Rightwingers: don't you think it's rather ridiculous you have so much distrust in...

Funny how the OP singles out just right wingers for not trusting government as if left wingers and moderates have great trust in government do you realize how phony and partisan that makes you sound?
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Business needs proper, efficient, effective regulation

They have it without government. It's called competition and failure. Failure is the onle true and best regulation.

Clown, we tried this in the 19th century and we got something very bad out of it. I know a fool like you don't give a fuck if most of the population lives like *******, but sane people do.

More logical fallacy from the roads and science moron. We did not try that in the 19th century, either. "We got something very bad out of it". What a rube you're dude. Go chant roads and science somewhere.

No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?



You are so naive. Corporations have much more power. Big money has seriously corrupted our government.

Business needs proper, efficient, effective regulation

They have it without government. It's called competition and failure. Failure is the onle true and best regulation.

Do you honestly believe consumers are fully aware of all the private sector's practices? Some corps will do anything for the sake of profit. They actively work to deceive you.

and politicians take their bribes to cover it up.
wrong asswipe. :eusa_hand: Gov't are merely the handmaidens to big biz at this point shit stain due, in no small measure, to rw cheerleaders of Citizens United & McCutcheon, among other zany rw underminings to good gov't.

So the corporations used their military and police to force politicians to give them favors.


You neo-liberals are farking stupid, man. I dont know what else to say about it.

Don't try to be coy shit for brains. The lobbyists of big biz fund their opponents if they don't do as they wish. Also, no cushy job on a board after their defeat &/or retirement if they don't go along to get along w/ big biz interests you fucking hack


So politicians are corrupt and so that means it is the fault of "coporations" and their lobbyists. Right. So, again it is the politicians who are corrupt, yet you blame someone else for it. How neo-liberal of you.
I answered it. You either don't like or don't understand the answer.

There is a massive difference between the two.

All sufficiently large power structures are inherently authoritarian and corrupt no matter their nature, why would anyone trust economic power far more than political power? It's all power and the one truism that actually is true is that power corrupts. Conservatives need to come to terms with the horrible fact that corporations count on their blind acceptance of free market dogma to commit monstrously evil deeds and get away with it.

Oh yes, do tell how Enron had economic power, and how it was the same as political power?

Do tell how WorldCom had economic power, and it was the same as political power?

Do tell how the US government appointing 10 members to GM's board of directors, and also forcing out five existing board members into early retirement, shows the economic power is equal to political power??

No, sorry. You are full of crap. Government has far more power, than anyone with green paper with dead presidents on them.

Just imagine for a moment that there is no line between government and big business and that both are partners in our subjugation. Is that so hard to envision?
...government yet you find it so blasphemous to even criticize corporate America? Don't you realize how naive you sound? How do you not see the harm in letting corporate America becoming too powerful? I mean do you listen to EVERYTHING republicans say about the private sector? Is it really so hard to believe that republicans work to protect their interests even at the expense of yours?

I mean when corporations blatantly break the law and no one goes to prison, does that not bother you? Is it really okay with you that those legal messes are settled with meager fines?

Are you okay with corporations getting away anything for the sake of profit?

You should distrust corporations just as much as you distrust government.

The only way in which Corporations are becoming too powerful is in their ability to directly affect Government policy and elections. Outside of that, there is no significant issue with the powers of Corporations.

However, how does one expect the Corporations to remove themselves from the issues of Government, where the Corporations don't belong when one of the major undertakings of Government these days seems to be sticking their noses into the business of Corporations, where the Government doesn't belong?
If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?



You are so naive. Corporations have much more power. Big money has seriously corrupted our government.

Then stop electing the people who take tons of money from corporations.

There is no law that you will ever pass, to stop money from influencing government, as long as govenrment wants that money.
rw tools like TakeAStepBack rig the system through Citizens United & McCutcheon them blame the pols for doing whatever they can get away w/ to survive the Corp minefields laid by Big Biz lobbyists on Capitol Hill. You can't make this shit up :lol: Him & his benevolent, for-profit, biz :rolleyes: :rofl:

IDIOT, Tool, or both :thup:
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You are so naive. Corporations have much more power. Big money has seriously corrupted our government.

They have it without government. It's called competition and failure. Failure is the onle true and best regulation.

Do you honestly believe consumers are fully aware of all the private sector's practices? Some corps will do anything for the sake of profit. They actively work to deceive you.

and politicians take their bribes to cover it up.

Yeah exactly. The corruption starts with them. Not the gov.
So why vote for government at all? Why not just do away with it. This is what libertrians are saying!

I see no problem with reasonable investment in ones country. The governmetn has been doing it for 200+ years. This is reasonable and wise. On the other hand, I do agree that corps do have too much power over our government.
rw tools like TakeAStepBack rig the system through Citizens United & McCutcheon them blame the pols for doing whatever they can get away w/ to survive the Corp minefields laid by Big Biz lobbyists on Capitol Hill. You can't make this shit up :lol: Him & his benevolent, for-profit, biz :rofl:

Politicians are held hostage to the demands of corporations.


