Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

Different treatment is not a fact

Trump supporters “were storming our Capitol in an attempt to illegally flip an election to the losing candidate.” IS A FACT. BECAUSE IT IS A FACT based on multiple sources of observable reality such as A.Babbitt’s last social media message before g her death for Trump. If you can refute it go for it. Correll - you too mudwhistle go for it.
Cause you believe
Cause you believe

I believe it is a fact that Trump supporters “were storming our Capitol in an attempt to illegally flip an election to the losing candidate.” . If it is not true tell me what they were doing on Jan 6 in the Capitol.
I believe it is a fact that Trump supporters “were storming our Capitol in an attempt to illegally flip an election to the losing candidate.” . If it is not true tell me what they were doing on Jan 6 in the Capitol.
Those who stormed the Capitol were trying to prevent what they thought was the theft of the Executive Branch.
No...that is not a fact.

This is a fact

Thomas Baranyi and Ashley Babbitt STORM Congress together:

Donald Trump falsely said the 2020 presidential election was marred by widespread voter fraud and that he was the true victor. He told his supporters to "fight" for him as Congress confirmed President-elect Joe Biden's election victory in the Capitol building.

The man standing next to Ashli Babbitt as she was shot and killed has been arrested on charges of storming the Capitol building
Baranyi said he personally participated in the storming of the Capitol building to stop Congress from counting the electoral college votes for Biden.

"We tore through the scaffolding, through flash bangs and tear gas, and blitzed our way in through all the chambers just trying to get into Congress or whoever we could get in to and tell them that we need some kind of investigation into this," he said, according to the FBI affidavit.
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Those who stormed the Capitol were trying to prevent what they thought was the theft of the Executive Branch.

That is also a fact. Trump tried to get Pence to do the same thing but he said he wouid not break his oath to defend the Constitution to do it.
That is also a fact. Trump tried to get Pence to do the same thing but he said he wouid not break his oath to defend the Constitution to do it.
I happen to agree with Pence. Although I appreciate the view that he maybe should have refused the certification, he saw it otherwise and thus complied with his oath.
This is a fact

Thomas Baranyi and Ashley Babbitt STORM Congress together:

Donald Trump falsely said the 2020 presidential election was marred by widespread voter fraud and that he was the true victor. He told his supporters to "fight" for him as Congress confirmed President-elect Joe Biden's election victory in the Capitol building.

The man standing next to Ashli Babbitt as she was shot and killed has been arrested on charges of storming the Capitol building
Baranyi said he personally participated in the storming of the Capitol building to stop Congress from counting the electoral college votes for Biden.

"We tore through the scaffolding, through flash bangs and tear gas, and blitzed our way in through all the chambers just trying to get into Congress or whoever we could get in to and tell them that we need some kind of investigation into this," he said, according to the FBI affidavit.
Yes....don't let YOUR FACTS get in the way of the truth.

Donald Trump didn't do anything that Hillary or Al Gore ever did.
They all claimed that the election was stolen.

Good luck trying to prove that Ashli Babbitt and the rest stormed the building when we have videos of so called insurrectionists doing Selfies with Capital Police.
I happen to agree with Pence. Although I appreciate the view that he maybe should have refused the certification, he saw it otherwise and thus complied with his oath

How can you appreciate Trump’s request that Pence violate the Constitution by not counting all the votes cast in Nevada Georgia Pennsylvania Arizona Michigan and Wisconsin? That in effect would have eliminated every black voter who lives in those states from being counted therefore causing their candidate to lose. HOW CAN YOU SAY you appreciate doing that to any voter let alone black voters after all they have been through?
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Good luck trying to prove that Ashli Babbitt and the rest stormed the building when we have videos of so called insurrectionists doing Selfies with Capital Police.

