Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

What makes them evil is thinking that equality means the same thing as "the same as".

That, and they wish to create an atmosphere that is more conducive to their ways of life, while making it more hostile to people of faith. I can see the transformation happening. If it were about rights, fine, but this has gone far beyond that.
Because if I can't call out my own I have no business bitching at the other side. I'm not a fucking drone. If you don't like it find the ignore feature and utilize it.

But that is just it. The government is making it our business. Why should government be involved in marriage at all? That is the question.

marriage licenses are issued by states, the federal government should not be involved. Each state should decide what are the criteria for a marriage.

How do you deal with the Full Faith clause of the Constitution?
The "gay rights movement" is representative of all that is wrong with progressives. They've tarted up the 14th Amendment to cover gay marriage. Gee, it never did before.

They've hijacked scientific inquiry with silly studies that supposedly prove homosexuality is not a choice.

They've created a fictional minority of "gays."

All of this to cater to the agenda of a vocal gaggle of malcontents who want to marry only for government benefits.

To hell with 'em.

You succeed in only exhibiting your hate and ignorance.

It makes no difference whether one ‘decides’ to be gay or not – the question is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

The Constitution protects the privacy rights of all persons, the right to decide how to define oneself as a person, within an impenetrable realm of individual liberty the state may not violate.

The 14th Amendment doesn’t cover ‘gay marriage,’ primarily because there is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ there is only marriage, the same law that all citizens have a 14th Amendment right to access, including same-sex couples.

The only ‘agenda’ that progressives pursue is the agenda of the Framers, as expressed in the Constitution, that all persons are entitled to individual liberty concerning matters personal and private, free from government interference.
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Of course, the Republicans just have to do what Democrats did: Democratic party funneled jobs to impoverished areas, like downtown Detroit, Washington, D.C. and Chicago. That stopped the drive by shootings, the killings, the whoring, the pimping and drug dealings, as we all know.

What did Democrats ever do for impoverished WHITE areas? Except for Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Robert Byrd in West Virginia, precious little.

Being slaves of the Democratic Party for the next 200 years (according to LBJ) in plain view of absolutely no visible results is sure sign of mental instability, that can not be cured, except by accelerated abortions in critical areas.

When it comes to ridicule, I must hand it to Democrats. They ridicule, demean, excoriate, demonize and besmirch all blacks, women and gays who happen to have the courage to profess a political view that is not Democrat.

Who said anything about white or black?

Poverty is still poverty and Republicans offer nothing but ridicule. People want jobs that they can support their families on and all Republucans are offering is tax cuts for the wealthy

You missed my point, and I think you did it on purpose, since you have no valid answer to my post.

The Democrat party has been spending probably trillions, but at least billions in its war on poverty. Admittedly, it is /was just as futile as the Republican efforts on the War on Drugs.

When you used the term "impoverished areas" I have seen them. I did volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity in black Overtown in Miami as well as with Apaplachian Service Project in white Chavies, KY.

I am not sure if your personal experience to help poor people, black or white, is similar to my experience, but I give you the benefit of doubt.

Like you say, poverty is poverty. And the ridicule Democrats heap on blacks (male or female) and women Black or white) is still ridicule.

When I hear from you or anyone like you even the slightest recognition and admittance that women and blacks who happen to be conservatives are not bigots, racists, Uncle Toms, traitors to their gender/race, I will give you credit for your posts.

I don't think we are that far apart on this. Poverty exists and it is a blight on our great society. The Republic Party says ......pick yourself up by your bootstraps, get a job......if you have a job, get a better job.......just don't bother me when I push for further tax cuts for the wealthy
The Republic Partymay mock the war on poverty, but it was effective in raising people out of poverty. Interview anyone who has risen from poor to middle class and find out how they did it. Yes, hard work and initiative played a part......but so did jobs training and jobs programs. So did small business loans and initiatives.

The main whipping boy for the Republic Party remains safety net programs. Aid for families with dependent children, food stamps, housing allowances and yes, even a $30 cell phone
Would you rather refer to you in a derogatory way? I can think of a few terms that fit the lot of you.