...government yet you find it so blasphemous to even criticize corporate America? Don't you realize how naive you sound? How do you not see the harm in letting corporate America becoming too powerful? I mean do you listen to EVERYTHING republicans say about the private sector? Is it really so hard to believe that republicans work to protect their interests even at the expense of yours?

I mean when corporations blatantly break the law and no one goes to prison, does that not bother you? Is it really okay with you that those legal messes are settled with meager fines?

Are you okay with corporations getting away anything for the sake of profit?

You should distrust corporations just as much as you distrust government.

We have been, you are not listening to what we are saying.
Right wingers are against Crony Capitalism and we want to change the tax system so that can be pretty much eliminated.
Corporations can not put us in jail or do harm to us like the Government can.
We the people have the power to put Corporations out of business by not buying their products.
As long as the Government keeps giving them money as favors for their political support we will continue to have this government corruption. Both parties does this.
So why vote for government at all? Why not just do away with it. This is what libertrians are saying!

I see no problem with reasonable investment in ones country. The governmetn has been doing it for 200+ years. This is reasonable and wise. On the other hand, I do agree that corps do have too much power over our government.

Reasonable investment? You mean like wasting billions of stolen property on political windfalls for themselves? All we've seen is more taken away with less production. Which is the hallmark of government. Yet you call this reasonable and wise.

Do you honestly believe consumers are fully aware of all the private sector's practices? Some corps will do anything for the sake of profit. They actively work to deceive you.

and politicians take their bribes to cover it up.

Yeah exactly. The corruption starts with them. Not the gov.

Not exactly....

Remember Al Gore was calling up businesses and asking them for donation. Businesses were not calling Al Gore.

Further, before the Microsoft lawsuit, the Justice Department was actively looking for people to attack, and NetScape answered the solicitation, and that's how the Microsoft anti-trust lawsuit started.
So why vote for government at all? Why not just do away with it. This is what libertrians are saying!

I see no problem with reasonable investment in ones country. The governmetn has been doing it for 200+ years. This is reasonable and wise. On the other hand, I do agree that corps do have too much power over our government.

Don't try talking sense to TakeAStepBack. He'll only attack you for using reason. His zany ideology compels him to.
How someone can overlook the fact that politicians are elected to do the bidding of the people, but then start taking money for legislative favors instead (along with giving themselves more power over economic affairs) but this is the fault of corporations who solicit them for such favors. This is the thinking of a moron, right here.
...government yet you find it so blasphemous to even criticize corporate America? Don't you realize how naive you sound? How do you not see the harm in letting corporate America becoming too powerful? I mean do you listen to EVERYTHING republicans say about the private sector? Is it really so hard to believe that republicans work to protect their interests even at the expense of yours?

I mean when corporations blatantly break the law and no one goes to prison, does that not bother you? Is it really okay with you that those legal messes are settled with meager fines?

Are you okay with corporations getting away anything for the sake of profit?

You should distrust corporations just as much as you distrust government.

You really do need to get out of your momma's basement more often.

We criticize corporate when it deserves criticizing. Trouble with you Libtards is you demand all or nothing. You are forcing America into two opposite camps.
...government yet you find it so blasphemous to even criticize corporate America? Don't you realize how naive you sound? How do you not see the harm in letting corporate America becoming too powerful? I mean do you listen to EVERYTHING republicans say about the private sector? Is it really so hard to believe that republicans work to protect their interests even at the expense of yours?

I mean when corporations blatantly break the law and no one goes to prison, does that not bother you? Is it really okay with you that those legal messes are settled with meager fines?

Are you okay with corporations getting away anything for the sake of profit?

You should distrust corporations just as much as you distrust government.

You really do need to get out of your momma's basement more often.

We criticize corporate when it deserves criticizing. Trouble with you Libtards is you demand all or nothing. You are forcing America into two opposite camps.

divide and conquer----------------its really quite simple. Obama is a master at it, and our stupid complicit media is helping him.

Wake up America---------or you will find your self bowing to a mullah and buying abayas for your women. Obama is NOT what he claims to be.
Takes a real rube or a lolibertarian on steroids :tinfoil: to think that rigging the system, through insidious rw/lolibertarian challenges to the Left's ridding gov't of corrupting corporate influence, is a good thing :cuckoo:
Takes a real rube or a lolibertarian on steroids :tinfoil: to think that rigging the system, through insidious rw/lolibertarian challenges to the Left's ridding gov't of corrupting corporate influence, is a good thing :cuckoo:

Clearly you're beyond all hope. You just throw these tard leftists soundbites that mean absolutely nothing. What's worse is that you probably believe this post was legible and makes sense.


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