Rightwingers: don't you think it's rather ridiculous you have so much distrust in...

Yes exactly. They do. You should be thankful that the FDA exists despite their shortcomings is my point. Blame corp not gov for their shortcomings.

So the FDA is guilty of what you're accusing corporations of doing, but I should be grateful? You're a loon, buddy.


If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?


Businesses live or die by the bottom line and cut corners & break laws to prevent themselves from going under. This goes against OSHA, EPA, & laws of basic decency. Thats why repub- voters, Randians, & nutters like Kosh prefer them :)
He's just asking the same questions that conservatives get asked everyday on this board and getting no real answers as usual.

I answered it. You either don't like or don't understand the answer.

There is a massive difference between the two.

All sufficiently large power structures are inherently authoritarian and corrupt no matter their nature, why would anyone trust economic power far more than political power? It's all power and the one truism that actually is true is that power corrupts. Conservatives need to come to terms with the horrible fact that corporations count on their blind acceptance of free market dogma to commit monstrously evil deeds and get away with it.

There are many on the hard right who feel bound by an ideological obligation to be absolutist and fight against any government, always, period. I'm not even sure they believe that stuff, and it makes them a terribly easy target.

Business needs proper, efficient, effective regulation -- notice I did not say "a bunch more regulation" or "a whole shitload of regulation" -- to protect the general public and deter and punish theft and other law-breaking by business, and even to protect corporations (!). There is no such thing as a "free market", the question (as usual) is finding the proper equilibrium.

Billy's naive original post, however, completely fails to recognize the fact that the purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value, which within human nature leads to corruption and theft; on the other hand, the lies and fraud perpetrated by the government are perpetrated by people who claim to be "serving" us, and with money they have taken in the form of taxation.

I don't even know how someone can come up with a question like this, but I must consider the source.

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Laws of basic decency? You mean like thou shall not steal? Yet what does your government do? Oh, that's right, it only knows theft, coercion and violence.
Yes exactly. They do. You should be thankful that the FDA exists despite their shortcomings is my point. Blame corp not gov for their shortcomings.

So the FDA is guilty of what you're accusing corporations of doing, but I should be grateful? You're a loon, buddy.


If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

They twist politicians arms and make them take bribes ?
Government is organized crime, that's why.

And you're a dumb sob. Look at Somalia and you will find why we need government.

We NEED freeways
We need science investment
We need infraucture

It's called civilization. Guess, what, that organized crime makes civilization work like a ceo makes a business work.

If you don't like it, leave it!

Yeah, that worked out so well for Greece. Lots of infrastructure, lots of investment. Dead economy. Worst in the EU.

Like gutting everything has ever worked. :cuckoo: A nation that is falling sure as hell doesn't need to gut education and maintaining what it has.
So the FDA is guilty of what you're accusing corporations of doing, but I should be grateful? You're a loon, buddy.


If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?



You are so naive. Corporations have much more power. Big money has seriously corrupted our government.
Business needs proper, efficient, effective regulation

They have it without government. It's called competition and failure. Failure is the onle true and best regulation.
Businesses live or die by the bottom line and cut corners & break laws to prevent themselves from going under. This goes against OSHA, EPA, & laws of basic decency. Thats why repub- voters, Randians, & nutters like Kosh prefer them :)

Well I see that the straw man BS business is thriving.
So the FDA is guilty of what you're accusing corporations of doing, but I should be grateful? You're a loon, buddy.


If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?



wrong asswipe. :eusa_hand: Gov't are merely the handmaidens to big biz at this point shit stain due, in no small measure, to rw cheerleaders of Citizens United & McCutcheon, among other zany rw underminings to good gov't.
So the FDA is guilty of what you're accusing corporations of doing, but I should be grateful? You're a loon, buddy.


If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

They twist politicians arms and make them take bribes ?

Yeah, they use their private military and police force to coerce politicians into taking money for favors legislatively.