So...tell us, what makes us "evil"? Is it wanting to be treated equally under the law with you? Is that it?

What makes you evil, is that you won't stop with equality.

So....we are evil because of some alleged thing that might happen in the future? With no legal basis for it happening?

Well, then. I guess you're evil too. Because you just might...maybe....possibly pass laws in the future that restricts the rights of others...................maybe.........
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What makes them evil is thinking that equality means the same thing as "the same as".

That, and they wish to create an atmosphere that is more conducive to their ways of life, while making it more hostile to people of faith. I can see the transformation happening. If it were about rights, fine, but this has gone far beyond that.

Damn the Gays for making it HARD for you to treat them like shit!
Because if I can't call out my own I have no business bitching at the other side. I'm not a fucking drone. If you don't like it find the ignore feature and utilize it.

But that is just it. The government is making it our business. Why should government be involved in marriage at all? That is the question.

marriage licenses are issued by states, the federal government should not be involved. Each state should decide what are the criteria for a marriage.

And whatever those criteria might be, the 14th Amendment compels the states to allow same-sex couples access to their marriage laws, as there is no rational basis to do so and no legitimate legislative end.
And no one disputes your right to be ignorant and hateful in accordance with your faith.

But don’t attempt to codify that dogma of ignorance and hate through the ballot box or the courts.

While you get to codify your religious intolerance at the ballot box? How dare you lecture me about hate and ignorance? You hypocrite! You are hateful, ignorant and intolerant, whilst belonging to no faith at all, so what do you know hotshot? You think you can just diminish people like us and carry on with wanton disregard for what we are and what we stand for?

You want tolerance from us, but yet you wish to destroy us, ever so silently, quietly, with malice in your hearts. Do you think we're that ignorant? Do you think we will sit here and let you silence us? You have another thing coming Clayton. Your rank hypocrisy makes me sick. You want to force us into submission with your ideals instead of coexisting with us. The courts have already borne this out, you are just an example of it. How pathetic. How low must our society steep for this?

You preach of equality, but want nothing of it. You wish to diminish one to enhance the other. Ignorance is you thinking you can get away with such behavior.

If this is your response to C_Clayton_Jones....show us exactly what rights and privileges under the law YOU LOSE when gays are given the right to marry.

List them here:





1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Anything else?
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So...tell us, what makes us "evil"? Is it wanting to be treated equally under the law with you? Is that it?

What makes you evil, is that you won't stop with equality.

So....we are evil because of some alleged thing that might happen in the future? With no legal basis for it happening?

Well, then. I guess you're evil too. Because you just might...maybe....possibly pass laws in the future that restricts the rights of others...................maybe.........:eusa_whistle:

I don't think gays are evil.. I think the gay rights agenda is disengenuous, because its not about rights-----its about using the govt to force the majority to condone and accept your lifestyle as normal and equivalent to hetero marriage-------but its not and never will be.
But that is just it. The government is making it our business. Why should government be involved in marriage at all? That is the question.

marriage licenses are issued by states, the federal government should not be involved. Each state should decide what are the criteria for a marriage.

How do you deal with the Full Faith clause of the Constitution?

That one is easy. Not everything legal in one state is legal in every other state. If I have a state issued permit to carry a gun in my state, that doesn't mean I have the same right in every other state. My driver's license is a California license. When I moved to Nevada it was only good for a short amount of time then it was invalid. A man could legally have sex with his 15 year old girlfriend in Colorado but if they move to California, he's a criminal until she turns 18.

For jurisdictional purposes, enforcement of contract rights would remain under the laws of the issuing state. If a state does not recognize a same sex marriage, all issues arising out of marital conflict would be decided by the laws of the state where the parties married.

Even if, stretching it, a state that does not recognize same sex marriage was required to recognize such a marriage by way of the Full Faith and Credit laws, no individual doing business or residing in that state is obligated to recognize that marriage. The bakery would be fully within state's rights if it refused to decorate a cake saying "Happy Anniversary Brian and Allen".
What makes them evil is thinking that equality means the same thing as "the same as".

