want. Take whatever you have. And you have no ability to avoid it.
This is what the tea party is all a about!


To be honest...These people want us to live in the 18th century!


They offer nothing besides bs.

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