You have one helluva truth denying Trump moron on your side don’t you Correll ? You are the company you keep.
How the fuck is anyone going to overthrow the most powerful government in the history of mankind without weapons, snowflake?!? :lmao:

You have one helluva truth denying Trump moron on your side don’t you Correll ? You are the company you keep.
Most people don't think it was an insurrection.
That is the primary reason Biden is tanking in the polls so badly.
Nobody trusts our government anymore......and if they continue on their vindictive path against anyone they want to frame for Jan 6th....it will cause a major upheaval in Washington.
Biden has successfully caused more people to hate him than the media ever could turn against Trump.
Is it his Adm that is doing this.....or is it the fact that everyone is seeing Biden for what he really is?
The leftist terrorists burned down police stations, courthouses, and city halls. Not to mention murdered 25 people.
Hey idiot, most of the people killed were the black people themselves. Also, the death toll is more like 13.
Trumpists committed treason against the United States of America. The BLM riots never threatened the Republic; however, any one that commits vandalism, deserves to be incarcerated for their crimes.
An insurrection with no weapons present? Not possible. The August 29 murder of a Trump Supporter by an Antifa Thug. Now THAT should be investigated.
mudwhistle wrote: Most people don't think it was an insurrection. - - - That is the primary reason Biden is tanking in the polls so badly. 22JAN19-POST#0911

NFBW wrote: Did Trump or Pence protect democracy on Jan6? Was the cop who shot A.Babbitt protecting democracy or was A.Babbitt protecting democracy when she tried to force her way past another police barricade?

An overwhelming majority (72%) of Americans believe the people involved in the attack on the Capitol were "threatening democracy," while 1 in 4 Americans believes that the individuals involved were "protecting democracy." Broken down by party identification, Democrats are nearly unanimous (96%) in believing that those involved in the attacks were threatening democracy. Majority of Americans think Jan. 6 attack threatened democracy: POLL Republicans are more split, with 45% saying it was a threat and 52% saying those involved in the riot were "protecting democracy."​
NFBW wrote: Friend of yours Correll ???@jc456 is a liar. That is an observable fact. 22JAN20-POST#0918

jc456 wrote: And yes, the Secretary of State of each state can recall their certification and void that certification. 21DEC02-POST#618
STRENGTH IN NUMBERS of a mob IS A WEAPON - TRUMP got the NUMBERS there. On Jan6 - An observable fact in writing is the Proud Boys planned to drag congressional members out by their fucking hair if they attempted to “steal” the election by ratifying the victory for Joe Biden as required by the Constitution.

@Back Again wrote: Those who stormed the Capitol were trying to prevent what they thought was the theft of the Executive Branch 22JAN19-POST#0903

Mashmont wrote: An insurrection with no weapons present? Not possible. 22JAN19-POST#0913

NFBW wrote: FYI Mashmont - One of the traditional Americans that stormed the Capitol was Joe Biggs. Biggs was an organizer for the Jan6 assault which included a tactical operation to “drag them out by their fucking hair if congressional members attempted to “steal” the election. They had strength in numbers - they did not need firearms. 22JAN19-POST#0919

Correll wrote referring to Proud Boy fascist Joe Biggs; His INTENT was to prevent the election from being stolen, - - - not to steal it. 2JAN11-POST#1196

Correll wrote: I made my point already NOT. By and large the activities of the Proud Boys are doing Freedom of Speech marches and defending themselves when lefties like you attack them. 21JAN02 POST#1052

NFBW wrote: What does your point have to do with Matt Greene joining the Proud Boys in December 2020 so he can use his military skills to assault US Capitol Police, get past the barricades and help other Proud Boys - - - Your point is absurd and detached from reality as usual Correll .- - - According to court filings, in the weeks leading up to the attempted insurrection,

The Rise and Fall of the Proud Boys - - - The far-right extremist group helped mount an insurrection. Then it began to splinter


top leaders of the group, including Biggs and Nordean, are alleged to have set up a “Ministry of Self-Defense” to coordinate the plan of attack. “We’re not gonna be doing like a proud boy fuckin’ 8 o’clock at night march and flexing our [arms ] and shit,” MOSD member and co-defendant Zachary Rehl said during a December 30th video call, according to court documents. “We’re doing a completely different operation.” On January 4th, another MOSD member instructed the group to “drag them out by their fucking hair” if congressional members attempted to “steal” the election. 21JAN02 POST#1063