That, and they wish to create an atmosphere that is more conducive to their ways of life, while making it more hostile to people of faith. I can see the transformation happening. If it were about rights, fine, but this has gone far beyond that.

Damn the Gays for making it HARD for you to treat them like shit!

Stop trolling. You are incredibly mendacious and spiteful. You fail to represent your cause, and are epitome of what is wrong with this world.

You want tolerance, you want equality, but when you act like a jackass to those who disagree with you, who wants to give either of these things to you?

Damn those with differing opinions, if they don't agree with you, damn them again. You are pathetic.
But that is just it. The government is making it our business. Why should government be involved in marriage at all? That is the question.

marriage licenses are issued by states, the federal government should not be involved. Each state should decide what are the criteria for a marriage.

And whatever those criteria might be, the 14th Amendment compels the states to allow same-sex couples access to their marriage laws, as there is no rational basis to do so and no legitimate legislative end.

Funny how it never specifically mentions "same-sex couples" anywhere in it's language.
But that is just it. The government is making it our business. Why should government be involved in marriage at all? That is the question.

marriage licenses are issued by states, the federal government should not be involved. Each state should decide what are the criteria for a marriage.

And whatever those criteria might be, the 14th Amendment compels the states to allow same-sex couples access to their marriage laws, as there is no rational basis to do so and no legitimate legislative end.

then by that argument bigamists and polygamists must also have their marriages sanctioned by the states--------or can you show me some words from the 14th amendment that say "only two people can marry" ?

no, you can't, and very soon some asshole lawyer will file a suit for a bigamist or polygamist and your precedent will make their marriages legal.
So...tell us, what makes us "evil"? Is it wanting to be treated equally under the law with you? Is that it?

What makes you evil, is that you won't stop with equality.

So....we are evil because of some alleged thing that might happen in the future? With no legal basis for it happening?

Well, then. I guess you're evil too. Because you just might...maybe....possibly pass laws in the future that restricts the rights of others...................maybe.........:eusa_whistle:

Nice strawman. You won't stop at equality. You'll do everything in your power to alienate people who think that homosexuality is wrong. You'll start persecuting them as you have begun to do here. You'll work hard to push us out of the mainstream, make our way of life a thing of the past.

I invite you to try.
The "gay rights movement" is representative of all that is wrong with progressives. They've tarted up the 14th Amendment to cover gay marriage. Gee, it never did before.

They've hijacked scientific inquiry with silly studies that supposedly prove homosexuality is not a choice.

They've created a fictional minority of "gays."

All of this to cater to the agenda of a vocal gaggle of malcontents who want to marry only for government benefits.

To hell with 'em.

In 1871, Representative Andrew King (D-Missouri) was the first politician in Congress to propose a constitutional amendment to make interracial marriage illegal nation-wide. King proposed this amendment because he feared that the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868 to give equal civil rights to the emancipated ex-slaves (the Freedmen) as part of the process of Reconstruction, would render laws against interracial marriage unconstitutional.
. Our voters elected Obama, who is likely bi-sexual, so most don't care, or are just ignorant.
Cons are such ignorant humans.

If there was any doubt that the Right are a clueless bunch of morons.
THIS would be the smoking gun!
The "gay rights movement" is representative of all that is wrong with progressives. They've tarted up the 14th Amendment to cover gay marriage. Gee, it never did before.

They've hijacked scientific inquiry with silly studies that supposedly prove homosexuality is not a choice.

They've created a fictional minority of "gays."

All of this to cater to the agenda of a vocal gaggle of malcontents who want to marry only for government benefits.

To hell with 'em.

In 1871, Representative Andrew King (D-Missouri) was the first politician in Congress to propose a constitutional amendment to make interracial marriage illegal nation-wide. King proposed this amendment because he feared that the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868 to give equal civil rights to the emancipated ex-slaves (the Freedmen) as part of the process of Reconstruction, would render laws against interracial marriage unconstitutional.

was that amendment passed so that a black woman could marry a white woman? NO, of course not.

your strawman goes up in flames once again, twytchey.
While you get to codify your religious intolerance at the ballot box? How dare you lecture me about hate and ignorance? You hypocrite! You are hateful, ignorant and intolerant, whilst belonging to no faith at all, so what do you know hotshot? You think you can just diminish people like us and carry on with wanton disregard for what we are and what we stand for?

