Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

I tolerate Gay people. But I will not sacrifice my base morals for the sake of a minute few. I see them as a sinful aberration of mankind. Call me a fundamentalist, but a man never sells his soul for want. This is why I disabused from the Republican Party. Too many people willing to sacrifice their core beliefs for a bit of social acceptance. If that alienates me from the mainstream, then so be it! I am a man of strength, not of cowardice. I fight for what I believe, and no man, woman or politician will deter me from doing so.
I'll be damned before I give up the essence of who I am. If gay folks want tolerance, they should stop begging for it and start practicing it.
But you lie. You know exactly what I am talking about.

You lie to yourselves all the time. Believing you are superior because of your "tolerance" and "harmony." Believing that people should practice your brand of thinking is quite delusional. You want tolerance but never practice it, and when someone finally gets fed up with your crap, you call them out on it. You people are evil and misplaced in this world, toying with people's emotions as you do.

This doesn’t make any sense.

No one believes he’s ‘superior’ to anyone else.

No one is seeking ‘more rights’ than anyone else.

Inalienable rights predate the government and Constitution, they can be neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or person.

Due process of the law and equal protection (access to) of the law are fundamental, inalienable rights.

Consequently same-sex couples have always had the right to access marriage law – nothing is being ‘invented’ or ‘made up.’ The issue concerns states not acknowledging that right, in violation of same-sex couples’ civil liberties.

This isn’t any “brand of thinking,” nor is it “delusional,” these are fundamental tenets of our Constitutional Republic, the rule of law, and the personal liberty guaranteed by the Constitution.

That your hate and ignorance blinds you to these facts is your problem, it’s not the problem of those seeking their just civil liberties.
I am offended by almost everything that seawytch says, but I do not want to restrict her ability to say whatever she wants as many times as she wants------------you, on the other hand are not only trying to restrict speech, you want the govt to invoke thought control on everyone who disagrees with the gay agenda.
I am offended by almost everything that seawytch says, but I do not want to restrict her ability to say whatever she wants as many times as she wants------------you, on the other hand are not only trying to restrict speech, you want the govt to invoke thought control on everyone who disagrees with the gay agenda.

Bull pucky.
1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Anything else?

I don't see a single loss of freedom. Your faith has not been restricted, only your ability to force your faith on others

Your freedom of speech is stronger than at any time in our history as evidenced by your posting here. Now, as always, you are accountable for what you say. If others are offended, you may be called on itIf what you say and do makes you less employable......you have only yourself to blame

you hit the nail on the head. true freedom of speech does not hold one accountable for saying something that offends someone else.

its the political correctness bullshit that does that--not freedom.

You cannot be more wrong. Everything you say has consequences. May be good consequences may be bad

You can tell everyone at work that your bosses wife looks like a fat whore. You can claim " true freedom of speech" ....but you will be held accountable
1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

You are not, nor will you be prevented from practicing your faith. You just can't use it as justification to break laws.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

And naturally you can cite a case where a church was successfully sued into providing religious services to interfaith or interracial couples?

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

Bullshit. You aren't being fined or jailed, just being called an intolerant bigot for being an intolerant bigot. Free speech runs two directions.

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Anything else?

As suspected, you can't cite a single example of your rights being violated.
I don't see a single loss of freedom. Your faith has not been restricted, only your ability to force your faith on others

Your freedom of speech is stronger than at any time in our history as evidenced by your posting here. Now, as always, you are accountable for what you say. If others are offended, you may be called on itIf what you say and do makes you less employable......you have only yourself to blame

you hit the nail on the head. true freedom of speech does not hold one accountable for saying something that offends someone else.

its the political correctness bullshit that does that--not freedom.

You cannot be more wrong. Everything you say has consequences. May be good consequences may be bad

You can tell everyone at work that your bosses wife looks like a fat whore. You can claim " true freedom of speech" ....but you will be held accountable

I would not be held legally accountable, thats the difference. you want to make any disagreement with the gay agenda illegal.
If this is your response to C_Clayton_Jones....show us exactly what rights and privileges under the law YOU LOSE when gays are given the right to marry.

List them here:





1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Anything else?

I don't see a single loss of freedom. Your faith has not been restricted, only your ability to force your faith on others

Your freedom of speech is stronger than at any time in our history as evidenced by your posting here. Now, as always, you are accountable for what you say. If others are offended, you may be called on it

If what you say and do makes you less employable......you have only yourself to blame

Ha, that tired point again. So, let's get this straight:

If a gay couple comes calling on my church to marry them and we refuse, they can now sue us for discrimination. So we are no longer allowed to refuse based on our religious beliefs? So, now my question is to you: How come you don't see someone losing their rights over this? How come my church is now obligated to marry them against their will? In this scenario, the church has now been forced to make a decision that will adversely affect how it's congregation sees it, and it may lose membership, it may be forced under altogether, for the sake of "tolerance".