NFBW wrote: Your argument is absurd Mashmont under the premise that an insurrection must involve firearms to be a real insurrection. 22JAN19-POST#0919
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Correll wrote referring to Proud Boy fascist Joe Biggs; His INTENT was to prevent the election from being stolen, - - - not to steal it. 22JAN11-POST#1196

@Back Again wrote: Those who stormed the Capitol were trying to prevent what they thought was the theft of the Executive Branch 22JAN19-POST#0903

Mashmont wrote: An insurrection with no weapons present? Not possible. 22JAN19-POST#0913

P@triot wrote: How the fuck is anyone going to overthrow the most powerful government in the history of mankind without weapons, snowflake? 22JAN08-POST#0548

NFBW wrote: The Plan was threefold all based on the Big Lie.22JAN20-POST#0920

(1) Trump & Qanon Announce huge last chance hyper political rally in DC on the date that Congress meets to officially count the electors from all the states in order to save an America that cannot exist without Trump eating hamburgers in the White House

(2) No violence / no kinetic weapons needed Inside WH Plan Trump’s lawyer John Eastman devises plot involving members of Congress and Mike Pence, corrupting the Justice Department, and forging fake Trump certificates of electors from Arizona Georgia Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin and Nevada’s See Eastman Plan below.

(3) violent & kinetic and chemical weapon plan – ELMER Stewart Rhodes, “Call to Action! March on DC, to Stop the Steal, to Defend the President, & to Defeat the Deep State,” The Traditional White American Seditious Insurrection on Jan6 led by the traditional American Oath Keeper’s white founder named Elmer having said on November 10 2020 the following “This election was stolen and this is a communist/Deep State coup, every bit as corrupt and illegitimate as what is done in third world banana republics. We must refuse to EVER recognize this as a legitimate election, and refuse to recognize Biden as a legitimate winner, and refuse to ever recognize him as the President of the United States. This election was stolen by corrupt, law-breaking Democrat partisans on the ground, and by the manipulation of the CIA created HAMMR (“Hammer”) and Scorecard programs.” – ELMER Stewart Rhodes, “Call to Action! March on DC, Stop the Steal, Defend the President, & Defeat the Deep State,” https://archive.is/ZRvMC#selection-1213.0-1213.515, Nov. 10, 2020

On Jan. 13, federal prosecutors unveiled their most ambitious charge to date in the ongoing investigations into the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection: seditious conspiracy. The subjects of this charge are Stewart Rhodes and 10 alleged members of his far-right anti-government organization the Oath Keepers. Captured on video marching up the U.S. Capitol steps in “stack” formation, Rhodes’ organization behttps://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/oath-keepers-leader-indictment-just-tip-scary-iceberg-ncna1287555came arguably the most visible face of the violent siege. - - - Now its members are accused by the U.S. government of 22JAN20-POST#0920conspiring to “oppose the lawful transfer of presidential power by force.” 22JAN20-POST#0920

EASTMAN PLAN “”” PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL January 6 scenario 7 states have transmitted dual slates of electors to the President of the Senate. READ: Trump lawyer's memo on six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election
By: CNN Updated 8:20 AM EDT, Tue September 21, 2021 21SEP21-EASTMANplan-00 TRUMP-Jan6-COUPattempt - - - John Eastman, a conservative lawyer working with then-President Donald Trump's legal team, outlined in a two-page memo a scheme to try to persuade then-Vice President Mike Pence to subvert the Constitution and throw out the 2020 election results on January 6.
1. VP Pence, presiding over the joint session (or Senate Pro Tempore Grassley, if Pence recuses himself), begins to open and count the ballots, starting with Alabama (without conceding that the procedure, specified by the Electoral Count Act, of going through the States alphabetically is required).
2. When he gets to Arizona, he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and so is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. This would be the first break with the procedure set out in the Act.
3. At the end, he announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States. That means the total number of “electors appointed” – the language of the 12th Amendment -- is 454. This reading of the 12th Amendment has also been advanced by Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe (here). A “majority of the electors appointed” would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels President Trump as re-elected. 22JAN20-POST#0920
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