You want tolerance from us, but yet you wish to destroy us, ever so silently, quietly, with malice in your hearts. Do you think we're that ignorant? Do you think we will sit here and let you silence us? You have another thing coming Clayton. Your rank hypocrisy makes me sick. You want to force us into submission with your ideals instead of coexisting with us. The courts have already borne this out, you are just an example of it. How pathetic. How low must our society steep for this?

You preach of equality, but want nothing of it. You wish to diminish one to enhance the other. Ignorance is you thinking you can get away with such behavior.

If this is your response to C_Clayton_Jones....show us exactly what rights and privileges under the law YOU LOSE when gays are given the right to marry.

List them here:





1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Anything else?

I don't see a single loss of freedom. Your faith has not been restricted, only your ability to force your faith on others

Your freedom of speech is stronger than at any time in our history as evidenced by your posting here. Now, as always, you are accountable for what you say. If others are offended, you may be called on it

If what you say and do makes you less employable......you have only yourself to blame
If this is your response to C_Clayton_Jones....show us exactly what rights and privileges under the law YOU LOSE when gays are given the right to marry.

List them here:





1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Anything else?

I don't see a single loss of freedom. Your faith has not been restricted, only your ability to force your faith on others

Your freedom of speech is stronger than at any time in our history as evidenced by your posting here. Now, as always, you are accountable for what you say. If others are offended, you may be called on itIf what you say and do makes you less employable......you have only yourself to blame

you hit the nail on the head. true freedom of speech does not hold one accountable for saying something that offends someone else.

its the political correctness bullshit that does that--not freedom.
While you get to codify your religious intolerance at the ballot box? How dare you lecture me about hate and ignorance? You hypocrite! You are hateful, ignorant and intolerant, whilst belonging to no faith at all, so what do you know hotshot? You think you can just diminish people like us and carry on with wanton disregard for what we are and what we stand for?

You want tolerance from us, but yet you wish to destroy us, ever so silently, quietly, with malice in your hearts. Do you think we're that ignorant? Do you think we will sit here and let you silence us? You have another thing coming Clayton. Your rank hypocrisy makes me sick. You want to force us into submission with your ideals instead of coexisting with us. The courts have already borne this out, you are just an example of it. How pathetic. How low must our society steep for this?

You preach of equality, but want nothing of it. You wish to diminish one to enhance the other. Ignorance is you thinking you can get away with such behavior.

If this is your response to C_Clayton_Jones....show us exactly what rights and privileges under the law YOU LOSE when gays are given the right to marry.

List them here:





1. Freedom to practice my faith without being accosted as "intolerant" or "bigoted" which can technically be seen as an affront on my 1st Amendment rights.

2. Freedom to worship in my own way (yes, if my church refuses to marry you, its lawsuit city).

3. Freedom of speech, since my political views on the topic are no longer acceptable to people like you, I can open myself up to a lawsuit just by saying something as harmless as "I don't support gay marriage"

4. And since our country has grown more favorable to people of your type, the job environment has become more hostile to people of my moral standing. I am open to more discrimination. Which violates my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Anything else?

1. How is gay marriage preventing you from practicing your faith? Unless your faith requires you to treat gays like shit legally?

2. Since when did churches get sued for turning away interracial couples, interfaith couples? That's the day they'll get sued for turning away gay couples. Got examples of that being more than a lie on your part?

3. Who has been arrested for saying they don't like gay marriage? When has the government shut down your free speech over your dislike of gay marriage? Link examples of that being reality rather than a lie on your part.

4. Damn it! You should be allowed to discriminate against other law-abiding tax paying citizens.....I agree. But, as it's been pointed out.....that's public accommodation laws....state laws.

So....where's the beef, so to speak?

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