That last line is funny. Employers do it all the time, hire more minorities over whites simply because they wish not to become the next target of an activist group or the like. Now, add sexual orientation to the mix. Did you think that the Civil Rights Act only applied to minorities?
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I am offended by almost everything that seawytch says, but I do not want to restrict her ability to say whatever she wants as many times as she wants------------you, on the other hand are not only trying to restrict speech, you want the govt to invoke thought control on everyone who disagrees with the gay agenda.

Bull pucky.

your non-response verifies the accuracy of my statement.

you know thats what you want, you want it to be a crime to be opposed to the gay agenda. you want anyone who disagrees with you to be punished by the government.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

Respectfully, that's your opinion. Some people, republican or democrat, do believe in those Christian morals. They have the right to believe that and I applaud them for holding to their convictions instead of succumbing to peer pressure. There's more to life than winning elections: it's about standing up for what you believe in. It may not matter to you but it matters to others. It's not so simple Gramps.
I am offended by almost everything that seawytch says, but I do not want to restrict her ability to say whatever she wants as many times as she wants------------you, on the other hand are not only trying to restrict speech, you want the govt to invoke thought control on everyone who disagrees with the gay agenda.

And naturally you can cite examples, right?
I am offended by almost everything that seawytch says, but I do not want to restrict her ability to say whatever she wants as many times as she wants------------you, on the other hand are not only trying to restrict speech, you want the govt to invoke thought control on everyone who disagrees with the gay agenda.

And naturally you can cite examples, right?

OK, here are a couple

-overruling the will of the people of california--twice
-making it a crime to refuse to cater a gay wedding
1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

You are not, nor will you be prevented from practicing your faith. You just can't use it as justification to break laws.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

And naturally you can cite a case where a church was successfully sued into providing religious services to interfaith or interracial couples?

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

Bullshit. You aren't being fined or jailed, just being called an intolerant bigot for being an intolerant bigot. Free speech runs two directions.

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Anything else?

As suspected, you can't cite a single example of your rights being violated.

First of all, you quoted this earlier:

Seawytch said:
In 1871, Representative Andrew King (D-Missouri) was the first politician in Congress to propose a constitutional amendment to make interracial marriage illegal nation-wide. King proposed this amendment because he feared that the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868 to give equal civil rights to the emancipated ex-slaves (the Freedmen) as part of the process of Reconstruction, would render laws against interracial marriage unconstitutional.

Can I ask you what this has to do with gay marriage?

Second as to your points

1. Um, if you want to see people using their faith to break the law, look no further than ISLAM.

2. No, the precedent has now just been set. You will see.

3. It "runs in two directions" huh? So, why is it you call me "hateful" and "ignorant' or "bigoted" each time I express my opinion in disagreement with homosexuality? Sure, it "runs in two directions" my ass.

4. Ha, I notice how you failed to rebut that little nugget. You seem to think the Civil Rights act applies to gays and minorities. How naive you are.

Political Correctness affects Freedom of Speech far more than just "being called on" something that supposedly "offends" someone.

People have lost their jobs over saying things that "offended" someone. People have lost their jobs because their employers were intimidated by the PC Police into firing them for saying something that "offended" someone. People have changed words that they use for no other reason other than not wanting to be branded a "racist", "sexist", or some other "ist".

I don't want to stop or intimidate or curtail the PC Police from exercising any of their rights. But the PC Police want to stop and intimidate and curtail me from exercising mine. That's the difference.

I am offended by almost everything that seawytch says, but I do not want to restrict her ability to say whatever she wants as many times as she wants------------you, on the other hand are not only trying to restrict speech, you want the govt to invoke thought control on everyone who disagrees with the gay agenda.

And naturally you can cite examples, right?

OK, here are a couple

-overruling the will of the people of california--twice
-making it a crime to refuse to cater a gay wedding

Still waiting for examples. Prop 8 was ruled unconstitutional. That's not a violation of your right. You don't have the right to violate the Constitution.

Public Accommodation laws have been in place since at least 1964 and found constitutional.

We'll keep waiting for real examples, not your agenda driven hyperbole.
1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Anything else?