He's just asking the same questions that conservatives get asked everyday on this board and getting no real answers as usual.

I answered it. You either don't like or don't understand the answer.

There is a massive difference between the two.

All sufficiently large power structures are inherently authoritarian and corrupt no matter their nature, why would anyone trust economic power far more than political power? It's all power and the one truism that actually is true is that power corrupts. Conservatives need to come to terms with the horrible fact that corporations count on their blind acceptance of free market dogma to commit monstrously evil deeds and get away with it.

Oh yes, do tell how Enron had economic power, and how it was the same as political power?

Do tell how WorldCom had economic power, and it was the same as political power?

Do tell how the US government appointing 10 members to GM's board of directors, and also forcing out five existing board members into early retirement, shows the economic power is equal to political power??

No, sorry. You are full of crap. Government has far more power, than anyone with green paper with dead presidents on them.
If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?



You are so naive. Corporations have much more power. Big money has seriously corrupted our government.

Honestly, we need to do what we did 100 years ago and break some of them up. Otherwise, I don't see a better set up economically.
If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?



wrong asswipe. :eusa_hand: Gov't are merely the handmaidens to big biz at this point shit stain due, in no small measure, to rw cheerleaders of Citizens United & McCutcheon, among other zany rw underminings to good gov't.

So the corporations used their military and police to force politicians to give them favors.


You neo-liberals are farking stupid, man. I dont know what else to say about it.
If corporations kept out of government, we wouldn't have those problems. The private sector has corrupted the federal government.

No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?



You are so naive. Corporations have much more power. Big money has seriously corrupted our government.

Business needs proper, efficient, effective regulation

They have it without government. It's called competition and failure. Failure is the onle true and best regulation.

Do you honestly believe consumers are fully aware of all the private sector's practices? Some corps will do anything for the sake of profit. They actively work to deceive you.
Businesses live or die by the bottom line and cut corners & break laws to prevent themselves from going under. This goes against OSHA, EPA, & laws of basic decency. Thats why repub- voters, Randians, & nutters like Kosh prefer them :)

There is no decency in capitalism, there is only what you can and can't get away with.
Business needs proper, efficient, effective regulation

They have it without government. It's called competition and failure. Failure is the onle true and best regulation.

Clown, we tried this in the 19th century and we got something very bad out of it. I know a fool like you don't give a fuck if most of the population lives like *******, but sane people do.
The people used to have control, somewhat, over corporations.

Take GM for example. The people said we don't want your stinking cars and their business suffered to the point of bankruptcy, which did and should have happened. But instead of GM "making it" on their own tax payer money was given to them. Why? If liberals hate corporations so much why were they all backing Obama helping corporations by taking my hard earned cash and giving it to them? Why? Because they are the true hypocrites. They say they hate corporations yet suckle the corporate teat.
No the government has corrupted the private sector. Once again we see how stupid neo-liberals truly are. Government holds all the power and you blame "corporations" for corrupting government?



wrong asswipe. :eusa_hand: Gov't are merely the handmaidens to big biz at this point shit stain due, in no small measure, to rw cheerleaders of Citizens United & McCutcheon, among other zany rw underminings to good gov't.

So the corporations used their military and police to force politicians to give them favors.


You neo-liberals are farking stupid, man. I dont know what else to say about it.

Don't try to be coy shit for brains. The lobbyists of big biz fund their opponents if they don't do as they wish. Also, no cushy job on a board after their defeat &/or retirement if they don't go along to get along w/ big biz interests you fucking hack

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Businesses live or die by the bottom line and cut corners & break laws to prevent themselves from going under. This goes against OSHA, EPA, & laws of basic decency. Thats why repub- voters, Randians, & nutters like Kosh prefer them :)

There is no decency in capitalism, there is only what you can and can't get away with.

Name a better system then regulated capitalism. Stop acting like you have a pear of cards under your cuff and agree that we need more regulations in some areas.

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