I don't see a single loss of freedom. Your faith has not been restricted, only your ability to force your faith on others

Your freedom of speech is stronger than at any time in our history as evidenced by your posting here. Now, as always, you are accountable for what you say. If others are offended, you may be called on it

If what you say and do makes you less employable......you have only yourself to blame

Ha, that tired point again. So, let's get this straight:

If a gay couple comes calling on my church to marry them and we refuse, they can now sue us for discrimination. So we are no longer allowed to refuse based on our religious beliefs? So, now my question is to you: How come you don't see someone losing their rights over this? How come my church is now obligated to marry them against their will? In this scenario, the church has now been forced to make a decision that will adversely affect how it's congregation sees it, and it may lose membership, it may be forced under altogether, for the sake of "tolerance".

That last line is funny. Employers do it all the time, hire more minorities over whites simply because they wish not to become the next target of an activist group or the like. Now, add sexual orientation to the mix. Did you think that the Civil Rights Act only applied to minorities?

No they cannot. Just like if an interracial couple came to your church and was refused they couldn't sue. Just like if an interfaith couple came to our church and was refused they couldn't sue.

So, your entire argument is based on a LIE.
And naturally you can cite examples, right?

OK, here are a couple

-overruling the will of the people of california--twice
-making it a crime to refuse to cater a gay wedding

Still waiting for examples. Prop 8 was ruled unconstitutional. That's not a violation of your right. You don't have the right to violate the Constitution.

Public Accommodation laws have been in place since at least 1964 and found constitutional.

We'll keep waiting for real examples, not your agenda driven hyperbole.

Funny, under your logic the church is subject to the same Public Accomodation Laws, yet you say "you will not lose your right to practice your faith."

Care to explain that little conundrum?
I don't see a single loss of freedom. Your faith has not been restricted, only your ability to force your faith on others

Your freedom of speech is stronger than at any time in our history as evidenced by your posting here. Now, as always, you are accountable for what you say. If others are offended, you may be called on it

If what you say and do makes you less employable......you have only yourself to blame

Ha, that tired point again. So, let's get this straight:

If a gay couple comes calling on my church to marry them and we refuse, they can now sue us for discrimination. So we are no longer allowed to refuse based on our religious beliefs? So, now my question is to you: How come you don't see someone losing their rights over this? How come my church is now obligated to marry them against their will? In this scenario, the church has now been forced to make a decision that will adversely affect how it's congregation sees it, and it may lose membership, it may be forced under altogether, for the sake of "tolerance".

That last line is funny. Employers do it all the time, hire more minorities over whites simply because they wish not to become the next target of an activist group or the like. Now, add sexual orientation to the mix. Did you think that the Civil Rights Act only applied to minorities?

No they cannot. Just like if an interracial couple came to your church and was refused they couldn't sue. Just like if an interfaith couple came to our church and was refused they couldn't sue.

So, your entire argument is based on a LIE.

See my above post.
While you get to codify your religious intolerance at the ballot box? How dare you lecture me about hate and ignorance? You hypocrite! You are hateful, ignorant and intolerant, whilst belonging to no faith at all, so what do you know hotshot? You think you can just diminish people like us and carry on with wanton disregard for what we are and what we stand for?

You want tolerance from us, but yet you wish to destroy us, ever so silently, quietly, with malice in your hearts. Do you think we're that ignorant? Do you think we will sit here and let you silence us? You have another thing coming Clayton. Your rank hypocrisy makes me sick. You want to force us into submission with your ideals instead of coexisting with us. The courts have already borne this out, you are just an example of it. How pathetic. How low must our society steep for this?

You preach of equality, but want nothing of it. You wish to diminish one to enhance the other. Ignorance is you thinking you can get away with such behavior.

If this is your response to C_Clayton_Jones....show us exactly what rights and privileges under the law YOU LOSE when gays are given the right to marry.

List them here:





1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Anything else?

Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

First Amendment restrictions apply to government, law-making entities only, not private individuals or organizations. 14th Amendment jurisprudence doesn’t apply to persons or religious organizations, Christian denominations may continue to refuse to perform marriage rituals for same-sex couples.

A private citizen accusing you of being intolerant and bigoted as a consequence of your hate and ignorance toward homosexuals does not constitute a First Amendment rights violation.

Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).


Again, 14th Amendment jurisprudence doesn’t apply to private religious organizations.

Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

No, you won’t be subject to a ‘lawsuit’ for exhibiting your hate and ignorance concerning same-sex couples' right to access marriage law. Indeed, you have the Constitutional right to be hateful and ignorant – and most conservatives exercise that right often and vigorously.

If your state, however, should attempt to enact a measure denying same-sex couples access to your state’s marriage law, yes, a lawsuit seeking remedy to an equal protection rights violation is both likely and warranted.

And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

And you’re also at liberty to file a complaint in Federal court accordingly.

Anything else?


Given the response to this thread by conservative subscribers, clearly the OP’s efforts were futile.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

You should enlighten your bro's on the succession issue too grumps,it makes you all sound like fucking lunatics.

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